Tennis: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Create The Skills Of Gods!

Chapter 28: Akutsu Vs Yamato Yudai, Fight To Death If You Can’T Beat Him!

"Hey, classmate, Coach Ryūzaki is your elder no matter what, how can you speak so rudely?"

Ryūzaki Sumire looked embarrassed and hadn't spoken yet,

Yamato Yudai, who had dark green hair, round sunglasses, and a coat, appeared slightly coquettish.

Yamato Yudai is only two years older than Tezuka.

When Tezuka entered the first grade of junior high school, he was in the third grade of junior high school.

As for the spread of the tragedy in Tezuka, Yamato Yudai "is indispensable."

To be honest, if he just continued the bad habit of only picking up balls in the first grade and being able to choose the main team starting from the second grade, Chiba Rin would not hate Ryūzaki Sumire and Yamato Yudai.

The thing that disgusted him the most was actually.

Ryūzaki Sumire and Yamato Yudai fooled Tezuka, who had an injured hand, and paid for the broken Seigaku at all costs.

What about one side?

He was extremely tolerant of Takeshi Takeshi who intentionally hurt Tezuka's wrist.

After deliberately injuring Tezuka's wrist, Takei wasn't even expelled from the tennis club, just removed from the main selection.

When the situation subsides, Takei Kenshi can still compete for the main seat of the Seigaku Tennis Club.

In addition, the parents were not even called.

Tezuka has injured his wrist for three years in vain?

Several times, in order to get a better ranking for Seigaku, he risked the aggravation of his wrist injury and the possibility of never being able to play tennis again for the rest of his life.

The selfishness of Ryūzaki Sumire and Yamato Yudai is vividly displayed here.

"What nonsense elders? Do I know you guys?"

"On the street, two guys who are so old that they are about to be in a coffin just come out and say they are my elders? Are you out of your mind?"


Faced with Akutsu's poisonous tongue, Yamato Yudai couldn't help but be angry, but Ryūzaki Sumire stopped him.

From Ryūzaki Sumire's point of view, nothing is more important than her own money.

"This classmate is right. We stopped you on the street rashly. It is indeed our problem."

"But my invitation to you to join Seigaku is very sincere. Believe me, joining the Seigaku Tennis Club will be the starting point for your tennis dreams."

Ryūzaki Sumire forced an ugly smile.

These words immediately made Chiba Rin sick.

"Seigaku is the place where our tennis dream started?"

"Join Seigaku and work as a bully for you? Pick up balls for the seniors until they are in the third grade? Are you ranked based on seniority and have to endure all the hardships to get a seat on the main election?"

"The samurai who taught the legend, Echizen Nanjiro?"

"Ryūzaki Sumire, please show some face."

"What makes Echizen Nanjiro so great is his own talent. You just got into his glory, but you still shamelessly say that you taught him Echizen Nanjiro?"

"Okay, don't talk so much. A garbage place like Seigaku can just fend for itself with your garbage. Don't waste our time."

Chiba Rin left without saying anything.


Yamato Yudai blocked Chiba Rin's way.

Chiba Rin looked at Yamato Yudai with a look without any emotion, which made Yamato Yudai's mind tremble and he subconsciously backed away.

However, facing Chiba Rin's leaving figure, Yamato Yudai still held on.

"Classmate, I will not allow you to insult Seigaku and coach Ryūzaki like this."

"If it weren't for Seigaku, and if it wasn't for Coach Ryūzaki, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"I don't know who said something to you, and you have bad thoughts about Coach Seigaku and Ryūzaki."

"But since we all play tennis, how about we decide the outcome on court?"

"You want to decide the outcome with tennis?"

Chiba Rin heard what Yamato Yudai said, and immediately couldn't help but turn around, chuckled and spoke.


"I am already at the Kanto level, and I am sure that under the leadership of coach Ryūzaki, I will get an invitation to U17 when I graduate from junior high school!"

"It seems that the second grade of junior high school has reached the Kanto level, which makes you very confident?"

Chiba Rin couldn't help but smile at Yamato Yudai's confidence.

Indeed, Yamato Yu graduated from the third year of junior high school and was selected for the U17.

But in fact, among the U17s, they are marginalized.

In a place like Japan where tennis strength is weak, Yamato Yudai is unable to break into the first team and become the main selection.

Chiba Rin doesn't know where he gets his confidence from, as if his tennis ability and talent are very strong.

However, Chiba Rin suddenly thought of something and looked at Yamato Yudai and said calmly.

"If something happens to you."

"Because when I was a junior, I defeated my senior in the net court."

"But senior can't afford to lose and deliberately harms you personally. What will you do?"

Yamato Yudai was surprised by Chiba Rin's question, but he still answered with his head held high.

"Since he is a senior, he certainly has his reasons for doing what he did."

"If something like that happened, it was because I was not strong enough and could not protect myself. It has nothing to do with others."

"Really?" Chiba Rin immediately smiled at Yamato Yudai's answer.

"You alone are not qualified to compete with me."

"Akutsu, come on."

"Remember, as long as you don't beat him to death, then beat him to death."

"If anything happens, I will be there."

Chiba Rin faced Yamato Yudai and shook his head, then his eyes fell on Akutsu.

Akutsu smiled cruelly at Chiba Rin.

"Qianba-kun, don't worry, I will let this guy know what stupidity is."

Immediately afterwards, Akutsu looked at Yamato Yudai's face, and there was only disdain and indifference.

"Come here, don't waste my time, let's make a quick decision."

Yamato Yudai looked at Ryūzaki Sumire.

He was just subconsciously angry, so he challenged Chiba Rin, but he didn't expect that the other party would agree.

Coach Ryūzaki Sumire is here and he has to ask permission.

After all, he is a player in the youth tennis club and Ryūzaki Sumire is the coach.

Outside, he represents the face of the youth tennis club.

"Show your strength and go all out."

Ryūzaki Sumire opened her mouth to Yamato Yudai.

"Yes, Coach Ryūzaki!"

After getting Ryūzaki Sumire's permission, Yamato Yudai threw down his coat and came to the net with great confidence.

But Akutsu didn't have time to waste time guessing with him, he just stood at the baseline and said coldly.

"I'll let you serve first. Hurry up. It's a waste of time to compete with a loser like you."

Seeing Akutsu waste time one mouthful after another, Yamato Yu became furious.


boom! !

Serve with anger, Yamato Yudai's strength is still a little bit among Japan's second level, but not much.

It can only be the bigger one among the dwarfs.

Although Akutsu has not had any systematic tennis training, he is still good enough to deal with a Kanto-level player like Yamato Yudai.


With a quick step like a beast, Akutsu struck back hard at Yamato Yudai's serve.

After the tennis ball landed on the ground, it bounced up with strong air waves.

The goal isn't out of bounds, it's...

Yamato Yudai’s face! !

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