The Best Director

Chapter 397 Good Boys and Bad Boys

"Good morning, classmates. Today we are going to talk about how to win an Oscar. Next, I will tell you a very good story theme. I call it "Must Win Oscar". []"

There are no public courses in the School of Film and Television at the University of Southern California. Students can choose a certain proportion of courses across majors according to their interests, and they can control their future development direction. Ace Professional Film and Television Production (1m-and-sevenn-) attaches great importance to cultivating students' abilities. To practice professional abilities, there are almost no purely theoretical courses. The course system consists of three parts: comprehensive production, professional orientation, and joint assignments.

Professional courses are like learning skills in the form of RPG games. For example, the producer direction is refined to market operations, the director is refined to visual performance, and photography is refined to film art... The other two types of courses are all produced using 16mm film. Film and television work assignments of a certain length will be improved under the guidance of the teacher. However, the biggest difference is that the "comprehensive production class" requires a student to complete all categories of work in film production. Of course, at the beginning of this class, more than one class must be taught. A monthly theoretical basic course covering all aspects of scripting, production, directing, photography, editing, and recording.

“The male protagonist is a Persian Gulf War veteran, and the female protagonist is a British female nurse.

The classroom in the morning was quiet. Many young students looked at the guy standing on the podium in front of them. They either smiled with interest or were minding their own business with a cold eye. p), his name is Agen (gun) and he came back from the war. , oh please! My girlfriend has moved on and is no longer in love! So he was very, very angry, very, very gun! Man, who told you not to participate in the Vietnam War? Asian guys are easier to bully. "

"Oh...", "Haha!" Everyone's eyes were focused on him, and many people chuckled. Everyone knew the difference between the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, and some were surprised. It's not "South Park" time now, right? ! Of course, Asian students don’t mind their own jokes. The young man continued to talk: "But we are not talking about "The Deer Hunter"" Whatever, we are talking about "The English Patient". The heroine, British female nurse Banana, met Agen, who had a bad temper. She was gentle and kind, but they fell in love. "

Banana is a slang term that means comedian and big hook nose. In addition to comparing it with the name of the heroine Hanna in "The English Patient", everyone also heard that he meant to mock the British.

"Suddenly one day, Banana got terminal cancer and will die soon. Yes, sorry for my Oscar, she became a British patient." The young man apologized and pressed his chest, everyone smiled. Several girls laughed a few times, and he continued: "But she didn't tell Agen, and the two continued to live together until one day she died. Agen was in great pain! Banana was buried, and Agen came to her grave. Lay flowers in front of me, pay a military salute and then leave... Is this all you do? Just a very ordinary story?"

The young man shook his finger, pressed the podium and shouted louder to the crowd: "In the cemetery, Agen met another woman. She actually said that she was Banana's girlfriend! It turned out that Banana was gay. It turned out that she wanted to appease her. Agen’s wounded heart,

He didn’t reject Agen’s confession! Just take care of him! ! "

"Haha!" Everyone burst out laughing, and there was an additional sexual orientation, so let's not think about it for the time being. //" The African-American and Jewish students were all amused for a moment.

"Do you know the best part of this story? Agen did not fight Palestine for Israel, but fought Iraq for the United States. It is very politically correct." When everyone laughed, the black boy's tone was unprecedentedly serious: "Forgot to mention , I’m a Jew.”

"Hahaha!" Everyone pounded the table and laughed, and some booed in an expression of boredom. The young man on the stage was minding his own business, making gestures like receiving the statuette, and happily thanked:

"Thank you! Thank you to the academy and everyone. I received this award today. I am so happy."

"The English Patient", "Forrest Gump", "Schindler's List"...that guy connected them all and made fun of some of Oscar's characteristics, but after laughing, no one applauded, but that guy A villain, to put it bluntly, may actually have malicious intentions. So although Wang Yang's humor received little criticism, the reputation dropped a lot; not long after, it dropped a lot again.

The theoretical basis is always the theoretical basis. Filmmaking requires hands-on skills. However, many people are not even fully familiar with loading film, so they are forced to use cameras to shoot comprehensive production tasks. Naturally, they have many improper operations, focus errors, and exposure errors. Wang Yang's difficult temperament was immediately exposed as he refused to respond to any of his classmates' requests for help; during joint assignments, almost no group was willing to invite this big name to join, and the group he started could hardly find anyone.

A group admired his directing ability and decided to put up with his bad temper and asked him to take over the microphone. The homework was done well and the professor praised him in class. Who knows how angry they were. One day the guy even The girl who was the art designer and actor in the group was scolded and cried on the spot.

"ung-an, you're cool! This shouldn't be serious!"

This is indeed not an overly offensive offense. If he said this now on the Oscar stage, it might still be a classic quote that people will talk about. (It turns out that in 7 years, Ellen DeGeneres, the host of the 79th Oscars, said, "Without blacks, Jews and gays, the Oscars would cease to exist.") However, he was a completely crazy villain at the time, which was really interesting. Wang Yang shrugged and spread his hands, not supporting the two people's views: "If you had heard Wang Yang say these words at that time, you would never laugh." Jessica showed the easily excited side of pregnant women and said anxiously with her eyes wide open. : "No! I will laugh!" Natalie raised her eyebrows uncertainly: "Maybe." Wang Yang shook his head helplessly and sighed: "This was not a police investigation. I was a bad person at that time. Boy, you’re a good girl if you don’t smile.”

"Really?" Jessica touched her fetal belly in confusion. Wang Yang came closer to her, glanced at Natalie opposite, and said in a mysterious voice: "Yes, bad boy! You don't know that I had How annoying, I can't find anyone to help me with my homework. Even if I do it all myself, I still need actors!" Jessica said anxiously again: "Then you should ask me!

I love bad boys! Wang Yang stared at her with a laugh: "If that's the case, I guess you will be scolded to death by me." "Jessica refused to admit her poor acting skills and rolled her eyes.

Wang Yangjia explained: "You know it is a private university, and the tuition is very high. Thank you to the restaurant, but after I paid the tuition, I was a pauper. And for each group assignment, the school only provides you with 16mm film (365 meters), night scene Kodak 7218 is used for interior shots and Kodak 1 for day and exterior scenes. The cost is very tight, so if you don’t have private funds, you will want to beat up an actor every time... And there is a rule in the school that the director is responsible for everyone’s breakfast Lunch, oh my God, why don’t you ask the director to cook it himself? I also want to buy dV’s personal photography equipment, so I go to work again..."

Due to the high tuition fees and a lot of expenses for photography and miscellaneous things, he really tried to make the actors cry several times. Recalling the ordinary campus life, Wang Yang smiled and took a sip of coffee. His feeling about directing "Heaven with Summer" became stronger and stronger. Why could he become so annoying at that time? What kind of force is that? The power of lost love? No matter why he or Tom is so crazy... "Hey man, you still go to work, you sound like a good boy!" Natalie praised with great admiration. She was already a little rich when she went to Harvard University, and she couldn't understand To that feeling. Jessica patted Wang Yang on the shoulder with a proud look and said with a smile: "He is a perfect combination of a good boy and a bad boy."

"Haha! Thank you." Wang Yang was amused by her. He thought about those bad boy years and smiled slowly: "About those words, it's not just 'I am a Jew.' Sometimes, you just know that it doesn't matter if you say that." That's right. You knew those were taboos, and you didn't even want to say them, but you just said them. It's a very interesting emotion. First of all, you know that in this country, someone can say some words or words that insult Asians. Generally, There's no punishment, they simply don't think it's offensive, maybe teasing; but if you say anything else, things can easily go wrong. "

Jessica pouted: "Latinas too."

Natalie frowned and asked: "The Jews are much better now, maybe, then?"

Wang Yang organized his thoughts, thinking about his and Tom's mentality, and analyzed with some concentration: "I don't want to say racial discrimination, but the reason for the change. It is probably a kind of venting and a kind of indulgence! Coming to the new environment of Los Angeles , I don’t know anyone, no one knows me, so what if I do, who cares? On the one hand, you hope to be the kind of person who is opposite to your expectations, and the person who broke up the night in the past. Without her, there would be no her, I don’t care about anything anymore! I’m the new Wang Yang! On the other hand, you’re having a headache, what kind of person do you really want to be?”

"The kind of change caused by pain... is a kind of testing of others, the testing of the world, and the testing of oneself." Wang Yang nodded with self-identification and found the feeling he wanted: ""He Summer's" "Heaven" is not only about love and women, but also about a man's new understanding of himself."

"That's right! Obviously yes." Jessica nodded in agreement, although she didn't understand it very well, and she couldn't stop muttering in her heart: "That Helen is so hateful! Damn Helen, ah Oh my god o6 but how could she make Yang so sad and painful? But without that stupid woman leaving, I don’t think I have a chance?... No! Why would Yang miss Helen so much? Is she beautiful? She is very Can she take care of people? Does she know how to make him happier!! Damn Helen Yiyi!!”

"Well, I understand what you said." Natalie also nodded. The way Tom broke up with the past was just like a coin turning to the other side. Later, he got to know himself again and why he lost Sarah. Mo, his relationship with Summer, who do he want to be, a bad boy or a good boy? Greeting card writer or building designer? As she raised her coffee cup and took a sip, she said: "Sociologically speaking, some people's words and deeds are crazy and outrageous because they want to attract other people's attention and care, even if they get ridicule and scolding."

She showed a strange smile, looked into Wang Yang's eyes, and said with a smile: "It's not that he doesn't care about other people's opinions, on the contrary, he cares, very much! He is so crazy, he should have these thoughts. If she knew what I am like now, Will she be worried about me? Will she feel sorry for me? Will she come back to me? "

"Hahaha!" Wang Yang couldn't help laughing. He lowered his head to avoid her gaze and then looked up again. He felt like he had been seen through by this woman. Did he really think that? Probably yes. Wang Yang smiled and said: "A little bit, that's the subconscious that drives you... But it's almost night! They are long gone."

He shook Jessica's right hand with his left hand, and changed the topic with a confused voice: "Why hasn't Joseph arrived yet? He needs to hear this, and he will have to tell him later..."

As soon as she heard Natalie's words, Jessica felt even more depressed. Oh my god! Now she wanted to beat that Helen up! Yang was so popular with girls, but he was so wronged because of Helen... I felt With the warmth of his palm, Jessica's smile softened a lot, no longer as stiff as before.

"Young, to be honest, I'm looking forward to The Amazing Director even more now. I'm sure they'll put this in."

Natalie couldn't help but laugh. Since she has never met the bad boy version of Wang Yang, it would be good to see it on the big screen.

"No!" Jessica said uninterestedly: "I'm afraid they will film Cheng Yang as being really mean at the beginning, and only started to change his ways after he was fired." Natalie frowned: "I don't think so? Helen dumping him is obviously a key point." Jessica rolled her eyes at her and corrected seriously: "Helen didn't dump him, they messed up." Natalie nodded indifferently:

Sika continued the topic just now and said seriously:

"I have analyzed many possibilities of the drama mode of "The Amazing Director", that is one, and... Jessica talked endlessly about various possibilities, Natalie nodded in agreement from time to time, and glanced at him from time to time Take a look and see how awesome Jesse is! Wang Yang smiled silently and nodded, not participating in the discussion between the two, because he had heard about her achievements yesterday, and there was actually a classic "love enemy", where the Helen family and the Wang family were enemies. , they were forced to break up due to family discord, and she probably referred to the 36 drama patterns proposed by George Prodi... "I'm too worried about this, Jan and Helen are really messed up. When talking about the possibility of falling in love with enemies, Jessica was not without worries. She laughed again thinking about it: "But they won't be so outrageous, right?" "Natalie shrugged: "I don't know how to do it anyway, this is not "Romeo and Juliet", don't worry..."

"Ahem! We really screwed up -" Wang Yang gave a thumbs up in support. This is how this woman is. She is not jealous of his scandal partner, but only jealous of her ex-girlfriend. It's okay since everyone is married. , and as a result, "The Fantastic Director" made waves again. He hugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "After I met you, everything got better! In fact, I am very grateful to those days for things to develop like this, understand?" Jessica felt warm in her heart and had a natural look on her face. Smile.

Looking at the sweet two people, Natalie rolled her eyes quickly and didn't know what to say. She thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about Summer. It was Tom just now. I don't fully understand Summer." She said. Complained: “I don’t even know if she’s a vegetarian!”

"You guys talk slowly." Knowing that Summer would definitely talk about Helen, Jessica didn't want to listen too much, lest her bad mood affect the baby's sleep quality. She picked up her handbag and left: "Yang, Nata, I'm going shopping, bye!" Wang Yang said to her: "Okay, walk carefully, bye!" Jessica walked a few steps away, then she turned back, pressed her lips with her left hand and blew a kiss, Wang Yang smiled After winking at her and waving goodbye, Jessica walked away briskly.

Natalie rested her chin on one hand. She was really a cute, sexy and lovable woman... but Summer was not.

*Qiangqiang ps: Please vote for me to hit the classified monthly vote list!

(To be continued)


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