At night, Tony and Rhodes sneaked into the enemy's base camp, but were quickly discovered by the enemy and surrounded.

Seeing this, Rhodes said that he needed more weapons, and Tony also said, yes, we need more assistance.

At this time.

call out!

Dozens of Iron Man flew from the sky and surrounded the entire area.

"Merry Christmas, old man!"

After speaking lightly to Rhodes on the side, Tony ordered Jarvis to destroy all the modified humans, and a man-machine war was about to break out.

At this time, Jarvis reported that he had discovered the location of Pepper. Due to the impact of the battle, Pepper was crushed under the rubble and could not move.

Just as Tony was about to rescue her, Killian suddenly appeared and destroyed the energy source in Tony's chest. Tony also cut off Killian's arm when he wasn't paying attention and escaped from the mecha.

But Pepper was also affected by the fight between the two, hanging in the air, and was in danger of falling at any time. Seeing this, Tony stretched out his hand and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely save you!"

Suddenly, the steel cable swayed, and Little Pepper lost its center of gravity and fell.

Below, blazing flames filled the ground, which was tens of meters above the ground. There was absolutely no chance for ordinary people to survive if they fell.

Killian walked over and laughed: "What a pity. If it were me, I would have saved her."

The grief-stricken Tony rushed forward. Tony wanted to kill Killian and avenge Pepper, but Tony seemed to be no match for Killian. The mecha was also destroyed by Killian. Seeing that Tony was about to be killed, Mark42 Arrived.

Reaching out, Tony tried to grab Mark's arm.

However, in front of Killian and Tony's eyes, the mecha hit the iron bridge nearby.


Mark42 fell behind Tony.

The scene fell into silence.


"Pfft, I'm laughing so hard!!!"


“Mark42 is simply a great teammate!!!”


"Are you planning to laugh me to death and then inherit my fifty-cent inheritance?!!"

"I have to say, this machine man is really a talent!!!"

"Good guys, I was eating, and you just fed me!!!"

"No, no, no, I'm going to die laughing!!!"

Looking at this scene, countless bullets flashed across the screen.

As the camera turned, Tony controlled the Mark42 components, blocked Killian's movements, and tried to use the Mark42's self-destruction system to eliminate Killian.

Unexpectedly, Killian, who had the terminal virus, did not die.

Killian, whose whole body was burned by fire, walked towards Tony step by step, and the skin on his body dissipated bit by bit under the burning.

"No need to look for a substitute anymore. You said you were looking for Mandarin. What you saw was Mandarin, and it was me, from the beginning!"

After spitting out each word, Killian opened his arms and shouted: "I am Mandarin!"

The next moment!


Pepper appeared and knocked Killian away with a stick.

At this time, Jarvis targeted Pepper, who had a terminal heat source, and launched an attack on her.

However, Pepper jumped up, destroyed the mecha with one punch, and used the mecha's arm to emit light waves, knocking down Killian.

After waking up, Little Pepper looked around in shock and asked, "Did I do all this? Will I be fine?"

Tony stepped forward and comforted: "I think I can cure you. Don't forget, repairing things is my specialty!"

Then, Tony ordered Jarvis to destroy all the mechas.

Now, Tony no longer has to rely on these Iron Man suits.

boom! boom! boom!

In the sky, Iron Man's body exploded like blossoming fireworks.

On the ground, Pepper and Tony just hugged each other.

Soon after, Tony underwent surgery to remove all the missile fragments from his body. He no longer needed the reactor to maintain his life. Now Tony has completely transformed.

In a certain room, Tony said to Banner beside him: "You know what? Sharing my story with you has helped me relieve a lot of stress."

Banner next to him was drowsy. Tony saw this and was surprised: "Are you asleep?"

Banner explained: "Sorry, I was distracted!"

So, Tony was about to tell the whole thing again, and Banner collapsed on the sofa helplessly.


"It's so romantic, using the Iron Man armor as fireworks!!!" In the world of Conan, Yuanzi looked at this scene with envy.

"Wow, so many Iron Man suits are gone!!!" In the pirate world, Luffy and others looked at this scene with tears on their faces.

It's hard to understand why Tony destroyed all these armors? What's so good about these fireworks?

"Damn it, I don't want you to give it to me!!!" In the world of Naruto, Naruto got angry and sulked.

"That's right, I think Naruto said a nice word for the first time!" Shikamaru said from the side.

"What do you know? This is called romance!!!" The girls headed by Sakura Ino retorted.

"It's so cool, doesn't this Iron Man suit look good?" a male classmate retorted.

Then the scene became chaotic for a while.

"Iron Man? Nothing more than that!" In the world of Death, Grimmjow looked disdainful.

"Why can a person of this level be on the list with Lord Aizen?" Ulquiorra shook his head.

As for the strength of Iron Man, he didn't think it was that strong. Without the steel armor, Tony could suppress it with just his spiritual pressure. Even if he put on the armor, it would only take a few moves, but such a person could It's incredible to be ranked ahead of Aizen.

In the Marvel world.

"Look, this guy Tony pulled me behind and told this story twice, and I almost fell asleep!!"

Banner looked at this scene with helplessness on his face.

"Hahaha, Tony is also a talker!" Thor looked at this scene and started laughing.

"If I'm not wrong, the period of Ultron will be next, right?"

The captain looked at this scene and fell into memories.


Chapter 30 Hulk’s terrifying potential, blowing up the planet with one punch?

The picture played, on a snowy winter day, the Avengers were attacking a certain castle in Sokovia. The superheroes each showed off their abilities and continuously swept away the enemies.

At this time, Iron Man tried to rush into the enemy building, but was blocked by an energy barrier. Jarvis told everyone that this was a new technology developed by Straker using Loki's scepter.

It turns out that since SHIELD was invaded by Hydra, they have been scattered around the world and used SHIELD's resources to develop various experiments, and Strucker also succeeded.

But in the face of the Avengers' attack, Strucker's new weapons were of no help. For this reason, he ordered his men to attack the city, trying to distract the Avengers' attention and facilitate his retreat.

Seeing this, Tony sent out the Iron Legion to protect civilians, but the people were extremely dissatisfied with Tony's robots. At this time, the two brothers and sisters who had gained superpowers because of the scepter saw that something was wrong and took action.

This scene fell into the eyes of the heavens, and many people expressed dissatisfaction and even despised it.

"Hmph, a group of untouchables, they have clearly protected you, but they are still dissatisfied. If I take action, you will all die!" Gilgamesh said with a look of disgust in the moon world.

"Hohoho, it's so interesting that stupid humans actually turn against the robots that protect themselves!" In the Dragon Ball world, Frieza covered his lips and chuckled.

"Hmph, a bunch of untouchables!" In the world of pirates, Akainu sneered at this scene.

The scene continued to play. Hawkeye was about to destroy a bunker, but he found that the arrow he shot did not explode. Suddenly, a very fast man appeared and knocked down Hawkeye. In the blink of an eye, the man disappeared.

Standing up, Hawkeye set up his bow and arrow, trying to find the enemy's position. Unexpectedly, the enemy in the bunker shot out a beam of light, injuring Hawkeye. Seeing this, Black Widow reported that Hawkeye was injured and needed to retreat for treatment. Then The Hulk breaks out and destroys the bunker.

On the other hand, Jarvis discovered a gap by analyzing the building's data. Iron Man heard about it and launched missiles directly, destroying the defensive barrier. Iron Man also successfully invaded the enemy. After killing the enemy, Tony stepped out of the armor and looked around. Looking around, he realized that something should be hidden here.

Sure enough, Tony discovered a secret door. It turned out that what was hidden here was the biological spacecraft left behind when the Chitauri invaded the earth.

Not only that, but Straker seemed to be trying to make a more advanced machine soldier. At this time, Thor and Captain wiped out the remaining enemies. Thor decided that modern Hawkeye would return to the plane and let Captain and Captain Tony retrieves the scepter.

On the other side, Black Widow walked up to Hulk and awakened Banner. At this moment, Captain found Straker and knocked him out, while another female enhanced person appeared, knocked Captain away, and then left.

On the other hand, Tony found the scepter left by Loki. Suddenly a woman appeared behind Tony and used some kind of power on him. Tony felt something strange. He turned around and found that the creature-shaped spacecraft was moving on its own. .

Immediately afterwards, he found that the Avengers had been knocked to the ground. At this time, Tony suddenly woke up. He turned around and found that nothing had changed around him. Then Tony summoned the mecha and picked up the scepter.

The enhanced brother and sister on the other side looked at Tony, as if they had other plans.

On the plane, everyone was taking care of the injured Hawkeye, while Banner sat aside and listened to music, trying to stabilize his mind. Black Widow came over and comforted: "If you weren't here, one of us might have died."

Banner said these words were the last thing he wanted to hear right now.

Black Widow looked at him and said helplessly: "How long will it take for you to trust me?"

At this time, Tony interrupted the two of them. He said that Dr. Zhao had rushed to Stark Tower and was ready to help Hawkeye treat the trauma. Then, he came to Thor's side and said that he and Banner were preparing to treat the scepter. Some testing.

Because everyone realized that in addition to making weapons, this scepter seemed to have some unknown secrets. Thor heard about it and agreed to Tony.

"This guy named Banner has an unusual physique. If he doesn't suppress his emotions, I wonder where his upper limit can reach?" In the world of Death, Aizen looked at Banner with interest and said calmly.

Aizen naturally knew about Banner's reasons through previous introductions, but he was very curious about what level Banner could reach if he did not suppress his emotions and allowed his anger to continue to grow. Comparable to the perfect form of his fusion with Bengyu in the previous review.

This phenomenon has also caused many people in the world of high-level martial arts to discuss it. After all, Banner, who relies on changes in emotions to cause fluctuations in strength, is still very attractive to them.

"If his anger had no upper limit, would it be powerful enough to destroy a city or even a planet with one punch?"

In the fantasy world, some powerful people were discussing with their old friends.

The final answer is: If Banner can really increase his strength with unlimited anger, then his power will reach a terrifying level. It is not impossible to destroy a city or even a planet with one punch. .

But even if it really reaches that point one day, then Banner will be lost in anger forever and become a monster that can only continue to destroy.

Soon, everyone returned to Stark Tower, and Hill told the captain that the two mutants who just appeared were twins.

The elder brother has extremely fast speed and is called Quicksilver, and the younger sister is nicknamed Scarlet Witch. Her abilities are mental interference and telepathy. There was a war in Sokovia back then, and the two of them were bombarded by artillery fire. Became an orphan. They then volunteered for Straker's experiments.

the other side.

The damaged machine army returned to Stark Tower for repairs. Tony asked Jarvis to try to analyze the data of the scepter. Jarvis said that there seemed to be something inside the scepter and said that he could crack it.

At this time, Dr. Zhao was helping Hawkeye create new cells and restore wounds. She called this technology a regenerative cradle. It was a more advanced technology than Tony's mechanical armor, but Tony didn't care. He said Saturday There will be a party and I hope everyone can attend.

Then, Tony took Banner to visit Jarvis's brain interactive interface. Tony said that he found that the scepter had the same brain-like interface as Jarvis. Banna was amazed at the sight in front of him and said: "He is like The neurons in the human brain are firing, as if they are thinking about something."

Tony said that he had also seen the robotic engineering developed by Strucker. Banner combined the two and immediately reacted and said: "They are working on artificial intelligence!"

Tony said that the artificial intelligence-like thing in the scepter is also the key to their Ultron. As long as this power is added to the Iron Legion, Ultron can be completed, and then the safety of the world will be guaranteed.

At that time, everyone could lie on the beach and enjoy the sunrise and sunset without thinking about Veronica. However, Banner discovered that Tony was preparing to carry out this plan secretly. Tony explained that he only had three days to study the scepter, and he He has seen how fragile this planet is, and for this he needs Ultron to protect the world.

In desperation, Banner agreed to Tony.

"Teacher Iruka, what exactly is Ultron?" In the world of Naruto, Naruto asked Iruka at the podium.

Due to the inventory video of the characters in the universe, the Ninja Academy was unable to give classes to the students, so while watching the video with the students, they explained some things that the students did not understand in order to understand other worlds.

"Well... this teacher is not very clear, but one thing that can be confirmed is that this Ultron must be of great help to mankind, otherwise Iron Man would not develop this thing." Iruka hesitated. After a while, he spoke.

"You should be able to find out after reading it!"

It's not that Iruka doesn't want to explain, but he really can't understand it. After all, the gap between the Marvel world and the Naruto world is still very big. Even if he is as smart as Orochimaru, it is very difficult to understand the meaning.


Chapter 31 Ultron is activated, the rampaging Hulk!

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