The Best Director

Chapter 449 The Breaker of Order

"The brain is the most complex thing in the universe, and it's right behind the nose."

Snowflakes were still dancing in the sky, pedestrians wearing thick clothes came and went in a hurry, the Park City Tennis Club theater was very warm, and there were over a hundred spectators in the screening hall of the fantasy drama "Sleep Science". In it, he's looking at the big screen with interest.

This movie is very beautiful and interesting. The hero Stephanie wanders between reality and dreams, unable to distinguish between dreams and dreams. His new neighbor, the heroine Stephanie, not only has the same name as him, but her "dream talent" is amazing. Also similar to him, the two interact in this unique way. This is a discussion about the subconscious, the brain, love, growth... Wang Yang couldn't help but praised others: "It's so interesting, he is dominated by the subconscious, but who isn't?"

Who is not? It is a wonderful thing that the subconscious affects all of us. Anne-Darren answered silently when she heard the words, and suddenly thought, is it her subconscious that caused her to think like this now? What now? So now...seems like a loop, what about the idea of ​​the loop?

"Its photography is beautiful and lovely, but the lighting is a bit poor." Harry George focused most of his attention on the camera lens, but Anne praised: "They acted really well." Wang Yang turned to look at her, Annie's performance in "Flannel Pajamas" is great. Although her emotional involvement still seems to be lacking, her acting skills are already very mature. The consistently excellent camera sense and quiet and gentle aura are all Beyond supporting roles, if she encounters a suitable role that can make her truly feel something, she will do a great job.

Whether the role is suitable for the actor himself is of course the most important thing, especially in terms of temperament. Not to mention whether he is interested, Wang Yang knows that he cannot become Marlon Brando, so don't even think about it, he can only play "Wang Yang" at most That's all, any role is played the same way, if it appears in the correct movie as "Wang Yang", it's ok; if it's not "Wang Yang" role Appeared in a movie, but it turned out to be "Wang Yang", or "1

2 Wang Yang", "4

2 Wang Yang", golden sour plum.

Annie had this problem in "Flannel Pajamas," and in fact "Stephanie," the warm-smiling normal girl-next-door in "Science of Sleep," was a better fit for her than "Nicole," the eager cook from Montana. , this is "100% Anne", she can have a superb performance with her acting skills, but they all missed each other.

"Yes, it's all good." Wang Yang nodded. He should give Annie more advice and care, but this strong girl rarely called him to ask him these things, almost never. Of course, the current "Stephanie" Charlotte Gainsbourg is doing very well, and Gael Garcia Bernal, who plays the leading role, is even more impressive. " and other excellent works, remembering that Bernal is a Mexican and one of the best young Latino actors at present, Wang Yang bumped Joshua next to him with his elbow: "Brother,

how to think? "

"What?" Joshua was a little "confused" at first, and then he understood what he meant, and he said, "How should I put it, I actually have a film contract... A few years ago, you know that I am now a producer. I’m already a filmmaker.” Wang Yang smiled and said, “I just want to say that your appearance would have a lot of room for development.” Joshua touched his chin cheerfully: “I think so too, Now I still know how to act! But this is good, I want to do something in the production to achieve it."

Joshua has a serious face, but also shows a look of yearning. He is 23 years old and will be 24 in July. He hopes to have some achievements and careers, and then he will tell Alec Sith proposed marriage and gave birth to a baby as cute as Keke... At this time, Wang Yang said: "You know I will support you." Harry George also said: "Me too, Yue Shu, support you!" Annie smiled and said, "Me too!" Although Ali had returned to work in Los Angeles and had no immediate voice of support, Joshua clenched his fists full of fighting spirit: "Thank you, I am ready to act, I want to make a movie !"

"Wow, do you have any plans?" Wang Yang looked at him in surprise, they had already talked about this, and Joshua was never in a hurry to take this first step, saying "learn again" , "Waiting for an opportunity", what made him suddenly make up his mind? Girls, girls for sure, Alexis!

"Hey guys... I don't have an idea yet, but I know I will!" Facing the smiles of several people and feeling their expectations, Joshua is very serious, without any hippie smiles, and a lot of time in his life is dull It's over, it's time to do what you want to do! With Yang in these years, he really learned a lot. Coupled with his own study, he is enough to handle the duties of a producer alone; and he also has some savings and stock investment, which is even enough to start a million dollar movie. Independent films below cost.

Looking at the images on the big screen, he said with a little ecstasy: "I've been thinking a lot these days, just look at Sundance this year, there are 120 films! Next year there will be 120 films, and thousands of films want to be exhibited... Why can’t one of the 120 films next year be produced by me? I suddenly thought, it’s actually possible, I can do it!”

"You will." Wang Yang patted him heavily on the shoulder: "Let me know if there is anything new." Joshua smiled and nodded: "Of course! You are my master." Wang Yang waved his hand quickly: "No , I’m your sister and master, not you, don’t admit it.” Joshua shrugged, Harry hugged him comfortingly, but Joshua struggled to get rid of the big fat man’s intimacy. Anne smiled and looked back to the screen. She saw some qualities in Joshua, the qualities of Jan, the influence of Jan...he will become a man like Jan.

The few people stopped talking softly and continued to watch "Sleep Science" in silence. Soon after the screening of the film ended, there was a burst of applause in the auditorium, giving their love to the creators of this lovely romantic film.

"Mr. Berman, it was a very interesting movie watching just now. You have made a good movie." After leaving the screening hall and coming to the backstage of the theater, Wang Yang, the producer Georges Berman, and the director Michel Gondry and others shook hands and laughed, making no secret of their appreciation for "Sleep Science".

Georges Berman had a smile of surprise and joy on his face, his heart was beating fast, he was nervous, anticipating and apprehensive... In the hugely successful "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004), he was just planning One, this time he is the first executive producer! What does it mean to be praised by Fantastic Young now? Maybe "Sleep Science" is that miracle preparer! Oh, my god! Berman thanked: "Thank you, to hear you say that, hehe, it's great."

"Haha, a good movie is a good movie. It doesn't need anyone to say it, it's all." Wang Yang and Berman laughed and said a few words, then walked to Michel Gondry over there, wanting to talk to him Talk about subconscious mind and brain activity. Although the 2011 Columbia version of "The Green Hornet" directed by Gondry was a mess, there were serious problems from the beginning of the script. No matter what, Gondry's "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Science of Sleep" are unforgettable masterpieces.

"Mr. Wang!..." Georges Berman stopped Wang Yang, his smile could not hide his nervousness, and he asked tentatively, "What do you think of Flame Movie? Do we have a chance to cooperate?"

"Yes, of course." Wang Yang nodded without thinking, which made Georges Berman's heart almost jump up to his throat, almost jumping up with a "yeah". This is the feeling of a successful confession and a successful marriage proposal! However, Wang Yang's next words were like pouring a basin of cold water on his head: "I like "Sleep Science", but how about it, you have to ask our film purchasing team, I am not alone in these matters." So that's it, and I don't want to ask too much this year, but I'm inclined to let FM do small-scale releases in theaters first..."

Georges Berman had the last laugh as Warner joined independently! The day after the premiere of "Sleep Science", it found a North American distributor. Last year, it successfully launched "Emperor Penguin Diary" and "Good Night, Good Luck". How much is Wang Yang's credit?

"Wang Yang appeared in the theater of "Forced" to Heaven!", "The theater of "Lucky Number Slavin" captured the magical Yang", "Wang Yang went to the theater of "Darwin Awards"!!!" Park City The lively show continues...

January 13-19 has long belonged to the past, "Paths of Glory" (Disney

Bo Wei) won the weekly box office with 18.93 million first-week box office, and the other two new films "Little Red Riding Hood" (Weinstein) and "The Last Holiday" (Paramount) won the second and third with 18.22 million and 17.28 million points. The sixth place "500 Days with Summer" collected 12.39 million box office in the fourth week (-57%), and the North American box office rose to 220 million; "Brokeback Mountain" expanded to 751 theaters (+200), an increase of 9.87 million After the weekly box office, the total box office is 40.23 million, and the situation is very good.

Wang Yang really likes "Sleep Science", if it is willing to be distributed by FM, he is very happy. However, there are 17 movies in the "premiere" unit that has attracted the most attention. It is impossible for Flame Movies to buy all the good movies with high commercial "sex" among them. Do you want to leave empty-handed? But first of all, it can't do it. Flame movies can't make too many promises. Although "Sleep Science" is a good movie, it is also a fact that it is not suitable for large-scale release.

The problem with "Sleep Science" is that its narrative is messy, with dreams and reality for a while. It is very appropriate to describe it as "a powerful and unconstrained style", but it does not have the suspenseful fun of "Memory Fragments". The film was originally purchased independently by Warner Bros., and finally received 4.67 million North American dollars.

15.01 million global box office.

Copyright transactions for 17 films have been produced one after another, and the flames' two sss-level goals have also made progress, although "Little Sunshine Girl" has gathered Fox Searchlight, Lions Gate, MGM, Miramax Waiting for several companies, in fact, this is just a "Fox Searchlight vs Flame" contest, choose a subsidiary of a traditional mainstream filmmaker? Or choose the leading independent film maker? That's the question for producer Mark Tetotu, who is currently more focused on the latter.

In addition to higher prices and greater emphasis on films, Flame has another "fascinating" feature. It is an independent film company! Many independent film producers don’t like to move closer to mainstream filmmakers. Their pursuit of ideas is to embarrass big filmmakers and let independent films flourish. Mark Tetotu is such a person. He will not work for Paramount. , Universal, Sony

Columbia or something acts as a producer, and at most cooperates with Warner Independent and X Searchlight, so that an excellent independent film like "Little Sunny Girl" will be released by an excellent independent film company such as Flame Films. It's heartwarming.

"Only we know how big it will be." In the bright and elegant coffee shop, Wang Yang met Mark Tetotu in person, acting as the final word. After all, "Magical Yang's good words" is a very Great sincerity. At this time, Tetuotu was smiling, his eyes were bright, and with a well-fitting silver-gray suit, he seemed to be bathed in the spring breeze. Wang Yang took a sip of coffee and continued: "To be honest, Mark, even you don't know that you have created a treasure, a miracle."

"Hehe, thank you." Tetotu also raised the cup, smiling so contentedly, he said with emotion: "Looks like I haven't given up on it." Wang Yang nodded immediately: "Yes! The focus is wrong Yes, it was a big mistake, they will regret it very, very much in the future, you should have found a flame movie a few years ago..." He curled his lips helplessly, and said seriously: "There are many reasons why we chose "Little Sunshine Girl". Reasons, one of the most important reasons is that it is the kind of film that can be a model for independent films, like "Crash", "Brokeback Mountain", which is what we crave."

"Mark, X Searchlight won't take it as seriously as we do. You know, how many movies has it booked this year? I know it's six. If Little Miss Sunshine is number seven? They'll just Operate with a conservative attitude, 'Yes, this movie has great potential, but we can't take risks! 5 million publicity fees? That's too much, 3 million! Let's see it in 7 theaters in the first week, if it's not enough 100,000 box office is game-over, its focus is on dvd...'Nonsense——!"

Listening to his eloquent words, Tetotu couldn't help nodding his head again and again. Miracle Yang said something right. The people from X Searchlight said those words with a gentle attitude at the beginning. The success of "Hustle and bustle", the release schedule is July-December; when the flames joined, X Searchlight's attitude changed again, saying that it would go all out, and the release schedule was adjusted to November-May, and bewitched to say Flame Movie doesn't have as many resources as the Fox system...

"Do you know how many films ff has in this year's release list?" Wang Yang looked directly at him, asked himself and answered, "6 films, "Little Sunshine Girl" will be the 7th film." Only he knew that he was about to catch Kuang: "Please, promise quickly!" Jessica happily told him the good news in the morning, and Keke began to eat her hands! God, I missed the first hand! Wang Yang's miss for his wife and daughter suddenly broke out. He only made an appointment with Tetotu to meet in the afternoon, so he didn't fly back to Los Angeles immediately, but anyway, he will be home tonight.

"Hmm..." Mark Tetotu raised his cup and sipped his coffee again. In fact, he wanted to settle down more quickly than anyone else, because he had waited for too long and wished to confirm everything on the second day of the premiere. ! xs? ff? Don't think so much! Tetotu nodded heavily: "Yes, it is the seventh part of the flame!"

"Yes!" Wang Yang shouted excitedly without restraint, with a happy smile on his face, he took "Little Sunshine Girl" home to watch "Little Girl Who Eats Hands", it's so good! He kissed the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, bit his fist, and said with a smile: "This is a moment worth remembering."

Mark Tetotu was equally happy, but he was a little "confused" secretly. Is biting his fist a habit of Miracle Yang to celebrate success?

A piece of fiery news spread in the snowy Park City that night, and the biggest blockbuster deal in the history of the Sundance Film Festival was born! Flame Movie bought "Little Sunshine and Beautiful Girl" at a high price! According to the information announced by the two parties, Flame will pay 15 million US dollars to producers such as Big Beach Films and Deep River Company, and will give 10% of all proceeds as dividends, so as to obtain the film's theatrical distribution rights, DVD distribution rights, etc. All rights reserved.

15 million easily created a new championship record for Sundance's previous transaction prices! Previously, the first place was "A Cage of Silly Birds", the buyer: Miramax, the transaction price was 10 million, the production cost was 2.5 million, and the box office was 1.95 million; the second place was "Hustle and bustle", the buyer: Pai Ramon classic, transaction price 9 million, production cost 2.8 million, 22.2 million

23.56 million at the box office; the third place is "Memory Fragments", the buyer: Flame Films, the transaction price is 8 million, the production fee is 5 million, 55.31 million

84.11 million box office; "Death Illusion", buyer: Flame Man, transaction price 8 million, 6 million production fee, 6.8 million box office, dvd rental is extremely popular.

"I heard it wasn't Wang Yang's idea?", "He went back to Los Angeles.", "Someone saw him meeting Mark Tetotu!!", "Hey!"... The media reported one after another, and the film studio They all shook their heads and sighed, they all understood that "Little Sunshine Girl" is the miracle preparation.

However, not one day later, the championship record of "Sunshine Little Girl" has been lost, and it was refreshed by Flame Movie itself. It bought ya at a super high price of 25 million.

I and Bull's Eye's The Magician! ! !

It's not enough to buy a film with a production cost of 8 million, but a movie with a production cost of 16.5 million... buy them all? Jon Filtimer could only shake his head. Even if he found out the news before, what else could he do? He believed that Flame Movie would dare to bid 35 million or more. Would Lionsgate dare to follow? What if this happens to be "A Cage of Silly Birds"? Miracle Yang is not necessarily crazy, but he must be crazy. No one has ever played cards like this. He simply destroyed the order of independent film purchases! Maybe it was ruined long ago, when he spent 20 million to buy "Crash"...

25 million, 15 million... It turns out that the target of the flame has always been these two.

"We are very happy to get "Little Sunshine Girl" and "The Magician". They will be our important plans for this year." Flame Films happily announced these two news. It is understood that both films will be released this year. Released at the end of the year, Flame's 2006 release list suddenly became 8 new films. (to be continued)

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