The Best Director

Chapter 437 Whose family will the flower fall on?

Text] Chapter 437: Whose family will the flower fall on?


On December 24 last year, the 10th Florida Film Critics Association Awards () announced the list of winners to recognize the best movies of 2005. "Brokeback Mountain" won the best picture, best director, best screenwriter, and best photography. Four awards; Philip Seymour Hoffman ("Carterbō") and Reese Witherspoon ("Walking Around") won the Best Actor/Nv Lead Actor respectively; the hit mén "Firefly" won Nothing was found.

On December 30, the 3rd African American Film Critics Association Awards were announced. The fourth place "Brokeback Mountain" and the seventh place "Firefly" were both selected into the annual P10 movies, and the first place "The River" won the best film. On January 3, the results of the 40th Kansas City Film Critics Awards () were announced. Hoffman and Witherspoon won the Best Actor and Best Actress again; "The Massacre in Munich" won the Best Picture and Best Director. , Best Adapted Screenplay; and Best Original Screenplay was won by "Good Night, and Good Luck", and the Fire Movie lost to Kansas City.

On January 7, the results of the 40th National Society of Film Critics Awards (A) were announced. Best Film: .1 "Carter", .2 "A History of Violence", .3 "2046"; Best Director:. 1 David Cronenberg, "A History of Violence", 2 Wong Kar-wai, "2046", 3 Bennett Miller, "Carbot"; Hoffman and Witherspoon won additional film awards The emperor/movie queen, Flame Movie returned empty-handed. On January 8, the second St. Louis Film Critics Association Awards (A) were presented. FF made a turnaround. "Brokeback Mountain" won the best picture, best director, best screenplay, and best actor; "Firefly" won Best Cinematography/Visual Effects; "500 Days with Summer" also won Best Animation/Musical/Comedy Film. …

So far in this year’s awards season, the hottest candidates for Best Actor/Queen have emerged, but the situation for Best Picture and Best Director is still confusing.

Wang Qiyang won ★A, ★Golden Satellite, A and other director awards; Ang Lee won ★NBR, ★,, D-, S, A,, A and other awards; while Steven Spielberg also quietly won A, etc. Holding the trophy in his hand, he seemed to be a spoiler that could cause an upset at any time.

But in fact, among the nearly 180 Film Critics Association Awards, large and small, most of them are small fish and shrimps. Among them, although the A (Broadcast Film Critics Association Award) has a short history of only 11 years, it is less than the 31st The two major cities of A and 71 are much younger, but its "Oscar compatibility" is the highest in recent years. A has become the most accurate and forward-looking Oscar weather vane in the world, together with NBR and Golden Globe Awards. Three major Oscar outposts.

Other Film Critics Association awards have nothing to do with the overall situation. A determines the odds of various Oscars this year. Ang Lee has already won the NBR. If he wins another A, then the Golden Globe Awards and Oscars will undoubtedly become clearer, so the attention of media moviegoers Everyone gathered to focus on the upcoming A!

After the happy New Year holiday,

Wang Yangyang is back on the track of work. While busy with the preparations for new films such as "I Am Legend", he also attends awards season ceremonies. Of course, no matter what, it is indispensable for him to be accompanied by his little angel, and it is indispensable to get up in the middle of the night to take care of the little angel. It’s so tiring and happy at the same time. "Jingle bells, jingle bells..." In the baby's room, looking at the night outside the window, Wang Yangyang let out a long yawn, continued to coax his daughter to sleep, and sang with a smile: "Jingle bells, jingle bells, tonight How happy it is to ski, we are sitting on the sled..."

Night was replaced by day, and the sun gradually rose from sunrise to sunset. On the night of January 9, the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium was filled with bright stars. Although the A Awards Ceremony was not broadcast live on television, it would only be recorded and broadcast by the paid entertainment channel "E !" was broadcast, but due to its status and attention, there were many big-name nominees and award guests who came to support it, including Wang Yangfu, Hoffman, Heath Ledger, Russell Crowe, Witherspoon, Natalie Botman, Keira Knightley, Charlize Theron, Ang Lee, George Clooney, Big Fanning, Little Khloe...this made the media reporters take photos The equipment is almost bursting with activity.

"Best Young Actor is...Freddie Highmore, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!"

The A awards ceremony was also held in the form of a dinner. Under bursts of laughter, applause and thanks, awards were presented one after another in the lively banquet hall. Best Supporting Actor: Paul Giamatti, "The Man with the Iron Fist" ; Best supporting actress: Amy Adams, "Moonbug", Michelle Williams, "Brokeback Mountain"; Best song "Hustle \u0026 W", "The Stream"...the following best The young female actress was won by Chloë Grace Moretz. With her stunning performance in "500 Days of Summer", she defeated Dakota Fanning, Emma Watson, and Joe Biden in a small upset. Gee-Henry et al.

"Ghost Chronicles 3", "Fireflies", and "500 Days", little Kelo was selected and promoted by Wang Yuyang, and he treated her very kindly. There is no doubt that this big brother will be in her list of thanks. Brother's figure.

"Thank you, Magic Young." Little Khloe and her older brother Taiwo Duke Moretz went on stage to receive the award. They were looked at by countless pairs of eyes in the audience. Rather than being happy and happy, little Chloé felt more nervous and scared. After thanking her parents, family, and others, she couldn't even recite the manuscript she had prepared in advance. What was even worse was that she was stuck in Magic Yang! Whether it's the instructions of the adults or her own wishes, Miyazaki Yang is a very important person. She hesitated: "He... is very interesting, very E, very cool..."

The public auditorium suddenly burst into laughter. Wang Yangyang and Jessica also clapped with laughter, amused by little Ke Luo's words. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Taiwo thanked him a few times for his endorsement, and the little Khloe brother and sister walked off the stage amidst the warm applause of the audience.

The award for Best Original Sound Recording went to "Sing Along"; best score next: Hans Zimmer, Jenn Kezmelik, "Firefly"; Best Screenplay: Larry McMurt , Diana Shanna, "Brokeback Mountain"; Best TV Movie: "Once Upon a Time in the West"; Best Family Movie: "The Chronicles of Narnia"; Best Documentary: "Diaries of the Emperor Penguin"; Best Animation Feature Film: "Merchan: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit"; Best Foreign Language Film: "Kung Fu", China/Hong Kong.

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Reese Witherspoon were once again crowned Best Actor/Nv Leading Role, which almost heralded a "must win Oscar"; in the subsequent Best Actor Award, the most popular "Firefly" Losing to "Good Night and Good Luck", Jessica was naturally very regretful. The Golden Globes and Oscars do not set this award. She wanted to stand on the stage and passionately say "Thank you to the director" to the world, but she had no chance. There are the Screen Actors Guild Awards on the 29th, the MTV Movie Awards in June...

After "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" defeated "The Wedding Crashers" and "500 Days of Summer" to win the best comedy film, there are only two awards left to be announced at tonight's awards ceremony , Best Director and Best Film.

"Hoo ho!" Under the applause and cheers, award-winning guest Charlize Theron walked out from the side of the small stage holding an envelope. She was wearing a white half-shoulder evening dress, with graceful steps and a charming and beautiful smile. Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m, she came to the microphone in the center of the stage and said with a smile: "The next thing to be awarded is the Best Director Award. The six nominees will be all night in the past." With the best performance, it pointed the way for the whole crew. They are George Clooney, "Good Night, and Good Luck"; Ron Howard, "The Man with the Fist"; Peter Jackson, "King Kong"; Ann Lee, "Brokeback Mountain"; Steven Spielberg, "Munich"; and..."

Every time she pronounced a name, a burst of warm applause erupted in the banquet hall. As she finally smiled and said: "Yang Wang, "Firefly"." The audience immediately burst into thunderous applause, and the decibel level soared to a new level today. Regarding the record of the nominees that night, many people looked at Wang Yang with smiles on their faces. Natalie prayed and silently prayed a few words, "Yang, Yang!" No one wanted A to choose a tie for the award. Charlize - Theron doesn’t want to either. She hopes that Magic Yang will win the award and hope she can bring luck.

"The winner of the Best Director is..." Charlize Theron opened the envelope in her hand, feeling a little nervous in her heart, as did everyone in the audience who had supporters, not to mention Jessica felt like time had stopped, Na Tali held her breath, and saw Charlize glance at the envelope, a more charming smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he shouted loudly: "UNG-WANG! "Firefly"."

"——" The entire banquet hall was boiling! Jessica shouted YEAH, her face flushed with excitement. She just shouted: "Yang!! It's you——!!" Wang Yang had already hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. . Everyone around them applauded and congratulated. Natalie, who was not far away, stood up, clapped happily and shouted, "Yang, congratulations!!" Then everyone stood up in unison, including Clooney, Ang Lee and others. Without stingy praise and congratulatory applause, Magic Yang and "Fireflies" definitely deserve this honor!

"Thank you." Wang Qiyang smiled and thanked everyone around him. He walked onto the stage with a little brisk pace. Of course he was in a good mood to win the grand prize. However, after winning the A, he felt that the situation at this year's Oscars was changing. More complicated, but whatever, it’s time to celebrate! Wang Yang came to the center of the stage and hugged Charlize Theron gently. Seeing that she stretched out her neck and tilted her face, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Charlize praised: "Yang, congratulations." You! "Firefly" is too bāng."

Wang Qiyang took the crystal trophy from her hand, and after a few words of thanks, he came to the microphone, looked at the people in front of him who were seated again, raised the trophy, and said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you everyone! I seem to see the golden one." future."

"Haha!" There was a burst of laughter in the banquet hall. Everyone laughed or smiled. Even the children such as Fanning, Khloe and Watson also had bright smiles on their faces. The joy of the most humorous best director in history It's getting serious. Tonight's award winners thanked each other and walked off the stage, but the new Best Director still had a very "magical style" of his own, almost completely calm, and then turned his thanks into a hilarious talk show.

At this time, everyone was very interested. There was no need to strictly control the duration of this ceremony tonight. No one could stop him for ten minutes. He saw Wang Yangyang smiling and said, "I didn't get this award three years ago. This year I got...what does that mean?”

Wang Yangyang's questioning words and expression made everyone at the banquet table laugh, and scattered applause broke out. He continued: "I think I understand what it means. In fact, they invited me to present the award, but I firmly said, ' !', how smart, they want me to boost the ratings, so... thank the association for supporting me!" Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Wang Yangyang suddenly glanced around, only Charlize Theron with a pleasant smile, he woke up After realizing it, he said: "There is no live broadcast? OK, then what am I talking nonsense about?"

"Hahaha!" Seeing him making a gesture of leaving, everyone suddenly burst into laughter, followed by another round of applause: "Huhu——"

"I'm sorry, I'm too nervous and too happy, and I'm a little incoherent... look at my face." Wang Qiyang pointed to his cheek, grinned slowly, and said to everyone: "You can see me in the delivery room. Is that the expression on your face? The doctor was very angry. She said, 'Why are you laughing? Are you still sexy?' I said, 'I'm sorry, that's how I look when I'm nervous.'" A burst of laughter followed, and Hope S-Ledger and Michelle Williams laughed and laughed, Jessica raised her head and smiled, stroking her hands, and immediately heard him laugh again: "And my baby girl was about to be born at that time, I was really happy. ,I love her."

Everyone immediately gave him a burst of congratulatory applause, and Natalie couldn't help but give him a thumbs up; Keira Knightley next to her was filled with admiration and admiration, when will she have the opportunity to work with Miriam Young? ?

"Let's talk about it first. If I suddenly faint from nervousness, who will give me artificial respiration? Jessica Alba?" Wang Qiyang glanced at his wife who was sitting at the banquet table under the stage, frowned and shook his head: " ." Everyone opened their mouths waiting for the joke to come. What on earth did he want to say? Wang Jinyang then glanced around and asked: "Charlize Theron?" Charlize and some people couldn't help laughing, and Wang Yuyang suddenly said seriously: "George Clooney! YES .”

"Hahaha!", "Ahaha!" Unexpectedly, everyone was immediately amused and burst into laughter. George Clooney's wrinkled face was also shocked and laughing. Many people cheered loudly: "Hoo ho!! "Everyone knows that Clooney is famous for the TV series "ER", and of course he is an emergency doctor.

"Where is George Clooney?" Wang Yangyang looked in one direction under the stage, his smiling expression quickly turning into a complaint: "You all know about my plane accident last year, right? If George Clooney was on the plane at that time, Will I still be in coma for a week? No, every plane should be equipped with a George Clooney!" Under the continuous laughter of everyone, Wang Yangyang made hand movements and continued to frown: "If every news media There is George Clooney, and now the box office of "Firefly" is 2 billion. "Wang Qiyang is critically ill"? No! "Wang Qiyang died at 99." "

"Haha!..." Everyone found that they couldn't stop laughing. Even Ang Lee and Spielberg, who had been smiling gently, couldn't help grinning. Jessica, who was extremely sad before, and Natalie, who had trouble sleeping and eating, were almost killed. Choking on his saliva, Wang Qiyang died 99? This guy is really...

This is naturally a joke about the biopic "Good Night and Good Luck" about legendary journalist and broadcaster Edward R. Murrow, for which George Clooney, whose father is a news anchor and whose mother is a television employee, has also served as a host. Clooney, who was made a joke, had a smile on his face. Many people hope that they will be teased by Wang Qiyang. Who would be angry? It's funny and not malicious, and it would be too stingy to think it was sarcasm.

"Leaving 1 is just for the sake of humanity. It's actually 99.9." Wang Yang shook his head and sighed: "Why is there only one George Clooney? It's so unfair." He winked in the direction of Clooney in the audience. He smiled and said: "He is smiling at me, but everyone, please pay attention, even if Clooney gives me artificial respiration, it does not mean that we are gay! We are not. You know if a fat boy comes in, we will be real people." version of Two and a Half Men.”

"Hahaha——" The banquet hall burst into laughter again. Many people laughed so hard that they lost their manners. Natalie couldn't help but applaud. It turned out that this was the sentence! Wang Jinyang suddenly said again: "Heath Ledger, do you feel good?" Ledger fù was immediately surrounded by everyone's cheers and laughter, and Heath Ledger smiled a little shyly.

"Heath Ledger is a very good actor." Wang Yuyang began to express his gratitude seriously. "This is one of the reasons why "Firefly" was a big success and I won this award. We have a group of very bad actors." Actors! Robert Downey Jr., Daniel Wu, Michael Pitt, Ellen Page..." He quickly counted the leading actors, and finally smiled: "And Jessica Alba , I can't think of any suitable words to praise your performance, maybe 'I seem to see the future of gold'. It's not Razzie, I saw this in another actor, UNG-WANG."

The public auditorium continued to echo with the chuckles of everyone. Listening to his words, Jessica felt extremely happy and satisfied. With his praise and approval, what better commendation could there be?

"And Joss Whedon and Valerie Pfister behind the scenes..." Wang Yang continued to read the names of many people, raised the trophy in his hand, and finally said: "Thank you to everyone who worked hard for "Firefly" People, without you, how could I be here?"

A burst of loud and warm applause from the crowd interrupted his speech. When the applause stopped, Wang Yangyang thanked his colleagues and fans of Flame Films. After a few words, he also felt a little excited. He held up the trophy and laughed loudly: "Thank you, my parents, My family, my little angels! It’s you who make me truly understand what a beautiful world is! Thank you!”

"Huh..." The atmosphere in the banquet hall reached boiling point again. Jessica's heartbeat was fast, and her eyes were suddenly hit by a wave of heat. She just kept clapping her hands and staring at the figure; everyone around her also Applauding vigorously, under the thunderous applause, Wang Yangyang walked off the stage with a smile.

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