Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 1020 Talos’s futile plan

Hill was a little confused.

He can feel that these things are a bit special... As for those things that are misleading, he will not be fooled.

Not because of luck, but because of the alchemist master’s confidence!

If Hill could even make a mistake in this judgment, it is estimated that Flan, who was studying Toril's magic circle at Purvi's place, would rush down and hit him on the head without any hesitation!

Hill looked up at the clouds with a hint of fear... Purvi was still wandering above the white clouds.

He summoned a water ball with purifying power, washed his hands carefully, and Hill began to unpack the bag bit by bit.

This strange power of shadow... Hill raised his head and glanced at Shar, then silently picked a silver-blue moonlight flower from the air.

Selune had exploded with him so many times that the moonlight flower with her magical power almost turned into a background special effect in the rooftop garden.

"The Silver Moon Goddess of Hill's world has such pure power! Only the pure incarnation of the moon, the Lord of the Moon without any other clergy, can do it, so easily integrate with the power of the moon in other worlds!" Salem Nie Jian Liexin half sat up with joy, "Sil, who has her sincere blessing, can actually touch the manifestation of my power at will! That moon fire...can Hill also catch it?"

She quickly summoned a brilliant silver-blue flame and sent it to Hill: "Does Hill need my power? The moonfire is much stronger than the moonlight flower! I'll give you one to play with."

Shar sneered, and a dark fire emerged, sealed in the dark crystal by her, and floated to Hill: "I think those things also need the power of darkness to corrode, right?

A child of nature like you probably can't do it, so I'll lend it to you.

Don't take Selûne's moonfire out of the floating castle, it will be too much trouble. "

Selune yelled angrily: "Shar! What do you mean!"

Then he understood in his sister's even more angry eyes: "Ah! I forgot.

Then... Hill, you'd better just keep Moonfire and Darkfire in this castle.

The castle... you shouldn't take it with you when you leave, right? "

"No." Hill narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "This is the escape route I left for Martha.

During this time, in addition to managing Aglaia, she also had to take care of Luskan and Hidden Town. The Tallings in those two places were considered subordinates, and a large number of matters were sent to Martha for inspection every day.

Although very busy, Martha found it very interesting, and she was very happy to cooperate with Linn, so she wanted to stay in Toril and be a fulfilling administrator.

But... things on Toril's side have changed too much.

Even if I defend myself well, I'm still afraid of... the world being reorganized inexplicably, aren't I?

Therefore, before leaving, the floating castle will be sorted out and used as a body for Martha.

With the absolute control of Misuo, even if something happens to Aglaia one day, she and Linn will be able to have a real escape route. "

This was the first time that Hill had clearly told Shar and Selune about his vision for the future... Mainly after looking at the strange items lying around, he felt that he had to explain his thoughts clearly.

This time, Hill sincerely felt that he needed natural guidance and help... It was a bit scary!

He couldn't help but look at the sky... AO had to hold the window open to look at him now, right?

Hill now feels that even if he publicly states that he must leave, AO may not have any regrets anymore, let alone keep him, a son of nature who is so lucky, as a good thing.

How many years of careful planning and painstaking predictions had been hidden in Icewind Valley? Did he take the blame all at once?

With him around Faerûn a few times, many incidents would probably end before they even started.

After all, Toril... basically every destiny, no matter how big or small, is caused by some powerful artifact, strange creature, or weird existence.

With Hill around, at least those artifacts... fairies like Vera have lost their meaning of existence.

Either press the warehouse, or change the attributes.

For example, with regard to the current goddess of magic, what AO is now considering is not that this lady must stick to the good camp. He has to thank God for not being abducted into chaos!

A Selune is a little cotton-padded jacket that gives people a headache. Although it leaks from wind and rain, it is still bearable.

Here comes another goddess of magic who talks happily with Selune, gets along well with her, is complicit in evil, and has evil intentions... Hill will never believe that Edna like this can be assassinated so easily!

If one can be in pain and be happy at the same time, then two of them have to suffer more than they are happy, right?

Tsk, it’s better to bring in a few more new gods like Edna to see if AO still has the guts to plot against him!

Wait, Edna?

Hill's eyes lit up, and he asked softly: "Dear Ms. Shar, is there any place... that Edna cannot go in her destiny?"

Shar, who was on the gauze curtain, looked at Hill steadily: "It's as self-obstructive as the Nese Scroll. At best, it has to be a sub-artifact. Are you willing to give it up?"

Hill waved his hand, the crystal flower ring shining brightly: "I prefer things made by myself."

Shar smiled slightly: "Wait a minute, I have to ask the old man if there is anything he wants to use in the future but you brought it out with him.

As the top of the world back then, Icewind Dale actually had many secrets...especially the Great Glacier, which was related to the giant pantheon in the past.

The high mountain in Icewind Dale also has something to do with the elven pantheon...especially the Winged Elf God, who has been unable to escape the control of fate because he has meddleed in too many of Toril's affairs.

Hum ~ Guess how many key things you took away?

I think the old man’s eyes are going to pop out of his sockets now! "

Then she smiled weirdly: "If there is really something good that he plans to use for fishing, you just have to be willing to throw it out again.

Even if you want to take a Nese energy core with you, there is no problem, let alone just read the Nese scroll.

Even the shattered set is no problem, Mystra has a backup.

That’s considered~ your wish comes true, isn’t it, Xiao Hill? "

Hill looked down, his expression unchanged, but his hand picked up a gray-black metal picture frame that looked dusty.

After burning it with the beautiful silver-blue moonfire, the gray-black color immediately turned into dark gold.

Then Hill placed the dark crystal on the metal frame... and the golden color immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The thin gold pieces slowly unfolded from being curled together. Hill counted exactly fifty pieces.

"It seems..." Selune laughed, "Haha", "You have already sensed which one is... the scroll of Nese?"

"Other things, even if they have been refined many times, still have a little bit of natural flavor." Hill replied lightly, "Only this one doesn't have any breath of its own, it's just a little bit of mana. , it seems that some magic portrait or something like that has been placed before.

Normally, it is indeed difficult to attract attention, but once someone determines the approximate range, it is actually very easy to find. "

"No...everyone can distinguish such a weak breath." Lansander slowly walked over and stared at it for a while before sighing and saying, "At least...I...don't feel anything. .”

Shar came back soon, and she said with a smile: "Hill, the old man said, forget about other things, they are small tricks played by other gods. If you use them for Edna to play with, it will be the same for him. Good thing.

But that black feather frame and the twig with the slender leaves, please find a way to throw them back to Icewind Dale. "

He glanced at the two things.

The so-called feather frame, the rough style looks like a giant, but Hill is sure that this thing must be related to the winged elf.

And that branch with so-called slender leaves... looks related to nature, but in fact it looks like the necklace pendant that giants like to wear.

Hill couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth... How many historical problems does AO plan to solve in 100 years?

Shar's expression was full of doubts: "Hill, AO asked me to ask you, did you burn a lot of branches?"

Hill was horrified: "But that can't be a problem! Except the smell is better, especially like golden apples.

But wasn’t that where elves used to live?

Golden apples were not a precious thing before the age of Nese!

Besides, there's no way I could have mistaken the branch! I picked them all with my own hands! "

Shar tilted her head and then said slowly: "It's a branch! It's indeed right. That is, it was the tree that Oluel planted during the great elf period for his lover who liked to eat apples.

Others couldn't recognize it, but Oluer, who had carefully cultivated it and spent a long time with the tree, would definitely recognize it.

AO said... If Oluel discovers that tree, she is likely to suddenly go crazy from her current hiding state... Every time she causes big trouble, it is because of recalling those unlucky past.

But now... that tree has completely turned into ashes in your roast duck oven.

You should be able to guess by now, Talos, what are you waiting for now?

Can the crazy Oluel break through Aglaia's blockade and contact him in Waterdeep City?

In that case... the Winter Maiden will return to the camp of the Furious. "

"AO...don't you have any opinion on this?" Hill asked with frustration.

He doesn't even know now whether the lucky girl is the winter girl!

All the calculations were made by Aglaia in the middle!

"The old man won't care about Oluer. If it weren't for the inevitable winter... it wouldn't matter if he didn't exist.

A guy like Winter Girl is so bad that she can't be bad, and she can't get better. She's just worthless! "Selene couldn't help complaining, "If she dared to do any bad things, or simply be as shameless as Embry, it would be easier to solve.

Didn't you see that Toriel didn't take her with him for anything?

That's a big problem! "

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