Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1664: Today, I have witnessed history...

Of course, this wasn't a big deal, and the next moment was to make Ravanujan's hair shiver with horror.

Because the data captured by the telescope shows that the mysterious flying object in the northern Himalayas is not only "drifting" above the 120-kilometer sky, it is also making a large-scale spiral turning motion.

In other words, the mysterious flight itself is powered and can perform large overload maneuvers.

If this is changed to before, all the equipment of the Nehru Observatory is concentrated, and this type of high-speed, high-overload maneuvering cannot be judged.

Even now, it’s very difficult. Fortunately, the newly updated IBM computer helped a lot. This computer can automatically generate the relevant mathematical model of the trajectory movement based on the asteroid’s trajectory, which makes it more convenient for the relevant scientists. Understand the state of asteroids.

This computer processing program is also a top-level equipment in the current field of astrophysics. As for the shortcomings, it is delayed. It takes at least three hours to generate a preliminary mathematical model of motion from the trajectory to the trajectory, if it is a little more complicated. The celestial body even takes three to four days to complete.

But this is enough for astrophysicists, after all, they are not engaged in celestial defense, and there is no need to measure data in real time.

Of course, even if it can be tracked in real time, it may not really be able to catch the trace of the mysterious aircraft in the northern Himalayas, because Ramanujan noticed that the data displayed on their IBM computer is only the most preliminary mathematical evaluation, not the real one. Trajectory model.

Generally speaking, this phenomenon can only be encountered on more complicated celestial bodies. Even if you want results, you have to wait three or four days.

The computer for the NMD missile defense system of the US North American Air Defense Command is naturally much stronger than that of the Nehru Observatory.

But the problem is that no matter how powerful, the computer architecture is the same. After all, they are all made by IBM. If you say no, then the NMD missile defense system of the North American Air Defense Command belongs to the top version; the Nehru Observatory belongs to That's the beggar version.

In other words, it takes three or four days for the Nehru Observatory to figure out things, and the computer belonging to the North American Air Defense Command’s NMD missile defense system takes 10 to 20 minutes.

In terms of time, the NMD missile defense system of the North American Air Defense Command is already powerful enough, but the problem is that the 10 to 20-minute solution time is completely ineffective for the North American Air Defense Command’s NMD missile defense system. When the command calculated the logical point of one orbit, the mysterious aircraft had already shifted to another logical point. Such reciprocation means that the NMD missile defense system of the North American Air Defense Command always lags by 10 to 20 minutes.

This is no different from the NMD missile defense system of the North American Air Defense Command. It is deadly. If you can't catch the target, you won't be able to talk about interception.

No way, who made that mysterious aircraft trajectory too complicated, not only has the longitudinal "water drift" trajectory, but also the horizontal large overload maneuvering trajectory.

The whole is erratic, like a diverging stream of consciousness. It is impossible to judge where the aircraft will fly next. Otherwise, the IBM computer of Nehru Observatory will not be able to calculate it as a very complex celestial body. The reason is here. Woolen cloth.

But because of this, Ramanujan involuntarily popped out a three-letter UFO in his mind, but it didn’t take long for him to deny him again. There was no way, the feeling of deja vu always made Ravanujan feel like he was there. Where have I seen...

"Seems familiar? Have you seen such a vision?"

Just as Ravanujan stared at the observation data from the Uranus Telescope, contemplating this familiar sight with his eyebrows, at a campsite in the southern foot of the Kunlun Mountains, Koujiao Baojiangzi was surprised and asked the question in his heart: "So, you Have you seen an alien?"

Steve Matsumoto almost broke the defense again by Koujiao Baojiangzi. Have you seen an alien? I want to see this little fairy too!

Silent without even raising his head, his eyes were always staring at the cyclone vortex that seemed to never disappear through the camera lens, and the other hand quickly pressed the shutter, then slowly said: "If I see It’s just fine to live with aliens. I’m tired of life on Earth a long time ago. Of course it’s better to follow the aliens to their planet... just..."

Speaking of Steve Matsumoto, he raised his head and looked at the whirlpool that seemed to be weakened: "I always think I have seen similar materials or books... but I can't remember it for a while!"

“It’s normal if you can’t think of it. After all, the RAND Corporation has a close relationship with the U.S. military. You need to borrow a lot of information every year. Maybe you watch it from a secret base. Maybe it’s Area 51 where the U.S. Air Force secretly stores alien corpses. It is said to belong to the U.S. Air Force..."

At first, Jiangzi said that she had a nose and eyes, but people who didn’t know thought she was a good helper and good helper of Steve Matsumoto, who could say something about the RAND Corporation and borrow internal information. The black donkey hoof is obviously much more lean.

However, after a long time, I discovered that it was not that Koujiao Baojiangzi was really capable, but because there were a lot of Hollywood blockbusters in his head. The style of painting has changed beyond recognition. What kind of aliens, what mysterious black technology, what secret organization, it can be said how big the brain hole of Hollywood is, and it will be done by doubling the mouth and pepper.

Only this time, Steve Matsumoto did not break the defense as usual. uukanshu. Com, but the whole person is just like being cursed by Queen Mother Xi, the whole person is so silly there, staring motionlessly at the vortex that has begun to dissipate in the distance, and muttering like a devil in his mouth: " U.S. Air Force...U.S. Air Force...Black Technology...Black Technology..."

After not knowing how long, Steve Matsumoto suddenly yelled: "I know...I know...I know...That's not an alien spacecraft, it's a terrible weapon made by the earth!"

The roar was a bit strong, and it directly shocked the babbled Koujiao Baojiangzi, but before Koujiaobaojiangzi could react, Steve Matsumoto stormed into the tent and picked up the charging one. The satellite phone dialed a number with shaking hands.

After a long time, there was a lazy and obviously displeased female voice: "Moses, Moses?"

Before Steve Matsumoto had time to explain, he roared directly: "I'm looking for Vice President Yasuda, hurry...a hundred thousand hot...hurry!"

At the same time, on the International Space Station, Hans, an astronaut from Germany, has a much better memory than Steve Matsumoto. Through actual observations, Hans quickly organized the organization in the North Atlantic when he served in the army many years ago. The scene described in a secret document I saw overlapped, so I didn't care to explain to Wolfe beside me. I picked up a special line on the space station that was dedicated to contacting the European Space Agency and drove over: "I am Hans, I have important affairs to report..."

At the same time, Nehru Observatory, Ramanujan also picked up the phone to the National Observatory in New Delhi, and said tremblingly: "Today, I have witnessed history..."

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