The Best Director

Chapter 318 Big Winner!

"Oh, this is incredible"

Boom boom boom---the helicopter's propeller rotated at high speed and made a loud roar, flying slowly in the blue sky. This is the county seat of Xunyang County, Shaanxi Province, China, and the film crew of "Firefly" is taking aerial photography. Looking down from a high altitude, the county seat located between the green mountains and green waters has a peculiar appearance and curved water circulation, just like the shape of a Tai Chi diagram, so it is also known as the "Natural Tai Chi City".

Since the director didn't reveal much about his intentions, and he didn't know much about oriental Chinese culture, few of the film crews on the helicopter knew the meaning of this scene, and only felt that the scenery was beautiful. Harry-George of the camera asked: "What does this mean?" Wang Yang, who was also fastened on his seat belt, stood by the cabin door, looked down at the Tai Chi City, and smiled: "Good and evil, good and evil are like this yin and yang." ...Keep shooting! Dive camera."

He wanted this scene of Tai Chi City to finally express and sublimate the point of view of the whole "Firefly". What kind of world is a beautiful world? Taiji Diagram is one of the viewpoints: complete goodness and complete evil are both inhuman.

In fact, this point is involved in classic films such as "Tang Orange" and "Seven Deadly Sins". Is nature inherently good or inherently evil? Perhaps it is human nature to have both. Of course, people who don't understand Chinese culture will not know the meaning of Taijitu all at once, but he needs this.

In order to achieve the fusion of cowboy and east, his attempt is to be wild, with a unified theme but a clear artistic conception, and the pictures and scenes are all poetic, allowing the characters and stories to enter; rather than making too many collection-style changes, resulting in a deformed The four different images were born. He wants the feeling of "quiet like a virgin, moving like a rabbit". Tai Chi is a part of "quietness" and a part of the East. There are many things that don't need to be explained, but they are there, waiting for others to dig them out.

It was already August of 2004. After completing the filming of Taiji City and the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Province, Wang Yang continued to take the film crew to Zhangjiajie, Hunan to capture the beautiful scenery. The filming of "Firefly" in China has aroused the doubts of many media fans. What is the relationship between the western cowboys in the plains and deserts and the almost completely different tastes of Chinese mountains and rivers? Fantastic Yang's figure has naturally attracted the attention of many Chinese entertainment media, hoping to get an interview to appease the needs of movie fans.

But this time I set foot on the land of China, not for promotional visits or play. The production schedule of the crew is tight, and Wang Yang has to rush back to take care of Jessica, so I didn’t accept many interviews. I only went to an entertainment interview on Greetings from movie fans; when he arrived in Zhangjiajie, he made the headline of the entertainment section of "Xiaoxiang Morning News" with an exclusive interview. In fact, it was similar to the questions asked by Daybreak gods provide Baidu

What is the relationship between "Fireflies" and China is one of the must-ask questions. In the coffee shop of the Sunshine Hotel in Zhangjiajie, the reporter Hou Jian who is in charge of this exclusive interview asked this question.

"Yes, "Firefly" will have a lot of Chinese elements." Wang Yang nodded, raised his coffee cup and took a sip, then continued to laugh and said, "You will see Chinese characters, Chinese, etc.

There will be no shortage of the beautiful scenery we are shooting now, including the mountain peaks of Zhangjiajie, which will appear in the movie, but you may not be able to recognize which ones, because we will also carry out later modification and synthesis, and move those mountain peaks to Go to another planet. In fact, the background of the whole story is inseparable from oriental culture. "

"This should be your first attempt to add more Chinese elements to your directed film. Why is that? What does this change signal mean?" Hou Jian quickly recorded the great director's answer and asked again asked a question.

Wang Yang shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and talked from the beginning: "When I got the first version of Joss Whedon's script, he set it like this, a Chinese and American culture influences and integrates each other. The world. Joss Whedon and his wife lived in China for a period of time. He likes to appreciate traditional Chinese culture. These oriental elements can make the story and the future world more mysterious. He is right, and then this It is my strong point, I like the story of the script, and there are many new ideas; needless to say, Chinese culture, it has fascinated me for a long time, so I am willing to try this, it is really great.”

"I know that "Firefly" has set many new personal records for you, with the highest production cost, the longest shooting time, and the largest number of participants..." Hou Jian counted several records, looked at Wang Yang and asked, "But at the same time, before you Bearing a lot of pressure and accusations, will "Firefly" be your film to prove yourself again? What do you think?" Wang Yang immediately shook his head slightly: "I don't think so much now, I just want to make the film well , and spend more time with my family.”

Thinking about the journey this year, he smiled again and said: "But this time there is indeed more pressure, but only a small part of the pressure is from outside voices; most of it is the film itself. For me, It has unprecedented challenges. As for setting records..." He laughed: "I hope it can continue to create more new personal records! The direction of the big number is not the lowest."

"Hehe!" Hou Jian also laughed for a while, looked at the notebook, and then asked: "Not long ago, your wife Jessica-Alba suffered from acute nephritis due to exhaustion and fell ill. You replaced her and completed the remaining martial arts scenes, which is a topic of great concern to everyone."

"Yes, thank you for your concern first, she is recovering well now." Wang Yang thanked her and drank. Coffee, thinking about the arduous shooting of martial arts scenes, said with a smile: "It can't be said to be a substitute. I played another male character, but I just adjusted the proportion of the lens. I think this is also a Chinese element. Everyone must go to the cinema to watch it next year. Look, because I do play hard and it's cool, lol."

After doing a few more Q\u0026As on "Firefly", Hou Jian asked the necessary questions: "Director Zhang Yimou's new film "House of Flying Daggers" will be released on July 16. During your stay in China, have you seen it? Have you been there?" Wang Yang shook his head and replied: "No, the schedule of the film crew is relatively tight, and I haven't seen it yet. But I know it is going to participate in the Toronto Film Festival next month, and I will go to see it. And Zhang Yimou is a Great director, he uses the image very beautifully."

"What is your impression of Hunan?" Hou Jian continued to ask the necessary questions, and Wang Yang replied with great praise: "My impression of Hunan is that it is very beautiful. It has a very profound historical and cultural heritage, and I haven’t seen it elsewhere, but Zhangjiajie is a wonderful and charming city.”

Space Cowboy! Not fresh enough? Plus the mysterious East! Just when the crew of "Firefly" finished filming in Zhangjiajie and was about to leave for Los Angeles, its official website suddenly announced the detailed background of the world, people on earth immigrated to new galaxies, China and the United States formed the Star Alliance government, the war broke out, and the independence faction was defeated , The Mysterious Emergence of Predators "This time, due to the huge and complex background, the propaganda work of the flame movie did not take the mysterious route like "District 9" but spread it widely, which left more people with the impression of the background setting and generated Interest. Daybreak Gods Provide Baidu

However, if you want to get more information about characters such as Ruiwa and Blue Gloves, as well as upload more comic concept maps, studio stills, etc. on the official website, you still have to play some viral marketing games, which is also to encourage the enthusiasm of movie fans. At present, Jessica Alba is the most popular, and the number of people who participated in the viral marketing game of unblocking Reva is the largest; followed by Robert Downey Jr., Wang Yang, Heath Ledger, Michael Pitt and others. Depending on the popularity, the difficulty of marketing games is naturally different.

And now announced "Cowboy + Oriental"! Movie fans finally understand why there are Chinese characters printed on the Tranquility ship, and understand why Wu Yanzu and even Wang Yang’s roles are filmed in China... But they don’t understand, what exactly is this? "Shanghai Noon"? In the list of sci-fi adventure movies, there is no space cowboy, let alone any space ten cowboy ten east. Even media film critics who want to badmouth him don't know where to start.

"This is so ridiculous and funny! Can you imagine rough cowboys in cheongsams? I heard it was Joss Whedon's idea in the first place. Arrogant and miraculous Yang." Jeffrey Westhof's usual style, a timely satire on his blog, has successfully attracted clicks and curses from movie fans. He wasn't the only one laughing. A lot of online film critics who are temporarily blackmailed said: "It seems that Wang Yang is in a period of burning.", "He has no idea what he is doing."...

"It's very exciting! This is a novel and interesting setting, and I believe Fantastic Young will bring a big surprise." Netizen Chris F left a comment on the official website, most of the fans are very interested, because the director is not who, It's "everything will work out" magical Jan, what's up with the cowboys? What happened to the East? They have confidence in Wang Yang! Foye j wrote: "If it's in the same style as Star Wars, Star Trek or even Stargate, what's the point? At least the setting of "Firefly" is very new and unique now! Looking forward to seeing trailer"

No amount of data settings, concept drawings, and stills can compare to a trailer that is intuitive and attractive. Whether the trailer and clips are exciting or not has always had a major impact. However, the first trailer of "Fireflies" did not come out so soon, not counting the shooting of the Plum Blossom Forest, the production team has just officially finished production, obviously the image engine team still needs a long time to complete the special effects production, Wang Yang has already been preparing The detailed requirements were submitted at the stage, and the supervisors will be followed up, but after more than 4 months of leading the team to shoot, it is time to rest and vacation.

At the end of this summer, the quadrennial Olympic Games are being held in Athens, Greece. Seeing that Jessica's physical indicators have recovered well and she can cope with a leisurely trip, Wang Yang called her parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and a big family Went to Athens to watch the Olympic Games. And Joshua wants to take advantage of some free time with Alexis, hurry up to date and maintain their relationship, and there is no companion.

The Olympic Games had already opened on August 13th, and Wang Yang and his party immediately started this exciting Olympic journey when they arrived in Athens. Shares were priced at US$85, and closed at US$.34 that day, an increase of 18% in the past. This time, a total of US$1.67 billion was raised. Because he is absolutely optimistic about Google, Wang Yang, the best guest star in the t world, and the most popular Google singer, did not sit idly by, and spent some spare money on investment. His private brokerage team became the most active people in the market in the past, and he successfully became a shareholder one.

If it is said that the background of "t world" has brought Wang Yang more respect in Hollywood, even though a rich and well-registered company does not mean that he can make good movies, just like Bill Gates does not know how to be a director, but "Aspiration", "" Miracle Yang, who has done well in both "amateur interests", undoubtedly seems to be particularly capable: But for Silicon Valley, although Miracle Yang used the Internet to complete the "ghost virus marketing" to earn the first pot of gold, he also discovered the great horse ggen , but except for a few characters, many people hold a contemptuous attitude towards him. T is not a filmmaker who can do ggen casually, but just hits the big luck. You can see the level of this Hollywood director by bad-mouthing Yahoo. God waits for Yang to think When Jerry Yang was still a little worse.

Yahoo is at the top of its heyday, but the newly listed Google has received a lot of cold water. The institutional shareholder service company with great influence... pointed out a flaw in Google's corporate governance measures. In the total score of "corporate governance It has an O.2 rating for Google on the index, almost zero, lower than all other companies in the S\u0026P.

Sergey Brin, 31, and Larry Page, 31, may have violated regulations because of their Playboy interview. So Brin, Page, and the entire Google were thrown into the "little black room" and the company had to maintain a "silent period" before the public trip. Even if they wanted to say a few words of explanation, they couldn't speak up.

At this time before this, Wang Yang, who had not yet become a shareholder of Google and was filming in China, returned to his room after finishing the interview with "Xiaoxiang Morning News" and stayed in the room until the early morning. He said: "I am very happy to see that Google's corporate governance coefficient is 0.2. It would be even better if it is 0! Who hasn't seen it yet? Google has developed in 6 years to the current price of 85 US dollars. This is not a company with extremely chaotic management. Bad lagging company, but a company that broke all the traditional rules and beats every other company in the S\u0026P. It's called Young, Power, Google!"

Obviously, if you are optimistic that the stock is about to buy in large quantities, it is very unwise to sing too much. However, Wang Yang realized that it may be an occupational disease, or he may have participated in too many interviews and award ceremonies. If you sing a lot by yourself, there will be a bunch of people rushing desperately to buy it.

Sure enough, many people thought he wanted to be short; moreover, Google is a very arrogant company, and most analysts believe that its stock price will fluctuate greatly. No control. Each share held by Google’s founders, managers, board members, and employees is equivalent to ten public shares of voting rights. Founders Brin, Page and CEO Schmidt hold a total of 37.6% of the company’s voting rights , The overall management team and directors hold 61.4% of the voting rights. It's like saying they're taking your money, not your participation; Google isn't ready to provide future financial projections, to put it nicely: "Companies will make decisions based on long-term interests, not short-term interests."

Many shareholders were annoyed by this, but Wang Yang was very happy. He also had no intention of joining Google's board of directors. He bought Google entirely to invest and generate money, so that he would have more strength to support the development of the Flame Group. Money can't be earned, it's almost the same after a number is added, and he already has a lot of it now, if he wants to do t and search business every day, it's really annoying. But knowing the huge potential of Google, Wang Yang was also very happy to see someone making money for him, so he bought a golden egg, and a new Google shareholder was born.

Not only did Wang Yang buy it himself, but he might as well introduce such a good investment opportunity to his family. Some good friends who want to invest know about it, but Natalie Portman said that she most wants to buy the stock of Flame Movie.

Indeed, many, many people want to buy the stock of Flame Films. This independent film company has an astonishing industry performance. In the six years since its establishment, all large-scale screenings have never lost money. Instead, they have repeatedly created box office miracles. The medal table of the Athens Olympic Games is changing every day, the champions, runners-up and third runners-up of various competitions are constantly emerging, and the last few North American weekly box office champions in the o4 summer vacation are also settled.

From July to August 5th, the champion falls on "Mysterious Village" launched by Bowei Company. Accepted 690,000 yuan, it seems that the cost recovery is not a problem. However, with the birth of "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality", and after experiencing the regularity of "Immortal Tribulation", the Jiang Lang of "Tian Zhao" has no doubts. Ma Lan, amidst the voices of disappointment, sarcasm, and pity, the name of genius suddenly fell down, and he was labeled as a director.

The so-called no matter how high you climb, how painful you are when you fall "pointless", "idiot", "another mediocre, unhinged work that overestimates Sonette Shyamalan." New York Observer, "Salon", "New Yorker" and other popular media are not polite. Everyone knows that if the "Firefly" of another more talented and magical baby who had fun in the t world is so unsatisfactory, what awaits it is bound to be a violent storm. From August 6th to 12th, the champion belongs to "Borrowing Knife" starring Tom Cruise, from August 13th to 19th is "Alien vs. Predator", from August to 26th is "The Exorcist Prequel"; Athens Olympic Games It concluded successfully on August 29th. The United States, China and Russia won the top three gold medals, and Google’s stock price rose every day. The last week of the summer vacation from August 27th to September 2nd was won by Miramax and Zhang Yimou’s "Heroes". "Walk away with 23.72 million box office.

From the warm-up in late April, the beginning of May to the end of August, everyone who has read the report card of this summer vacation will find a lot of "f1me-f1m" passionate flames in this midsummer. Century 2", "Furious Speed", "The Hangover 2" three movies, in. Among the North American weekly box office champions, four took place on May 7-13, June 11-17, June 18-24, and June 25-July 1, accounting for 23.52%. Three weeks in a row.

Big winner! This week's box office champion puts Flame Movie on this summer's list, followed by Warner Bros., DreamWorks, Sony Corp. Columbia, Century Fox, Universal Pictures, Broadway, and Miramax.

For an independent film company, can there be more stringent requirements for the boutique strategy of only three films? Just ask, who doesn't want to buy the stock of Flame Films?

Since you can't buy stocks, and the market that checks and balances each other can't be monopolized by anyone, the investors and manufacturers have other options. It doesn't matter if Warner Bros. has one more bad movie, but MGM, the once king of movies, is even more trapped in the quagmire. There are joys and sorrows at the box office of major film studios and independent film studios, and there is no PS in the sad ranks.

Not counting the cost of publicity, copying, transportation, etc., the total production cost of the three flame films is 195 million, which are ten thousand, ten thousand and ten thousand respectively.

"Ice Age 2" 230 million North American box office, B overseas box office, 730 million global box office, Blue Sky Studio once again announced a strong rise; The gold-absorbing series popular with young people in the world was born under the rampage; "The Hangover 2" has a box office of 254 million in North America, 327 million in overseas box office, and 582 million in the global box office. The crazy opening results are not enough stamina due to mediocre word of mouth, but it is definitely a huge profit. .

Looking at this report card, everyone felt like they were going crazy. Flame Films and theater distributors were so happy that they were going crazy, but the filmmakers were in every possible way. With a total production cost of 195 million yuan, they received 1.851 billion yuan worldwide. box office! That's not the final figure yet, as Speed ​​and Drunk are still showing and adding fractions.

Next summer, f1me-f1m, which has scheduled a large-scale screening of the three films "Kung Fu Panda", "Firefly" and "League of Assassins", will they still have such good luck?

No one knows now, but there is no doubt that this summer vacation has stimulated many people. As the time enters September, the Toronto Film Festival will also open on September 9th. There will be screenings from outside North America and All North American films were introduced, and a total of strong films participated in the exhibition. Among all the films about seeking action, there are hidden gems and straws, it depends on who has the insight.

This time, film producers such as Flame Films, Lionsgate Films, Miramax, Fox Searchlight, Focus, Newmarket, etc. have been preparing for a long time. ! ~!

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