On the 9th, Liang Wanqiu packed his luggage and flew to the Studio City.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when she arrived at the hotel arranged for her by the crew. Her room was on the eighteenth floor, with one bedroom for one person. The female staff and actresses of the crew lived on this floor. Su is also on this floor. As the heroine, her room is the best and largest.

The male staff and actor are downstairs, they live on the first floor, they are quite close, but they do not disturb each other.

Liang Wanqiu asked the hotel where Luo Qingli lives. The two hotels are a 20-minute drive away, but the two crews are very close, just next door.

At six o'clock in the evening, Liang Wanqiu called Luo Qingli.

Luo Qingli has ended today's filming, and she is being removed by someone, she said, "Okay."

Besides, Luo Shuya sat on a brown bench, she frowned.

After Luo Qingli and Liang Wanqiu made an appointment at the restaurant, they decided to go to eat Cantonese food.

Luo Shuya came over, she looked down at Luo Qingli: "Whose phone number?"

Luo Qingli was terrified, she was afraid of Luo Shuya, she answered honestly: "Liang Wanqiu, she is here today, tomorrow their crew will start, I will have a meal with her tonight. "

She raised her head slightly, her exposed jaw was small and delicate, and there was a faint expectation in her eyes: "Aunt, can I have a meal with her?"

Luo Shuya frowned even more, she shouldn't have given her Liang Wanqiu's WeChat. After such a big disaster, the two even chatted and ate together.

Luo Shuya stared at Luo Qingli coldly for a few minutes, then she turned and left.

Remove makeup and change clothes.

Luo Qingli greeted her colleagues with a smile, and then left with her own team. In the past, when filming ended, they all went directly to the hotel.

But I had an appointment with Liang Wanqiu for dinner today, so after getting in the car, Luo Qingli said, "Aunt, you go back first, Liang Wanqiu and I will come back after we have eaten, and she will take me back to the hotel. ."

The driving assistant hesitated and looked at Luo Shuya: "Sister, what do you think?"

Roshua agrees to this.

Luo Shuya said without blinking, "Go back to the hotel."

Luo Qingli looked at her in disbelief: "Aunt."

She was anxious: "Just have a meal."

Luo Shuya took out her phone and glanced at the time. She didn't look up at Luo Qingli, but looked down at the big screen of the phone, with her left thumb constantly rubbing on it.

After a while, she said: "Ali, do you know how terrible the relationship between the plastic sisters in this circle is? They treat you very well on the surface, they secretly send a press release to step on you, and they can interject at any time. You have two knives."

"I never let you contact outsiders, I am for your own good, there are some things I can't prevent, so I have to prevent you from being in danger."

Luo Qingli's lips moved, she didn't understand anything, she had seen the plastic friendship in the circle.

Besides, she is not without discernment.

Liang Wanqiu was sincere to her, and she could see that Liang Wanqiu was not that kind of person, and she would not harm her.

"Liang Wanqiu is not that kind of person, she won't hurt me, and she has no intention of stepping on my superior." Luo Qingli stretched out her hand, held Luo Shuya's wrist and said, "Aunt , I will make Liang Wanqiu this friend, she is really good, she will not harm me."

Luo Shuya opened her hand: "The bad guy won't write the words I want to harm you on his face, Ari, I compromised this time and let you go to dinner with Liang, next time I will You will be soft-hearted, compromised, and let you go for the second time, the third time, when you have your first friend, you will want to have a second friend.”

Luo Shuya tilted her head, seeing Luo Qingli's face turning pale, she said sternly: "If you really want to have friends, after the filming is over, take a break for half a month, then I will Introduce some famous ladies from aristocratic families to you, not in a circle, you have no conflict of interest, you are friends with them."

Luo Qingli bowed her head: "But I don't know them. Friendship takes time to manage. They already have their own friendship circle. How can I fit in?"

"You also said that you don't have time for business, so you don't need to have friends." Luo Shuya continued: "You finish filming this film well, after finishing, rest for a few days, Let's go to the next crew."

At half past six, Liang Wanqiu received a call from Luo Qingli.

"I can't go to dinner, aunt disagrees." Luo Qingli's voice was very low: "I hid in the bathroom to call you, she couldn't hear."

She was silent, not knowing what to say.

Liang Wanqiu must feel that she is useless, such a big person is still being controlled everywhere.

Luo Qingli envy Liang Wanqiu, she is independent, confident, assertive, able to take good care of herself and others, more importantly, Liang Wanqiu knows what she wants, She dared to say no to what she didn't want.

Liang Wanqiu was a little disappointed, but she knew Luo Qingli's team and was prepared that her team would not allow her to come out, which was not surprising.

Liang Wanqiu asked: "Then what are you doing at night?"

"Read the script, memorize the lines, and at nine o'clock, my aunt will let me play the game for an hour." Luo Qingli's game is not very good, but this is the only thing Luo Shuya is willing to let her do pastime activities.

However, Luo Shuya said that she can only play solo, not to play with others, nor to add friends in the game. Her game account was given by Luo Shuya, a WeChat account.

Liang Wanqiu thought for a while: "Then you read the script first, I'm going out to dinner, after nine o'clock, I'll show you a game for an hour, the day after tomorrow our crew will start filming, I There shouldn't be a lot of drama, I will sneak over to see you when there are so many people, and your aunt won't be angry."

Luo Qingli finally showed a smile: "Really?"

"Really, don't quarrel with her, she is all for your own good." Others are a family, and Liang Wanqiu doesn't know how to persuade. She has always known that friends' family affairs, friends You can't participate in or express your opinions in the love life. If you talk too much, you will probably be hated by others.

"Well," Luo Qingli nodded: "Then I'll find you at nine o'clock, I'll send you my game number later, you can add me."


Liang Wanqiu hung up the phone, she sat on the sofa and put the phone aside, she rubbed her brows, she thought, if Luo Qingli hadn't posted that Weibo, she would not be with her Luo Qingli was a friend, but took the initiative to avoid it, treating Luo Qingli as a former colleague who had worked together for two days.

Luo Qingli is very troublesome, her family and her team are not easy to mess with, and no one can get close to her, as long as anyone wants to get close to Luo Qingli, her team will shot.

Luo Qingli held the phone to open the bathroom door, she looked up and saw Luo Shuya standing outside, Luo Qingli pursed her lips and whispered to her: "Aunt."

Luo Shuya's face was ugly, but what she said was kind, she nodded: "wash your hands, come and eat."

Liang Wanqiu searched around and couldn't find the food she wanted to eat. After all, she is a female star and cannot be fat, especially in costume dramas. The thinner the actor, the better.

Finally, Liang Wanqiu decided to go out and buy a corn, and then walk around the neighborhood after eating.

There are many people who come to the film and television city to travel, and most of them are fans of some stars. They come to play and to visit their favorite stars.

Liang Wanqiu, even though his nationality has improved a lot now, but he has never played a leading role, that is, he has no masterpiece, so he cannot attract long-term fans, and no works attract fans. Other fans are short-lived, come and go quickly also fast.

Therefore, until the snack street outside, not many people watched Liang Wanqiu, she bought a boiled corn in a shop, sat by the window and finished eating, then turned her head to look outside the window.

For a moment, Liang Wanqiu felt a sense of loneliness.

She thought, people are still social animals.

Loneliness is there, but it quickly dissipates.

Liang Wanqiu sat for a while and left with her mobile phone. She used her mobile phone to check the nearby shops to see if there was anything delicious? I have to stay for three months, and I have to have fun while filming.

At eight o'clock, Liang Wanqiu returned to the hotel.

Take the elevator to the eighteenth floor.

The elevator door opened, Liang Wanqiu looked over and saw a woman standing in the dark corridor.

The skin, slightly raised delicate arc.

Lin Su also looked over, she looked at Liang Wanqiu quietly, her dark eyes were bright, but there was no expression on her face.

This is the second time Liang Wanqiu has met with Lin Su, although they are the same agent, except for the first time Lin Su came to Zhang Ruyi, Liang Wanqiu gave her the phone number of Sister Zhang, and then , the two never saw each other again.

Liang Wanqiu has heard a lot of rumors about Lin Su, Qingbei Xueba, people who can be admitted to Qingbei, and they were killed from the college entrance examination province, they are smarter and more rational than ordinary people ,self-discipline.

For example, in the province where Liang Wanqiu's hometown is located, the quality of teaching is also good, but the population is less than that of Lin Su's province by more than 40 million people, so the pressure of candidates there is not as much as Lin Su's province. big.

In the province where Lin Su is located, the top scorers of the college entrance examination in many provinces are estimated to be in the hundreds.

Lin Su was the champion of science in their province.

After graduating from university, she made her debut as a scholar of the Northern Qing Dynasty.

She is hard-working, serious, and has never learned acting or lines. She probably has a high IQ and comprehension.

Well done.

When playing the male lead, Zhilan Yushu, handsome and handsome.

When playing the heroine, she is beautiful and not embarrassing.

In this age of ugly men in the entertainment industry, the male protagonists are worse than the others, and the male protagonists are more deformed than the other. Liang Wanqiu thinks that Lin Su is better to play the male protagonist, rather than let the audience see the strange shape The idol drama ugly man, it is better to let the audience see the heroic beauty sister.

Liang Wanqiu quickly took her eyes back, she raised her feet, walked towards the elevator door, stepped out of the elevator, and saw Lin Su still standing there looking at her.

Liang Wanqiu raised her hand and smiled: "What are you doing here? Looking at the scenery?"

Lin Su still had no expression on her face, but looked straight into Liang Wanqiu's eyes and said word by word, "I'm waiting for you."

Liang Wanqiu was stunned, waiting for her? What are you waiting for?

The two are not familiar at all.

She smiled the same, moved over, stood next to Lin Su, leaned against the wall like her, and stroked her long hair, she smiled but said: "Wait for me What are you doing?"

Lin Su's eyes flashed, Liang Wanqiu changed a little, became cheerful and confident.

Liang Wanqiu seemed to see what she was thinking, she smiled: "Do you think I've talked too much and my courage has changed?"

Lin Su nodded, she lowered her head and said, "Go to my room."

Liang Wanqiu didn't really want to deal with her. She just wanted to hurry back to the room to take a bath, and then play games with Luo Qingli. Who knows how much time it will take to go to Lin Su's room? What should I do if I miss the game time with Luo Qingli? Luo Qingli can only play games for one hour a day.

Liang Wanqiu shook his head: "No, let's talk about it here, don't be long-winded, talk about something."

A look of surprise appeared in Lin Su's eyes, but she concealed it well, she turned around, walked towards her room, and after a few steps said, "Come here."

Although Liang Wanqiu was puzzled, she followed.

Lin Su's room is four times the size of Liang Wanqiu's room, which is equivalent to two bedrooms and one living room, and has a separate kitchen, which makes Liang Wanqiu very envious, she also wants to have in her room kitchen.

After arriving in the room, Liang Wanqiu did not close the door, but sat down on the sofa, Lin Su brought her a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

Liang Wanqiu took over: "Thank you."

Lin Su sat down opposite her: "Did you have dinner with Luo Qingli at night?"

There is no need to explain too much to a stranger, Liang Wanqiu hummed.

Lin Su's cell phone rang, she took the cell phone on the sofa and walked to Liang Wanqiu's side, she sat down and unlocked the phone in front of Liang Wanqiu.

She was not shy, Liang Wanqiu also looked at it generously and saw Lin Su's phone lock screen and her phone wallpaper.

She was stunned, and soon, she laughed.

The two photos are of the same person, with different hairstyles and clothes, but the face is the same, still a woman.

Lin Su avoided Liang Wanqiu when she replied to the news. Then, she quit WeChat and put her mobile phone on the small coffee table. The phone screen was on, and Liang Wanqiu saw the beautiful woman again.

She tilted her head to look at Lin Su: "What do you mean?"

"I did it on purpose." Lin Su said, "Let's talk."

Her attitude is strong and oppressive.

Liang Wanqiu asked, "What if I don't want to talk to you?"

Lin Su thought for a moment: "Do you like her?"

Liang Wanqiu smiled: "Do you like her?"

Lin Su admitted: "Yeah."

She admitted it simply, but Liang Wanqiu didn't know what to say. She stared at Lin Su for a few seconds, and Lin Su also looked at her.

Finally, Lin Su said, "I like to deal with smart people."

Liang Wanqiu turned her face away and looked at the bottle of mineral water still in her hand, she said, "Me too, but I prefer to deal with smart people who don't have bad intentions."

She has changed. Lin Su said in his heart.

If it was the former Liang Wanqiu, she would never have said such a thing. The former Liang Wanqiu was very timid. Except for filming, she did not like to socialize with people. When a group of people gathered, she would Try to reduce your own presence, for fear that others will notice her.

No wonder the director and Sister Zhang said that during the filming, Liang Wanqiu should be made ugly, and she couldn't hold her back.

Liang Wanqiu unscrewed the cap of the bottle, she took a sip of water, and screwed the cap back, she played with the bottle of water with both hands, and asked curiously, "How long have you liked her?"

Lin Su did not hide: "Ten years."

She is twenty-four years old this year, that is, when she was fourteen years old, she was still in junior high school, and she was quite precocious.

Liang Wanqiu smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes: "So what? There are so many people who like her, does she have to respond to each one? Lin Su, what do you think of me? A rival?"

She mocked her eyes: "You are so naive, how is my relationship with Luo Qingli? Need you to teach me how to do things?"

Liang Wanqiu got up, she looked down at Lin Su who was still sitting: "Luo Qingli's team is not vegetarian, and she is not so approachable, you entered the entertainment industry for her, right? Sister Zhang now says that it is enough for me to have one-tenth of your efforts, and I am still wondering, you don't seem to be a person who loves fame, wealth and money, but you work so hard to become popular, so it is."

When she saw that Lin Su's mobile wallpaper and lock screen were photos of Luo Qingli, Liang Wanqiu understood everything. It was the first time she realized that she was so smart, or she was too sensitive to these gossip already? Also have the talent to be a paparazzi?

Lin Su opened her mouth, what did she want to say? But she couldn't say a word. She thought of the Weibo posted by Luo Qingli for Liang Wanqiu. She was so jealous that she couldn't eat anything that day, and finally fell ill.

But she can't rest, only by continuing to work hard to film and become a first-line florist, can Luo Qingli know who she is? There may be opportunities for the two to collaborate in the future.

In addition to this method, she could not find any way to approach Luo Qingli, Lin Su knew very well that anyone who wanted to approach Luo Qingli would be stopped by her team.

Liang Wanqiu saw that her face was pale, her red lips were tightly pursed, and her always dark and bright eyes dimmed a little, she finally softened her heart: "I hate trouble the most. Now, I will never take the initiative to make trouble for myself.”

Lin Su's eyes lit up.

Liang Wanqiu smiled indifferently: "Also, smart man, treat me better in the future, or I will tell Luo Qingli to speak ill of you and make her hate you."

Liang Wanqiu took the bottle of water and left, when she reached the door, she turned to look at Lin Su, she was still sitting in the same sitting position, and when she saw her, Lin Su asked, "I really don't like her ?"

"I don't like it." Liang Wanqiu said lightly, "I won't make trouble for myself."

She thought, ten years of youth, it is the same girl, how much determination is needed to persevere.

Liang Wanqiu is pretty sure she doesn't.

If she has someone she likes, she will set a time for herself and pursue it actively. When the time is up and she doesn't catch someone, she will give up.

Liang Wanqiu turned and left, walked through a few rooms, went to his room, opened the door, and entered.

Liang Wanqiu changed her shoes and put down the bottle of water. She checked the time. At 8:30, it was too late to take a shower and wash her hair, so she could only wash it after playing the game.

Liang Wanqiu sent Luo Qingli a message: "Ask you something."

Luo Qingli: "What's the matter?"

Liang Wanqiu: "Do you like men or women? Straight or curved?"

"Please be sure to answer."

This question was asked about Luo Qingli, she never thought about it, let alone that her life had nothing to do with it.

She should like men. She will marry an excellent man in the future, whom her family members and her fans like.

Luo Qingli: "I like men."

Liang Wanqiu: "Oh, I like men too."

She sent a smile.

Luo Qingli saw this news from Liang Wanqiu, for some reason, she was a little sad, and her heart was sour.

She tried her best to suppress these emotions: "Then can you be a bridesmaid when I get married?"

Liang Wanqiu: "Of course."

Luo Qingli: "I will also be your bridesmaid in the future."

Liang Wanqiu did not explain that she had no plans to get married at all. Even if she found a girlfriend in the future, she would not necessarily tell Luo Qingli that she did not want her girlfriend to be exposed.

Liang Wanqiu sent a message to Sister Zhang: "Sister, push Lin Su's WeChat to me, I have something to ask her."

Sister Zhang pushed Lin Su's WeChat to Liang Wanqiu, and within a minute, Liang Wanqiu added someone.

Lin Su sent a message first.

Lin Su: "???"

Liang Wanqiu: "Just chatting with Luo Qingli, do you want to see it? Transfer 50,000 to me, and send you a screenshot."

Lin Su simply turned around fifty thousand.

Liang Wanqiu received the money, and sent the screenshot and Luo Qingli's chat record to Lin Su.

She found the director on WeChat and transferred the 50,000 yuan.

Director: "Give me money for what?"

Liang Wanqiu: "Lin Suqian, she said that she had packed the watermelon for the crew in the past few months, and she invited everyone to eat watermelon."

The director received the money.

Liang Wanqiu sent a message to Lin Su: "It turns out that you are so generous, I will not be filming in the future, I will send you screenshots and chat records of Luo Qingli every day, a screenshot of 50,000 yuan, I lie down every day to receive So much money."

Lin Su: "Next time, I will send you to prison."

Liang Wanqiu: "Then Luo Qingli should be sad, are you willing?"

No news has been sent over there, Liang Wanqiu thought, she should be secretly sad.

Liang Wanqiu: "Don't like straight girls, it won't work."

"You should thank me, you should like someone else."

"For example, I am also very beautiful, I have a good figure, do you know how many female stars I want to sleep with in the fan vote?"

"I'm number one."

Lin Su finally sent a message.


Liang Wanqiu was too lazy to tease her, she sighed and felt that she was so easy to soften her heart, Lin Su's words moved her for ten years, so many girls don't like it, why should you like Luo What about pears?

It's too hard to like Luo Qingli, and there is no result, it is destined to be injured.

Not even a channel to know Luo Qingli.

At nine o'clock, Liang Wanqiu and Luo Qingli played games for three games. At 9:50, Luo Qingli said that her aunt urged her to sleep, and the two said good night.

One in the morning.

Heard it was for a man in the scolding. 】

The actress who plays the heroine is a college bully. 】

Picture, picture, picture.

I made a mosaic, I can't see the faces of the two actresses, but you can see that the two actresses are both thin and tall with long legs. One wears a black suspender with a long length skirt, one wearing a light blue tracksuit.

[Another look is Liang Wanqiu, this figure is too hot. 】

[I just want to make money in autumn, and I am not interested in smelly men, so I reported it. 】

[Isn't their crew going to start the ceremony tomorrow? Will a reporter ask this? 】

This post was highly rated, and it was searched on several gossip websites, and it also hung on the hot search on Weibo for one night.

Liang Wanqiu saw it when she was swiping Weibo in the morning, and sent the screenshot to Sister Zhang: "What does this mean? There are three pictures at the beginning, does the content depend on editing?"

Sister Zhang: "This post was sent by the crew. For the sake of popularity, don't worry, the director team and I discussed how to clarify it."

After all, today's opening ceremony will definitely attract a lot of people's attention. The crew understands that if you want to get the most popularity, everyone can pay attention to this show, and all you need is some starring lace news.

The two leading actors robbed the man and fought in the hotel.

Looking at the number of hot searches, pageviews, and discussions on the Internet, the crew felt that this post was right.

Liang Wanqiu: "..." There is a dirty word, I don't know if I should scold it?

In the morning, the opening ceremony, after the end, reporters poured into the interview.

Liang Wanqiu also surrounded several reporters in front of him. After asking some questions about the show, several reporters put the questions on everyone's favorite gossip.

"Mr. Liang, what do you think of Mr. Qin Bing and Mr. Zhu Caiying's apology?"

Liang Wanqiu kept her most decent smile: "Both teachers are respectable seniors in the circle. I accept their apologies and respect them as always."

Reporter: "Do you have an opinion on Cheng Yunan? Why did you reject him in the first place?"

Liang Wanqiu: "Cheng Yunan is still a child, I am an adult, and I am not suitable for him. As for the child's wrongdoing, of course I forgive him."

Several reporters laughed, knowing that Liang Wanqiu must have seen the comments on the Internet, Cheng Yunan's fans all said that he was just a child, the child was still young, and everyone should give the child more opportunities to correct his mistakes.

Finally, a female reporter asked everyone the most concerned question.

"In the early morning, someone broke the news that you and the heroine Lin Su fought in the hotel because of robbing a man. Is this true? Teacher Liang, is it convenient to reveal who this man is?"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1210 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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