The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 976: You're not as good as Bagster

And is that Aurora?

Aurora, who is jealous of others from time to time, and will wither herself if she doesn't get rid of the other party, why does she live so long?

By raising licking dogs?

Could it be that she has raised a licking dog of Yaolan's level before?

"Then why?"

"Aurora's purpose is very tenacious, but the influence you have on her is equally drastic... Therefore, she is now at the point where her purpose is about to change, but she still has her past obsession, which means that her purpose is confused. "

I see.

That is to say, a goblin of Aurora's level has patience with Jiang Li's charm, but no one knows when that patience will expire.

Basically pretty much the same.

Inevitably, although she is in a state of confusion, once Jiang Li asks her for guilt, it will still have an impact on her, and it will not degenerate into Morse all at once, but the light on her body will definitely decline greatly, and Morse will be sooner or later. matter.

"I understand."

Knowing the cause and effect, Jiang Li's expression became clear, and he felt suddenly enlightened.

A lot of doubts were solved without knowing it.

"If you want to be punished in place of Aurora, I won't stop you."

In terms of mood, Jiang Li thinks Aurora is a pure scourge!

Just a single thought will cause all the fairies of the mirror clan to die!

I don't know how many things people and gods have done in the past.

If such a woman appeared in Pan-Human History, she would have been killed long ago.

But now he can still use this woman, and he really doesn't want her to have an accident.

At least I don't want her to have an accident now.

"No matter what punishment you have, as long as you don't do it to Aurora, I can accept it all."

Melusine had already made up her mind, and said frankly with a calm expression.

"Even if I dedicate myself, as long as I can protect Aurora, I won't have a single complaint."

She is still conscious of her own charm.

Although I haven't known it specifically, there is no shortage of people and fairies in Britain who want to kiss Fangze, but her taciturn personality is too cold in the eyes of fairies, and she often rises and falls, making it impossible to contact her. , it was quiet.

For men, her presence is like a potion.

"Not interested in."

But Jiang Li just glanced at her and looked away with little interest.


Yaolan showed shock on his face.

"You are indeed more beautiful than Aurora, but I'm not interested in wooden poles. I might as well go to Bagst."


! "

Yaolan's expression became even more shocked, with a look of broken three views.

"What does that mean? Am I worse than Bagster?!"

Isn't it true that only fairies with teeth like Bagst's body type?

Yaolan pouted her mouth into a ヘ shape, expressing her anger!

"Seriously, I'm discussing the punishment with you, don't think that you can get away with it if you set me up!"

Jiang Li frowned and glared at her.

Who wants to discuss this kind of astringent thing with your washboard, it doesn't make any sense at all!

"...Sorry, I'm a little bit out of touch with social distance."

Yaolan was stunned for a moment, and her expression restrained.

After thinking about it, she put on a poker face.

What's the matter with this guy?

It looks aloof and cold, but is it actually a natural faction?

"Forget it, it's said to be punishment, but I really can't think of anything you need to do for a while."

Jiang Li thought hard for a while, but still couldn't come up with a good method.

If something happened, he would solve it by himself.

If it is Aurora, he can solve it directly with Papa Papa... Hey, isn't this a reward?

"Let's save this punishment for now. I'll notify you when I think about it. That's it."

After saying that, Jiang Li simply left with Yu Jian.

Yaolan froze in midair for a long time before sighing and slowly flying towards Salisbury.

When passing by a river, her expression fell to the riverside.

"Aurora is the most beautiful, and it's only natural that he likes Aurora more... Having said that, am I really no match for Bagst?"

She opened the mask and looked at her face carefully.

She accepts that she is not as good as Aurora, but would rather go to Bagst than herself?


What should I do if I think more and more angry?


In Mike's Bar, everyone in Chaldea is ready to go, planning to go to Norwich to solve the catastrophe entrenched there.

Although Aurora has withdrawn the condition that "if you want to ring the bell, solve the cataclysm of Norwich first", which allows them to ring the bell at any time, but solving the catastrophe will undoubtedly greatly increase the reputation of the Son of Prophecy.

And according to the prophecy, the first bell to ring should also be Norwich's bell.

But before that.

"Everyone, it's not good!"

As soon as Oberon came back from the outside, it caused everyone to jump around.

"Oberon? Didn't you ask for information?"

"It's because I got incredible information that I came back!"

Oberon looked at the group of people who were ready to go with a serious look.

"A new child of prophecy has appeared in Gloucester, the capital of fashion!"


! "

The sudden battle blew everyone upside down.

"The new Son of Prophecy... Doesn't that mean Matthew? Could there be another Son of Prophecy?"

Little Da Vinci's face is full of confusion and Matthew, who was involved in the Sheffield turmoil, was once pushed to the position of the son of prophecy, and is still wanted by the Queen's Army, so he cannot easily show his face.

Haven't seen Matthew or Custer be taken to Gloucester?

"Eighty percent of them are the sons of false prophecies."

Oberon nodded and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Over the years, in order to get rewards from the Queen, many places have offered the Children of Prophecy, but none of them were true, and then those guys were wiped out by the Queen's army... But this time is different, it is said that this time the fake Children of Prophecy are fairies armed with iron, and they will be auctioned off at auctions!"


Little Da Vinci suddenly became interested.

Fairies don't use iron weapons at all. Iron is poisonous to fairies. Even the most resistant fangs will suffer severe pain from iron weapons.

Therefore, fairies usually like iron daily necessities, but they don't like iron weapons, and they can hardly even equip their teeth, especially the wind clan with a strong sense of cleanliness.

Fairies equipped with iron weapons do sound very different, and they have the meaning of the son of prophecy.

Children of Prophecy must be a little different, right?

"I'm so sorry for being so weak..."

Arturia lowered her head with a dry laugh, almost burying her head in her chest.

Being so weak and different is the only thing that makes her different!

She is obviously the son of a real prophecy, holding the Rod of Selection in her hand, and there are "foreign travelers" by her side, but her magic power is actually only the level of a low-level goblin, even lower than the average, even the shop owner Mike's magic power is higher than her!

Artoria is very confident about herself being very weak!

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