Cossacks are indeed born warriors. It is normal for the Cossack Emirate to recruit Cossacks on a large scale. It is not uncommon for the Tsar to hire Cossacks to fight. After all, the ancestors of many Cossacks were escaped slaves from the Principality of Moscow...

But now even the United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania has hired Cossacks to fight for themselves on a large scale!

This is not to say that the number of Cossacks in the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania is rare in history. On the contrary, the number of Cossacks in the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania is the largest!

However, the Cossacks are rebels in the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom. The Cossack Emirate in the game scene rebelled and became independent from the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom!

Even though Wang Ziming's history is very general, he also knows that the Cossacks are not a specific nation, but a large group of poor civilians and escaped slaves from different nationalities. In the land of the world, live for freedom.

Of course, the meaning of freedom here is very broad, such as free farming, and free robbery...

The vast majority of the land where the Cossacks lived was located in the land of the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania. With the expansion of the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, the Cossacks were naturally conquered, and then all kinds of oppression by the Polish nobles followed... …

Advocating freedom, and the Cossack rebellion with guns in every family has naturally become very normal!

A group of Cossacks yearning for freedom are working hard for the enemies who oppress them. No matter how you look at it, Wang Ziming feels weird...

Sure enough, human nature is the most complicated thing. Even among the Cossacks who advocate freedom and violence, there are also a group of lackeys and scum who sell the sellers and seek glory!

You must know that these Cossacks are not civilians and serfs who have no resistance. They are all skilled fighters honed in years of fighting. If you choose, the Cossack fighters will still have the advantage!

It is such a group of Cossack fighters who are obviously capable of resisting the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom, but now they choose to work for the Poles who oppress them, and aim their weapons at their former Cossack friends!

As time progresses, subsequent infantry units of the Polish army also appear in the field of view.

Under the gaze of Wang Ziming's consciousness, all the Polish troops came out of the dark area of ​​the different space.

Then Wang Ziming saw groups of infantry bearing the names of Polish-Germanic Pikemen and Polish-Germanic Musketeers coming out...

Seeing this, Wang Ziming understood the "order of appearance" of the Polish army, which basically came out according to the rank of the troops from high to low.

The first Polish hussars to appear are the highest tier 4 of the Polish arms, followed by the tier 3 Polish armored Cossack cavalry.

Then there is this group of Tier 3 Polish-Germanic Pikemen and Polish-Germanic Musketeers...

The Tier 3 infantry of the Polish army are all Germanic!

When playing games, Wang Ziming didn’t care, but now that he moved to a different space and saw the Polish soldiers with vivid Germanic faces, Wang Ziming had a deep understanding of the rumors that the main infantry of the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania in history were mercenaries...

There are more than 500 Polish infantry composed of Tier 3 Germanic nationalities, and they are obviously the main force in the Polish army with a total of only about 1,000!

After the third-tier Polish and Germanic mercenaries, there are second-tier Polish volunteer cavalry, with a number of about 200.

As the name suggests, the Volunteer Cavalry is a civilian cavalry combat unit recruited from the people. Of course, it is the best among the civilians and can be regarded as a cheap cannon fodder mercenary.

From Wang Ziming's perspective, the weapons and equipment of the Polish army can be seen at a glance.

The weapons and equipment of the Polish Volunteer Cavalry can be said to be the most crude. There is only an outdated hand gun inspired by a matchlock and a saber of average quality. They wear civilian clothes.

From the point of view of clothing, it fits the word "Yi Yong" very well, very grounded, no different from the armed riding militia...

After all, the weapons and equipment of the Polish Volunteer Cavalry are all self-provided, and their employment wages obviously cannot afford better weapons and equipment.

In fact, the weapons and equipment of the Polish-German Musketeers and Pikemen of Tier 3 are also self-provided, but they are tall professional mercenaries, and they are the main infantry force of the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania in foreign wars. The reliability on the battlefield far exceeds that of the cannon fodder infantry recruited in Poland.

Who told the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania not to pay attention to the formation and training of standing army infantry?

Therefore, these Polish-Germanic infantry and musketeers who can get higher wages for employment use all spring wheel guns, not castrated versions of simple spring wheel guns!

Every German infantryman wears a pair of gloves, which looks very professional...

The secondary weapon of the Musketeers is a Germanic-style rapier, and many Germanic people like to use rapiers in combat.

The main weapon of the Polish Germanic pikemen is of course a super long spear unique to this era, and the secondary weapon is a Germanic broadsword with a light breastplate on their body. It is impossible to think about bulletproof, but it can still defend against ordinary swords and slashes. of.

This type of breastplate is regarded as the standard equipment of regular army pikemen in this era.

The Polish armored Cossack cavalry is a combination of charge + cavalry.

Equipped with cavalry guns, sabers, shields, Tatar compound bows, and barbed arrows, they are capable of both riding and shooting harassment or charging with a gun!

There is also a layer of iron armor on their bodies. Obviously, the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania treated them quite well!

Of course, being able to skillfully use lances, sabers and cavalry to fight at the same time is also an elite fighter among the Cossacks, so it is not surprising to enjoy this treatment.

Cossacks also have obvious strengths and weaknesses in combat effectiveness. These Polish armored Cossack cavalry are definitely the best among Cossacks!

The best equipment is naturally the Polish hussars. They themselves are the direct beneficiaries of the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom regime, because all the Polish hussars are composed of Polish noble children and serious Polish knights!

This group of men who don't have to work and rely on rent collection to meet their daily needs have been trained as soldiers since childhood. After more than ten years of military training and combat skills, they have naturally become the best fighters in the world!

The whole body of hussars plate armor plus hussars plate helmet tightly wraps the Polish hussars, and the elongated lance in their hands is particularly prominent. Every Polish hussar has handguns hanging from their waists, but they prefer to use them. Fight with spear and saber!

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