The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 993: There are dogs!

Chapter 993 The Absolute Speed ​​of A Comprehensive Manga Has Dogs!


He had already expelled all the beasts, he wanted to report safety, but he didn't expect to see something incredible all of a sudden!


His eyes were completely focused on Jiang Li.


Jiang Li looked down at the knife in his hand.




Accidentally revealed the spiritual outfit.


"The old man wonders why he always thinks you are a little familiar, so that's what happened!"


Muramasa's eyes suddenly sharpened.


That look doesn't look like a swordsman, but like a sharp blade that can cut even fate!


Oberon silently cast a deep gaze.


"You guy, it turned out to be the Queen's go-"


"I didn't expect that I was hidden for so long, but you still found me!"


Jiang Li shouted abruptly, interrupting Muzheng's correction.


"That's right, I'm an undercover undercover who is hiding beside the Queen, trying to find a chance to overthrow the Fairy Kingdom!"




The village is suddenly stunned.


Fujimaru Rika and the others also looked at each other, all of them looking confused.


Hubei yawned with a dull look on her face, and lay down to sleep.


"You said you were an undercover agent?"


Village Zheng frowned and stared at Jiang Li suspiciously.


"Then when you were in Camelot, why didn't you cut off the queen's head with the old man, but instead helped her cut down the old man?"


Tatsuka Fujimaru and the others lost their eyeballs in shock.


It turns out that the "people who cut me down in Camelot" that Mr. Muramasa said before was referring to Jiang Li!


How small the world is!


"Don't you think that you can really cut off the queen's head?"


As if feeling ridiculous, Jiang Li hummed and laughed.


"Even I can only wait by the Queen's side and wait for the opportunity. You can't even pass me, how can you fight against the Queen?"


Muramasa clicked his tongue in disgust.


Although this made him very unhappy, it made sense.


"To be honest, you may not even win the fairy knight Lancelot. With your strength, if you really kill the queen, the grass on the grave is estimated to be three feet tall!"


Is the queen actually so strong?


Little Da Vinci was amazed.


"I cut you over, but I actually saved you. Putting you in jail gave you a chance to escape. Who knew you were caught in Gloucester!"


Muramasa was suddenly speechless.


Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a possible development.


On the contrary, if Jiang Li was really the queen's lackey, he would have had many opportunities to kill the son of prophecy and foreign travelers, but instead he did his best to help, and even Matthew was brought back by him.


"Why? Infighting?"


Grimm returned to the camp at a leisurely pace, and he had rebuilt the barrier around him.


"There's no need for that! I swear in the name of the God of Wisdom, and I can guarantee that Jiang Li is indeed on our side!"


Although he looked lazy, everyone felt relieved when he said this.


From the singularity f, Odin, who is concerned about the demise of human nature, must have seen farther than their Chaldeans!


"I also believe in Jiang Li!"


Fujimaru Rika also swore to raise her hand.


After all, he was sent by that person, she thought so in her heart.


"That must be the old man's misunderstanding."


Muramasa finally sighed, his face full of depression.


"But remember, in Camelot's place, the old man will definitely get it back!"


You are really unyielding enough!


Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief.




Fortunately, he felt that he would be exposed to some extent before he came, so he had already thought of a good reason to deal with it, and Grimm even made a beautiful assist!


From now on, you won't need your name to be a trumpet!


Oberon pouted, turned his head away, and stopped paying attention.


"However, is it necessary to hide from us about being an undercover agent?"

"Well, of course, the less people know about it, the better!"


Facing Fujimaru Rika's complaints, Jiang Li said with a genuine smile.


This is a lie.


In fact, there are other reasons why he concealed this matter.


It's not a matter of position. On this point, Jiang Li firmly stands on the side of pan-human history.


But only for one person's reasons.


That's right, it's just about a person.


"Wow, this bread is delicious!"


When it was time for dinner, Matthew took out dry food from the storage space of the shield.


Although they are easy-to-carry things like bread, they are luxurious enough for travel.


Eat a mouthful of bread, drink a mouthful of water, and that's how dinner is dealt with.


Only Artoria, holding the hardened bread, ate with a happy smile.


"Does this satisfy you?"


Jiang Li came to Artoria with a smirk.


He opened the imaginary number pocket, and under the green eyes of everyone, he took out a steaming burger!


The imaginary number space is just that good, there is no concept of time, it is very suitable for preservation!


"Want to eat?"


Jiang Li held the hamburger and turned around in front of Arturia.


The fragrant and tangy delicacy hit the taste buds fiercely, and Arturia's eyes swam with the burger unconsciously, looking at it with a fascination.


nice romance novel


"Gu Dong!"


A resounding choking sound rang out in front of Jiang Li.




Jiang Li smiled brightly.


Then he shook the hamburger slightly in front of Duo Mao and shoved it into his mouth abruptly.


The eager expression on Artoria's face suddenly froze.


"Oh, it's hamburger again, I'm tired of eating it every day!"


While biting in big gulps, Jiang Li murmured in a low voice.


I don't know why, but everyone heard his "quiet" dick.


There are dogs!


Fujimaru Rika looked at the hard bread in her hand and felt that it was tasteless.


"Hey! You're almost done!"


Muramasa looked at Custer, whose brain was shut down, and gave Jiang Li a stern look.


"Cough cough!"


Jiang Li coughed loudly.


Then he took out another hamburger from the imaginary number pocket.




Handed it to Artoria.


Although Arturia really wanted to hit him with a wand in the face, as soon as the burger appeared, her eyes were fixed on it and she couldn't take it away.


Think about it, there is no need to live with delicious food!


She chose to take the hamburger that Jiang Li handed over, UU reading www.uukanshu. com decided not to pursue his previous fault for the time being.


"It's not that I'm greedy, I'm just such a generous goblin!"


Arturia said to herself with a look of certainty.


"Really delicious!


! "


"Then what..."


Fujimaru Rika swallowed and looked at Jiang Li expectantly.


"Everyone has a share!"


Jiang Li drew and pulled, and the hole in the imaginary number pocket was enlarged.


A dozen hamburgers fell out of it at once, forming a hill.


Fujimaru Rika cheered and rushed up with Mash.


"How many hamburgers have you swept in?"


Little Da Vinci couldn't help it, and complained strangely.


Then she also picked up a hamburger and ate it happily.


"And pizza, do you want it?"


"Yes, yes, yes!"


"Ahahaha, here comes the pineapple pizza!"


"...Do you have any opinion on my lovely Da Vinci?"


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