If Lu Ming heard these inner words, he would probably smile crookedly.

After the shelter reaches level six, the city owner's factory has been integrated with the shelter's production system.

After that, the energy required for forging equipment, armor, and making items and props will be supplied by the shelter terminal, which is the Kirin milking.

There is no need to use his crystallized foundation at all.

Of course, the overall energy of the shelter is still supplemented by him personally.

And with the improvement of terminal intelligence, the energy supplement to maintain the operation of the shelter will be extracted first from the daily benefits provided by the city citizen level.

The excess is then handed over to the city lord himself.

In conversion, the profit and loss are similar, but it has gained great convenience and saved a lot of time.

If he viewed it as a transaction, using crystals to buy time, he would still be willing to accept it.

"Why are you thanking me? As long as you keep your lives longer and can hunt alien species more easily on the battlefield, what's the sacrifice? If you really feel moved, then improve yourself as soon as possible. Only when you become stronger is it right. My greatest reward.”

Although sensational.

But it's the truth.

Without their best efforts to move bricks.

There is no such speed of accumulation of resources.

Despite the fact that the crystallized resources produced by alien species are not very large.

Two legions went into battle at the same time in two days and only managed to get 200 million.

It is still the inferior specialized crystal.

But the total of 39.9 million pieces of Class E King alien materials distributed on the unsatisfied black market is a huge wealth.

He also said before that the current lowest price for the E-class king material of Starry Sky Ten Thousand Fields is 17 crystals.

If you want this thing to sell well, you can only reduce the price, and he also has the ability to reduce the price.

So the heroic price is 15 crystals per piece.

39.9 million materials, 15 crystals each. Once all are cleared, he will recover 598.5 million specialized crystals, equivalent to 5.985 million specialized crystal blocks.

Is it much?

Compared with the high return of 80 million from selling dragon fruit at one time, it is indeed not much.

But if you convert it into Grandmaster Nanny Mastery, you can see how crazy this data is.

15 copies.

Infinitely close to 15 copies.

In just two days, these employees created such value.

In the future, as the strength continues to rise and the number of city residents continues to grow, this kind of income will increase exponentially!

One year, no! Half a year!

In half a year, the average number of crystals harvested per day will increase hundreds and thousands of times!

With Lu Ming's specialization level, why should he worry about being stuck in progress?

In an instant, pride and excitement arose, and even the sky outside the training room became brighter!

On the other side, Chen Hai's chest moved like a drum, and his eyes gradually turned red.

The iron-blooded man was so shocked by Lu Ming's words that he actually had the urge to cry at this age.

There was a sudden dryness in my throat, but I didn't know what words to use to express my feelings at the moment.

"Let's trade, while the citizens of the city are gathered together, distribute it for easy processing."

Facing Lu Ming's urging, Chen Hai's Adam's apple rolled, he calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Yes!"

After the transaction was over, Chen Hai was about to turn around and gather the people in the city when Lu Ming's transaction was heard again.

Chen Hai quickly accepted it, and without asking, he saw 300,000 luxury set meal gift boxes, 300,000 hotpot buffets and 100,000 boxes of beer appearing in the transaction column, followed by a voice message.

"The hunting ground cleansing banquet we agreed on before ended up being delayed for 48 hours. In addition to this rapid siege mission, we have prepared it for you all at once. Remember to also arrange seats for the Holy Star Legion. Their contribution will be greater this time. Finally, I wish you good food and drink in advance.”

After saying that, Lu Ming locked the transaction column.

Chen Hai's mouth opened and closed again, but in the end he still couldn't say the invitation.

"Chen Hai, I understand."

With extraordinary solemnity, Chen Hai accepted what Lu Ming told him in a subordinate tone for the first time.

same moment.

There is still no movement in the transaction column on Mordekaiser's side.

Lu Ming was helpless, thinking that both of his regiment commanders were good in every respect, but their polite temperament made them anxious.

"Why don't you accept it?"


Mordekaiser was silent for two seconds, and said with a bit of shame in his tone: "Commander, can I make a request to you?"


Lu Ming was slightly surprised when he heard this, and suddenly showed a look of awareness.

Without criticizing anything, he went with the flow with a smile: "Then you must listen and tell me what you are asking for."

Mordekaiser's old face had already turned red, but he still suppressed his shame and explained: "We don't want weapons and crystals. Can you, can you please ask the commander to give us some of the supplies, not too much! Just a few boxes, we don't need those. Just the necessities for survival, some children’s clothes, and some candies and cookies.”

Afraid of being misunderstood, afraid of overstepping.

When it came to sharing resources, he was so excited that he added the explanation "don't ask for too much".

As the words went on, his voice gradually became lower, with a hint of reluctance that was hard to conceal.

He looked sideways at his armor which was full of scratches and cracks.

Then he looked at the high-dimensional weapons in the transaction column with invincible materials and terrifying power.

As a man who has given everything to the battlefield, it is impossible not to be moved.

But when I closed my eyes, when those short, skinny but hopeful figures flashed across my eyes, the reluctance in my eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by determination that no one could shake.

"Commander! I..."

He wants to fight for it! We must fight for it!

But before the next words were spoken, tens of thousands of daily necessities had already appeared in the transaction column.

In addition to the snacks and clothes he requested extravagantly, there were also extremely large amounts of staple food and water.

After touching the supplies, messages popped up one by one, and Mordekaiser was completely stunned.

As if he saw Mordekaiser's dull look from a distance, Lu Ming's smile remained unchanged: "Don't think about it. You know that these things are nutritious junk food for high-level specialized warriors. Do you think I suddenly let you Why collect daily necessities?”

Mordekaiser subconsciously turned his gaze in front of him.

It was clearly empty, but he seemed to be able to see the tall and tall figure of a strong man.


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