Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 801: Alternative cosplay

It's just that although the Soviets made a practical loop heat pipe technology, it was a bit too late to succeed. It was only in 1988 that this technology was applied to the Soviet Union's first space shuttle "Blizzard".

Thanks to this technology, the "Blizzard" space shuttle that reduces the burden of power consumption can make more reasonable use of its own energy system, thereby adding a lot of accessories and sensors that improve performance, so the "Blizzard" at that time Compared with several space shuttles in service in the United States, the number has unparalleled performance and technical advantages.

It's a pity that the Soviet Union at that time was dying, and the space shuttle "Blizzard" was just like its name. It came fierce but couldn't last long. It became a victim of the Soviet Union's cuts in initial expenditures. It used a vivid life to explain what is called the peak of debut.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the "Blizzard" space shuttle was abandoned in a corner and became a legacy of negative equity. Finally, along with other brilliant scientific and technological achievements of the Soviet era, it was swept into the historical garbage dump by the new Russia.

The "Blizzard" space shuttle is so fate, the loop heat pipe technology as an important subsystem is naturally not much better. With the continuous turmoil in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has become a tasteless taste.

Fortunately, the Soviet scientists who participated in the development of this technology at that time were not reconciled to this technology being buried in this way. At the beginning of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was convenient for Western aerospace technology companies to get in touch, and soon sold the technology to the first-comer through patent transfer. Laura Space Systems, USA.

The Americans at the time were quite happy for this. After all, the technology was a whole generation ahead of the heat dissipation system provided by the United States' own nuclear battery shunt.

Without the power diversion, the energy saved can allow the satellite to do a lot more. After all, the space of the satellite is limited, such as an inch of money for the fake replacement. Because of this, the United States is really a treasure of the technology.

As a result, Laura Space Systems in the United States had just obtained the loop heat pipe technology, and before it was warm, France, Germany, and Italy in Europe formed a group, using four European companies as traders, and suddenly took the 51 % Of the shares were sucked into the hands of four European companies, and Laura Space Systems, which acquired important aerospace technology in an instant, went from an American company to an authentic European company.

According to the holding agreement, while all of Laura's technology is open to European companies, it is prohibited from sharing with other entities and individuals in the field of grassroots technology, including the previously silly American companies.

Now the Americans are not stupid, but completely dumbfounded, because they never expected that the Europeans would actually engage in such a move, using four different European companies to separately sell them. After the total shareholding reached the holding, Take advantage of the situation and choke Laura's neck.

Taking advantage of the stupid Americans, they immediately performed technical preservation, and forcibly took the long-coveted loop heat pipe technology of the United States from the Americans' mouths.

The Americans can’t say that it’s fake, but there’s nothing to do with it. There’s no way for Europeans to do business with a hostile takeover initiated by reasonable and legal commercial methods. Laura’s management lard If you are blinded, you will be caught in a mess, and you can't blame others.

The question is, can the world's only superpower swallow this breath?

Of course not. Normal competition is not possible. Then come to the gangsters. Are there any gangsters that are more efficient than the American gangsters these years?

Europeans are not stupid, knowing that the Americans will not give up, so while dealing with the United States ~~~ hooliganism, while sitting on the ground and raising the price of loop heat pipe technology, anyway, the Europeans dragged the last year is a year, first put yourself Let's talk about the full pockets.

Similar nasty things can be said to abound between Americans and Europeans. After all, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the huge industrial system and military industry collapsed. The Soviet scientists, technical experts, and experienced skilled workers who had a good life suddenly collapsed. Without the land, it will naturally become the sweet pastry in the eyes of the West.

As a result, the victors of the West turned into jackals and vultures, biting and plundering desperately around the Soviet behemoth that collapsed.

In this feast of god-given opportunities, let alone giants like Europe and the United States, even third-rate and fourth-rate characters like South Korea, North Korea, India, and Iran will take a share.

It can be said that the wall fell down and everyone pushed and beat the drum.

In this regard, Ascendas Group should say that it is really conscientious. It is completely in accordance with the corporate philosophy of practicing world peace and promoting human development. When the Soviet Union (Russia) experienced the most painful disaster in a century, it did not go with the Western beasts. The plunder, on the contrary, is still within its power. Through various channels, a large number of warm water bottles, dog skin caps, instant noodles, sanitary napkins, diapers, slippers and even coffins have been sent to countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan that have collapsed.

In order to hope to help the people of these countries tide over the difficulties.

But I don’t know if Zhuang Jianye didn’t clarify when he entrusted these items, or if he contacted the person in charge of the channel in the Commonwealth of Independent States, there was a mistake in understanding. Ascendas Group didn’t ask for anything in return. Russian aerospace technology experts were sent to Tengfei Group by a channel leader, begging grandpa to tell grandma to let Zhuang Jianye make arrangements and arrangements.

The reason is that these Soviet experts who assisted China in the 1950s missed their second hometown for the first time in the 1950s, and prepared to spend some time revisiting the past of teaching Chinese students.

When Zhuang Jianye heard this, this requirement must be met. Regardless of the others, it depends on the white-haired appearance of those experts, and he can't bear to refuse.

Isn't it an alternative cospy, what's so difficult? Find a few melon seeds with flexible heads~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Young people with outstanding image and temperament, loyal and honest people, can accompany the old Soviet experts in the past, respect the old and love the young, as long as the old experts are happy, Zhuang Jianye is a big hand. Swing, generous to death.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye is generous, and there are more and more old Soviet experts introduced by various channels who want to realize their wishes. One of them is an eye man who works in the Air Force, because he swept away at Ning Xiaoxue’s wedding that year. The super large wine barrels of the entire Ascendas Group's senior management actually threatened Zhuang Jianye.

If Zhuang Jianye refuses to accept, Lai Mao, Liuliangye, Zhuyeqing, Fenjiu, Laobaigan'er, Erguotou or even the fruit brewed in the south, no matter whether they are singled or gang fights, let them fall first.

Who is Zhuang Jianye? You might be threatened by these and immediately speak rightly...All the Soviet experts who accepted the man with eyes plugged in, there is no way, the man with eyes is not afraid of sagging stomach, but Zhuang Jianye is afraid of it. If you can't twist your thighs with your arms, let's admit counsels. Anyway, it is to give Soviet experts the realization of their wishes, respect the old and love the young, and say we are not ashamed.

Perhaps good people are rewarded, or perhaps it is the old Soviet experts who think that Zhuang Jianye, a young man, is very sincere and a good guy. So after reviewing and reviewing, I reviewed a lot of dry goods. Among them, some of them were earned by Europe and the United States. Flow loop heat pipe technology.

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