The Best Director

Chapter 313 Who else can stop the flame movie?

Chapter 313 Who else can stop the flame movie?

"Kagoki! Kagoki! Kagoki!..."

On the big screen, Victor played by Tom Hanks watched the news reports on the TV screen and shouted the name of his motherland excitedly. Most of the audience watched the "Happy Terminal" screening hall full of seats in front of the screen. , a few were excited, and several spectators yawned boredly; next door was another equally lively "Furious Speed" screening hall, "Home, sweet home!" Two big muscular men got into the sports car and started the engine, Another hurricane! The young audience couldn't help but sit up straight.

There were bursts of laughter in the hall of "Crazy Dodgeball"; children in the auditorium of "Harry Potter 3" were fascinated by children; "I want to go home! I want to go home!" After Victor did not step into the truth of New York, the hunchbacked old man held a mop to stop the plane that was about to take off, watched the old man being arrested by the airport police, and watched everyone try their best to help Victor walk out of the airport to fulfill his father's autograph dream, " Some of the audience in "The End of Happiness" were very moved and their eyes were moist; but a large part of them burst out laughing.

Last Minute Rescue! Just like Andrea yelling at Miranda at the end of "The Devil Wears Prada", a typical Hollywood-style ending, the technique of countless commercial films. But Steven Spielberg did a poor job this time, too blunt and obvious! At this moment, a group of film critics watching the film from all over North America are quite dissatisfied, it is too old-fashioned, and the whole film is full of artificiality.

It is simply a great director doing minor work! Geoffrey Anderson of Film Strip shook his head, what a disappointment! Since "Saving Private Ryan" in 1998, Spielberg's films have not been as good as one in the past six years. If "i Artificial Intelligence" is still so moving, "Minority Report" also has some novelties. "is a delicious entertainment commercial film, so what is this "Happy Terminal"?

"This is the worst movie ever directed by Spielberg." 1. That is, Charles Taylor of "Salon" magazine has already thought about this film review. Speaking of it now, Steven Spielberg is more like an encounter The one in the office building law, after "Saving Private Ryan" won him the second Oscar for Best Director, he gradually couldn't even make commercial films well, and now... it's scalp-numbing!

And Miracle Yang, who was born out of nowhere in 1998, made three commercial films in a row after winning the Oscar. The last one finally didn't bother, he didn't want any great director style, and went back to work with minors. The film critic of "New York Watch" Andrew Sarris sighed depressedly. It is really uncomfortable to watch bad movies every day. Steven Spielberg and Wang Yang, the old and young directors, are so nervous?

The calendar on the wall turned over several times, and the weekend of the 18th-November was declared over. Every time a new film is released on the opening weekend, Steven Spielberg will lock himself at home, cut off all contact with the outside world, do not answer the phone, read text messages, surf the Internet, or watch TV.

I don't want to get in touch with any information related to the performance of the new film. Everyone knows his habit, so they won't disturb him deliberately for no reason.

The three days of "The End of Happiness" are no exception. Early on Monday morning, Spielberg came to the headquarters of DreamWorks, wandered here and there, and waited until work time before he came to the office. ministry office. Seeing that the employees were not happy, Spielberg suddenly felt a little nervous. Is it really like the reaction and evaluation during the test screening? He asked calmly: "How is it? Is the performance of the film okay?"

"50,000." Sales manager Jim Sapp didn't say anything, and directly reported the box office results. 50000? Although he has never cared much about the company's finances, Spielberg is very sensitive and professional about the box office. As soon as he hears this number, he knows what it means, mediocrity. It may not even win the North American championship. Jim Sapp walked over with a detailed data report of the end of the show, and said in a deep voice: "The third place on the weekend; and the reaction from the film critics is not good..."

Is it... really like the reaction during the test screening? There is no hope of hitting the Oscars. Isn't it even a summer popcorn movie? The first place is "Furious Speed" again? Spielberg's face became a little silent and ugly, and he nodded, "I see." He didn't look at the report, turned and left the department, and walked to his director's office. Now that the movies are out, let's get ready for "War of the Worlds"! The box office and film reviews are all good; he doesn't want to lose to George Lucas and that young man in the selection of the best director of the Saturn Awards in 6 years.

After all, he has been used to storms for many years, and he is the box office champion of North American directors. The failure of "Happy Terminal" did not bring any frustration to Spielberg. , but gave him a feeling of pressure, not financial or anything, purely a "director", how many years has he not tried such a heavy pressure? It's been ten years...

Looking at the 5-year market release schedule in his hand, Spielberg, who was sitting on the office chair, suddenly shook his head and smiled for no reason. -Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven", May 19, old friend George Lucas' "Star Wars Episode 3", June commercial "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", June 17, kid Darren Arrohaeves Ji's "Batman", "War of the Worlds" on June 29, "Fantastic Four" on July 8... There is also a "Firefly" by the kid Wang Yang that is scheduled for June.

Old friends, children, George Lucas, Wang Yang... let's all meet next summer! Spielberg turned on the computer with a smile, and calmly browsed the specific reactions of "Happy Terminal", but he thought that if he didn't shoot "War of the Worlds" better, how could he have the nerve to meet them and join in the fun?

Just by watching some film critics say ""The End of Happiness" is a shame in Spielberg's directorial history", you already know how bad its reputation is. No one taught anyone. The fact is that another big director fell on light comedy , the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes that included a film review was 55% and 51%, both of which were a pool of green rot; the audience's likeability did not save face, only a mediocre 72%. This is only 1% away from being labeled as a "bad film".

"Feels insincere and dogmatically perfunctory." -- 2/4 points, Jamie Bernard, New York Daily News "A sweet and nuanced comedy." -- 3.5/4, Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times; "A bad movie, really bad." -- 2/4, Richard Collis, The Time magazine; "fatty and contrived." -- 2/4 points, Glenn Lovell, San Jose Mercury-News; In the middle of the story. Believe me, obsession is necessary." - 2/4 points, Peter Howell, Toronto Star  …

With such a bad word-of-mouth response, as well as the real problems of the film itself, and the lack of explosiveness of the theme story, June 18-24 has passed by late at night, and "Happy Terminal" has not shown a reversal momentum. Wan harvested to the third place of the week.

This is two years after the release of "Minority Report" in June 2020. Steven Spielberg once again released a new film in the summer vacation, but did not receive the weekly champion, but this is also the second time. Since the release of "Jaws" in June 1975, it has received a global box office of 470 million US dollars (1.8429 billion after adjusting for inflation in 11 years), and has created the concept of summer blockbuster (1mmer-b1b1er) and summer vacation schedule. Station", Spielberg has a total of 11 summer blockbusters.

The first 9 champion films include "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in 1981 with 384 million worldwide (1.1115 billion after inflation adjustment); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Indiana Jones 333 million worldwide (789.1 million adjusted); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 474 million worldwide (945 million adjusted) in 1993 "Jurassic Park" 914.6 million worldwide (1.7576 billion after adjustment); 1997 "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" 618.6 million worldwide (72 million after adjustment); 1998 "Saving Private Ryan" 4.81 million worldwide billion (810 million after adjustment); in 2001, "i Artificial Intelligence" was 235.9 million worldwide (331.7 million after adjustment).

A series of astonishing record numbers ended in the first "Minority Report", which lost to "Lilo and Stitch" because of a box office difference of 3.74 million, and finally reached 358 million worldwide (100 million after adjustment); and then "Happy Terminal" Two consecutive defeats, a shameless failure.

The movie fans who wanted to make trouble before had nothing to say. Regardless of box office awards, social influence and other aspects, Wang Yang’s achievements are far inferior to Spielberg’s. And the premise is not to become Kevin - Costner. However, many things are in the past. As for "Happy Terminal" v "The Devil Wears Prada", it seems that the former does not seem to be able to charge 500 million.

"Is Steven Spielberg old?" This is the question of many people. I have to say that this is really a big blow, which makes people lose confidence; but according to the gossip of "friends", Spielberg doesn't think so. Yahoo Entertainment said: "He is very angry now and full of fighting spirit. He will prove himself again with "War of the Worlds", and maybe there will be another one next year." It is still in the preparatory stage and plans to start filming in November.

Cinephile fans don't mind that Spielberg is fighting, that's what they want to see! Wang Yang worked hard over there, and Spielberg also worked hard here. It seems that the rotten tomatoes of the film critics are not useless. Will the summer of 5 years be a movie-watching boom?

What we can know is that the summer of 2014 was very lively. The weekly list on June 18-24 belonged to "Speed ​​Fury". The success of the momentum, the current global box office has reached 192 million. Flame Movie's full confidence in it played a role. The promotion and almost simultaneous release are all blockbuster specifications. "Furious Speed" naturally lived up to expectations. It has received rave reviews from all over the world. It has no deep meaning but is definitely entertaining.

"Furious Speed" surpasses "Speed ​​and Passion" 1\u0026m;2 just around the corner, and e1mber analyst Bruce Harder even estimates that it can soar to 300 million in the global box office.

It seems to be an easy thing for Flame Films to charge 200 million or 300 million US dollars for a film, but other film companies are not included. "The Day That Glides the World" suffered a "Windtalker"-style fiasco. It only received 10,000 box office in 9 days in 1 theater, and 31%, 27%, and 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. The production cost alone invested 110 million Disney really suffered a big loss; "Lilo and Stitch 2" and "Copy Wife" and other films continue to struggle forward; while this week's runner-up "Crazy Dodgeball" is a dazzling dark horse, with a box office of 39.67 million in a single week, a bad one. Tomato's evaluation of rotten comedy is not bad: %, 64%, 75%.

"The End of Happiness" failed, "The Sky Around the World" failed, and the g-13 comedy "Miss So White" that received 10,000 box office in 2 days was 15%, 15%, 62% on Rotten Tomatoes... now on the market There's no real-life comedy with competition, and it's a pretty good chance. Dodgeball is Home Alone, and if there's no new contender, it's probably going to be a box-office miracle, but its good fortune only lasts for a week. It's over.

On June 25th, "The Hangover 2" will debut in 3251 theaters in North America! The previous work was the king of R-rated comedy and the representative of the new generation of bad boys Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, and Ed Helms. The more lively and exciting summer vacation has come!

"Hahahaha!" Even though the main creative team disappeared, due to the proper publicity and the huge popularity of "The Hangover", fans and audiences from all over North America still flocked to the cinemas on weekends, ready to have a good laugh. They were neither pleasantly surprised nor disappointed. Halfway through the screening time, the laughter did not have the rhythm of the previous film. It was not so frequent and loud, and the mouth almost twitched. above.

The "Hangover" series is one of Flame's important plans for the next few years. With the second one, there will be a third one, or even a fourth one. It’s just that the first piece of gems comes first. Although Huo Huo decided that “The Hangover 2” will follow the framework of amnesia and searching for people, the details and jokes still need to be ingenious. For this new behind-the-scenes creative team that shoulders heavy responsibilities, Huo Huo’s selection interview has already begun. After a long time, they organized a public election campaign for movie fans, and then they formed a team one by one.

The 41-year-old Paul Feige was finally hired as the director. Feige has been active in the creative circle of TV series since the 1990s. The comedy of the campus nerd group only aired for one season in the 1999-year forest season, but it was cut in half due to poor ratings. This also caused b's only worry about the ratings of "The Big Bang Theory". Fortunately, the protagonists of the latter are not high school students but university professors and scientists.

However, on the big screen, Paul Feige’s resume is blank. Before that, he directed the independent film “Letter to Copenhagen” directed by “Teuton Media (1de-)” and it was only sold on DVD in 3 years, and he bought the rights to theaters. Lionsgate intends to arrange for it to test the waters on the big screen this year. But in any case, Paul Feig has now made his screen debut with "The Hangover 2".

In terms of the screenwriting team, in addition to Paul Feig, there is also Philip Stark. Stark is a native of Houston, but he doesn't have the cool talent of a cowboy. Instead, he is full of funny cells. He participated in the screenwriting work of "South Park". ? "script. Released in 2009, the film starring Ashton Kutcher became popular. It tells the story of two young people who wake up with amnesia after a night of carnival, with tattoos and other funny changes on their bodies.

The two couldn't even remember where their car was parked, so they embarked on a journey to find the car. "Pig head, where is my car? "is a comedy story of the same type as "The Hangover", but the producer "Alcon Entertainment" put the sequel script written by Philip Stark "Seriously, man, where is my car?" " was put on the shelf, and the flame movie extended an olive branch.

Fortunately, Paul Feig and Philippe Stark have a good chemistry. "The Hangover 2" naturally had many creative differences along the way, but the main creative team resolved them one by one. Mike Tyson makes a cameo, taking this hangover farce almost to the limit.

"Hahahahaha!" Amid bursts of laughter from the audience, "The Hangover 2" was screened in theaters one after another, and movie tickets were sold one after another. Soon the weekend of June 25th-June 27th came to an end. Without any suspense, "The Hangover 2" unstoppably won the opening championship. Looking at the latest box office rankings, many filmmakers can't help but sigh, who else can stop the flame movie?



: Wow, try hard, please recommend tickets! ! ^o^






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