The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 216: A test from Aozaki oranges

The man has no face.

He seems to be the faceless man in the legend of ghosts, his face is as smooth as new, he doesn't even have a single organ, so strange that it oozes into people.

But there were two scarlet crescent moons on his face where the eyes were about, and they released a red light under the dark night. The sudden sight was enough to startle anyone.

"Fuck me!"

Jiang Li burst out the elegant C language.

"What kind of weird stuff?"

too suddenly.

In the middle of the night, wouldn't it be beautiful if I was so frightened that I cut you to death with a knife?

in the alley.

The faceless man's empty mouth suddenly cracked open, and a simple smile appeared on his mouth.

It was still a scarlet crescent, long and split to the base of the ear.

It's like wearing an exaggerated smiley mask.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hands.


Those were not hands at all, but two huge blades!


Arms made of knives!

not human!

At this moment, Jiang Li sensed a clear hostility from this man.

He opened the floor-to-ceiling windows without hesitation, and then swooped out like a cheetah!

Obviously, his movements are as big as a charge made with all the strength of his body, but his figure is as dexterous as an ape.

He silently rushed out of the second floor, crossed the yard like an arrow from a string, and landed lightly in the alley outside the fence.

The faceless man's reaction was a beat slower.

When he reacted, Jiang Li had already come to the alley directly opposite him.

He immediately crossed his arms, the two blades formed a huge pair of scissors, and swiftly charged towards Jiang Li.


But the opponent's moves are much faster than he imagined!

In just one breath, the young man's figure crossed a distance of more than 30 meters like an arrow from a string.

It just feels like a dazzling sight.

The opponent was already in front of him.

The faceless man's eyes widened slightly, and the scarlet crescent gradually turned into a full moon.

He seemed to feel very unbelievable.

In his perception, the opponent's speed was so fast that it didn't look like a human at all, but more like a humanoid beast, causing his calculation circuit to become chaotic all of a sudden.


With a short stature, Jiang Li dodged the scissors that seemed to be in slow motion, and then bullied the faceless man in front of him. At the same time, he stretched out his hands to hold his arms.

Immediately afterwards, under the two squeaks that sounded almost simultaneously, the faceless man's arms were suddenly torn apart.

"Bang hard!"

Jiang Li knocked each other twice with a large blade in one hand.

I just feel that the quality is quite good, thanks to Lao Tie for the express delivery!


The faceless man's eyes trembled violently, as if he was flustered.

What kind of monster is this!

He actually ripped off his arms from his body with just arm strength?

This kind of thing is absolutely beyond the scope of human common sense, and his program is completely confused.

He really wanted to turn around and run away and transmit the image of the battle to his master, but as soon as he had such a thought, he was thrown to the ground.

"Can you speak?"

Jiang Li stepped on his chest, symbolically placed the blade on his neck, and began to torture him for information.


Although he looked scared, there was no sound.

"Then it's useless."

Jiang Li shook his head, then chopped off his head with a knife.

Not surprisingly.

There was not even a trace of blood, and the connection between the head and the body was almost entirely made of metal.

"This kind of mechanical doll... Could it be that woman's handwriting?"

Jiang Li bent down and dismantled the doll directly, while also slandering in his heart.

Although he has forgotten most of the plot and characters, when he talks about Canozaki Orange, the first thing that comes to his mind is still her infinite virginity... No, I mean a powerful person Even production technology.

Aozaki Orange can make dolls exactly like humans, and can even use this doll to make a spare body for himself. If one of them dies, the other can be resurrected on the spot.

Relying on this terrifying technology, she even achieved the achievement of pseudo-immortality.

This seems to be an astonishing technique in the entire inner world, and just by virtue of this, she has won the highest title in the magic world.

This kind of mechanical doll, if nothing else, should be made by Aozaki Orange.

"There's something wrong. If you kill your younger sister, just kill your younger sister. Why did you come to trouble me?"

Jiang Chen was very resentful in his heart.

Inexplicably, someone was staring at him!

wait a sec!

Jiang Li suddenly remembered.

When he was in the store this evening, Aozaki Chengzi seemed to have asked him if he was a colleague?

Thinking about it now, does she think Jiang Li is a magician?

She didn't think that Jiang Li might hinder her from killing her sister, so she came to test him first, or even planned to kill him, and then fell in love with her sister and killed him?

Or maybe he fell in love with him and planned to take him home as a collection!

Not to mention that Jiang Li is not a magician at all. In fact, he really wants to be a magician, but he can't do it. Even if he is not a magician, he is definitely not easy to mess with.

"This **** must be found! Then a hundred times, a hundred times!"

Jiang Li thought fiercely in his heart.

Anyway, she is an infinite virgin, so once or twice is not a big problem for her!

He finished dismembering the Before the neighbors around him were woken up, he picked up all the parts on the ground and planned to dispose of them by himself, so as to avoid troubles after being discovered.

"By the way, there's that metal bird?"

Jiang Li hurriedly looked in the direction of the previous Metal Bird Familiar.

As a result, only metal fragments were seen in one place.

The metal bird has blown up.

He must have completed his mission, but he didn't want to be touched by Jiang Lishun, so he did this.

"Does this gang of magicians explode their own demons with one hand?"

Jiang Li sighed regretfully.

Then he ran into a nearby river with a pile of debris, and threw all these garbage parts into the river.

Fortunately, the whole process didn't make much noise, and it was still late at night, so not many people were woken up, so that others would not see it.

Jiang Li quickly finished cleaning the battlefield, and then returned to his room. Neither his mother nor his sister noticed that something was going on outside, so he was relieved.

But this would be troublesome.

One thing that has been confirmed so far is that Aozaki Chengzi has bad intentions towards him.

But Jiang Li can't find where she is yet. He must have failed this time, and she shouldn't appear in front of him easily.

If the magician wants to hide, it is very difficult for him to find the door.

Although it is a character who appears in many of Xingyue's works, and the image is mostly positive, but he is a magician after all, and Jiang Li does not dare to have a sense of trust in the conscience of Aozaki Orange.

We must act as soon as possible!

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