The arrival of Guan Yuanrang virtually increased the strength of Hengcheng's garrison.

Originally, he wanted to leave the city the next day to meet the enemy, but instead of waiting for the enemy, the barbarian began to pack his luggage and camp tents and was preparing to withdraw his troops.

Of course, the withdrawal of the barbarian troops was not caused by the official Yuanyuan's intimidation, but received the will of Wang Ting.

Tang Yin led a crowd to attack Besa City. This battle was a great success. Not only did he enter the palace in one fell swoop, but he almost wanted the head of Besa. The King was very afraid of Tang Yin. The more he thought about it, the more he became afraid. When he retreated, he called the herald to give Kness, who was in charge of the army, to give instructions. The whole army retreated immediately, and they could no longer fight the wind army.

That was a few days ago. It took five full days for the Herald to send his instructions to the barbarian camp in Pingyuan County, and the barbarians and Pingyuan Army fought several times here in Hengcheng. At this time, Kniss was in a dilemma. I didn't know whether to fight or to withdraw. Seeing the king's instructions, he also took a breath in his heart, just by breaking the donkey, and in accordance with the king's will, he ordered the whole army to retreat.

Seeing the withdrawal of the Barbaric army, the defenders of Hengcheng naturally rejoiced and brought the news into the city as soon as possible.

After hearing the news, the people came out of their homes and rushed to the streets. The atmosphere of joy was like a festival.

Guan Yuan had thought that he could still perform well today, but he did not expect that the soldiers would retreat before he went to war. I was disappointed. He immediately wanted to go out to hunt and retreat the soldiers. They were stopped by Guan Yuanji and Xiao Muqing. Since the soldiers withdrew, they withdrew. Hengcheng can no longer afford to toss anymore. Everyone knows the reason and is very good at persuading. This is considered to be the official yuan.

The retreat of the brutal army eased the tension, and the soldiers of the Plains Army fell down suddenly. Many soldiers who were living and fighting could not stand up immediately when they heard the news of the retreat of the brutal army. There is not a piece of muscle that is not sore, and it can be considered a miracle to persist in the fierce battle that lasts for five days.

The brutal army was gone. When the Plains Army went to clear the camp of the Brutal Army outside the city, Zhang Zhou's broken helmet was found. As for the corpses and armors, there was nowhere to look for them. In addition, a large number of the bodies of the Plain Army were also found. It was Zhang Zhou. His Majesty's 5,000 soldiers, a total of 5,000, have not survived. Many corpses are incomplete. The Plains Army bleed the corpses one by one with tears of blood.

This time in the Hengcheng battle, the Plains Army's direct downsizing amounted to 30,000. One commander of the Corps was killed and ten commanders were killed. Even if they resisted the attack of the brutal army, they could only be regarded as a disastrous victory.

On the following day, Tang Yin, who expeditioned to Bethsa ’s capital, returned to Hengcheng safely. After a long journey, Tang Yin's military capacity was worse than that of the Hengcheng defenders. Many of the soldiers' armors were gone, wearing animal skins, nowhere. Taking a bath, people's faces, black, white, red, dust, sweat, and blood stains, all become big faces.

They looked more like brutal soldiers than brutal soldiers. When the sentry in Hengcheng saw them, they were taken aback, thinking that the brutal army had killed a returning carbine and attacked it again.

Tang Yin did not directly participate in the defensive battle of Hengcheng this time, but his strategy of attacking the enemy ’s national capital had a miraculous effect. It had a far-reaching effect and was equivalent to directly scaring the brutal army. At this time, he returned triumphantly and was naturally enthusiastically received by the Hengcheng people. We met each other, and before the party of cavalry entered the city, the people rushed out of the city to welcome them.

Seeing that Hengcheng was okay, Tang Yin was also anxious. He was most afraid that his sneak attack was successful, but Hengcheng failed to keep it, so all his efforts were in vain.

"My lord: congratulations, my triumphant return!"

At this time, the plain generals and Hengcheng officials who were Qiu Zhen, Guan Yuanji, and Xiao Muqing also greeted each other. When they saw Tang Yin, they bowed and saluted. After saying hello, Xiao Muqing took another step forward, bowed to the ground, and said excitedly: "Sir, the subordinate has not humiliated the mission, and Hengcheng has not lost!"

Tang Yin glanced at Xiao Muqing with a smile on the horse, Xiao Muqing said that he was reminding himself not to forget his original promise and to give him the post of commander of the plain army. Tang Yin didn't feel uncomfortable, instead he liked Xiao Muqing's straightforwardness. He liked this kind of person who wanted to fight directly.

He nodded and said with a smile: "General Xiao, you've worked hard."

Hearing that Tang Yin didn't call himself Xiao Xiaojun, Xiao Muqing was overjoyed at once, saying continuously: "Be loyal to the adults, serve the adults, and their subordinates are not afraid of hard work."

The plain generals around were all a little dumbfounded. In front of Tang Yin, Xiao Muqing could be described as the best of flattery and admiration. There was only a small person, how could there be any general who was in danger on the battlefield and was the first to die? Back and forth, it was almost judged.

In fact, this is also very easy to understand. The commander with excellent battlefield performance may not be a gentleman in private.

Everyone likes to listen to nice words, and Tang Yin is no exception. He laughs at him.

At this moment, there was a cold hum in the crowd, Tang Yin froze, stopped the laughter, and looked for it. I saw a black and proud young man of medium stature standing behind Guan Yuanji. No one else was armed. Only Holding a three-pointed, two-edged knife in his hand, he stood in the crowd, squinting at himself.

Without waiting for Tang Yin to ask, the two brothers behind him screamed in unison: "Second Brother!" With the words, both brothers dismounted and rushed to the black-faced youth.

Second brother? There is only one person who can be called the second brother by Guan Yuanwu and Guan Yuanbiao, and that is the second child of the Guan family. Guan Yuan let it go.

Is this man Guan Yuanrang?

Tang Yin is no stranger to Guan Yuanrang's name. He has been mentioned more than once. The two brothers often tell him how powerful his second brother is. Even if they are tied together, his two brothers are better than one. Fingers and so on.

Seeing the two brothers return safely, Guan Yuan made nature very happy, hugged the two brothers respectively, and then asked, "Did you really go to the capital of the Barangas with Tang Yin?"

"Yeah!" The two brothers nodded again and again and said in unison: "We have all entered the palace of the barbarians, and we have snatched a lot of good things!" The two brothers opened their armors and presented to the officer like a treasure. Yuan Rang and the people around him displayed the spoils of gold, silver, and jewellery they captured.

Tangyin's capital city was really entered by Tang Yin! Guan Yuan could not help looking at Tang Yin.

He was looking at Tang Yin, and Tang Yin was also looking at him. The eyes of the two collided in the air, immediately flashing fire.

The same young and promising, the same arrogant personality, there can only be two kinds of relationship between the two of them, either a strong rival or persistence.

Xiao Muqing felt the unusualness of the two people, and hurriedly stood out to fight the round, and smiled at Tang Yin: "Master, this is the second brother of the official, Guan Yuanrang!" Then he said to Guan Yuanrang: "This is Tang Yin Lord Tang! "

"Oh!" Guan Yuan nodded his head, raised his head high, and said provocatively to Tang Yin: "I have heard of you for a long time. I have always heard that you are brave and good at fighting. I wonder if you dare to fight next?"

flutter! Guan Yuanji and the people around him almost vomited blood after hearing this. It was not clear what Guan Yuanrang's mind was thinking. How could he challenge Tang Yin when he saw it?

"Adult ..." I was afraid that Tang Yin would blame his brother. Guan Yuanji hurriedly took the first two steps and saluted Tang Yin deeply.

Tang Yin smiled slightly at Guan Yuanji, and then looked at Guan Yuanrang, sitting with Marvin Silk still, and smiling with a smile that made him unsure whether he was happy or angry. He asked, "Why do you challenge me? How many enemies can you fight on the battlefield? "

Guan Yuan let smirk and said, "I have the courage to lose ten thousand people?"

"What about that? The world is so big, so many people, can you beat everyone down no matter how powerful you are? The courage of a husband can only be vertical and horizontal, but it cannot fight the world!"

The courage of a man? This is the first time Guan Yuanrang has been said by others. He raised his eyebrows angrily and asked, "What about you?"

"I can!" Tang Yin said with all his eyes, and said suddenly: "If I want to do this. "

The sudden light in Tang Yin's eyes also shocked Guan Yuanrang's body. He was slightly shocked in his heart. After a moment, he sneered and said, "Why can't anyone talk?"

With a shrug, Tang Yin converged and smiled: "If you think I'm just talking about something, stay with me and see if I can do it."

"Okay!" Guan Yuanrang didn't even think about it, and he blurted out, but as soon as he said it, he realized that he was being treated. This Tang Yin was too cunning ~ ~ Wrapped himself in by words , Staying with him, isn't that equivalent to trusting him? His eyes widened, angry and annoyed, and he pointed at Tang Yin and said, "You ..."

He hasn't spoken yet, Tang Yin has said before: "A gentleman said, it's difficult to chase a horse, let's just say so!" After speaking, he ignored the official Yuan's response, and he waved to everyone in front of him, and then urged As the horse entered the city, the swaying Guan Yuan let him pass by.

What's the answer? Just promise him something? Guan Yuan turned back in annoyance, watching Tang Yin's back on the horse, was about to yell, was pulled by Guan Yuanji, the latter said earnestly: "Yuan Rang, the integrity of life is the most important thing, you can't go against it. Adults are young, but capable Excellent, ambitious, and promising in the future. "

He didn't persuade the official Yuan Rong to take refuge in Tang Yin, but felt that if his temper was a stalemate with Tang Yin, it would not be good to end it. It is better to hold the brothers for the time being. As for whether the brothers really want to do things for Tang Yin in the future, those It's all second.

Hearing what the elder brother said, Guan Yuan let the elephant feel like a discouraged ball. When he got to his mouth, he swallowed it back and shook his head helplessly.

For the first time with Tang Yin, Guan Yuanrang was deeply impressed by Tang Yin's slyness or alertness.

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