Sword of Coming

Chapter 1174 Invincible hand on the wine table

Qing Shan and Gao Ren felt like an appointment at first sight. There are thousands of flowers on the peak outside the building, when the pen is not withdrawn. Baiyun is born in the mirror, before the bright moon falls. When the big sun rises in the East China Sea, it is another day.

A little girl in black, with a cotton bag slung across her shoulders, a green bamboo stick in her hand, and a golden pole on her shoulder, has finished her mountain patrol work in the early morning, and she is about to go out and wander the rivers and lakes!

A few days ago, she made an appointment with Guardian Zuo of Qilong Lane on the date and time, and they will meet at Huimeng Mountain, and today they will go to Huanghu Mountain together.

He was running on a small path in the mountain behind Jise Peak, his two short legs running like the wheels of a cart.

The wind blows through the mountains and forests, blowing in large chunks, rustling bamboo leaves, and bursting pine waves, listening to the sounds of nature.

As the good man Shanzhu returned home longer and longer, the courage of the right protector became bigger and bigger every day.

Nowadays, not only do the two mountain tours between Jise Peak and Jiling Peak in the morning and evening, Xiaomi Li occasionally takes a trip to Huimeng Mountain, and even travels all the way to Huanghu Mountain.

The main reason is because I heard Jing Qing say that on the Huanghu Mountain side, there is often a county magistrate Zhima official who goes fishing, named Fu Hu, who seems to be the parent official of Pingnan County, who somehow got to know his master,

Millet didn't feel sorry for Fu Hu's fish catch, but mainly felt that County Magistrate Fu, an ordinary man who had never refined Qi, had many different kinds of aquariums in the lake, just the ones that weighed two hundred catties There are quite a few herrings, magistrate Fu should not catch fish if he fails to catch them.

Huanghu Mountain used to be the site of water floods, and a water mansion was opened at the bottom of the lake. The two dragon king baskets of Chen Nuanshu and Chen Lingjun were refined into a landscape array here.

There are a few old tea trees on the mountain, plus the spring water from Yuanmu Peak. Every year, the old cook will go up the mountain to pick tea in person, and return to the house to fry tea and cook tea. Every time Xiaomi Mili drinks tea, he will praise a few words, good Taste, sweet aftertaste.

At a kiosk on the mountain road north of Huimeng Mountain, Xiaomi Li met the left guardian, and they wandered towards Huanghu Mountain together.

He took out the cakes that he had prepared earlier and gave half of them to Zuo Hufa. They were peach blossom cakes and almond cakes from his new year's shop in Qilong Lane.

After eating the pastries, Xiaomi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Guardian Zuo, do you know, not only the Huanghu Mountain of Hongxia's sister, but also the array of guardians on many other hills belonging to our family are all paid by Chief Zhou. Well, it’s a lot of money.”

The earth dog nodded.

That Zhou Fei is indeed rich, he is a local rich man, and he spends money without blinking. There can be a few more chief worshipers like this, not too many.

Millet said old-fashionedly: "That Fu Hu who likes to fish by the lake is the county magistrate of Pingnan County, a real official. I heard from Jing Qing that Fu County magistrate used to be the top leader in the Dali Capital News Office. , Coming to Pingnan County to be a county magistrate is a mediocre officialdom, not a promotion, but a reuse. If the two of us really meet this county magistrate Fu, remember to look at my eyes and act, we are both smarter."

The earth dog continued to nod. Chen Lingjun is right, he is a Zhima official, but being able to take charge of a county in Dali Chuzhou is much more promising than being an idler in Qingshui Yamen like Jiebao Office. The family must have a background. I remember that there is a surnamed Fu, who seems to be It's called Fu Yulai. He used to be the prefect of Baoxi County. He is a son of a well-known family in the capital. He first worked as a secretary for Wu Yuan to handle copywriting and accounting books. He is probably related to Fu Hu?

Xiao Mili looked down and asked in doubt: "Guardian Zuo knows all about this? Could it be that Nuan Shu's sister is right, can you open up your mind and improve your shape?"

The earth dog shook his head quickly.

If Xiao Mi Li knew the truth, not to mention Luopo Mountain, I'm afraid Qingping Sword Sect of Tongyezhou would know it. In fact, it doesn't matter if everyone knows it, as long as Pei Qian can't know it.

This left protector of Qilong Lane actually already had a name, Han Lu.

If it wasn't for Pei Qian, who had a "real name" and used to eat pills as food, he would have succeeded in refining it long ago.

Thinking of that former little Heitan... the past is unbearable, even after Pei Qian turned into a young girl and before she went out to visit Luzhou in Beiju, she seemed to have confessed to Xiaoli on purpose that you are colleagues in the officialdom, don't intrigue , to love each other, when she is not at home, ask Zuo Hufa to come to your side from time to time, don't always wander around, the world is dangerous, some masters who steal dogs are good at catching dogs, they don't use meat buns, just Then just bend down and copy, you can abduct a dog wrapped in a cotton robe, and without anyone noticing, turn around and go to the stew pot, and we can't eat dog meat... You old cooks Let's eat together over there, don't go hungry Zuo Hufa, except you, remember to remind the old cook to throw a few more bones on the ground together.

If you don't eat, you don't give face, and it is easy to be accounted for by Mi Li, and then settled by Pei Qian after returning home. Eat, lose weight.

Xiao Mi looked left and right, but there was no one around, so she pulled out a satin cloak from the cotton satchel, tied it up, and swung her mad sword.

As a result, in a pavilion with white walls and black tiles in front, a figure in a green shirt and long coat suddenly walked out, with gentle eyes and a smile on his face, looking at the "smelly" rice grains that he thought of himself as "stinky".

Xiao Mili looked embarrassed, and ran quickly to the good man Shanzhu who came without saying hello, and said shyly, "It's a bit childish."

This navy blue cloak was worn on Mi Li's body. It was just the right size, and it looked like an old cook's handicraft.

"Why are you so naive? It's because you don't know the point that you feel awkward."

While speaking, Chen Ping made a movement of twisting the object with two fingers, and then shaking his wrist, "All the heroines in the Jianghu are like this."

Mi Li followed suit, reached out and pulled up the corner of the cloak, then flicked her wrist vigorously, making a clattering sound.

Oh oh oh oh.

I see!

Chen Ping said solemnly: "Do you still feel childish now?"

Xiaomi Li grinned and said, "It's so majestic."

Chen Pingan nodded to the earth dog, and it immediately understood and went to play on its own.

Chatted with Xiao Mili about the current situation of the Xiazong, and said that Qingping Jianzong has newly established three government departments, six divisions and eight bureaus, who will be the official and take care of what.

Xiao Mili was confused, she frowned her two slightly yellow eyebrows, remembering to be serious. Ears to God, is there such a good thing?

After the big white goose became the suzerain, it was different, but it was hard to give people official hats.

Chen Ping smiled and said, "Sect Master Cui is teaching me how to do things."

Little Millet blinked.

Chen Pingan suppressed a smile, "Didn't tell Pei Qian about the book of heroes, did you?"

Xiaomi Li shook her head vigorously, "I have an appointment with Baishou Baijianxian, the master of Taihui Sword Sect's Pianran Peak, so we can't talk about it."

But the trivial matter of calling Baishou and the good Shanzhu brother and brother, Xiaomi Li and Pei Qian said it exactly.

At that time, Pei Qian had a dark face and said it was very good, so he wrote it down.

Xiaomi Li said something from his heart, Bai Shou and the good man Mountain Master have a really good relationship, it can be seen that although Bai Jianxian never said it, he actually admires the good man Mountain Master in his heart. Well, the old cook made an analogy, saying that he is like a teenager who meets an adult whom he admires from the bottom of his heart. Because he is worried that the two sides have nothing to talk about, he likes to say that I can drink!

Pei Qian looked calm, nodded, and said that Baishou was able to become Liu Jianxian's direct disciple because of his master's matchmaking. No.

Chen Ping rubbed his chin. Since it wasn't Xiao Mili who tipped off the news, who on earth leaked the news to Pei Qian?

Xiao Mili scratched her face, still feeling that she had to give a hint to the good Shanzhu.

"Ha, it's definitely not Jing Qing."

Chen Ping touched the little girl's head, pretending to suddenly say: "I see, it seems that I wronged Jing Qing."

Chen Ping let Xiaoli ride on his neck.

Just like a father pampering his own daughter.

The little girl folded her arms on the head of the good mountain master, put her round chin on her arms, squinted her eyes and smiled, and told the good mountain master what interesting things she saw during the mountain patrol yesterday and the day before yesterday , For example, there is a big toad on the road, it walks slowly. Near the Xuxin Pavilion, a bird whose name cannot be named has built a nest. The gazebo with the longest name is thirty-six paces away, and those tea slices are almost ready to eat. It's a pity that the kiwi is still small, and someone secretly carved words on a red lacquered pillar in the Yuxia Pavilion. Magpies chirp, often announcing the good news on the branches...

"Wow, so many new things, it's so interesting."

"That's right, it's very interesting."

Mr. Da is a neighbor, the abbot of Beiyue Piyun Mountain, Zhou Guo is in charge of going to Zhongyue Zishan, Min Wen and Li Hou are respectively in charge of the sealing ceremony of Dongyue Qishan and Xiyue Ganzhou Mountain.

They had only stayed in Luopo Mountain for a short time before, and Dao Neighbor soon followed Wei Bo to the Tiger Mansion to discuss the procedure of the ceremony. Among them, Marquis Li took time to go to the accountant of Luobo Mountain, and Wei Wenlong was so excited that he could hardly speak.

Chen Qingliu and Xin Ji'an left Luopo Mountain together, intending to visit the Qiufeng Temple that has no owner until now.

Chen Lingjun was very reluctant to leave old and new friends, and Jinghao, who couldn't get away with two drinks a day these days, pretended not to.

Jing Hao's direct disciple Gao Geng, sword cultivator Bai Deng, and the ghost named Yinlu had already gone down the mountain long before them, so it can be said that they hid wine in a fair manner.

There are two drinks a day, and every time he drinks morning wine, Chen Lingjun will not bother that stupid girl Nuanshu.

Chen Lingjun sent it all the way to the mountain gate, and agreed with Elder Jing that whenever he traveled to Liuxiazhou in the future, he would definitely be the first to visit Qinggong Mountain.

I gave Chen Zhuoliu a package, saying that there were some pastries from the New Year's shop, dried fish from the stream that I dried myself, tea from Huanghu Mountain, honey from Xiancao Mountain, etc., and I would take it on the road and eat it as a snack. Then, with your heartfelt voice, don't say a few mean words with yin and yang viciousness on the old fairy Jing's side. They are just big-hearted and don't bother to care about you, so don't push your nose.

Chen Qingliu just carried the lightly gifted and affectionate package across his body, and left without talking nonsense to Chen Lingjun.

The little boy in Tsing Yi who was so angry that he prepared the polite words of "send you a thousand miles away will eventually have to say goodbye", endured and endured, but finally couldn't hold back, three steps for two steps, leaped forward, and kicked Chen Qingliu's ass , Swearing, fuck your uncle.

Jing Hao pretended not to see anything, but her eyelids were trembling.

A few backs, farther and farther away.

Chen Zhuoliu suddenly raised his arm and shook it a few times.

Only then was Chen Lingjun satisfied, and moved to squat beside Taoist Xianwei.

Xian Wei, who was sitting on a bamboo chair basking in the sun, couldn't help asking: "Jing Qing, have you never been to the Confucian Temple?"

Chen Lingjun was stunned for a moment, and said in confusion: "On Luopo Mountain, only my master has been to the Zhongtu Confucian Temple. What kind of green onion am I? Why should I go? Once I go, I can enter."

On the contrary, Xianwei was deceived by Chen Lingjun, and felt helpless: "I didn't mention the Zhongtu Confucian Temple, but the kind of Confucian Temple in counties and counties that can be seen everywhere."

According to the Haoran etiquette system, Confucian temples are built in every county in the countries of Jiuzhou.

Chen Lingjun looked pitifully, raised his hand and patted Taoist Xianwei on the shoulder, feeling stupid after reading.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, there are so many Confucian temples along the Yujiang River in Huang Tingguo, how could I have never been there?"

Xianwei became more and more puzzled, since he had been there, why didn't he recognize those scholars? Except for Confucian temples in small county towns in some barren and remote places, Confucian temples in ordinary county towns, or Confucian temples in slightly affluent counties, will hang statues of the ten philosophers of Confucian temples together.

Chen Lingjun felt a little guilty, and he was ashamed to say that he did not go to the Confucian Temple much. Of course, he did. Spirit. Every time I go to the Confucian Temple, I pay homage to the incense first, and then I go to the main hall to worship the hanging statue. I stare hard at the hanging statue of the most holy teacher outside the door. I have to step over the threshold and kneel on the futon , just kowtow to the old man!"

In Chen Lingjun's view, this is called worshiping the biggest mountain. For example, if you go to Beiju Luzhou, as long as you have that blessing, you have to have a good relationship with the real Huolong who eats both black and white. He was the first to visit Qinggong Mountain, and he became close to the respected and broad-minded Immortal Jing Lao.

After telling Chen Lingjun this, Xian Wei understood it, and he was convinced that it was indeed something Chen Lingjun did.

Xianwei looked at the little boy in Tsing Yi with pity, and patted him on the shoulder, "Fellow Daoist Jing Qing, you really don't take the usual path."

Chen Lingjun laughed loudly, "It's all valuable Jianghu experience that is hard to buy, and you have learned it."

The date of returning home keeps being postponed, and Gao Jun, the head of the Hushan faction who has been delayed again and again, is finally willing to leave Luopi Mountain and Piyun Mountain, and she takes the lead in returning to the blessed land of lotus root.

Zhong Qian was two days later than Gao Jun, and she was reluctant to return to her hometown. If this unambitious martial artist with a golden body hadn't been placed there as the number one martial artist in Fudi, she would probably have stayed in Ji Se Peak In the private house, I continue to dip green onions in sauce every day, drink some wine, read a few miscellaneous books borrowed from Brother Dafeng and Taoist Xianwei, and when it’s time to eat, I go to Zhu Lian’s side to wait, and help serve the dishes to the table. After eating, I will help clean up the dishes with the girl in the pink skirt, and finally order a few dishes with the old cook, and I will have something to look forward to for the next meal.

This day, from Niujiaodu, a visitor came straight to Luoba Mountain.

The white-haired boy is haunted by ghosts, and she, the score editor, should be as dedicated to her duties as the ear god of the millet grain.

Among the crowd of visitors, finally came a five-level qi trainer!

It was Zeng Ye, the head of the Five Islands faction in Shujian Lake, who came here by ferry from the capital of Dali. The white-haired boy recorded the date, date, and identity of the genealogy.

Zeng Ye politely refused the guide of the notation editor, and walked to the bamboo house on Jise Peak by himself. Chen Pingan put down his pen, and took Zeng Ye to the stone table beside the cliff to sit down.

Chen Ping asked with a smile: "Have you been to Dali Capital?"

Zeng Ye nodded, but stopped talking.

Chen Pingan said, "Have you met her?"

For no reason, Zeng Ye burst into tears all at once.

Chen Ping was silent for a moment, really didn't know how to untangle Zeng Ye, so he could only say, "Go to Zhu Lian's side when you have time, and you can talk to him about it."

Zeng Ye collected his thoughts and chatted with Mr. Chen about the situation of the Wudao faction. Chen Pingan listened carefully and gave some suggestions for Zeng Ye to pay attention to the details.

Afterwards, Nuan Shu came here and stood far away on the side of the bluestone slab path. She didn't want to disturb the master of the mountain to talk about business with the master Zeng. After the conversation was over, she walked towards the stone table and took Master Zeng to the residence in the mountains. When he arrived at the gate of the house, Zeng Yi took the key, thanked Nuan Shu, entered the house, put away his luggage, hesitated for a while, and went directly to Mr. Zhu who was the chief housekeeper in Luoba Mountain.

The gate of the old cook's house has always been concealed, anyone can come to visit.

Zhu Lian lay on the rattan chair, waving the cattail fan, sat up, and said with a smile, "Master Zeng, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zeng Ye made a bow and said, "Zeng Ye of the Wudao faction, I have met Mr. Zhu."

Zhu Lian waved the cattail fan in his hand, "My family, please don't be too polite, sit down and chat."

The young man was on Qingxia Island and once worked as a cashier's assistant for his son.

Zeng Ye sat on a bamboo chair under the eaves and told an old story many years ago. The beginning of the story is that the young man was brought to Qingxia Island by a benefactor named Zhang Dian, and he saw Mr. Chen who looked haggard but had shining eyes. , he was wearing a cotton robe and had a gentle demeanor. Zeng Ye also said how the young man was afraid of Gu Can. At the beginning of this landscape story, it had nothing to do with wine. Afterwards, there was Mr. Chen living next door, a cowardly and cowardly young man, he gradually felt relieved, and encountered some people and things related to Shujianhu but not Shujianhu, ghosts and debts. When Zeng Ye was about to talk about the girl from Huangli Mountain, Zhu Lian stood up, said to wait for a while, went to the wine cellar to get a jug of wine, lifted the mud seal, handed it to Zeng Ye, and Zeng Ye drank it Alcohol, I don’t know whether it’s people drinking or drinking people, and I continued to tell the story until I went to Dali Capital, and talked about the reunion under the sun, a girl squatted reading a book, in the story in the book , there is a timid young man named Zeng Ye, and there is also a girl Su who may never like Zeng Ye at the end of the story, nor know that Zeng Ye likes herself, or may know but pretend not to know.

At the end of the drink, the jug was empty, but Zeng Ye was still drinking with his head up.

Zhu Lian shook his cattail fan and said softly: "The young man originally thought that if he wanted to reunite with the girl he loves in this life, he would have to find her and wait for her for a hundred years, hundreds of years, and a thousand years. I like it. But the world is so strange, it seems that a dream has come true, and I finally found the girl I like. Logically speaking, this is a rare and lucky thing. Sad, it seems that it is not heartbreaking, I feel that it must not be like this, how can I be so heartless, it shouldn't be like this. It is broken and broken, scratching my heart and lungs, and my liver and intestines are full of knots."

"This taste is not bitter, but astringent."

"I completely forgot Miss Su, and turned to like Miss Liu now, and felt sorry for the former."

"I have been attached to Ms. Su for a long time, and at the same time I like Ms. Liu, and I feel sorry for the latter."

"Just because deep down in your heart, you have to admit that they are not alone after all."

"I like someone, I don't like someone, I like someone at the same time, I don't like anyone anymore, it seems that no matter what I do, it's always a mistake."

"It's not the kind of person who likes to pretend to be confused. Since we know it's wrong, how can we really rest assured?"

Zhu Lian asked with a smile: "Zeng Ye, if I knew it was such a stumbling block, would you regret meeting Miss Su back then? Would you regret going to Dali Capital this time?"

The former boy Zeng Ye, now the head of the Five Islands School, shook his head vigorously without hesitation, "Absolutely not!"

Zhu Lian nodded, "I've seen it, at least I'm relieved. As for some new regrets, I'll keep them in my heart for a long time. Zeng Ye, if you hear this, if you ask me, don't you have nothing? Do you? Then I’m going to ask you a question, are you really not doing anything? Listen to me, go back to the capital again, and put aside the affairs of the Wudao faction for a year or two, two or three years, when you arrive in the capital , the only thing you have to do is to force yourself to do nothing, so as not to add to the mistakes, otherwise people's hearts will be hard to deal with. Find a job as an ordinary person over there, and maybe one day the answer will come to you by yourself. Your heart has gone."

Zeng Ye nodded, and said in a hoarse voice, "I listened to Mr. Zhu, so I will do it this way."

Hearing so much from Mr. Zhu, Zeng Ye felt much better.

Zhu Lian smiled and said: "One last word for you, don't place too high expectations on the matter of love between men and women, and don't have no hope in your heart."

Zeng Ye grinned, "I remember."

In fact, Chen Pingan had been secretly standing outside the door, listening with all ears, and left quietly after hearing this.

There was a girl in a pink skirt farther away. Chen Ping put her finger on her lips, and then nodded with her with a smile.


I took the Fengyuan Ferry on the Luzhou Southeast Commercial Route in Beiju, and it docked slowly at Niujiaodu in the twilight of this day.

Chen Ping brought Xiaomi Mili and Chen Lingjun to wait here for a long time.

While waiting, the little girl in black lent a golden shoulder pole to the boy in Tsing Yi, and competed in swordsmanship over there. Xiaomi Li stood still, waving a green bamboo stick, while Chen Lingjun tossed and turned, bouncing around, shouting and drinking. Yes, it's a joy.

Jia Sheng, who was respectfully called Old Immortal Jia or Jia Banxian by the local people in the town, walked behind Zhang Lv Changshou, who was temporarily in charge of the ferry. Earlier on the deck of the ferry, the blind old Taoist sniffed hard, ah, It seems that the mountain breeze in my hometown is full of wine fragrance.

It's been a long time since I had a heart-to-heart talk with brother Jing Qing, the old Taoist felt very weak.

Chen Ping put his arms around his sleeves and said with a smile: "It's all hard work."

Wearing a snow-white robe, the Patriarch of Law in the Lost Mountains, she bestowed a blessing, and called out "Master" in a soft voice.

In fact, according to Chen Pingan's original idea, the long-lived Taoist friend he met in the old deaf prison could serve as the accountant of Luobashan.

But then Cui Dongshan became the patriarch of the law.

After returning home, Chen Pingan asked Pei Qian in private what her impression of Zhang Lv Changshou was.

Pei Qian told the truth, first he said some good things to set the stage, and finally he said something, which is very permeating after a long time.

Chen Ping was relieved.

It seems that longevity is the best choice, not one of them.

Chen Ping said with a smile: "The new steward of this Fengyuan ferry will be replaced by an old sword repairer named Xing Yun, who is the new enshrined of the Qingping Sword Sect. As for the ferry boat, of course it still belongs to our Shangzong. Changshou, as the patriarch in charge of law, you run the ferry business all year round, just like Cui Zongzhu said, it is indeed a bit outrageous."

Generally speaking, it is more than enough for a cross-continental ferry to have a Jade Realm cultivator sitting in charge. What's more, Xing Yun is also a sword cultivator of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

Chen Pingan talked to Jia Sheng again about the new Yuhai Academy built by the Qingping Sword Sect. The head of the mountain is a teacher, and he plans to invite Jia Sheng to be a lecturer in the academy.

Xiao Mi Li held a green bamboo stick in her arms, stopped and applauded silently. Chen Lingjun, who was helping to carry the golden pole, was a little confused. Both the big white goose and Mr. Zhong took money from Brother Jia? Otherwise, your academy is not a wine table. Brother Jia can go there and talk about hammers?

Chen Ping smiled and said: "An insight into the world is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is an article. Master Jia's extra-book knowledge is recognized by Cui Zongzhu and Master Zhong, so I will help you agree to this matter."


Old Immortal Jia panicked for a moment, "But Pindao has always been straightforward, and he is not a tactful person. How can he deserve this praise."

Chen Ping put his arms around his sleeves, smiled and said nothing.

Chen Lingjun rolled his eyes. Millet scratched her cheek.

Immortal Jia stomped his feet in annoyance, and looked, he said the wrong thing again, didn't he? ! If you look down on your own morality, how can you look down on the vision and love of Cui Zongzhu and Mr. Zhong.

Chen Pingan explained: "If you say that Cui Dongshan might play a joke on you, who is Mr. Zhong, you know very well that an outsider is a lecturer in the academy, and if Zhongqiu doesn't nod, Cui Dongshan can't just stuff people in there." As for the specific content of the teaching, the Fengyuan Ferry will go south to Tongyezhou, and when it arrives at Yulindu, Old Immortal Jia will go to chat with Mr. Zhong by himself."

Jia Sheng rubbed his hands together and said, "Try it out, if you don't match your morality, you don't have to be qualified for the position of lecturer, you don't need to drive people away, and the poor will pack up and leave."

Chang Ming asked: "Master, I heard that the Five Sacred Mountains will be sealed soon, do we need to prepare congratulatory gifts?"

As usual, all the sects and Daxian mansions in Yizhou need to congratulate the big happy event on the mountain such as Fengzheng of the Five Sacred Mountains, expressing that it is usually a letter written by the suzerain and the head of the sect, and another one matching the status of the mountain. congratulatory gift.

Chen Pingan said: "Except for Jin Qing and Fan Junmao, the rest of the tigers, we will not put hot faces on cold butts in Luopo Mountain."

Immortal Jia immediately heard the meaning of it, and it was chewy.

Zhang Lv Chang Ming said with a smile: "We met a few high-ranking people at Luzhou in Beiju earlier. Guanshi Jia chatted with them, and the answers were fluent and very decent."

Old Immortal Jia blushed and said, "It's a waste of time to drink, I can't control my mouth, it's a waste of time to drink."

Chen Lingjun slapped Jia Sheng's arm, "Brother Jia, you can do it, and you've made another great achievement!"

Who doesn't know, it's not easy to boast about Zhang Lv's longevity.

Jia Sheng said helplessly: "It can't be counted, it can't be counted, not to mention what a miracle it is. Now that I think about it, I have lingering fears, and I am terrified. I am afraid that something is wrong at the wine table, and it will affect the perception of those masters about our Luopo Mountain. Oh no."

In officialdom, it’s the same on the mountain and down the mountain. I’m afraid that it’s a mistake not to say or do it, and I’m even more afraid that it’s a mistake to say that it’s wrong and do it wrong.

Chen Lingjun laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? As long as it's on the wine table, Brother Jia, you and that Liu Jiuxian are invincible!"

Jia Sheng felt dizzy for a while. How dare he be compared with Liu Jianxian.

Chen Pingan asked curiously: "Oh? How do you say it, who did you meet, what did you talk about, let's talk about it carefully."

Changshou then explained the detailed process of the wine bureau. Chen Pingan listened attentively.

It turned out that at the ferry of a fairy family in Beiju Luzhou, the old fairy Jia accompanied Zhang Lvchangshou and negotiated a deal with the local fairy mansion. There was a restaurant nearby, which happened to sell a kind of wine called "Shuangquan wine" Xian Niang, knowing that Jia Sheng is good at wine, and settled the business, Zhang Lv Changshou naturally had no objection, but just happened to meet a group of people, who had already sat down to drink in the restaurant, compared to the last time on Qilong Lane, there was less whirling Zhouchun Confucian Chen's old man, there are two more slender-looking old men in Confucian shirts, and one dull old man who looks like a servant. Among them, the two familiar faces were Pang Chao, a Luoyang wood guest who had visited Qilong Lane in the small town, and the female cultivator Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi was bold and took the initiative to invite Zhang Lv Changming to drink with Jia Sheng.

Those three old gentlemen looked like one rich, one noble and one poor.

Among them, Huang Zhenshu claimed to be a lecturer at Xiushui Zhitai Academy.

There is also an old master named Zeng Xinxu, who said that he used to be a writer in a small country, but now he has no official position and is light, so he traveled around great rivers and mountains with two old friends who rarely took time off.

The last one is named Fancheng, and he doesn't like to talk much.

At the beginning, Jia Sheng was a bit restrained, but once he drank the wine, he drank a few cups of mellow and tangy mountain fairy wine, and his courage immediately filled his stomach. Although the old Taoist was very measured and never dared to get drunk, but that kind of drunken state, It was wonderful. In addition, that Huang Zhenshu is quite talkative, and he is very good at toasting and persuading him. Once he comes and goes, Old Immortal Jia will start talking.

Then we talked all the way to Luopo Mountain, Chen Shanzhu, moral knowledge... The words of Jia Laoxian seemed to have no taboos, but in fact they were all just right.

When Huang Zhenshu, who was most acquainted with drinking like drinking water, talked about Mr. Nanfeng, Jia Sheng drank it all in one gulp, and said, "Nanfeng's articles are unique in the world, and the battle of Jianghan stars in water."

Zhang Lv Changshou keenly noticed that the old master named Zeng Xinxu heard this and shook his head with a smile.

Huang Zhenshu asked with a smile: "That young mountain owner, does he admire popular articles such as "Daoshan Pavilion" and "The Story of the Mochi"?"

The old master seemed to be waiting for the blind Taoist at the wine table to say those old-fashioned and conclusive praises.

Jia Sheng laughed loudly and shook his head again and again, "The reason why my mountain master admires Mr. Nanfeng so much is not only because of the 'strict and correct words, but the layout' of the article. There are tens of thousands of famous articles, shining like stars, and Mr. Nanfeng is just one of them. Articles such as "Daoshan Pavilion" and "The Story of the Mochi" are of course excellent, but they are only one. That’s the word “good”. What our Shanzhu admires the most is not how beautifully written some of Mr. Nanfeng’s masterpieces are, but in the old master’s articles with mixed reviews, such as "The Disaster Relief of Duke Zhao of Yuezhou" "Records" and "Records of Yihuang County Studies" are the most recognized! What's more, Mr. Nanfeng's words and deeds are the same, he can apply what he has learned, pays attention to economic affairs, truly cares about the sufferings of the people, and never talks on paper! To be honest, our mountain The Lord likes to copy books, and he can copy as he reads and notes, but the whole article transcribed..."

Old Immortal Jia put down his wine glass, stretched out both hands, and turned it over again, "At most 20 articles, in terms of the number, Mr. Nanfeng is the leader alone, and there are as many as four articles for one person!"

"May I ask how many beautiful essays there are in the world, and the sea of ​​books is boundless. It's like picking out twenty Lizhus. Is it easy?!"

The old Taoist's words were true, the mountain master Chen Ping'an really respected Mr. Nanfeng very much.

But if you want to say these "beautiful words" to Jia Sheng, you really don't mean it, it's far less exaggerated than what the old Taoist said.

At that time, it was just a time when I was sitting with Jia Sheng in the courtyard of the old chef and chatting while eating melon seeds. Chen Ping's words were still very simple.

Zhu Lian echoed a few words, but in the end, Immortal Jia moved the books to the wine table.

"Of course, my Shanzhu also said that this is just his family's opinion and personal preferences. Those articles like "Lizhu" and those who have not been selected have a certain relationship, but not an absolute relationship. , After all, everyone has their own aesthetics and purpose.”

"Students, just cursing and swearing at others. Is it interesting? Interesting. Is it meaningful? Pindao thinks it may not be."

"Good knowledge, in the world, not only destructive, but also the ability to repair and build. If it is knocked down, it must be rebuilt. You can't just pat your ass and leave. Let's stop writing here."

"Since the words of scholars are used to convey the truth and pass on the torch, then the real gain and loss of the article lies in the brilliance of the literary talent. How can it not be related to the chaos?"

"Being able to ask questions is good. Being able to solve problems is even better."

Huang Zhenshu and Zeng Xinxu, two old gentlemen, looked at each other and smiled knowingly. They all looked at the expressionless silent old man again.

Don't you have the style of that literary sage reasoning and preaching scriptures with you Shao Gong?

I like and are good at adhering to a layer-by-layer progression, interlocking, not easy to deny, but not easy to believe that the real good is often at a higher place.

"The poor Taoist is poorly educated and has little knowledge. He was no different from ordinary people. He just admired Zeng Wendinggong's wonderful pen. It was only after chatting with the mountain master that he felt that this master and those famous writers who have gone down in history are the most The difference' is the most powerful place. The owner of the mountain said that in order to live in the world, one needs to see the virtuous and think like one, but also to be unique, not only to be unconventional, but also to be uniquely elegant. If you want to be 'different' without uttering weird words, acting absurdly, or deliberately using strange style and obscure content to attract people's attention, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky."

Pang Chao had already given this blind old Taoist priest a set of sincere rhetoric, and he was completely confused.

Before drinking, he was still a little cautious, and behaved kindly and politely. He never thought that after drinking, the old Taoist priest would be... like a godsend.

Pang Chao didn't read much, but Qin Buyi, who was from the same hometown as Bai and lived in the same era, knew the weight of these praises.

To put it simply, if this old Taoist priest is not talking nonsense, it means that in Chen Ping'an's mind, this Mr. Nanfeng, who has never been masked, is completely comparable to the most proud Bai Ye and Haoran Suzi in the world. . Even more than that?

If you want to talk about cramming, the old Taoist priests will never say this kind of "urgent work".

Huang Zhenshu asked with a smile in his heart: "This Taoist priest, has already recognized our identity?"

Qin Buyi was not sure.

There are so many mysteries on Luoba Mountain.

The dullest old master shook his head lightly, as if he had given the answer.

Zeng Xinxu asked with a smile: "If you dare to ask Daoist Jia, what do you, the master of the mountain, think of the few proud students under Su Zi's sect, how well they write? For example, the 'Huang' of 'Su Huang'?"

Jia Sheng hesitated for a moment, drank the wine in his glass, and drank to build up his courage, "We at Luopo Mountain have always treated people with sincerity and sincerity. The owner of the mountain did mention this Mr. Chonghe, and said that if he is lucky enough to meet You can drink with him and talk about life with the talented old master Huang, but you can’t discuss trivial matters in the world with him. A piece of silk can be exchanged for a few meat buns, and a few catties of charcoal can be exchanged for a piece of silk. This is called... a night in a rich family In the mountains, I mistook the stream for the sound of rain."

"My Shanzhu, I really like the phrase 'Ten years of rain in the rivers and lakes, a glass of wine in the spring breeze of peaches and plums'. I like it so much that I can drink a whole pot of wine alone just by thinking of this line. But I really don't like the phrase 'Looking at people's harvest Daowufengliang’, I don’t like Chen Shanzhu who is almost never willing to gossip behind his back, drinking in depression, asking himself repeatedly, how did that old master write such heartless poems.”

When the old Taoist said this, he sighed softly, poured himself a glass of wine, and then held it up high, which was regarded as a salute to the sage and apologetic, "I have offended you so much, the sage is not to blame."

Zeng Xinxu laughed loudly, while Huang Zhenshu nodded with a smile, "The scolding is on point, I have to pinch my nose to recognize it."

Qin Buyi and Pang Chao found it even more interesting.

A young man who has gained a great reputation, keeps his emotions and anger secret, and makes great achievements even after becoming famous. With such a city and such skills, most of them are heroes and sages, and there are also big treacherous ones.

If today's drink is just to listen to the blind Taoist priest say some good words, even if he is really sincere, it still doesn't mean much.

Hearing this, Chen Pingan had already guessed the identities of the two old masters. Mr. Zeng Wending, Mr. Nanfeng. The Mr. Chonghe under Su Zi's door.

Chen Ping asked, "The old gentleman at the end, what do other people call him?"

Changsheng smiled and said, "Everyone calls him Mr. Shao. From the beginning to the end, he never chatted with Jia Sheng,"

Chen Pingan was speechless for a moment, the old master's real name was far more than that.

He has profound knowledge and great skills, especially proficient in three tombs and five classics, astronomical calendar and Heluo divination. He is a great master who continues the incense of ancient Chinese classics and opens the way for modern classics.

It is not only the official school respected by all countries, but also the prominent school in the Confucian orthodoxy. It belongs to the master among the masters, and it can be said to be the master of the masters.

Although he is famous for his rigorous scholarship, he can be regarded as a Confucianist who studies heaven and man, but he is simple and dull, and he is extremely bad at words. If students and disciples have doubts, they usually ask their master for advice by writing, and the old master will also answer in writing. . This is also an anecdote within Confucianism.

But for some reason, this person was not worthy of the Confucian Temple.

There are even more rumors that this person once closed the door and sat opposite an old scholar who came to visit. They each wrote their pens and "quarreled" on the paper. You come and go, writing thousands of words.

As a result, the old scholar gave a thumbs up at the end and praised the other party for his good handwriting.

It stands to reason that this kind of secret matter that only "heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know" will not be disclosed, at least it will never be disclosed to the disciples.

However, within the entire Confucianism, it was rumored that there were noses and eyes, how Shaogong's face was flushed, and how the old scholar was in the presence of an old god, and won the tough battle while talking and laughing.

Chen Pingan also knew that Wen Yu, the deputy head of Tianmu Academy in Tongyezhou, was this person's unnamed disciple, as well as a teacher and a friend.

Immortal Jia came to the banquet, and said a few words of his own opinion, for example, a scholar of an era, has its own academics of an era, like entering a fence, full of limitations, if anyone can predict the trend of the millennium in the future , is the world's first-class scholars, can be among the streams of the source. The word "preliminary flow" was originally a Buddhist language, and the two old masters looked at each other and smiled, it was the first time they had heard this explanation.

As for the unsmiling little old man, even though he looked poor, Jia Sheng was at the wine table instead, intentionally or unintentionally toasting with him several times.

Wait until Luoposhan Zhanglu and Jialaoxian bid farewell and leave.

Mr. Nanfeng twirled his beard and smiled, "I didn't expect Chen Shanzhu to be so respected. There is no better luck in life than being in a foreign land and meeting a close friend."

Instead of listening to a few good words, the hard work that has never been understood by others can be truly recognized and cherished by others.

When it comes to the heart, it is like drinking alcohol.

The dull old man who just drank and didn't show any expression from the beginning to the end stood up and came to the window with a wide view, as if opening the window into a big river.

On Niujiaodu's side, Old Immortal Jia asked cautiously: "Shanzhu, is there any inappropriate or inappropriate words on the poor road?"

Chen Ping smiled and said: "Chen Lingjun is right, Old Immortal Jia is invincible at the wine table."

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