The Best Director

Chapter 377 What is a rescue work!

"Firefly" once again tells the world what is a miracle, what is a rescue work, and what is a miracle with the success of Kaimu's third weekend. Spielberg's bailout..." had no chance in its opening weekend. On Sunday, July 3rd, "Firefly" took away 21.78 million in a single day, -11.6%, with an average of US$5,344 per store; In the third round, "Firefly" won again! Here and there, after three days, the total box office of the weekend champion was 55 yuan on average...; the runner-up was 64.87 million, with an average of 1 yuan. After the three days of the weekend, "Firefly" won!

Previously, the highest box office record holder in the third weekend was "Spider-Man", which grossed 457.1 million in 17 days, and "Firefly", which has risen to the third place in North American film history (unadjusted for inflation), only behind "Titan". The Nickelodeon has several characters, and half a character of "Star Wars" with billions; after adjusting for inflation, it ranks 28th in North American film history, the previous one is "Sleeping Beauty" in 1959, and the next one is It was "Shrek 2" in 4 years.

This sci-fi masterpiece became the second movie in the 21st century to reach the top of the box office in film history. Compared with "Shrek 2", which was just shown in the world, it has only gone 17 days.

To the surprise of ns and other box office statistics agencies, the appearance of "War of the Worlds" seems to have stimulated the box office of "Firefly" even more. Its decline in the third weekend was only 31.72%... There is no sense of fatigue at all! Perhaps this is due to the increase and continuous prestige of the Imax giant screen, and perhaps it is due to the media's high attention and praise that the "Firefly" storm has grown bigger and bigger.

A blockbuster classic movie is doomed to have countless bones buried behind it, and its achievements will always be talked about by movie fans. Bad movies are nothing interesting, and blockbuster movies are enjoyable and exciting. No doubt "Batman" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" are not enough Qualifications, "War of the Worlds" is a perfect footnote.

"'War of the Worlds' loses to 'Firefly' over the weekend" Yahoo Entertainment reported on this topic, and the click-through rate of the news rose steadily. Seeing the hope of a comeback, it is a foregone conclusion for Steven Spielberg to lose the summer weekend championship for the third time in a row. This loss to Wang Yang seems to have other meanings. The old and the new have changed, and the times have changed. It is now 5 years M Title: "Weekend Report: "Firefly" and "War of the Worlds" were released in a fierce battle, and Wang Shengli Spielberg was defeated..."USA TODAY headline: "Independence Day..."Firefly won the weekend championship for the third week in a row... Rotten Tomatoes headline: "'Firefly' beats 'War of the Worlds' at the box office..."

At the same time, the heaviest record was born. In addition to the 127.9 million (-28.6%) of the three-day overseas weekend, the global box office of "Firefly" soared to 99.2 million, and it has naturally entered the billion-dollar box office club! It has become the third film in film history to receive this honor, and it is only half a position away from the second "Lord of the Rings 3" with 1.167 billion. There is no doubt that it will take the runner-up position.

From -8.1% to -28.6%,

"Firefly" shocked the market so much that it couldn't be more shocking, with a total revenue of nearly 1.1 billion, which is the first time in the history of human civilization on the entire earth. The global simultaneous release of "War of the Worlds" has a certain weakening effect, but just like the situation in North America, it has been heavily suppressed by "Firefly" all over the world. It only reached 61.25 million in the weekend, and almost no place can win the championship and become More perfect footnotes.

It coincides with the Independence Day of the United States, and various celebrations are held across the United States. Although the film market will be more popular, "Firefly" will inevitably be robbed of the limelight in the media, and many movie fans and audiences don't know about it. Break through the latest news at the box office of 100 million.

"Da da da da——" Wang Yang hummed a song and walked around the house. He had no interest in going out to participate in or watch the lively and joyful celebration parade on the street. There were too many people, and recently he was thinking of avoiding the world. He gently shook his head and recited a poem: "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing San Francisco..." When he came to the living room, he saw Jessica, who was dressed loosely and neatly, sitting on the sofa, eating apples and watching TV, and continued to think. : " will have the fusion of heaven and earth, Optimus One is in Southern California. D!" He sighed: "The talents of the ancients are really limitless..."

"Hey." Jessica greeted, ignoring the idler. Wang Yang went straight over and sat down Ye, and when he came, he touched and kissed her with interest. Jessica, who was not in the mood for intimacy, smiled and responded, and pushed him away impatiently: "Stop, you are in the way." I’m watching TV, go away, I’ll give you an apple!” Wang Yang calmly hugged her, leaned his head on her shoulder, and complained, “It’s really unfair, why don’t men have the ability to breastfeed?” Jessica He took a bite of the apple and chattered, "Some fat people have it."

Wang Yang was stunned for half a second, then burst out laughing "hahaha", almost rolled on the sand, finally paused to think about it, and then laughed even more crazily: "Hahaha that's too bad, haha..." At first, Jessica felt that breastfeeding should not be joked about, so there was nothing funny about it. After eating the apple, Jessica was amused by him in the end, and asked with a smile as if she didn't understand: "haT!?... Wang Yang shook his head and smiled: "That's right, That is, yes, Harry looks bigger than you..." Jessica puffed her cheeks, and suddenly thumped him hard: "I knew it! You always mind! "

"No! I'm sorry, pay attention to the baby! As long as the baby doesn't mind... Really not, I'm sorry!" Wang Yang jumped off the sand in escape, and Shika continued to watch TV without bothering him. What fun! Wang Yang came to the video cabinet with a smile and hummed the song, watching these exquisite video discs, he suddenly saw something, and immediately laughed loudly with great interest: "Sweetheart, I thought of a couplet!" Jessica knows what a couplet is , a game with Chinese words, she responded, "Tell me?"

Wang Yang turned to look at Sha behind him, and said to her in Chinese: "Listen up, the first couplet is 'Independence Day, watch "Independence Day" at home." What about your second couplet? "Jessica has never had such advanced Sinology knowledge. She pretended to think for a while, then shook her head and smiled: "I can't think of it. What is the second line?" "Wang Yang revealed the mystery: "Firefly watching "Firefly" in the wild!" Ha ha! He didn't know if it was neat or not. Hearing that Jessica, who had the same format, thought it must be neat, she counted her palms approvingly: "Awesome!" "

Affected by this second line, Jessica suddenly thought of other movies with three Chinese characters in the title of the flame movie, and then she was inspired. She exclaimed: "Oh! I have one too! I have one too!" Watching her raise her hand to answer Wang Yang was very amused by his cute and innocent appearance: "Say it!" Jessica coughed twice, and said slowly in Chinese: "Brokeback Mountain, watch "Brokeback Mountain" at home!" Her eyes looked forward: "Okay!" Is it?" Wang Yang read it over and over with wrinkled eyes: "Brokeback Mountain watching "Brokeback Mountain" at home? Brokeback Mountain is a mountain... Uh, of course!"

"Yeah!" Jessica clenched her fists with both hands, and gently stroked her swollen belly, with a sweet smile on her face: "Baby will definitely be an Ivy League student in the future." Wang Yang, who was flipping through the DVD, suddenly said: "Nan It's okay to increase, or La." Jessica rolled her eyes: "I just said she's going to be smart, maybe become a scientist or something."

"You want the baby to become a scientist? Like Sheldon? It's too scary..." Wang Yang's eyes patrolled the neat set of "Knight Rider" DVD at this time, and he hummed a few words of the opening song in a rough voice. Voice: "Knight Rider, a man who haunts a dangerous world, a man who doesn't exist, Michael Knight, a young lone ranger, Tart Goo Doo... yes." Jessica looked at him with interest ..." Why didn't Heng keep humming so well?

Wang Yang scratched his forehead and walked over to Jiang Ye, put his arms around her and stared into her eyes, and said, "You know, I'm going to make a love movie next." Jessica raised her eyebrows, silly Dearly asked: "Is it a movie that mainly tells a love story?"

In order to "keep the mystery..." Wang Yang didn't make it clear to Jessica who was asking questions before. He only talked about the low-cost movie, starring Natalie, and returning to San Francisco to shoot. Jessica only knows about it now. See him Nodding, she immediately opened her eyes and shouted: "What!" She hurriedly asked: "Is it filming our love? I don't want Natalie to play me!" Wang Yang also quickly explained: "No, no, It's not our love, that girl is not your type, and it's not all love story, half of it is after a broken relationship, the hero gets dumped by the heroine."

"But..." Jessica was a little annoyed, why did she make things so complicated! Wouldn't it be enough to tell her earlier! She felt really uncomfortable, and said: "But you didn't tell me, why did you tell me now!" She turned her head angrily: "I don't care about Independence Day! I'm going to be angry!"

Wang Yang was afraid that she would be angry and the baby would be sad, so he procrastinated like this. He sincerely apologized: "I was too wordy. I originally wanted to... give you a surprise. I don't know if it is a surprise or not." Jessica was surprised: "What kind of surprise? It's not our story... Is that your love with someone? Really?" Seeing that he didn't immediately deny his words, then he must be involved in this love, It wasn't their story, he was so wordy, Jessica felt even more congested and had difficulty breathing: "What's going on? Who is that girl? Didn't you say this is a birth gift for the baby?"

"Jessie, I regret not being your first love." Wang Yang said this suddenly, and Jessica also raised her eyebrows regretfully, and said softly: "This is the Lord's arrangement." Wang Yang said suddenly: "But If we were both first loves, maybe we would have broken up a long time ago." Jessica laughed angrily: "How could that be!" Wang Yang continued: "Maybe we will still be like this, get married and have children, and prepare to grow old forever:" Jessica nodded heavily: "Of course!"

Wang Yang smiled slightly, recalling the past episodes, and slowly said: "Maybe this is not very romantic, I now think that love and marriage are not predestined, the Lord will not arrange this way, the Lord will only arrange the love of every couple. Meet, let them arrange the next story by themselves, it is only destined to meet."

Jessica couldn't figure it out: "What's the difference?" Wang Yang blushed: "The difference is that I can meet other people, and you can also meet other people. In this world, it is suitable for me and you to grow old together." Old, not just a person."

"Oh, my God!" Jessica screamed out, what does he mean, he can be very happy and happy with other girls, it doesn't have to be her, right? Jessica only felt flustered and gasped blankly: "What the hell are you talking about! I'm not an Ivy League student, I'm a little scared..."

"Oh my God!" Wang Yang frowned, and patted his forehead in self-blame. He used the wrong way of communication, and he didn't talk to her in an exploratory way! Looking at her almost melancholy eyes, the baby must be very sad, he turned back urgently: "Jessie, in fact, I am a passive and slow-paced person emotionally, I remember the day of the audition for "High School Musical". On the beach I wanted to confess and flinched, your little turkey?"

Jessica showed a far-fetched smile, no matter what happened, Wang Yang kissed and caressed her tenderly, and said seriously: "Before I met you again, I was dumped by Helen...Maybe! There was a Time, I was really, really bad, and then there you were, like the sun driving out the haze, like the dolphins returning to the sea, like going from black and white back to color, like... if I were Michael Nye Te, you are kLTT! What would Knight Rider be without the Thunder Car? You know? That bastard Joshua said he was your boyfriend that day, I felt like the whole world abandoned me again..."

Listening to his continuous love words, Jessica gradually smiled. Although he said it many times, it was so nice every time, like a dolphin returning to the sea... But she is kLTT?

"Since I'm with you, I can't describe everything, I'm so happy!" Seeing her sweet smile, Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I just want to tell you something about my past, like many people In that way, I met a girl, fell in love, lost love, muddled, cheered up, and met you."

Jessica nodded silently without knowing what she was thinking, and Wang Yang smiled and said: "So it can be regarded as our story, it is a prequel, I am sorry that it is not my first love with you, but I want to tell you, tell the baby, even though Dad has talked about it a few times love for the first time, but only for mother."

Yeah? It turned out to be like this... Jessica raised the corners of her mouth to open her mouth to smile brightly, her eyes were bright, and she sorted out what he meant: "Hey! Did you mean that when you go to a clothes store to buy clothes, you only have Block, then you try on a dress, a pair of jeans, but you either don't like it, or the size is wrong, this time! A, uh, a beautiful dress that suits your heart appears, block, you buy it , you will wear that dress for the rest of your life..."

"Yes." Wang Yang nodded, although he felt that her metaphor was inappropriate. Jessica continued to chatter: "That is to say, I am also like this. As soon as I entered the clothes store, I immediately fell in love with you and bought you... No need to wash or change..." She confused herself, Wang Yang didn't dare to disturb her train of thought, Jessica suddenly said "Ah,,, "You bought that dress, isn't it fate? "Wang Yang still tried to make it clear: "You don't buy it every time, sometimes you just go shopping and have random regrets... These randomnesses are our emotional changes:"

"Stop!" Jessica yelled unwillingly, with a stubborn face, and said in a strong tone: "This is destiny! Helen left you, then me, and we all met our own kLTT! This is destiny Destined! This is the arrangement of the Lord! Otherwise, why did you have this encounter? You didn’t go to Stanford, you didn’t go to NYU, you didn’t go to LA, you went to USC!”…” She suddenly stopped and took a deep breath , looking at him, asked: "Do you love me? "Wang Yang has long been accustomed to her way, and said with a smile: "Of course, I love you." "

snap! Shika clasped his palms together, kissed him again, and decided: "That's fine! Don't say those damn things anymore, you finish the movie and tell the baby what you said, ok?"

"Okay." Wang Yang nodded with a smile, knowing that she is such a carefree girl, as long as she makes sense, she will not be entangled. If she understands happiness in this way, let's understand it this way. Why do you have to convince others? Maybe she was right and he was wrong? Let's talk about it later when the movie comes out! Wang Yang changed the subject with a smile and said, "Let's go out to watch the fireworks tonight to celebrate?" Jessica gave him a blank look, but muttered a few times: "kLTT, clothes, it seems weird..." Dolphins and the sea are better !

On July 4th, Independence Day, "War of the Worlds" took in 12.18 million box office, -38.4%; while "Firefly" -32.6% took in 10,000 yuan. While winning the fourth round, it also completely widened the gap! It was announced in advance that Spielberg beat Tom Cruise and won the North American box office champion for the third week in a row.

So the "false rescue work" "War of the Worlds" can't win the championship in the opening week, can it win the championship in the next week? Media fans don’t think so, because apart from the brave and invincible "true rescue work" "Firefly", which has the third week as the first week, next week on July 8th - there is a 100 million production cost comic adaptation blockbuster " The Fantastic Four will join the North American battlefield, and now fans are looking forward to whether "Firefly" can win the championship for the fourth week in a row? Especially when the main antagonist is "the person Wang Yang wants to teach" starring Rachel McAdams?

However, when the whole world was shocked by the fact that "Firefly" broke through the box office of 100 million US dollars, another exciting new news broke out! In other words, an old news has been confirmed. Wang Yang expressed his joy for "Firefly" on his blog, and also revealed his new work plan: "Next, I will shoot a love movie. It is a great honor to invite Natalie Portman plays the leading role, the third collaboration!"..."

The media, movie fans and fans were in a hurry for a while, Miracle Yang made up his mind not to give people a chance to breathe!



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