Survivor 01 [Unlimited]

Chapter 124: Atlantis - [14]

"I'm protecting myself, don't you guys want to go in and save people? Go!"

Outside the orthodox barracks, gaps were blown in the protective shields and buildings. Tonight, the supernatural rebels made a temporary surprise attack on the camp, catching everyone by surprise.

The middle-aged man with the armband of the Rebels on his arm stood in front of him, and the orange defensive film was instantly stretched, blocking a large number of flying laser stray bullets.

He turned around and said:

"Hurry up, hurry up, it won't last long, let's rescue and evacuate quickly!"

"Understood, uncle!"

Qin Jing raised her hand to adjust her armband twice, met Jian Lingxi who was beside her, and rushed out of the protective circle of the rebels at the same time.

After leaving the uncle's defense, the sound of artillery fire from the outside became clearer.

Qin Jing and Jian Lingxi shuttled through the hail of bullets and quickly broke through the defense of the orthodox army.

Qin Jing herself has the strengthening effect of supernatural powers, and her body attributes have increased by 500%. Therefore, her speed and toughness are many times higher than ordinary people. Breaking through a firepower circle that is not dense It's not difficult.

But what surprised her was that Jian Lingxi was able to keep up with her speed.

In her memory, Jian Lingxi didn't seem to be a supernatural being. It would be too scary if he possessed such strong physical fitness and strength just as a "reformed ordinary person".

But Qin Jing didn't have time to worry about these.

Together with Jian Lingxi, she eliminated the four firepower points of the Legitimacy Legion that were a greater threat to the rebels, and left the rest to the rebels in the rear. The two sneaked into the barracks and headed straight for the cell.

The rebel army had drawings of the orthodox barracks, and Jian Lingxi had visited here twice before, so she was familiar with the structure here, and the location of the cell was not difficult to find.

The cell of the orthodox military camp is divided into two parts, one part is used to detain the guys who violated military discipline in the army, and the other part is used to detain the supernatural prisoners of war.

The latter's cell is in the basement of the military camp. To be honest, in a one-on-one fight, ordinary people with hot weapons still have no chance of winning against powerful supernatural beings. It went very well, until they found the underground passage of the cell, and they were surprised by accident that they hadn't seen the guards for a while.

"A gate is watched by more than a dozen guards, but when we actually reach the passage of the cell, no one is there. Is this reasonable?"

Qin Jing frowned, observing the surrounding environment.

And after asking this question, she didn't wait for Jian Lingxi's response for a long time, so she glanced sideways at him, but saw that this guy's face seemed a little dignified.

At first, Qin Jing didn't know why, because the light here seemed to be broken, and her eyes were covered with a dark color that she couldn't see clearly.

She took out a small flashlight from her pocket, and she pressed the beam to see the way ahead, but the scene in front of her was very strange, the wall was still the wall, the stairs were still the stairs, but these things seemed to be covered with a thin layer of black mist.

Qin Jing didn't know what it was, but she always felt that it was not a good thing.

She frowned and continued walking down.

But soon, her steps stopped because she stepped on something strange on the sole of her foot.

Qin Jing's eyebrows twitched, she retracted her feet, and swung down with the light of the flashlight.

She saw that what she stepped on just now was a man's hand stretched forward.

The man was lying on the stairs, maintaining a forward crawling posture, but strangely, he seemed to be only half of his body, his body below the waist completely disappeared, and only some inconspicuous black mist danced at the fracture.

Qin Jing was startled.

"Qin Jing."

At that moment, Jian Lingxi called her name:

"You wait here, I'll go down alone."

"What's wrong?" Qin Jing didn't question Jian Lingxi's decision, she just asked out of habit.

And Jian Lingxi glanced at her:

"If that guy is really down there, you might die."

That rascal?

which guy?

Qin Jing raised an eyebrow, but did not ask questions.

On the stairs, Qin Jing took a few steps back and waited at the entrance of the passage, leaving only Jian Lingxi going down.

The soles of his boots collided with the ground, making a dull sound. The Blood Moon Scythe appeared in his hand, reflecting a cold light of the blade.

Jian Ling □ got out of the cell by herself, and the annihilation became heavier as she went down. The black mist wrapped around the ground and walls like flames, engulfing everything mercilessly.

He penetrated into those annihilated substances, and found the direction where the black mist was the thickest.

Those are two prison cells deep underground. They have been opened by Absolute Annihilation, and the walls and door panels are broken. In the only pure land without any trace of Annihilation, there is a person kneeling with his back to him, and there is another person lying in his arms. girl.

The girl was out of breath.

"Why are you doing this to her..."

Jian Lingxi heard Ye Fei muttering to herself:

"What kind of ability she has is not something she can choose. Why do you treat her like this?"

Jian Lingxi frowned.

He tentatively said:

"Ms. Ye?"

Hearing his voice, Ye Fei seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

He turned his head slowly.

In the boundless darkness, Jian Lingxi saw a pair of dark red pupils.

Not black like ink, not red like blood, but an indistinct dark color in between.

It might be more specific to refer to it by another name—


Ye Fei looked at Jian Lingxi from afar, and after a while, he slowly raised his lips.

"Give me back my sister."

He put down Eureka in his arms and stood up from the ground:

"I said, return Ling to me."

The room closed on all sides, the girl talking to him on the other side of the wall, the powerlessness of wanting to help but unable to break out of the prison...

These things were mixed together, making Ye Fei blur reality and memory, and some deliberately forgotten things were released, making him fall into a chaotic state from which he could not save himself.

"Hatred, selfishness, greed, hostility... Is it right that human beings only have these things? Why do you have to use harm to achieve your goals? Is it because I haven't given enough?"

Ye Fei's tone was a little confused. Later, he laughed in a low voice, and the laughter echoed in the underground cell, becoming more and more crazy:

"Hahahahahaha...If that's the case, if you're not satisfied, then die with her, die with me!!"

Absolute Annihilation is like a black storm, which instantly becomes thicker. Some of the annihilation substance melted Ye Fei's skin. His blood congealed into countless needles and mixed in the black mist to wait for an opportunity. The shadow under his feet condensed into an assassin holding two knives. , went straight to Jian Lingxi.

Several abilities were activated at the same time, and Ye Fei rushed out of the cell amidst Ye Fei's laughter, and rolled up to the upper floor at an extremely fast speed.

Jian Lingxi stood in the center of the storm. He lowered his head and turned on the light screen, and sent Qin Jing a brief message:


At the moment when she received Jian Lingxi's message, Qin Jing turned around and left the barracks as fast as she could without any hesitation, and retreated with her fellow rebels.

The raid of the rebel army came and went quickly tonight. The orthodox barracks didn't realize what happened at all. When they retreated, they were still wondering if this was a new round of conspiracy.

But soon, black mist rolled out from the ground floor. Before they realized what those things were, they were killed by the blood needles and assassins in them, and were swallowed by absolute annihilation without leaving a trace.

Later, someone finally discovered that this thing was beyond their ability to solve, but at that time, more than half of the ammunition and combat power inside the barracks had been lost.


Lalster stood on the commanding heights near the barracks, watching everything from a distance.

He came here to bring someone home under the order of Atlantis, but the current situation doesn't seem to be too good:

"What's going on here? Are we still going?"

Victor stood behind Larst and didn't speak.

Of course, it wasn't him that Larst asked.

A black shadow formed under Larst's feet.

Jue's voice was low and hoarse, he chuckled lightly and said:

"It seems that my ability is really suitable for him."

"Who? Mr. Ye?"

Larst raised his eyebrows slightly:

"A person like him can be so determined to cause such a large-scale casualty."

"Shh, this is the real him."

Jue seems to be in a good mood:

"Don't go, someone will solve all this."

"The snake?"

Larst narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jue didn't answer his question, he just said:

"Destruction is the most beautiful thing, but there are always people who don't appreciate that, don't they?"

Underground barracks.

The light of the Blood Moon Scythe split the Shadow Assassin, and the blood thorns and black mist kept attacking him, but they couldn't hurt him a bit.

Jian Lingxi knew the situation on the ground without looking, and there must be no grass growing on the ground.

This is the result of the simultaneous activation of nine S abilities without any control, simply solving the problem by destruction.

This is the full strength of the humanoid natural disaster that the White Tower exhausted all its combat power and suffered heavy losses five years ago.

That's what they call, the ability is out of control.

There are nine powerful abilities in Ye Fei's body that do not belong to him. A machine that is overloaded will face collapse, let alone a living person.

But the White Tower didn't seem to understand this. Through long experiments, they planted new abilities in his almost saturated body time and time again. They separated his body and turned him into a monster.

And when his body finally couldn't bear these things, once he exploded, they blamed him for losing control of his abilities, saying that he was an unstable factor, and beat him back to the ground.

He has been exploited and squeezed out of value all his life, but no matter how many times he is hurt, he will always treat the world with kindness.

Jian Lingxi thinks this is a bad habit.

But he is Ye Fei, so there is no problem.

Because he is here now.

Jian Lingxi walked towards him firmly amidst countless chaotic attacks.

The black mist blurred his vision, but he would not lose sight of the person.

Ye Fei seemed very uneasy about his approach, he raised his fist to attack Jian Lingxi, but he easily deflected it and grabbed his wrist by the way.

Ye Fei didn't know who he was. In short, the humans who approached him were not good things.


Emotional control, useless.

Dimensional up and down, useless.

Shadow creed, **** thorns, space interference, absolute annihilation... none of them can hurt him at all.

This person is a humanoid weapon made against him.

He wants to hurt him.

In the confusion of thoughts, Ye Fei could only make such a judgment.

But in the next second, the man grabbed his wrist and held him tightly in his arms.

Ye Fei slightly opened his eyes.

He heard the man tell him in a very gentle voice:

"Ling didn't leave, she's always there."

Jian Lingxi put one arm around Ye Fei's waist, and gently stroked the back of his head with the other hand to comfort him:

"I am also here."

When Jian Lingxi voluntarily participated in the transformation experiment, the researcher in charge of him once said that his transformation direction was the king snake. If he was lucky enough and the experiment was successful, he would gain the powerful ability to be immune to all supernatural abilities.

This is the decision Baita made after learning from the pain after Ye Fei lost control of his ability.

If successful, Jian Lingxi will be a humanoid supernatural blocker, and also the only person Ye Fei can deal with when he loses control next time.

He who made him wanted him to hurt him.

And Jian Lingxi only wanted to hug him vigorously when he was lost and helpless, when he pushed everyone away, through the storm, over the thorns, and through the shadows, like now.

The raging annihilation storm around was silent for a moment.

In that brief silence, Jian Lingxi whispered in his ear:

"…come back."

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