The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 967: Dazzling transparency

The Absolute Speed ​​of A Comprehensive Manga Chapter 967 The dazzling sense of transparency


"It turns out that Morgan went south and beat up more than half of the clan fairies. This is probably the winter war in the witch's prophecy."


Grim lowered his head, sighing and sighing to himself.


Jiang Li said nothing.


"Miko's prophecy? Apart from the prophecy of Ainsel, the head of the Mirror Clan, are there any other prophecies?"


"Well, yes!"


Little Da Vinci humbly asked for advice, and Grim told her the contents of the witch prophecy at will.


Everyone unified the information, and they were all overwhelmed with emotion.


This British Lostbelt is not like a Lossbelt at all, but more like a different world with a unique culture and worldview. The historical Chen Yun is completely different from the Lostbelt that Chaldea has experienced in the past!


"Originally, our next goal should be to find Matthew first, but we didn't expect to meet here, and we got so much help! Then there is only one thing we have to do next!"


Little Da Vinci couldn't help showing a beaming smile.


"That is, according to the prophecy, assist Custer to ring six bells!"


Einsel's prophecy clearly stated.


"Six bells teach people to know, and the way of the true king begins here."


This means that the son of prophecy will ring the six bells one after another, and at the same time embark on the path of the true king who resists the queen's strict rule!


"But which six bells are they?"


"According to the metahuman Shi Yingling who brought us here, the six bells actually correspond to the six major clans, that is to say, each clan has exactly one bell, as long as all the bells of the six clans are tolled If it rings, it means the prophecy is fulfilled!"


Little Da Vinci was talking, but he sighed dejectedly.


"Actually, this Salisbury, which is dominated by the Wind Clan, happens to have a ringing bell, just inside the Great Sanctuary! A few days ago, when we used the power of goblins to find Matthew, we went to pay homage. Miss Aurora, the clan leader of the wind, but Miss Aurora does not allow us to ring the bell!"


"That's no wonder, once the bell strikes, it means embarking on a hostile road with the Queen. No one dares to let the Son of Prophecy ring the first bell easily!"


Grimm laughed.


The rumors of the Son of Prophecy have long spread throughout the Fairy Kingdom. Countless fairies are looking forward to the Son of Prophecy. Even the Queen is constantly looking for characters who are suspected to be the Son of Prophecy, wanting to kill the germ of this rebellion in the cradle in advance. .


Now whoever helps the son of prophecy and lets the son of prophecy ring the first bell is the enemy of the queen!


In order to maintain her prestige, the Queen might be the first to send troops to destroy her!


From this standpoint, naturally no one dared to stand beside the Son of Prophecy easily.


Castor's expression was low, and he twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly.


"A goblin like me really can't do such a big thing..."


Her voice was very small and her tone was immature, and she was not noticed by anyone.


"Having said that, Aurora also gave us a chance! She is a philanthropic fairy who always likes to help others and doesn't want to see other fairies and humans suffer, so she put forward conditions to us!"


Little Da Vinci patted the blackboard, and the chalk was on the easternmost side of the map of Britain.


"That's the cataclysm in Norwich, the port city! As long as we can solve this thousand-year-old cataclysm, Aurora will open the Bell Ringing Hall to us!"


"I see, doesn't this match the prophecy exactly? The prophecy also said that the first stop of the son of prophecy is 'the town of iron, the sea of ​​coal', isn't that Norwich?"


Everyone understood, and the road ahead suddenly opened.


Go to Norwich and defeat the once-in-a-millennium cataclysm. That is their next goal!


Not only can you gain the reputation of the son of prophecy, but you can also get the opportunity to ring the bell. It really kills two birds with one stone!


Castor looked away with a complicated expression.



After the meeting.


Jiang Li left the Mike Hotel through the back door. This is the deepest part of the alley, and almost no one will walk through it. It is very suitable for calming down.




In the shadows that the sun can't cover, Jiang Li heard a stunned cry as soon as he came here.


Turning to look, the blond girl was sitting in the corner of the wall, looking like a scumbag who couldn't keep up with the school bully no matter how hard she tried.


As soon as she saw the figure of the strange man in the cape, she immediately lost her decadent expression, clenched her face, and put on an expression of "I'm thinking about things very seriously, don't bother me".


"Why are you ashamed of yourself?"




Custer had a stunned expression like how do you know.


"Your thoughts are all on your face, what's the importance of 'communication'? You just don't have the guts, right?"


"Extreme Spirit Chaos"


Jiang Li mocked Custer mercilessly.


This girl is too tender!


With Jiang Li's eyesight, he can tell at a glance.


Although she has the same appearance as Wang Duo Mao, she is by no means the Wang Du Mao herself. Now only 16 years old, she does not have the king's mind and courage, but is more like an ordinary person who will suffer for a living.


Although the dumb hair king in the pan-human history was also a king at the age of fifteen or sixteen.


"Who do you say has no guts!"


Custer suddenly became annoyed.


"In terms of courage, I don't lack at all. Do you want me to fight with you now!"


"Is that a lack of ability?"




Custer, who was clamoring for a fight just now, fell silent all of a sudden.


"Or is it because of lack of awareness?"




Custer looked away with a low expression.


"It turns out that there is courage, but it's just the sudden advance of the pig, not the driving force generated from the awakening. Even if you have the will to do something, you will continue to hit the south wall because you don't have the corresponding strength."


Jiang Li came to the corner and slowly sat down beside the girl.


Every time he said a word, the girl trembled slightly.


The girl was very frightened. This person seemed to have seen through her heart completely. Every word was like a sharp poking into her heart, making her have an uncontrollable urge in her eyes. .


This is a skill called "Complete Mastery", which can see through a person's most fundamental action concept and behavior context within a short period of contact, which is no less than mind-reading.


Jiang Li had just started to practice this skill, and it was barely the first result.


"However, it's okay for you to just go on lazily. After all, this world has welcomed me!"


Jiang Li gave him a thumbs up, pointed inward at himself, and made the classic Vegeta gesture.


The pride was beyond words.


Custer was stunned.


How could someone say such a thing to her?


This guy must be lying!


Because until now, no matter what she said, everyone she saw was waiting for the Son of Prophecy to come, save them, or delight them—


"Really or not, do you really think so?"


Custer saw through the cloak monster's heart.


No, it should be said that he saw through his "color".


That unanimous, transparent feeling of unrestrainedness, without the slightest falsehood, so dazzling that color fell in Custer's eyes.




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