After another five days, Tang Yin and the four of them were close to Hexi, and then moved forward, which was the small fortress of Ning State located in the easternmost part of Xiaoling County. ..

When Tang Yin and Cheng Jin came over, it was easy and they were not questioned too much, but now they are not so simple to go back from here.

For a long time, the Ning people in Xiaoling County fled to the west, and no one went eastward. Now Tang Yin's four people dragged their homes to the east, which naturally caused the garrison's suspicion.

More than a dozen Ning Bing refused Tang Yin and others outside the fortress's gates, and looked at them up and down for a long while. A captain-like soldier asked: "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

Cheng Jin was about to speak, Tang Yin had stepped forward and said, "We are hunters and we are going to hunt in the mountains."

"Hunting?" Captain Ning Bing swaggered his eyes and looked over Tang Yin. Han Ning and Han Zhan behind him asked, "Hunting with his wife and younger brother?"

Tang Yin hasn't reached 30, and his natural smile makes him look a few years younger than his actual age, almost the same as a young man in his early twenties, with 15-year-old Han Zhan, to say that they are father and son No one will believe it.

With a slight smile, Tang Yin said, "Which Ning State rule stipulated that hunting should not bring wives and children?"

"It's almost nonsense!" Captain Ning Bing felt that the other party was deliberately teasing himself, and he yelled: "Take them all down and seize me!"


With the sound of shouting and drinking, more than ten Ning soldiers strode forward to arrest Tang Yin and Cheng Jin.

At this time, Cheng Jin took a few steps forward, came to the captain of Ning Bing, took out a piece of silver from his pocket, and shoved it into the hand of Captain Ning Bing. He said with a smile: "A little heart, please brothers for convenience."

If he does n’t take the silver, Captain Ning Bing is still doubtful about their identity as Orion. When Cheng Jin took out the silver, Captain Ning Bing immediately became aware that something was wrong. How could the Orion carry so much silver with him? The identity of the other party is definitely not simple? If not, it is the spy of Feng Guo.

He calmly sneered, took the silver, nodded in his hand, nodded, nothing, took two steps backwards, turned abruptly, picked up a wooden stick, and slammed the hanging gong. Knock it up.

Dang, Dang, Dang-together with the gongs, the fortress suddenly became busy, only to listen to people shouting, "There is an enemy-"

"An enemy is coming, hurry up and fight—"

I did not expect that my purchase would be counterproductive. Instead of buying through the other party, I also exposed my own identity.

damn it! Cheng Jin yelled in his heart, but before he thought of the war or the withdrawal, he just heard the strong wind beside him, Tang Yin had passed by him, but only two strides reached the captain of Ning Bing, and his arm moved forward. , Holding the other's neck, at the same time, the fire of darkness also burned the other's entire body.

After killing Captain Ning Bing, Tang Yin didn't pause for a moment, and the magic palm extended to the other Ning Bing soldiers, and at the same time, he shouted, "Cheng Jin, you are responsible for protecting your wife and the children!"

More than a dozen Ningbing soldiers were killed by Tang Yin's wind and leaves in a flash. The Ning soldiers at the entrance of the fortress had just been solved, and a large number of Ning Jun came out of the fortress. It was estimated that there must be two hundred people. At the same time, the fire was set on fire, and thick smoke was rising above the fortress.

Trouble in secret, Tang Yin flashed into the gate of the city gate, blocking Ning Jun who was about to be out.


With the cry, Ning Bing with a spear pierced Tang Yin. Tang Yin did not condense the spirit armor, and because of the small amount of aura left in his body, he was reluctant to spend it on the armor. He leaned sideways, avoiding the sharpness of the two spears, and before the other side retracted, he clamped his arms, clamped the two spears under his ribs, twisted his waist and yelled, "Say!"

The two Ning Bing were also obedient, and the spear in their hands was snatched away by Tang Yin. Tang Yin grabbed the two spears, pushed back and pushed forward, and only heard two flutters. The spears of the two spears stabbed the two Ning Bing who came up behind. Ning Bing has a large number, and when two people fall, more people rush up.

Tang Yinfei stood up, his head almost reached the top of the city gate hole, people kicked three feet in mid air, and the three Ning soldiers were all in the lower jaw. They screamed to fall to the ground. Before they got up, they were rushed by the back. The same robe came up and stepped underneath.

Tang Yin without a double-knife in his hand is still unstoppable. The weapon in Ning Bing's hand is his weapon. Under the attack of many Ning soldiers, Tang Yin sometimes uses a gun, sometimes a sword, and sometimes a knife, as long as Ning Bing can use it. He can use all the weapons.

Not long ago, Ning Jun, who was killed and killed by him in the Chengmen cave, had more than 30 numbers. Tang Yin, who was originally blocked in the Chengmen cave, had already entered the fortress.

Entering the fortress, the space was suddenly wide open, which was conducive to the siege of the large number of Ning army, but also conducive to the performance of Tang Yin's body method.

He grabbed a Ningbing's sword, stood with a sword, and the fire of darkness was burning on the sword after spiritualization.


Ning Jun relied on many people to launch a siege on Tang Yin. Now his rejuvenation has n’t even arrived in Chengdu, and he ca n’t cast Shadow Drift continuously. He ’s also lazy to go to the show, standing there, the Spirit Knife flips up and down, rushes over one, chops one, rushes two, chops down A pair.

Just so hard to fight with Ning Jun, blink of an eye, more than 20 people died in his dark fire. Tang Yin's aura is not playing less and less, but more and more, and the empty body gradually becomes fuller.

The Ning Army in the fortress only had about 300 people in total. They were chopped down by Fifty or Sixty by Tang Yin. The remaining Ning soldiers did not dare to rush forward to attack and involuntarily retreated. I don't know who shouted: "Arrow! Shoot and kill the enemy!"

These words reminded Ning Jun that the Ning soldiers stepped back, many people climbed to the soil wall, twisted their bows and arrows, and aimed at Tang Yin in the field.


With the scream of a pig, Ning soldiers released their arrows together, and hundreds of flying eagles and flying feathers shot at Tang Yin from all directions.

Flutter, flutter, flutter!

The arrows were not wasted at all, all shot on the ground, and then Tang Yin disappeared. Just when the soldiers felt inexplicable and did not understand what was going on, the screams on the left soil wall screamed. Tang Yin, who was standing in the fortress, did not know when he had reached the city, and began to slash and kill Ning Bing there.

As soon as he walked, none of the more than thirty Ning soldiers standing on the wall were spared, all wounded under his spirit knife. Dark fire devoured his body, and the white mist that blew up scattered from his entire body. .

When the Ning soldiers hurriedly turned the arrow and wanted to release the arrow, Tang Yin's figure disappeared again, and the dying howl came from the earth wall on the right.

The three hundred Ning soldiers in the fortress had a strange and erratic body, and Tang Yin shot fiercely and viciously. There was no way to hurt him, and he would not say anything. Ning soldiers died one after another, and the aura inhaled in Tang Yin was getting more More, his degree has become faster and faster, and his shots are more unstoppable.

In this battle, Tang Yin alone became a nightmare for 300 soldiers.

At the end of the war, there were less than thirty people left with three hundred people. The remaining Ning Bing had been completely frightened by him. He no longer wanted to fight, dropped his weapons, and screamed and ran outside the fortress.

Where can their speed be faster than the moment-shifting shadow drift, Tang Yin flashes into the deserter, the dagger opens, and after a few knives, only double-digit enemies are left.

The few surviving Ningbing soldiers had even lost their strength to escape, shaking with trembling, and staring at Tang Yin with a stunned look.

Tang Yin had an evil and cold smile on his face, and tapped on the heads of several people with the spirit knife in his hand.

He didn't work hard, but several Ning soldiers kept screaming, and one of them was timid and fainted to death.

Tang Yin shrugged, chuckled and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Several Ning Bing still awake shook their heads tremblingly.

"I'm Tang Yin. Go back, tell Lin Han, let him wash his neck and wait for me, and I'll go to Ningyang to fetch his head at any time." Tang Yin threw the knife in his hand at random, and said, "Get out! "

Several Ning Bing who had escaped from the dead couldn't believe their ears. The young man who had destroyed the entire fortress alone would be the king of the wind, Tang Yin? And Tang Yin, who has always been cruel, has spared himself this time?

People want to run, but they dare not run, or their soft legs are no longer under their command. Several people tremble and stand upright, staring at Tang Yin with big eyes.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "I won't be polite until I leave." He raised his arm between words.

Several Ningbing moms made a strange cry, and ran to the outside of the fortress.

Seeing Cheng Jin, Han Ning, and Han Zhan waiting outside the city gate, Ning Bing screamed again, holding his head, and fled into the desert.

Regarding the battle in the fortress, several people in Cheng Jin did not see clearly, and now there was no movement in it ~ ~ Then they pulled the horse and walked inside.

Recently, not to mention Han Ning and Han Zhan's complexions have changed, even Cheng Jin couldn't help secretly whispering.

Small fortresses, with corpses everywhere, spread across the floor, hung on walls, similar to the death of a previous bandit, no matter how fragmented the corpse was, but no drop of blood leaked out. The entire scene It's weird and scary. This is exactly the horror of the soul burning in the second level of the Dark Fire.

Cheng Jin knows that Tang Yin's aura has been greatly damaged and is almost exhausted. In this state, he can still solve these many enemies in such a short time, which is really admirable.

Tang Yin stood in the center of the fortress. When Cheng Jin and others approached, he took over his horse and raised his eyes and looked back. Youyou said, "The smoke has risen. It won't take long for the Ningjun's brigade to kill. Here, I really want to stay and fight again! "

Cheng Jin grinned and said positively: "Big brother hasn't returned to the barracks for many days. There must be a lot of backlog of military affairs. Big brother should still focus on the big picture. Let's go back to the barracks and talk!

Tang Yin knew that Cheng Jin was worried about his safety. He smiled indifferently, but didn't insist. He got up and waved, "Back to camp!"

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