Chapter 125

The earthen jar filled with hot oil fell into the city's mansion and immediately broke apart. The inside of the oil spattered the ground, and the torches that flew in immediately ignited the oil. For a time, the fire in the city's mansion was soaring into the sky. The voices started to explode, and many Sichuan army guards who fell on the fire were carried down from the courtyard wall, and in the blink of an eye, they were chopped into flesh by the ordinary people outside the courtyard wall.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

Soon, even the main gate of the city's main house was on fire, and the people swarmed forward, crowding people, crowding people, and slamming the gate of the main city house completely by manpower. Later, the people outside swarmed in, rushing into the city's main house like cháo water.

At the same time, the people who dug the tunnels also penetrated the tunnels. Some people climbed out from the ground in the yard, and some people punched out the ground inside the house and drilled out. It can be said that the fall of the city's main government was only a momentary matter.

The more than ten virgins headed by Ju Zhuo did not attack the city main government. Ju Zhuo identified those who stormed the city main government to kill the king of Sichuan. The king of Sichuan will definitely escape from the tunnel. They only need to set an ambush at the tunnel entrance. Just wait for the King of Sichuan to come from Throw.

Ju Zhuo thought it was a killer to master the secret path of the city's capital, but more than just Atong knew the secret.

When they hurried to the exit of the secret road, more than a thousand virgins had gathered here, and they had set up an ambush a long time ago.

A large number of beast clips were buried inside and outside the closed passage, and numerous large nets were hung above the opening of the cave, waiting to get people out of the closed passage!

Seeing this, Ju Zhuo and A Tong grinned secretly, Tang Yin and A San also smiled bitterly, who said that the virgins are stupid, in fact, jīng knows very well.

It was true that Ju Zhuo was right. Someone in the city's mansion fled from the secret road. As for Xiao Xiang, it is unknown.

While people were anxiously waiting outside the closed passage, they heard the sound of springs in the closed passage, and then a scream came from the inside.

Soon, there were second and third sounds inside ... the screams came out, and the crowds who kept the secret road involuntarily backed away, their eyes staring roundly, staring intently at the black hole.

After a while, a man stumbled out of the secret passage. This man was wearing the Sichuan army's armor and a beast clip hung on one foot. He just rushed out and the other foot was caught by the beast clip outside the hole. Chuan Bing screamed, could not stand anymore, and fell to the ground, but when he fell to the ground, his head touched a beast clip again, only to hear a click, the beast clip retracted, the sharp one above The serrations almost pinched his neck.

The Sichuan soldier had just fallen to the ground, followed closely by a large number of Sichuan soldiers from the secret road. Similarly, they also entered the traps laid out by the princes in advance, and the sound of the beast clip bounced. Sichuan soldiers also fell to the ground.

Some Ling Wu Xiu are deep Sichuan soldiers who are not afraid of beast clamps, and jump through the trap group, and then rush to the surrounding virgins with their swords.

The virgins were also well prepared. When the spiritual practitioners in the Sichuan army were killed, they immediately cast out the big net prepared in advance. One net was okay to escape, but dozens or hundreds of large nets flew from all directions, and they could not hide if they wanted to hide. The Sichuan army spiritual practitioners were entangled in the large net, and they used the spiritual soldiers to open the net rope. None, the surrounding virgins rushed forward, and the sword, dagger, and axe in their hands slashed into the Sichuan army.

Under the continuous attack of the Zhenren, the spiritual armor on the spiritual practitioner could not resist it. First it broke, then it was completely broken, and then the people who were protected by the spiritual armor were torn apart by the crazy people around them. Pieces.

Now, this scene is more than just **** description. The savage people whose faces are covered with blood don't look like people, more like bloodthirsty beasts.

As more and more Sichuan troops rushed out of the secret road, the fighting outside became more and more fierce. Similarly, the fierce fighting attracted more people.

When there was a maid in a dress in the secret passage, the scene fell into a more crazy state. The people of the virgins had bloodshot eyes and shivering red light. They knew that since there was a maid here, the king of Sichuan Xiaoxiang was also sure. At this.

Many mad virgins rushed through the guard's line of defense, rushing to the maids, drawing screams. In a cry, the maids were thrown into the crowd of virgins, and then a large number of virgins rushed directly into the secret passage.

It's just that they go in faster and come out faster. When I went in, I ran in completely, and when I went out, it was cut into pieces and bounced out with the blood mist.

Looking at the secret passage, slowly walk out of the two spiritual practitioners who are covered with spiritual armor and holding a spiritual sword. These two, one tall and one short, both are covered with pure white spirit armor, their eyes are exposed shè debut cold light.

Seeing the two men, Ah San was shocked and said in a low voice, "It is Elder Shenchi!"

Tang Yin recognized it long ago, which is why he did not immediately rescue.

The elders of the Shenchi can not be idle spiritualists, just picking one up and leaving it outside the gods are rare.

The top spiritual practitioners of the enemy, not to mention the protection of Xiao Xiang or two Shenchi elders.

Sure enough, with the appearance of the two elders of the Shenchi, the scene changed immediately. Although the people of Zhen people were numerous, in front of the two elders of the Shenchi, the fragile were like grass and mustard. Only the spiritual skills between the hands were released. Let hordes of virgins be killed and wounded.

"It's Elder Shenchi! It's the elder of Shenchi coming out, and the King of Sichuan is in the secret road. Everyone should work harder!" Some of the people yelled. The virgins also have their own methods of dealing with spiritual practitioners. Not long, and a large number of people rushed to Elder Shenchi regardless of their care. Under Elder Shenchi's spirit sword, although a large number of people died tragically, there are still people who rushed to the front of Elder Shenchi smoothly. Before the two of them continued to send out the sword, the virgins waved their clenched fists forward. .

For a while, white mist spread out, flying head to face to the two elders.

The tall elder responded very quickly and immediately realized that it was not good. His palms were raised to cover his face door, while the short elder was unable to dodge and was hit by the white mist on his face. on.

He screamed in pain, and then his eyes couldn't open again. All the people from the zhen people were white ash, flying into their eyes, even the spiritual practitioners who could not stand the sky could not stand it.

Seeing that the elders were on the path of the virgins, the elder elder exclaimed: "Elder Peng!" Between words, he rushed forward, pulling the elders back to side by side.

It didn't matter that the two of them evaded, but they let the tunnel pass out.

Seeing that there was a chance for them, the virgins immediately swarmed into the tunnel. They are fast, but the tall elder is faster, holding his companion in one hand, the spirit sword in his hand is shining brightly, and the chaos? The wind is released.

"Ah-" The screams from inside and outside of the secret passage were united, and dozens of virtuous people were spiritually disturbed? The wind spread, the body was smashed into pieces by the spirit blade, and the broken limbs were scattered on the ground.

"Her Highness, get out and break with the old man!"

The tall elder killed the virgins outside the secret passage, and turned back and shouted loudly inside. As soon as his words fell, a large group of the Sichuan Army ran out of the secret passage, and the woman in the Chinese clothes located in the crowd of the Sichuan Army was not Xiao Xiang or who?

Seeing that the King of Chuan finally appeared, the eyes of the virgins at the scene were all greedy. They did not look at Xiao Xiang's eyes as if they were looking at a person, but more like a golden mountain.

Xiao Xiang's appearance completely heated up the madness of Zhenren. People completely forgot to rush forward. Even Zhu Zhuo beside Tang Yin couldn't stand it. He pulled out the axe around his back, raised it high, and shouted. Shouting and rushing towards Xiao Xiang.

The so-called death of man for wealth and death of birds for food are now the best manifestations.

In order to be able to take off Xiao Xiang's first rank and get the thousand and two gold, Zhenren had almost no Elder Shenchi in her eyes, and flung forward madly, although they rushed up and were killed.

The tall elder must take care of the short elder with injured eyes, and at the same time he must protect Xiao Xiang from the vain people of the opposite people. The pressure is great, and what's more terrible is that he can't cover Xiao Xiang's rapid escape now. , But the virgins around are more and more gathered.

Feeling that the delay is so long, the King of Chuan will definitely not run away, and the tall elder turned back and said hurriedly, "General Wu, go with your Highness first, here is Elder Peng and me to the Queen!"

The general Wu surnamed Xiao Xiang was the guard general. Hearing the words of the elder Gao, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said, "I can't leave the two elders here ..."

"Shao Luomin, protect your Highness and break out, fast! No matter how slow we can't go!"

Wu surnamed Wu raised his eyes and looked back, wasn't it? The virgins gathered here were dense, dense, and boundless. They could not tell the number, and then dragged on. If they were surrounded by virgins, it would be really difficult. Get out.

Thinking of this ~ ~ he bit his teeth and hurried Xiao Xiang and said, "King, let's go!" Between the words, he dragged Xiao Xiang and ran to the west gate of Pingcheng.

The guards protected Xiao Xiang's withdrawal. Instead, the elder Shenchi had no worries, and the pressure was reduced, so he could concentrate on killing the virgins who came up.

The elder with injured eyes just couldn't look at things, but Lingwu was still there. The Lingwu skills released by feelings also caused great damage to the virgins.

However, after all, they are two people. No matter how strong Lingwu is, it will not be able to block all the virgins. Seeing them blocking the way like a door god, they ca n’t rush, and the virgins will spread to the left and right, deliberately After the two, continue to chase Xiao Xiang.

Besides, the guards protected Xiao Xiang and hurried to Simon's side.

But when they came to Ximen, the guards were half-hearted. It turned out that Ximen was not full of virgins when they were here. Looking around, they were all black heads, and there were thousands of people.

The guards looked at each other, then took a deep breath and shouted in unison: "Kill-" The crowd surrounded Xiao Xiang, and then rushed towards the dense crowd ahead.

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