The Best Director

Chapter 414 Surprise! surprise!

"Give me a set of "Fireflies" double-disc special edition!", "That's mine! That's mine! "Fireflies" four-disc limited edition, hurry up!!"...

In this small video store in Los Angeles, as soon as it opened for business early in the morning, a group of young people who had been waiting for a long time swarmed in and formed a long queue. Everyone was discussing excitedly or holding a Playing with mobile phones, the scene was very lively. Today, Saturday, November 5th, the DVD versions of "Fireflies" are officially on the shelves! This is a big day for die-hard Cowboy Bebop and Amazing Young fans.

In order to see those behind-the-scenes footage this weekend, in order to buy the limited edition, coming here early in the morning to grab it is just the most unworthy act. Many enthusiasts are gearing up, and in the words of "The Big Bang Theory" it is "fighting for glory" war".

I saw that the new movie shelves in the movie section of the video store were filled with rows of beautifully packaged discs, such as "War of the Worlds", "Batman Begins", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "Husband Panda", etc., in the eyes of movie fans , various versions of "Firefly" discs with different covers are shining brightly. The single-disc widescreen version and full-screen version are priced at US$19.95, the two-disc special edition at US$25.95, the three-disc collector's edition at US$31.95, and the four-disc limited edition at US$49.95... …Various, cheap and affordable! Orders have already piled up at online shopping malls such as Amazon, and limited editions are naturally sold out.

One hand took away boxes of "Fireflies" from the shelves, and then the salesperson took out the inventory from the warehouse to replenish it. The fat middle-aged owner of the video store had long expected that "Fireflies" would sell well, of course! But he still didn't expect it to sell out so fast, even faster than "Star Wars Episode III" which was released on the 1st a few days ago. Before the morning was over, all 500 sets of each version in the first batch were sold out. Got it! Looking at the still long queue, the fat boss apologized loudly: "Everyone who wants to buy the DVD of "Fireflies", I'm sorry..."

"Oh——!" Before he could finish his sentence, sighs filled the video store, and everyone began to complain. Many people were very depressed. A few months ago, when they went to the theater to watch "Fireflies", they were a step behind others. It’s too late to buy a DVD now! Some people couldn't help but cursed: "What the hell!!" A young woman with a sad face said in frustration: "I thought I could see Jiaqi Yang this weekend." Another girl about the age of a high school student said: "Oh my God. Ah! If I had known, I would have ordered from Amazon.”

Their words resonated with many young people. The special features included in the special edition DVD include "exclusive deleted scenes introduced by Wang Yang.", "starring martial arts training highlights", "special effects production" and many on-set highlights. Wait, fans want to see those scenes that were deleted by editing, fans also want to see those gossips, especially Wang Yang’s heroic appearance at work on the set... and they can also relive the classic "Firefly". I want to watch it several times. I’ve just watched the Battle of New Shanxi a few times, but now I’ve failed in everything!

""Firefly" is temporarily sold out." The fat boss finished the sentence. He wiped his forehead. Seeing that the team was quickly dispersing and the store was about to become deserted, he shouted urgently: "Monday... Tomorrow! Sunday! I think there will be new goods then,

Would you like to come back tomorrow? "

I originally thought that this store would be smaller and the competition would not be so fierce, but who knew it would sell out so quickly! Some people were still willing to wait one more day and turned around to register and order at the night counter; more people didn't want to wait for a long time and walked out of the store without looking back, while discussing their plans with their friends: "Let's go to Wal-Mart and have a look. I hope There is also a collector's edition.", "Go faster, you have already made me miss the limited edition.", "Shh! I know there is a very remote store."...

A large row of shelves in the audio and video section of Wal-Mart was empty. Passing customers were distressed to find that Captain Marr and others were nowhere to be found! Hell, there wasn’t even a box of the regular version left!

"Let go!" In another video store, two male movie fans held a box of "Firefly" collector's edition tightly at one end and pulled each other: "I saw this first!", "Get out of here, I was the first one!" Got it!", "Do you want to be fixed?!"...

In addition to actually buying it and keeping it without unpacking, countless movie fans who bought it immediately opened the box excitedly and hurried home to enjoy it! Fire Movie's DVD reputation and customer satisfaction have always been very high. As an epoch-making blockbuster with high box office and high reviews, "Firefly" is a great value for money, whether it's a single disc or four discs, and I believe the content is also great. It will be disappointing!

This weekend, Wang Yang appeared on the TV and computer screens of countless fans. He sat on a chair in the post-editing room, with his back to the long computer table, and smiled: "HEY, guys! Thanks for buying the DVD, and It’s not on Y0UTUBE. Why, it’s Y0UTUBE now? Impossible, I ordered it to be blocked...cough! Welcome to the editing room of "Firefly", now let me take you to see what scenes we have deleted?"

Almost completely out of stock! Movie fans and audiences across North America are once again in a commotion for "Firefly" and it's sold like crazy! In the first week, November 5-6 (ending on Sunday), 10 million units were sold in just two days, and the 8.5 million units sold on the first day broke the 7 million units of "Spider-Man"; in the second week, November 6-13 The account sold another 3.93 million units (-60.7%). It was undoubtedly the sales champion of the week, with 13.93 million units in 9 days, and the total sales volume reached 320 million US dollars!

Of course, the downward trend in DVD sales is much faster than that of the box office. In the first three weeks, 60% of the total sales volume in the next few years will be basically done. It will take more than three to four years and 150 weeks to sell another 5 million sets, and each version DVD prices will gradually decrease, and the total sales volume of 5 million sets is less than 100 million. But the current strong performance of "Firefly" in its golden period has made Flame Films very excited. Coupled with the income from VHS tapes, related toys and TV broadcast rights, all $$$ are flying...

Some DVD movie reviews with the Fresh Red Tomato logo have also surfaced. Mike Long of DVDSleuth. gave it a 4.5/5 score: "To say that "Firefly" is a classic is an understatement. The film has too many stories. Achievements, performance achievements, technical achievements, but in fact, it encompasses everything." Mike Sampson of DVD Clinic also scored 4.5/5: "This is a DVD worth collecting. I believe you have heard too much about the film itself. , its special configuration is charming and interesting, and you really can’t miss it. (Three-disc Collector’s Edition)” Dan Goldwasser gave full marks: “There is a strong signal here that you may need to wait twenty years before playing again. When you encounter "Firefly", if you are on the verge of hesitating to buy, take action."...

It has been almost five months since "Firefly" was released globally on June 17. It is in its 22nd week of screenings, with 175 theaters and a North American box office of 649 million. It may be released when the film is fully released. 650 million; in overseas markets, in addition to some IMAX theaters still selling tickets, Japan, which contributed 158 million U.S. dollars (18.3 billion yen), is still in suspense, because movies like "Firefly" hit the 20 billion box office It often takes more than 40 weeks of screening before the results are finalized. It is only the 16th week now, so it is difficult to say the final Japanese box office, but its overseas box office is already 1.142 billion, and the global box office is 1.791 billion. It has great hope to surpass "Titanic" record.

In the past week of November 4-10, "Saw 3" failed to retain the championship in its second week of release. It received 26.65 million box office (-50.3%) and ranked third with 3,240 theaters. The average ticket price per theater was US$8,225, and the total box office rose to US$80.28 million.

That week's North American champion belonged to Disney/Buvey's new film "Chicken Story" with a production cost of 150 million. This is Disney's first 3D animation. Naturally, it has high hopes of keeping pace with Pixar, DreamWorks, and Blue Sky. However, Disney The harvest was not very good, with three Rotten Tomatoes indicators of 36%/26V%, and a box office of only 48.74 million in the first week (average 13,341 per theater). It seems that for a while, it has not changed the pattern of 3D relying on Pixar; The runner-up was won by Sam Mendes' new film "Jarhead" with 34.8 million, Rotten Tomatoes 61%/54%/68%. Olska's decline in Best Director continues.

For Wang Yang, everything was fine, his career was booming, and his life was happy. Jessica's due date was getting closer and closer. The two happily walked hand in hand to this year's Thanksgiving, ready to taste the seven-year itch, but suddenly In the meantime, a storm suddenly arises!

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, if he had not taken over the "Iron Man" project, but now, the decadent and silent Yanghei people suddenly found a breakthrough to their surprise! !

The incident originated on November 11th. The North American film market welcomed three new films to the large-scale release this new weekend. The production cost n's "Jade Dragon", n's "Money or Life", n's "The Brave One" Game 2" (Zathura). When the weekend of November 11th to 13th passed, Columbia, the producer and distributor of "Zathura", was about to cry! With an advertising budget of no less than 36.7 million yuan (Nielsen agency data), this investment of over 100 million yuan resulted in a first-weekend box office of 13.42 million yuan!

The average price per theater in 3223 theaters is US$4,166! Although Rotten Tomatoes has a good 75%/73% freshness, it only has 54% audience love. Jennifer-T gave it half a star: "It's a childish, unimpressive film. The plot is simple enough, but too boring." ." Matthew-G gave zero stars: "A bad children's movie is harmless to children and boring to adults." N said: "I swear I never want to see it again."...

what is going on? ! No matter how bad the popcorn is, it won’t sell so poorly! However, this is the fact. The hugely popular "Jumanji 2" only received poor box office numbers. The main creative and starring actors have become poisonous people who are both innocent and to blame. The 15-year-old heroine Kristen Stewart is poisonous. , 39-year-old director Jon Favreau Poison...

"Whoever asks Jon Favreau to make a movie again is an idiot. The best job for him is that of an extra.", "Favreau completed the task ridiculously. I really can't figure out why he would be so stupid.", "Favreau worked hard to imitate "", and got a shoddy product, garbage." Waves of sonic attacks rushed towards Favreau. It has to be said that he was implicated by Wang Yang. Without Wang Yang's invitation as the director of "Iron Man", he would not have It has been ridiculed by so much, especially by film critics, but now, a series of doubts are pouring out, such as being poisonous at the box office, running out of luck, not being able to film other than comedies, etc.

The two old men of New Line Cinema, Robert Shaye and Michael Lynn, were shocked. One weekend, the lucky charm became a life-threatening charm! Favreau directing "Iron Man"? ! Then let Alan Smith come! They quickly called Wang Yang with a simple purpose: "Change director, change director, we can't use Favreau!!" Fortunately, no contract was signed! Wang Yang's attitude is very casual: "I have my plan. Since "Iron Man" is supervised by me, you just trust me and don't care about "Zathura"."

"Yang, listen to me... now is not the time to invite Favreau. New Line knows him better than the Flames. He needs a vacation." Michael Lynn completely felt the divine seal of the Martial Universe Saint King, the Divine King, General Ye Killer Asking for the throne of the Demon Arrogant Ninth Layer Heaven, the most powerful and abandoned young master. The Royal Family of Great Zhou will kill the god and seal at night. Asking for the throne of the Demon and Arrogant Ninth Layer Heaven, the strongest and abandoned young master. The Shao Dazhou Royal Family’s god-creating general, the Night Killing God, God’s Seal Throne, begging for demons, proud of the world, the strongest in the Nine Heavens, and the abandoned Shao Da Zhou Royal Family, was in the mood of Allen F. Horn, anxious, worried, fearful... I wanted to kick the ball away. , but the decision-making power lies in the hands of a 25-year-old boy! What's even worse is that this kid refuses to kick! Wang Yang's voice came from the microphone: "Michael, you know that I respect you very much, and you must respect me too. I have my reasons for being optimistic about Favreau. To be honest, what is the relationship between the two films? We should also be grateful The failure of "Zathura" gave Favreau an explosive power. No one always wants to lose, right? Sorry, I'm busy, is there anything else?" What else did Michael Lynn want to persuade: "Young, Favreau... "

"Hey! Talking about war." Wang Yang interrupted Lin En loudly and said: "When differences cannot be resolved and someone needs to obey, it depends on who is the commander, AND I am the commander of "Iron Man"... Michael, Trust me, goodbye!" Michael Lynn listened to the beeping in his ears, his old face wrinkled in distress.

"I won't change my mind, Jon Favreau, Jon Favreau! I will invite him to direct "Iron Man", that's my plan! Trust me, bye!" Robert Shaye got Wang Yang's tough words The old man's face wrinkled up in distress.

In fact, not only do the two old men not believe in Favreau, but their attitude towards Wang Yang has also wavered a little. It seems that Favreau's first "failure" has come, doesn't it? He was optimistic about Favreau, thinking that after the success of "Christmas Elf" and "Zathura", Favreau would be the best candidate to direct "Iron Man". Who knew that he would give Favreau a blow in the head! Wang Yang must be scolding Favreau secretly now! ? It's just useless for New Line to worry. The film rights already belong to Flame Films. Flame said that they think this game is too risky and they don't need to come in to play.

Not only New Line is concerned about the development of the situation, but the media and the public are also very concerned about it. Is Mr. Yang prepared to admit his mistakes, or is he going to make a substitution?

One day has passed and it's almost night. Two days have passed and it's almost night. Wang Yang and the crew of "Iron Man" are very quiet. There is no new news. This is more like a signal of fear. His big mouth is silent! The Yanghei people were boiling, and of course they would boil over whatever he said. Jon Favreau was scolded precisely because they intended to turn the blame on Wang Yang. Naturally, he received a lot of firepower, you know. There are many, many people who love him and hate him.

C.B stirred up trouble in the fan forum on the Flame's official website: "I've said it before, Magic Young was terminated by the cabin ceiling! Then it's time for his botched performance." n said: "I can't imagine that Wang and Favreau will join forces to put an end to How ugly is "Iron Man"?" said: "It's time to think about Young's abnormal behavior after being injured, Batman, Iron Man, old boy, zombies, and that vampire, is he really okay?"... …

With the administrator here, the comments and posts on the official website forum are sharp but not unpleasant, while other places are filled with sarcasm, ridicule, insults, etc.! The Yangheis have already had a joyful Christmas ahead of schedule.

This is a chain reaction, a row of dominoes, Favreau fell, Wonder Young fell, Justin Lin's "Oldboy" fell, Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" fell... ...No one can interfere with the internal affairs of Fire Movies, but Warner Bros. is blowing up! I had just accepted the fact that Gotham Town was continuing to take a dark path, and now I was hit with such a heavy blow! Alan F. Horn was also shocked, God! He thought about it for more than two months, but he couldn't figure out the difference between Aronofsky and Nolan. As expected, there was no difference!

"Change the director, change the director, we can't use Nolan!!" Horn heard a desperate and strong voice from the microphone: "Alan, the current situation is that you have not figured out the current situation! Let me tell you , I am the commander of "Batman"! Relax! I have said it many times, believe me, you will be satisfied in the future, OK?" The current situation is that Madman Yang, who was hit by the ceiling and his brain was abnormal, insisted: "There is a difference."

For a time, Wang Yang, the initiator, was overwhelmed by doubts from the outside media, the public, internal investment partners, etc. Should the person be replaced? Do you want to change someone? ?

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