Chapter 192 No Purpose

   Steps back 10,000 steps, even if the matter has been exposed, he is not afraid of anything, as long as the Sun family blames Qiu Ying's sister, it will be over.

   These are all planned in advance.

  As a result, the family members did such audacious things to destroy the public property, and see how Qiu Ying will continue to stay in the production department in the future.

   In short, this matter will benefit him both inside and out.

   I believe that Minister Huo will be very satisfied with his performance.

   Thinking of the upcoming promotion and salary increase, Lin Zhengde rubbed his hands together very excitedly in his heart.

  Everyone had their own thoughts, and soon came to the sheepfold of the mutual aid group.

   It was still early, and the sheep in the pen had not been driven out for grazing. Right now, they are all honestly staying in the pen, peaceful, calm, and nothing happened.

  Liu Xingwang walked at the forefront, and while leading the way, he introduced the division of labor and the performance of each family to the county magistrate and others.

   All good things are said.

  The village chief followed and listened, and also felt that his face was very bright.

   The county magistrate asked a few questions from time to time, and Liu Xingwang answered them one by one. It was obvious to the naked eye that the magistrate was very satisfied, and the atmosphere at the scene was quite harmonious.

  This made Lin Zhengde feel a little uneasy: What if the public property was harmed by lax supervision?

   This script is not right.

   He frowned, turned his head and gave the Li brothers a wink, meaning: What happened, didn't it mean that everything was arranged?

   The two brothers of the Li family don't understand at the moment.

   After all, as early as yesterday, Sun Jiye had asked someone to hand over the correct words, saying that it was done, but now, when I look at it, why can't I see that something is wrong in this sheepfold?

   Especially Li Dachang, he also wanted to be able to point out the mistakes here at a glance, so that he could show his face in front of the county magistrate and other leading comrades.

Now how to do? Everything is fine here, and he can't just aim for nothing.

   I really had nowhere to use all of my strength, and it was painful to die.

   the other end.

  Huo Jipeng glanced at Lin Zhengde with a smile on his face, but he didn't come to listen to how the county magistrate praised the Lichuan Township Mutual Aid Group for doing well.

   When Lin Zhengde met Huo Jipeng's gaze, he couldn't help but shudder, knowing that Huo Jipeng was angry.

   Need to say or not, he is still a little apprehensive about Huo Jipeng.

So, he could only bite the bullet and clear his throat, looked at the gap between the county magistrate's words, and interjected: "The style of your sheepfold is a bit unique. The sheep's feces can leak down, so it looks clean and fresh on the top, but it's not very clear what's going on underneath."

   When Lin Zhengde said this, Li Daquan secretly pushed Li Dachang from behind.

  Li Dachang immediately understood.

   This is all prepared in advance.

  The script is finally connected.

So, after Lin Zhengde finished speaking, he directly stood up and said, "Although this method in Lichuan Township is very convenient, it's just that when the sheep lie down and rest, their bodies are in closest contact with the hollow board. Nurgle, if things go on like this, won't the sheep suffer?"

   Bai Yuxue raised her eyebrows and glanced at Li Dachang.

  Li Dachang thought that Bai Yuxue was convinced by his statement, and was very proud.

   Then, I listened to his righteousness and continued: "If you think about it, it is not unreasonable that the Lichuan Township Mutual Aid Group's wool output is far lower than our Qiushui Town."

   "It's about being down-to-earth in doing work, what's the use of playing tricks!"

   He turned his head and looked very disdainful.

   (end of this chapter)

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