The middle-aged general brought by the wind sergeant was unparalleled. Seeing Tang Yin, Zhan Wushuang, who had no energy and spirit, seemed to have changed his personality. His eyes spewed a terrifying light, staring at Tang Yin fiercely, and his throat almost roared like a beast.

Tang Yin can be said to be the culprit who killed the invincible war. Zhan Wushuang hated him like a bone, but unfortunately he is restrained by his hands and feet. Otherwise, he can bite Tang Yin without hesitation. Seeing this, the left and right Fengjun raised their fists, slap their heads in front of Zhan Wushuang and cover their face with an old fist, shouting at the same time: & t; Damn, it is not honest to be captured ... & t; His body did not have aura protection, and he could not endure a few beatings by Sergeant Feng. His body collapsed weakly, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and difficulty breathing. Just as Zhan Wushuang was about to be killed alive by Sergeant Feng, Tang Yin waved to everyone and said: "Stop!" & t; The guards stopped, and then Qi Qi gave a deep salute to Tang Yin and retreated from Zhan Wushuang's side. At this time, I saw Zhan Wushuang fell to the ground, his face was covered with blood, and the blood was sticking to the dirt, and it looked like a big flower face. His wretched appearance, there was still a little bit of general power.

Tang Yin is not afraid of invincible war, let alone Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang. The only thing that can make him feel headache is Zhan Wushuang. Now in this weekday, he ca n’t wait for his smashed enemy to finally fall into his hands. However, Tang Yin's hatred towards him was not so deep. If Zhan Wushuang is not Ningren, and if his brother has not died in his own hands, Tang Yin really has the intention to take him for his own use. Unfortunately, if there is no such thing in the world, it is impossible for Zhan Wushuang to turn against him. Tang Yin approached him, crouched down, and looked down at the warriors with distorted facial features, and said quietly, "General Wushuang, although you and I have different positions, each is their own master, but I still admire you very much." And because of this, I must not let you go, you should understand what I mean. "Tang Yin said this, it was tantamount to condemning the death penalty of Zhan Wushuang. The latter also knew that he would definitely not be able to survive. He lay on the ground and laughed loudly suddenly. Then, the laughter converged and his eyes glared wildly. Tang Yin gritted her teeth and said: & t; Tang Yin, I don't need you for false compassion. As long as I am alive for one day, I will be at odds with you. If you want to kill, please hurry up, don't look like a sissy! & t; nodded, Tang Yin no longer talked, he stood up, his original lonely expression was instantly replaced by coldness and evil spirits, and he asked, side by side: & t; Xiao Muqing, in your opinion, the enemy will fight How to deal with Wushuangdang? Xiao Muqing didn't even think about it, and said positively: & t; Return to Lord, Zhan Wushuang's hands are covered with my blood, and the sin cannot be forgiven. Should he be sentenced to capital punishment? ? Car cracked! & t; & t; Well! & t; Tang Yin narrowed his eyes, smiled coldly, and said: & t; just do what you want! & t; & t; Master is wise! & Xiao; Xiao Muqing bowed his hand, then turned around, looked at the soldiers below, and waved to Zhan Wushuang. The soldiers knew, and rushed up, dragged the incomparable, and dragged it like a dead dog.

& t; Tang Yin, I'm going one step ahead. Under Jiuquan, I will wait for you, haha? ? & t; Zhan Wushuang was dragged a long way, but his crazy laughter still came on and off. Tang Yin smirked, and muttered relatively quietly: & t; wait slowly! & t; Speaking, he looked up at the county seat forward and asked: & t; Are all our generals in place? & t; & t; yes, sir! & t; Xiao Muqing, Zi Xi, Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Hu and others all responded.

Tang Yin took a deep breath, raised her hand, pointed forward to the county government, and said coldly: & t; Kill in, and the people you meet, regardless of men, women, young and old, regardless of whether they fall or not, will be cut, chickens and dogs will not stay! & t; & t; Yes! & t; The people looked straight forward and agreed in unison to convey the command of the entire army to attack.

In the huge Zhangyu City, the Peng Army was unable to hold it. Now the county government that it is replaced with, can it still stop the Feng Army's full force to kill. As soon as the attack, the wind army crossed the courtyard wall and entered the county house. The poor three thousand Peng army and Xiao Shang's family and servants were wounded by the wind army like a wolf, and there was no way to the ground. In an instant, the county became a **** on earth.

There were panic-stricken people everywhere, and soldiers and family members who were chased down and fell to the ground. Many people were killed, and there was nowhere to run. They threw their weapons and surrendered, but the death order was already transmitted. Regardless of whether the opponent surrenders or not, Feng Jun continues to rush forward to slash and kill. The opponent throws away the weapon, only to make their killing more smooth.

Soon, the outer court of the county house was occupied by the wind army, looking up, the ground was covered with corpses, broken limbs, everywhere, blood stained the ground with blood red, and the **** smell of blood in the air was disgusting . Feng Jun didn't stay in the outer courtyard for a while, and after a little rectification, he rushed to the inner house again.

Here, soldiers and family members are very few, mostly female relatives. With the recent killing of the wind army, the screams and screams in the inner house have become one, and the girls and maids have died in batches under the blade of the wind army. He fell into a pool of blood and killed the red-eyed Feng Jun, regardless of whether he was a man or a woman, an old man or a child. As long as he was not his own soldier, he would not hesitate to wave a steel knife and kill it.

This was a unilateral slaughter. At this time, Feng Jun also showed the coldest and most ruthless side.

When Feng Jun had almost killed everyone, he began to search room by room. At this time, Feng Jun almost saw what he robbed. As long as it was valuable and easy to carry, he would not let it go. As early as in Pingyuan County, Tang Yin had established such a rule. Regarding the materials and property captured by the soldiers on the battlefield, the soldiers could leave half of them and the other half must be handed over to the army. There is such a rule. Of course, the army will not relent. The more they snatch, the more they can keep for their own use.

The wind army under Tang Yin said that the good point is the regular army, the sturdy fighting tiger and wolf division, and the unpleasant point is a group of organized and bloodthirsty and brutal bandits.

Tang Yin and His Majesty Xiao Muqing and Ziyi will not enter the county house. It is not difficult to imagine the situation just by listening to the screams. Of course, they are long-time generals who will not show a touch of excitement because of the killing in the house.

Xiao Muqing's eyes rolled around and he said to Tang Yin: "Master, rebels should kill, and Xiao Shang should destroy the nine races, but such an indecent assault would also damage our army's reputation. Will it ... Burn it. In this way, it will be difficult for others to find out what is wrong with our army. & t; Xiao Muqing's meaning is very clear, that is to destroy the corpse, as long as a fire is burned, no one will follow up.

Tang Yin secretly said a trouble, but also had to admire Xiao Muqing's thoughtfulness. He nodded and said, "You're right!" reputation? !! Well, fame is the most important, burn it! & t; & t; adults see it! & t; Xiao Muqing answered with a smile.

At this time, both Lotte and Ai Jia ran out of the county house. When Tang Yin approached, they both stepped in and saluted, and said positively: "Master, Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang are not in the house!" & t; & t; oh? & t; Tang Yin was really surprised by this. Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang were not in the county seat. Where would he be? He questioned: & t; has it been clear? Is there a hidden place like a back room in the county? & t; Lotte shook his head and said: "Master, have already checked, even the bodies of Xiao Shang's wife, daughter and son-in-law have been found, but there are no Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang. Tang Yin frowned and captured Zhang Yu. The main goal was to capture the national thief Zhong Tian. Now it is better that Zhang Yu City is captured, but Zhong Tian is gone.

Seeing that Tang Yin was not looking well, Xiao Muqing hurriedly said: "Master, rest assured, Zhang Yucheng has long been besieged by our army, Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang, two thieves are difficult to fly, these two people must still be in the city now, as long as our army's house-to-house check, we can certainly Find the hiding place of the second thief! & t; Tang Yin pondered for a moment, and said to the generals on the left and right: & t; Check! Even if you dig the ground three feet and turn Zhang Yucheng to the bottom, you have to kick me out of Zhongtian! & t; & t; Yes! & t; Xiao Muqing, Ziyi, Lotte and Aijia were shocked, and hurriedly bowed for the order.

Xiao Muqing is easy to say, but it is not so simple to do. Zhangyu City is a county town. Not only is it large, it also has a large number of people in the city. It has a population of 2 to 300,000. Such a large place, so many people, Zhong Tian He Xiaoshang deliberately avoided, it was too difficult to find out where the two were.

In order to intensify the search ~ ~ Tang Yin also ordered to post a notice, one is to appease the people in the city, and also mentioned Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang, and promised in the announcement, no matter who, just report Zhong Tian The rewards are thousands of gold, plus officials into the ranks.

The wind army only ransacked the county government, and did not harass or harass the people in the city. In this regard, Tang Yin and the generals of the army were unambiguous.

Because the wind army did not disturb the people, when the battlefield was almost cleaned, the streets of Zhangyu City were gradually seeing the people. Although Feng Jun did not martialize the streets, he still severely blocked Zhangyu City, only allowed to enter, no Get out.

After the people saw the notice posted by Feng Jun, people's nervousness eased down a little bit, and they were also very curious. Where did Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang hide?

At this time, the fire of the county government had started, and the fire set by Feng Jun burned the county government and its dead bodies cleanly until night, and the fire did not go out. Fortunately, the county seat is located in the middle of the county town alone, and there are no other buildings around it, otherwise it will be affected.

That night, Feng Jun ’s search continued, and he imposed a night ban on Zhangyu City. In addition, Feng Jun arrested all the officials in the county and held them together. He was interrogated one by one and asked Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang ’s whereabouts

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