The Best Director

Chapter 439 Unable to reach consensus

When the curtain came to an end from January 6 to 12, "500 Days of Summer" in its third week of release continued to win the North American weekly box office championship. It took in 28.83 million in 3,401 theaters (average single theater 8,476, box office trend -56 %), the total box office in North America broke through a level and rose to 280 million! "Summer" has easily become Wang's sixth highest-grossing solo film; it is the second highest-grossing romantic comedy since 1978, with only 33 million left behind the top-grossing "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."

"Brokeback Mountain" expanded its screening scale to 551 theaters (+219), and the total box office after an increase of 9.48 million was 30.36 million, fully demonstrating its extraordinary commercial capabilities.

However, the most shining thing this week is "House of Skin" released by Lionsgate. This heavy-flavored R-rated horror film with a production cost of only 4.8 million has opened in 2,195 theaters, although the three Rotten Tomatoes indicators are bad. 59%/38%/59%, but it took away 25.16 million at the box office in the first week, ensuring that the global box office would eventually be enough to recoup the capital and make a fortune, becoming a model of moderate commercial success. There is no doubt that Lionsgate has once again Once upon a time, I was very successful with horror movies.

Compared to the unrivaled Flame, Lionsgate currently only has three films with over 100 million box office hits in North America, including "The Ghost Story" and "Fahrenheit 9/11." This year, it has arranged "Tyler Perry's Maddie's Family Reunion." , "Employees", "The Furious" and many other films have been released on a large scale. Among them, the most eye-catching and the one that Lions Gate attaches most importance to is "The Ghost Story 4", which will open on April 7. All members of Lions Gate know very well that whether success or mediocrity in 2006 depends on this "magical legacy".

There is no Wang Yang in the cast list of "The Ghost Story 4", nor the recently popular Chloë Grace Moretz. However, after Wang Yang's rescue last year, the series has been revived and has a huge fan base. Well, you can understand why Lions Gate is confident from the satisfactory market survey data.

Lionsgate Pictures is developing steadily, waiting for the opportunity to explode. The same is true for other large and small film companies. Horror films have always been the easiest place to produce small productions with high box office. As the third generation of "Saw" The popular new works of the founders of the film, James Wan and Ray Whannell, have aroused competition from many film producers.

Needless to say how successful the "Saw" series is, it's a huge gold mine! Since completing "SAW3", the two fathers of the chainsaw have been taking a break while preparing for the new work "Dead-e". In the past few days, they finally made a decision that they had considered for a long time and chose to work with Universal Pictures. industry cooperation.

"Yang, we think this is a good choice for everyone..." In the bright and elegant cafe, James Wan and Leigh Whannell looked serious, and the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn. Wang Yangyang took a sip of coffee silently, his heart full of regret and discomfort. He originally thought that the two of them would settle down, but... maybe their words were correct. He shrugged and smiled: "It's nothing, I understand. In fact, I I really hope that you can continue to stay in Flame Movies, but this is your choice and I respect it."


" James Wan nodded gratefully, and Ray Whannell raised his coffee cup and saluted Wang Yang. How could there not be some regrets and reluctance in the two people's hearts? Over the years, Yang and FF have always been very good to them. The reason why they have what they have today Their fame and wealth are due to their own efforts and the support and help of FF; Yang has been providing many opinions and ideas for the "SAW" series, playing a key role, otherwise they would not have easily to create such a successful Chainsaw trilogy.

But from a rational development point of view, it is indeed a better thing to hand over "Dead Silence" to Universal, and at the same time avoid the embarrassment of Fire Movies. James Wan said sincerely: "I am very grateful to the Flames for their trust in "SAW" and in us... Universal has a better opportunity." Ray Whannell nodded repeatedly: "Me too." Looking at the two The human Wang Qiyang laughed loudly: "Please, it's not a separation of life and death, why are you being so serious?"

"Ha! Yang, what we were most worried about was that you would be angry, but now, I am really relieved." Ray Whannell relaxed and smiled, and James Wan also laughed happily: "This is the most important thing. It’s exciting.”

The reason why Wan \u0026 Warner divorced FF is actually not complicated. The FF production department is not very optimistic about the script of "Dead Silence", thinking that its story and details are old-fashioned formulas and have no commercial prospects, including Vice President Lin Wei , former Newmarket SS William Thiel and Chris Ball, who had invested in "Memento" and "Death Illusion", all raised their objections, "It is just a bit bland and boring." Several people could not find it. The reason for being optimistic about "Dead Silence" is that the screenwriter and director are the "fathers of chainsaws".

Despite this, the production budget of 20 million US dollars is still too high. "SAW3" is only 10 million, so FF hopes that the production fee should be controlled within 15 million, otherwise it will be a mess for the first time in FF's release history. It may be born, but it will receive box office but lose the reputation of the audience. The brand image that has been working hard for many years will be damaged.

There is no "Dead Silence" in the film and television library in Wang Qiyang's mind. He doesn't know whether it belongs to the "future" or a new life, nor does he know its image appearance and performance. But judging from the script, he was not optimistic about it. In fact, the classic puppet theme is not nothing to say. However, the story "Revenge of the Wraith" is not too old-fashioned, but too simple. It is like a boring story. The characters, bland dialogue advance the plot, throw in a composite of horrifying details, and then come to an unoriginal and unnecessary twist ending.

Compared with the surprise and investment of the "SAW" series, Wen and Whannell obviously lacked assertiveness, explosive power, and emotional connection with the story of "Dead Silence". Including the ending, it was obvious that they were pursuing the style of "SAW", " "The last three minutes saved the whole film" was unexpected. However, this time the whole script was full of patchwork and even a bit showy. They wanted to add as many horror elements as possible, even if there were loopholes and flaws, they kept telling them Audience: "It's so scary! It'll eat your soul, it's so scary!"

But their voices are heard by the audience. That is not a fun thing. They should not be heard by the audience, but should be felt by them! Otherwise, without psychological identification, substitution, and empathy, no matter how scary and novel the jokes are, they will become dull, not to mention those old jokes.

If you haven’t heard those stories and details, you might find them scary, but Wang Qiyang knows that most North American audiences have heard about those puppets and ghosts a million times during Halloween since childhood, which means that the story It has lost its sense of mystery and suspense.

From a certain perspective, horror films and suspense films are actually the types closest to the artistic characteristics of movies, because movies are about telling stories. If you want to tell a story fascinatingly, you need to create suspense. Only suspense can attract the audience. They have expectations, excitement, and tension, and when the suspense is revealed, they have emotions such as surprise, satisfaction, and sighs. Any movie, TV series, novel, comic, whatever is good, as long as it is telling a story, suspense is very, very important.

Hitchcock first discovered the decisive significance of suspense to film language. He has been making suspense films all his life, and his exploration of techniques and techniques such as montage will forever affect the film. In recent years, films such as "Memento" and "Death Illusion" are actually exploring and challenging film language, using novel techniques to tell a story that does not have much suspense in itself, so as to achieve corresponding effects.

"Dead Silence" is positioned as a psychological horror film, but James Wan is still deeply influenced by "SAW" and cannot escape. He will not completely give up on blood and blood, but wants to integrate it. This is an attempt; but the real Horror comes from the spiritual level, from personal imagination and even scares oneself. "Dead Silence" has neither emotion nor suspense. This is the worst thing. What does it use to impress and scare others? The entire script can be described as "ambitious and misfired."

Although the script of "Dead Silence" has too many problems, Wang Qiyang is still unwilling to give up on it. After all, it is just a script, let alone modifications. A good director can always turn a mediocre script into a good movie, but why not start with What if the script is better from the beginning? Just change and adjust some places, and then the camera must pay attention to creating a mysterious atmosphere...

Wang Qiyang put forward his own suggestions on these issues, but James Wan and Leigh Whannell were full of confidence: ""Dead Silence" is the kind of folk story full of traditional horror charm."

G-DEAL! The two of them think it’s not that big of a problem. It’s a bit old-fashioned, but the resulting image shots are definitely very good! They had already entered the stage of thinking about the shape of the puppets, but Qi Qiyang's words certainly aroused their vigilance, and they seriously re-examined "Dead Silence". There are indeed loopholes and logical errors in some places, just to serve the story. , it’s not too much to have some flaws, right? …

The two believed that with the exquisite production, this old wine would exude a unique and alluring aroma. Maybe they were a little too proud, or maybe they were really like that. After all, the "SAW" trilogy made too much money for the company, and many big and small film companies were eyeing it. With the insistence of the two, Flame Films agreed. The investment amount of 20 million is for the two of them to take this risk. If the future film fails to make people happy, it will be released by the FM brand.

However, a new problem has arisen. Firstly, there is no guarantee that it will be operated by FF; secondly, assuming it is released by FF, the main battlefields of horror films are April Fools' Day and Halloween. Currently, FF's Halloween release already has "Chainsaw" , what about April? Flames does not have a tradition of releasing horror films in April, and it does not want to have a head-on conflict with Lionsgate, one of its main allies. "April horror films" has been Lionsgate's most important plan in recent years, and Flames cannot make a sound. Step in without saying a word.

"We think the idea of ​​"Dead Silence" is great! It will have great achievements." Universal Pictures over there has never stopped extending an olive branch to the two, 20 million + April release, no problem, 25 million is all OK! And "Universal's distribution capabilities will not be worse than Flame."

The two's agents also said, "This is a brand new opportunity." They are so young and will always cooperate with other big and small film producers. What possibility and obligation can they have to stay in Flames for the rest of their lives? Do it now! By participating in the production of "Saw 4", they maintain their relationship with FF; "Dead Silence" is invested by Universal, and they are quite eager to try this change...

Therefore, Flame Films and Lionsgate have not yet reached an agreement on how to solve the scheduling problem. Will "Dead Silence" be moved to January? Or relay Lions Gate in mid-to-late April? ... James Wan and Ray Whannell have already made the decision to go to Universal. This is the main reason why they are worried about Wang Yuyang's anger.

"Who said I'm not angry?" Wang Qiyang smiled and took a sip of coffee. This sentence was not entirely a joke. FF regarded them as "one of their own" and thought everything was easy to discuss. Unexpectedly, Universal's marriage proposal suddenly succeeded. James Wan and Ray Warner didn't know what to say at the moment. Wang Qiyang laughed and said: "I like to look at the bright side of things. You get a satisfactory plan and the Flames don't have to adjust the schedule. This is good. But!" He said seriously: "Come back for the next movie."

"Okay." The two of them smiled and nodded. Of course they knew that Huo Huo had been busy working on "Dead Silence", and now... feeling confused and moved at the same time, Wen Ziren was thinking about something and said: "Yang, Huo Huo It feels like home to me, and Global World is like an attraction when traveling." Wang Qiyang couldn't help grinning, and Ray Whannell immediately agreed: "I think so too, if we mess up outside, there will be Flame Films supports us." Wang Qiyang smiled and said, "Yes, who says no?"

Regardless of whether "Dead Silence" is a success or a failure, whether the box office is high or low, people need to experience, think and grow. Not everyone's path is like his growth track. Wang Yangyang is very clear about this. As the "leading brother" of the new and immature Chinese gang in Hollywood, he should try his best to help the two of them and let James Wan grow into a An influential horror and suspense film director, and even a master, worked together to change the image and status of Asians in front of and behind the scenes.

Besides, as a friend, Wang Yangyang didn't want to see "Dead Silence" in a mess. He looked at the two people opposite him and said: "I'm not angry anymore. Let's discuss the issue of "Dead Silence". Man, don't think I'm threatening. Hey, don’t underestimate the logic problem..."

James Wan and Leigh Whannell were all listening. Although they were full of confidence in "Dead Silence", how could they not listen to Miyazaki's teachings? There is always a lot to learn from his words.

Plot logic, camera techniques, scene atmosphere...the three exchanged many ideas with each other about "Dead Silence". Perhaps this was their last discussion and conversation about "Dead Silence".

After talking for a long time, the two made another request: "Yang, can you not publicly say that you don't like this movie?" Wang Yang nodded without thinking much. If he went around saying "I don't like "Dead Silence" "" Then it will definitely be greatly affected. Even if the success rate is 91%, it will drop to 50%. He smiled and said: "Of course, don't worry! I will only wish you well, and I won't say much else." Wen \u0026 Warner happily thanked them.


"The 'Father of Chainsaw' left Fire Films, and his new horror film settled in Universal" - Yahoo Entertainment; "Fire Films lost his favorite general, James Wan switched to Universal" - X News Network...

Big things happen, big things happen! As we all know, Flame Films has the younger generation of "Three Musketeers of Chinese Directors", Wang Yuyang, Lin Yibin, and James Wan, and now suddenly, the 28-year-old James Wan has left!

It is said that the relationship between Justin Lin, James Wen and Magic Young is like that of Robert Zemeckis, Chris Columbus and Spielberg. However, when the latter did not have DreamWorks when he was young, Magic Young has firmly occupied the box office share for the year. The championship-winning Flame Movie, and FF's generous and tolerant treatment of its soldiers is well known. But this time it didn't win the very popular new work of James Wan and Leigh Whannell? What happened? !

As the Golden Globe Awards are approaching, this news has shocked the industry. This is the first time this has happened to a Fire movie!

Sarah Sugarman, the director of "High School Musical" 2, does not count because she does not have the screenwriting or production capabilities to initiate the project. In addition to making youth movies for Disney in recent years, this British female director has returned to the British film and television industry. Furthermore, she She was already well-known before directing "High School Musical 2"; "Honey" and "So You Think You Can Dance" 1 Connie Fletcher is currently taking a break, and it is said that FF is already looking for suitable comedy projects for her; Justin- Lin and Christopher Nolan's worksheets are filled to the brim...

How could the two fathers of chainsaws leave FF? In particular, they have a good personal relationship with Wang Yuyang, and they have produced several funny short films for Youtube! Movie fans are all in disbelief. Did Young and James Wan have a falling out? He doesn't like "Dead Silence"? Are the conditions offered by Universal better? …

"This is a regrettable and anticipated decision." James Wan and Leigh Whannell said on their official websites. They revealed that the reason for leaving FF was that they could not reach an agreement on the film's investment amount, release schedule and other issues. , and Universal provided "Dead Silence" with a better and more attractive treatment; however, Wen will continue to serve as one of the producers of "SAW4". They are leaving Flame Films happily. There is no conflict and no objection. What impact has "SAW4" had?

Numerous news published by FF on its official website, official blog, "SAW" official website and other places confirmed the words of the two fathers of chainsaws. They did not slander "Dead Silence" in any way, but only said that its "commercial future is unclear". Ona Hasson said: "This is just the most normal turnover of personnel. James and Ray have brought us the classic "Chainsaw" and have accompanied us through three creepy Halloweens. Let Huoyan Films get more development energy, we send them off with a grateful heart, and wish their new works continued success."

Although Wan \u0026 Whannell also said "we left with a grateful heart" and the two parties seemed to have a good reunion, die-hard Flame fans were a little angry. They believed that it was the two of them who left the Flame on their own initiative and not the Flame Diaoqi. It is difficult to treat these two people harshly. This move by Wen \u0026 Whannell undoubtedly betrayed Magic Yang and Flame.

Wrote: "Look at the attitude of the Flames and Universal, you can guess what happened. What does better treatment mean? I have never heard of FF giving people poor treatment." y-T sighed and wrote: "I am the Flame Fans, this news is too bad. I was originally looking forward to Wen, Whannell and MY teaming up to make a horror film." lee-A wrote: "Maybe I'm overthinking, Miyazaki must be very disappointed and sad , he said, 'WANG won't make horror movies because there is WAN.' Now Wen has left him like this."...

Universal Pictures is the happiest person in this matter. The commercial future of "Dead Silence" is indeed unclear, but how many movies are clear? And just because Wyn \u0026 Warner are the founders of the "SAW" trilogy, this is already a right investment!

"Universal is very honored and very surprised to be the producer and distributor of "Dead Silence". It has a truly chilling story idea and we believe it will scare everyone." Universal's promotion The strategy is to portray "the Flames losing to Universal". It must not be related to "Magic Young is not optimistic" and openly question his vision? He was just asking for trouble, even though he had already stumbled because of "Game of the Brave 2".

According to Universal Pictures' announcement, "Dead Silence" will be released in April next year; during that time, the release plan of Fire Movie is the action comedy "The Green Hornet", a film initiated and produced by Wang Yuyang.

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