"...Are you serious, Mr. Marchio." Li Ping was wearing a ZAFT red military uniform and was sitting in the ZAFT military jeep that was pulling with Malchio's mentor, the seriously injured Kira and Nikol, and several other ZAFT military jeeps. . "Take us straight from the Capantalia base or something."

"Nothing wrong, this is the most convenient way, isn't it?" Marchio smiled slightly.

Then in the car, his two entourages taught Li Ping some general knowledge in ZAFT, such as salute posture, walking posture, timing of salute, and identity to Li Ping.

And then... this identity is actually from the ZAFT special unit...

After getting out of the car, Li Ping followed Marchio almost all the way to the shuttle at the Capantalia base.

Boarding the shuttle, Li Ping, who thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, was so frightened by the people who boarded the shuttle in twos and threes that he didn't dare to come out.

As for why...

In addition to himself, Marchio and his two followers, and the two seriously injured people in a coma, all ZAFT red and white clothes on this shuttle are all talking about the Cruze team giving them a bad breath. The matter of uniting the red **** of death to shoot down and let the **** of death die...

Li Ping found that they all had their own coats of arms embroidered on their clothes, and these coats of arms... he seemed to have stamped them...

"You seem very nervous? Not comfortable with the shuttle?" Marchio felt that the man next to him, who had always been eccentric, even a little arrogant, seemed a little scared?



"The people here... I have beaten them all. Although I still have some confidence in my skills, there are too many of them, and it will be very embarrassing to fight..."

Marchio didn't pay any attention to Li Ping, and after the day's communication, he could be considered to have discovered it. This guy is complimenting him when he says he does whatever he wants... This guy is just the kind of kid who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, and throws bricks into it if he has a chance...

In the past two days, this guy has often uttered astonishing words that are beneficial to the country and the people, and even beneficial to world peace, but even if he is blind, he can feel the excitement of this guy doing things.

ZAFT won the second Victorian offensive and defensive battle after paying huge casualties, and the farts he criticized were not.

"You already have the power to control the universe. If you don't carry out orbital bombing, you can just smash the airborne tank down? In the war a hundred years ago, strategic bombing was carried out before landing operations, okay?"

ZAFT's proud battleship was criticized for being worthless.

"Nascar class? Just run faster. Look at the dead angle of the main gun's firepower. The horizontal dead angle is 350 degrees and the vertical dead angle is 90 degrees. If it wasn't for the MS, the combined MA troops would be stunned. Your ZAFT fleet would have been long ago. The artillery warhammer that the Union is proud of is dead, okay?"

something like that...

When evaluating the ZAFT battleship, he also quarreled with Senator Amalfi, who came to see his son's condition, that is, Dagiba, for more than five hours.

Then, Senator Amalfi took the sketches of Samiras, Magellan, Clapp, La Kelam, New Agama, and Columbus that Li Ping hand-painted and walked away with a thoughtful expression.

Then Li Ping spent 30 minutes thinking about whether he was being prostituted for nothing...

"Get off the bus here, go in and report your name and identification number, and come and find Speaker Sarah." After getting off the shuttle, a car and an ambulance pulled Li Ping and his party and Kira respectively. Walk. Then Li Ping was released at the entrance of the ZAFT defense department.

Then the two cars drove away in Li Ping's mood, "It's windy, Xiaoxiaoxi, Yishuihan, what the hell, this time it's over."

Li Ping bite the bullet and reported it before walking in.

Sitting at the door of the National Defense Commissioner's Office, Li Ping suddenly remembered a question.

What Marchio said was, "Speaker Sarah", why did he wait at the door of the office of the National Defense Commissioner?

In addition, I have a 1911, a MS, and if they want to do it, can I kill myself...

Just when Li Ping lowered his head to think, the door of the chairman's office opened, and a man in white came out with the other in red. Li Ping was awakened by the sound of the door opening, and his attention returned to this side.

The blond man wearing a mask, although he comforted his subordinates with a painful tone, but the corners of his mouth rose wildly unconsciously.

His subordinate had short white hair and an expression full of anger.

Isn't this Nima the Cruze team?

What about Aslan? What about Diaka?

At the signal of Patrick Sala's adjutant, Li Ping stood up and walked into Patrick's office of the chairman.

"I've been hearing your name for two months in a row, and I finally see your real person." When Patrick saw the door closed, he patted his face with both hands, dispelling the expression full of anger that he wanted to kill all natural people. With a gentle expression on his face, Li Ping was taken aback for a moment. "sit down."

"By the way, what about Aslan and Diaka?" Li Ping pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Aslan is fine, the soft tissue of his arm is bruised, his forearm is fractured, and he has a slight concussion. He has been taken back to the Capantalia base just now, Diaka Elsman MIA, but the intelligence of the mercenary unit shows that the storm And its pilot was captured by the Archangel." Patrick looked at Li Ping while answering. "You idiots will take care of you, Captain Li Ping of the Union Army... Oh, you're now a lieutenant colonel. You are now the fastest promoted officer in the Union Army."


"The Archangel arrived at the Alaska base today. Having lost two MS pilots with sturdy records, especially the precious adjuster "Kira Yamato", the coalition has lost interest in the Archangel, which is just a battleship, Start to divest.

On the same day, Blue Universe revealed evidence that the Archangel had received supplies in Orb. Although the crew was not held accountable, Private Frey Alstar, Major Bucky Lulu, and Lieutenant Colonel MuraFlag Transferred, the Archangel was incorporated into the Alaska garrison on the spot, and the plan to go to Panama to return to the universe was canceled.

In addition, a leaking case broke out in the United Space Force, and Admiral Halbarton of the Eighth Mobile Fleet was suspended due to suspected leaking of military secrets. But fifteen minutes later, it was over because of the intervention of the East Asian Republic.

About half an hour ago, the search for you and the second lieutenant Kira ended~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You were identified as KIA, the information of the second lieutenant Yamato was written off, and all the hit counts were placed on your head. As the first MS of the Union Army to shoot down hundreds of Super ACEs during the war, you were awarded a medal posthumously and your military rank was upgraded by two levels.

The main personnel of the Archangel were upgraded by one level because of their outstanding military exploits, but because of the low-orbit battle, the officers of the Archangel had been temporarily upgraded by Admiral Halbarton in accordance with the wartime special promotion regulations to correspond to special promotions. The officer rank configuration that the battleship Archangel should have, if it is upgraded again, it does not comply with the relevant regulations of the Union Army, so the upgrade of the officer of the Archangel will be certified after the war. "

"Wow..." Li Ping blinked. "Can I inherit the military rank if I go back? How much is my pension? Is it on my card?"

"...Is that what you care about?" Patrick Sarah was startled for a moment. "The pension and the relics are in the hands of Natal Bakilulu as a widow."

"At Natal's place? Forget it... Why do you want to find me today, Your Excellency Speaker Sarah." Li Ping calculated, if Director Symonds called the Archangel, then Natal would Shouldn't be too sad. In addition, if the "relic" is also in her hands, the letter left to her should be able to see it...

The remaining question is the possibility that Natal violated her own principles and stayed on the Archangel.

"The main thing is to see you with your own eyes, and see what kind of person the person who scared my stupid son is in a daze. Also, don't you seem surprised that the Archangel was stranded in Alaska?"

"You guys deliberately dug such a big hole for us to jump in. It's no wonder that the Archangel can return to the main battle sequence..." Li Ping sighed.


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