The Best Director

Chapter 328 The Troubles of Happiness

Chapter 328 The Troubles of Happiness

"The Big Bang Theory is easily the best and funniest sitcom in a long time. It has new ideas, it has some weirdos, but it's accessible to the average viewer (I've recommended it to a few friends who are totally not "The Big Bang Theory")" "The Nerds") is absolutely hilarious, and almost every scene is, sometimes so jaw-droppingly funny, that you sit there and think, 'Did I really just hear him say that?' The first two episodes It is full of new jokes and new things, and it will definitely be better in the future. I never dare to underestimate the magic."

In..., "bb", which was launched last night, currently has a user rating of 9.4 (full score). There are always comfortable green circles in many positive reviews, points, points, 9 points...

After some praise, rbb, who scored the score, did not think "bb" was perfect. He continued to write: "I can accept all the geek elements, it is very fun; what I can't accept is that he finished a long sentence I don't know what that means, not at all, ever. It's really not funny and it'll just bring down the ratings. But Sheldon is the most aggressive and annoying person I've ever seen on television. Intimidating freaks, and so are the other characters; some of the episodes are so classic and unique that you'll never forget them, scenes you don't see in other sitcoms."

Long sentences and scientific knowledge theories are like a double-edged sword, or the thing itself can never satisfy everyone. While they bring freshness, they cannot touch the laughter of some audiences. This is actually "Circle cultural differences", the translated jokes can make the physics staff laugh out loud, and the audience who don't understand it either have another kind of laughter, enjoy the fun of disrupting the plot itself, or find it boring; Just like viewers who have never watched "Star Wars", they probably don't find it funny that Leonard is holding a laser sword.

It turns out that in the third season of "The Big Bang Theory", which was the highest-rated peak season, the scientific theoretical knowledge of "ere-e-g" has been greatly reduced, and incidents involving comic book movie elements such as "Lord of the Rings" and "Green Lantern" have increased. This is a matter of degree. Wang Yang has already had the awareness and countermeasures to solve it. Now the various jokes in the first season of "The Big Bang Theory" have been adjusted to the most popular value, and he is moving forward and exploring better values ​​according to this track with the best ratings.

"Interesting! I love episodes like this, but you really need to pay attention to what the characters say, the jokes test your iq, love it!" Connor-m said, while gv96 said: "This episode is for People with higher than average IQ, if you only like cars, beauties, action and muscular men, please jump to "Frenzy Speed", because you will not know its fun and will only increase misunderstandings. "BB" is a wonderful The new sitcom." rber also scored: "The popular American shows have never had truly clever jokes, they will only use a mixture of pure stupidity. If you know some physics knowledge, "bb" The effect of the joke will be increased by about 5 times; unfortunately, these fun are not available to ordinary people, but for us nerds, this is, gold!”…

The nerds seem a little arrogant,

Or maybe they are worried about the misunderstanding that "The Big Bang Theory" has suffered, but in fact, countless viewers love these scientific jokes. Long sentences and whether they can understand them are not big problems in the eyes of the current audience.

The main problem that the audience has gathered now can be said to be unsolvable, because it is either a score or an o score with a red circle. They hate, despise, and hate this new drama. r1dyrd said: "If it weren't for Wang Yang as the main creator, I wouldn't even take a look at it. Watch more of it, a plump golden girl, a few virgin nerds who have never seen a woman's vagina, sad! Who is he mocking?" Jason-g wrote cursedly: "Such a show is reshaping some people's stereotypes A dull negative impression in order for the writers to bully, pick and tease, it is unbelievable that Wang Yang as an Asian would do such a thing! I hope that one day their sons and daughters will encounter the jokes they wrote in school, and even more high."

Zheng Yan wrote: "Multi-camera style sitcoms tend to be unconvincing, but this one is so bad! Wang Yang delivers the stereotypical nerd to the point where I don't think he and his team have ever met one Actual nerds, the goal of their screenwriting seems to be to make the audience feel that they have lived a good high school career. For this reason, they do not hesitate to insult a group, which is funnier than any joke." wrote: "Before the broadcast, Wang Yang said To change the image of nerds, I only see him misinterpreting, reinforcing, and ridiculing.”…

I don’t know if they are nerds or people who fight for nerds; of course, some nerds hate it and some like it. But after receiving these comments and scoldings, Wang Yang had to sigh that they were too sensitive. He knew very well what it meant to be a nerd, a geek, a loner, and unpopular. He also knew what it felt like to be bullied and ridiculed. However, he got some High school friends and Asian friends responded that "The Big Bang Theory" is full of fun, and they are looking forward to the appearance of Chinese characters.

why? Graham Linehan and Bill Prady's programmer friend David Salzburg, who is a "nerd" himself, and his friends and students also watched with gusto. It can only be said that some people naturally don’t like eating apples. If they like it, they like it, and if they don’t, they don’t like it.

To change the image of nerds is not to immediately ask them to put down their books, put on baseball caps, put down their comic books and shoot basketballs, then they are no longer nerds; or to discuss the mentality of high school students in a more serious way like "Geeks and Nerds", or even like A serious documentary like "Bowling at Columbine" has no chance of being cut. As long as the audience falls in love with nerds and imitates Sheldon's and others' words, deeds, and clothing trends, they will have a deep understanding of nerds, and their impressions of this group will change from cloudy to clear, and they will have more contact with each other and make friends. This is the change.

Wang Yang didn't dare to say how hard he worked, but he definitely didn't mean to laugh at anyone. He and his team had only one mission, to make the audience fall in love with nerds through laughter.

"I have never seen anyone as interesting as Sheldon on TV. Although he is a complete weirdo and a difficult person to get along with in real life, it is difficult for me to control myself from not liking him!" der said, and rd said: " What happened last night was that, unless you were a dentist, all the jokes would drive you crazy. Sheldon and Howard were both impressive, and Magic Young also had a seamless cameo performance. I'm really looking forward to his second appearance. !" iyb said: "It's absolutely beautiful! I'm already addicted! Those who say that magic is worth destroying nerds should think carefully and don't miss this magical drama!"

be1ye1 said: "A few years ago, I thought about how Zhu Han would be adapted into a sitcom, and thought about what Magic Young could bring. Last night he told us! Perfect! Sheldon is the perfect match between Zhu Han and Jeff Ma The perfect combination, he will be the most popular drama character on television in the future.”…

Fortunately, only a very small number of people gave it a zero score, and the audience generally responded to the characters. It seems that the "Big Bang Theory" team has taken a solid first step to achieve a goal, and now the most popular ones are Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard are also very popular. Raj, who had no lines in the scene yesterday, was rarely mentioned. Penny has nothing to shine except for her amazing smile and cooperation in pretending to be stupid. But there is no doubt that the actors who played them became the subject of huge media attention and had a bright future.

It’s not only B Up and Down and Flame Home Entertainment that are happy, but also Kaley Cuoco, Jim Parsons and their managers. It’s so sudden! It was so sudden!

"Oh my God!" Kaley Cuoco couldn't help shouting when she heard the two ratings figures of 21.28 million and 10,000. She was completely stunned. Miraculous Yang is really... incredible! Of course, she felt very satisfied when the first season of "Eight Rules" averaged 850,000 viewers two years ago. Now it suddenly has 20 million viewers. What's next? ? Unable to hear what her agent said, Kaley Cuoco just shouted: "Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable! I love Kyrie!"

On this day, Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki were walking on the street as usual, but they were recognized and accosted for autographs. They called them "Sheldon" and "Leonard". It was only two episodes. , just one night! An unknown person, a fallen child star, will soon have the popularity of Wentworth Miller, the star of "Prison Break", and the second generation of "Friends" called by the media...Simon Helberg gets Harriet B. Helberg, the mother of the casting director, praised her happily: "Son, you did a great job. I'm so proud of you." There was no rough lion roar from Howard's mother.

Every "Big Bang Theory" team member and family member is in a state of happiness. No one thinks that "The Big Bang Theory", which averaged 21.99 million in the first two episodes, will not be popular or will be canceled. At least not B has already pre-ordered the entire season. The first season of "This is not blind optimism, I really can't think of a reason." Although the media has mixed praise and praise for it, Qi Qiyang is a person who breaks out of the laws of the market and film criticism. He has his own laws.

This also seems to continue the momentum of "The Devil Wears Prada". While the audience applauded and shouted addicted, with only sporadic curses, many critics had different opinions. .Contains 19 TV movie reviews of "bb", 9 of which gave positive reviews or above, 6 of which were neutral, and 4 of which were negative. The overall score is only 62 points, which can be said to be a mixed bag of praise and praise, far inferior to "Seinfeld" and "Friends" ", "Everybody Loves Raymond" and other classic multi-camera sitcoms, and even the opening reviews of the new "Two and a Half Men".

Wang Yang is not surprised by this, because the O7 version of "The Big Bang Theory" scored an even worse 57 points, and it has not yet faced the pressure of "Friends". God knows why those TV movie critics don't like it. Maybe they are just too old. Bar!

It doesn’t look like it. The famous film critic Tom Shas (m-1e), who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1988, scored it. He couldn’t wait to announce it in a column he had written for decades in the Washington Post. : ""The Big Bang Theory" is the funniest sitcom of the new season." Robert Bianco of "USA Today" scored 85 points and liked it very much; "This may not be the kind of sitcom breakthrough we have been waiting for. But it is a breakthrough. As soon as you watch the first episode, you start looking forward to the second and third seasons." Adam Bachman of the New York Post gave it a score of 75: "A b-comedy with great potential." …

"This is a very interesting thing. Wang Yang has always lacked interest in pursuing girls no matter in movies or TV works. This time he brought a group of nerds. His comedy is very creative. I believe that in this new In this era, nerds will no longer disappear, but the best nerds win." The opinion of Alexandra Stanley, the New York Times film critic who scored the score, represents the view of many people who regard "Freaks and Books" The results obtained by "Stay" and "The Big Bang Theory".

"The Big Bang Theory" will not be another "Freaks and Geeks," they all know it won't be. Instead, Sheldon and other nerds may be active on the screen for several years or ten years, creating a new era of comedy; But Sheldon and the others aren't the best nerds, Freaks and Geeks are.

Tim Goodman of the "San Francisco Chronicle" even gave a score of 25 and criticized: "Forced by secular business conditions, the writing here is so dull. Wang Yang knows how to have high ratings, but not It means it has a beautiful flight.” The famous Yang hacker Jeffrey Westhoff’s sarcastic comments on his blog make it hard not to think that he is looking for trouble: “Wang Yang is a fully evolved commercial animal, and now he No more surprises, either on screen or v. The Big Bang Theory is an unconvincing, meaningless farce.”…

The brand-new films produced since winning the Oscar for Best Director, "The Devil Wears Prada" and "The Big Bang Theory" have each destroyed the film critics' expectations of Wang Yang's perfect performance on the screen and on the screen. When will the film critics be restored? Heart? Or another war?

"I want to guest star! Don't try to persuade me, I want to guest star on "The Big Bang Theory"!"

After a fulfilling day in the editing room, Wang Yang returned home and continued his busy schedule. For the time being, he could not attend to the celebration diary of "We are on our own way!" on the blog, because many people had guest appearances. The excitement and impulsiveness may be because his performance last night was so contagious. As soon as Natalie called, she said she wanted to make a guest appearance. After hearing her words, Wang Yang, who sat down on the sofa with a bottle of soda, smiled: "Why should I advise you? There are plenty of opportunities. You can definitely star in a scene opposite Howard. wish, I think it will be wonderful.”

"Haha!" Natalie laughed, remembering that she was beaten repeatedly last night and had no power to fight back. She couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "How do you want to punish me again? I'm almost dead." Wang Yang shrugged and said with a smile: "Then I'll beat you to death. I'm very kind." Natalie smiled nonchalantly: "Okay, it's so funny! I will keep watching. I almost died laughing last night. By the way, ignore it. Those bullshit film critics! And those guys.”

She suddenly shouted and said quickly: "I'm very angry! I read some comments online today, and I didn't expect there were so many people talking nonsense, a bunch of annoying guys! I'm a nerd, and I know how great "The Big Bang Theory" is. Good looking! Who doesn't know I'm a nerd? You? As if I wasn't bullied in school. Why don't her breasts grow bigger? She should be in "Lolita"! She is one! Look at that Hollywood...I told You, they have endocrine disorders, ignore them; and those nerds who misunderstood you will wake up sooner or later. One question, can Howard pick up girls?"

"I thought I was chatting with Sheldon Cooper." Wang Yang said with emotion, her lung capacity is not small! Looking towards the kitchen, Jessica didn't know what she was messing with. He smiled and said: "Yes, a Catholic girl." Natalie was silent for a few seconds before saying with a headache: "You gave me a big trouble. My mother is going crazy." Wang Yang snapped his fingers happily: "Yes, Howard's mother almost went crazy."

"Hahaha! How could it be so funny?" Natalie couldn't help laughing, as if she remembered something again, she smiled and said: "I must make a guest appearance." Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I know, it's a fact I have another idea." Natalie asked curiously: "What?" Thinking about this new plan, Wang Yang took a sip of soda and introduced: "Maybe Flame Entertainment will produce a new reality show, and "The Big Bang Theory" has something to do with it, and I would like to invite you to be the first game guest."

Natalie asked: "What program? The one of "National Model Rookie Competition"?" Wang Yang really wanted to give her an elbow, shook his head and said with a smile: "That is for you to exploit your weaknesses and avoid your strengths, not a model competition." Nata Li interjected: "You really should ask Revlon. I could have become a child model back then." Wang Yang said: "Then I have been a child model until I am 23 years old now." Natalie shouted viciously: "Ah!" Wang Yang's tone turned serious: "It's a quiz game show, a simple quiz show. We initially set two guests in each episode..." Natalie immediately asked: "Who else is there in the first episode? You?" Wang Yang Li immediately said: "No, why do you want me?" Natalie snorted and laughed: "So simple? I always feel that there is a trap, let's put it this way... Well, I want to partner with you. Question show? Definitely not. It's simple, maybe he just wants me to make a fool of himself in public. 'Can't a Harvard graduate answer this?' 'Oh hahahaha!'"

"...I will think about it, the program has not been decided yet." Wang Yang was a little helpless, why was she so responsive? After chatting for a few more words, the call ended, but another call came in immediately: "Jan, I want to guest star!" Ruilin's voice, followed by Zachary Levi, and Michael Pitt also wanted to guest star: "You just let I'll play a rock singer." Eliza Dushku texted and said she loved "The Big Bang Theory" and hoped to have a guest appearance; "Freaks and Geeks" star James Franco texted and said he hoped to do it again Become a freak...Robert Downey Jr. said: "Susan likes your show very much, let me come on and make a guest appearance!"

"Hello, thank you, thank you! There will definitely be a guest appearance opportunity, definitely! I'm so happy to hear you say that..." Wang Yang just hung up the phone, and another text message flew in: "Oh e-!" These people Are you jealous of his good acting or something? What's crazy! It's great to have big star guest stars, which can boost ratings; but if every episode is designed to have new characters just for the sake of guest appearances, the rhythm of the series won't work, so maybe it's called the troubles of happiness.

Looking at Jessica walking over, Wang Yang answered the call and muttered: "ere-e-g. Hello, hello! Thank you..." After a while, he put down the phone, and Wang Yang spread his hands and said dumbfounded. : "Wow, Will Smith wants to make a cameo too! Will, Will, Will, what role does he want to play? Professor? Math genius? Hey, do you think that if Will went to school before, would he be -21 Where is a member of -em? Haha!"

"!" Jessica interrupted him, looked at him with her eyes, and then asked enthusiastically: "My dear, have you thought about my guest appearance plan?"

"Wow!" Wang Yang raised his hands almost crazy, stood up and walked to the kitchen: "Maybe since 911, everyone has become nervous. Thank you, Bin Laden! This is really great! Great - —" Jessica jumped up and followed behind, her eyes rolled up playfully: "Should I guest-star as myself? Or play another role? A housewife? A hot girl in a bar? A rough and strong Texas cowgirl! Oh my God !..."

She didn't notice Danny's toy ball on the floor. When she stepped on it, she staggered forward and fell forward, her mouth wide open!

"Now you know why you still tripped when there was no height difference!" There was no muffled sound when Peng fell to the ground. Wang Yang hugged her instead, smiled and bumped her forehead, Jessica Wrinkling his eyebrows in pain, he lowered his head to check the floor: "Because Danny didn't pack away his toys? And he always messed up things like slippers in his mouth?" Wang Yang hugged her upright so that her feet could not move. Touching the ground, he walked crookedly: "Yes! Thank you so much, Danny!", "It's like a landmine! Bad boy!", "Bad boy!"

Danny was still lying on the carpet in the living room, sleeping peacefully. He only took a long snort and didn't want to pay attention to them.

[...Chapter 328: The Troubles of Happiness, the text is updated the fastest...] a! !

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