Superstar Couple

Chapter 86 Charity Gala (Part 2)

Chapter 86 Charity Gala (Part 2)

As soon as "Avalokitesvara" comes out, the influence of this charity event will inevitably increase greatly. Paying attention to people with disabilities is no longer a luxury.

There are many charity evenings, but although "charity" comes first, more and more people pay attention to the "evening".

After the previous charity gala, whether it is the media or the audience, they pay far more attention to the stars and entertainers at the gala than to the theme of the gala.

This time, the charity gala is very likely because of "Avalokitesvara" and will no longer be overwhelmed by guests.

In this way, the influence of this dance can be seen in general.

There are not many celebrity artists invited who can sing songs that fit the theme of the party. Yang Xiner's "Invisible Wings" is obviously a rare masterpiece, and it is also a new song. I thought it would be the biggest highlight of this evening. But once "Avalokitesvara" came out, no one could compete with it.

However, "Avalokitesvara" has a relationship with Zhang Le, and Yang Xiner is indispensable when Zhang Le is mentioned. Therefore, the influence of this dance on Yang Xiner has been weakened a lot.

The next few consecutive performances obviously became a cutscene. Many audiences didn't even pay attention to it at all, still indulging in the shock of the dance just now, and many audiences directly started to discuss whether it was Yang Li or Zhang Le who made this dance.

There were no surprises in the outcome of the discussion. Yang Li made this dance, and Zhang Le's movie inspired Yang Li. However, there were also objections. There are very good reasons. One is that when the host introduced it, he said that the two of them worked together, and when the subtitles were displayed on the TV screen, Zhang Le's name was in front of Yang Li's name.

Of course, this kind of discussion has only just begun, and the real explosion will have to wait until the end of the party.

The shock of "Avalokitesvara" slowly fell silent in their hearts, and everyone began to appreciate the performances of other guests. They look forward to Zhang Le's next performance even more.

Zhang Le's performance did not keep everyone waiting too long. However, what surprised everyone was that Yang Xiner came out with Zhang Le.

chorus? Doubts arose in everyone's mind.

However, what made them even more confused was the stage where Zhang Le was supported by Yang Xiner. What happened to Zhang Le?

It's not a chorus, and Yang Xiner doesn't have a microphone on her hands or body.

Careful viewers immediately saw clearly that Zhang Le's eyes were covered by blindfolds, and he couldn't see anything at all. Why does he appear in this way?

And Yang Xiner helped Zhang Le to the front of the stage, and Zhang Le's back-up dancer also appeared in front of the stage immediately, two groups, supporting each other. There is a man and a woman, there is an old and a young, there is also a big and a small... There are many combinations, and they all have one thing in common, one of them has their eyes covered and cannot see.

Everyone seems to have guessed a bit.

""You Are My Eyes" is brought to everyone, and I hope to pay more attention to the blind. When listening to this song, I hope everyone can close their eyes and imagine if they can't see..." Zhang Le said .

As Zhang Le spoke, the music started.

if i could see

Can easily distinguish day from night

can accurately stand in the crowd

hold your hand


you are my eye

Take me to appreciate the transformation of the four seasons

you are my eye

Take me through the crowd

you are my eye

Take me to read the vast sea of ​​books


After Zhang Le sang, he still did not take off the blindfold, but walked off the stage with the support of Yang Xiner. He didn't see the tears in the corners of Yang Xiner's eyes, nor the determination in her eyes.

Those firm eyes seemed to tell everyone that if Zhang Le really couldn't see, she would be his eyes.

A song that touches the depths of the soul. Under the stage, in front of the TV, tears were already shed. Blind people, relatives and friends of the blind people have already burst into tears listening to this song, and some even wailed loudly.

And those who listened to Zhang Le's suggestion listened to this song with their eyes closed, thinking in their minds, if I can't see, who is my eyes.

A song has given countless people a deep understanding of the blind.

Focusing on people with disabilities, the song plays a positive role. When I hear this song, I not only think of the blind, but also feel the world of the blind.

The charity gala this time was undoubtedly a success, and its influence exceeded everyone's expectations.

A dance and two songs became the hottest topics.

"Invisible Wings" and "You Are My Eyes" rushed to the forefront of the songs in an instant, competing with each other for the top spot. This left many singers speechless, but also helpless. As soon as a song written and composed by Zhang Le comes out, no matter who sings it, it seems that the other songs are powerless.

Zhang Le's songs have once again been fired to a new high.

However, Zhang Le seems to be still in the game of playing with music, which makes countless musicians have an urge to die. Playing tickets to such an extent, how do people who let them rely on this for food deal with themselves?

However, it is not these two songs that have the greatest influence, but the dance "Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands". After the party, it instantly became a hot search topic and caused great discussion and even controversy.

The dispute is naturally who is the founder of this dance!

Everyone knows the origin of this dance, a spoof clip in the movie "Crazy Stone". Yes, it is "spoof"! Before, it might not be connected with the word spoof, but now that "Avalokitesvara" comes out, everyone thinks it seems that this classic dance is spoofed in the movie.

It is obvious that the one in the movie comes first, and the dance comes after. It's a spoof, it seems that the sequence is wrong at all.

But it is undeniable that this dance was first created by Zhang Le. It's just that the dance in the movie is just a joke, but now the dance on the stage is art.

Who created this dance? Without Zhang Le, how could there be this dance. Zhang Le is the real creator of this dance. What's more, Zhang Le himself also participated in the choreography and director of this dance.

However, Zhang Le is talented, but he is just a director. In dancing, Yang Li is a professional. Moreover, there are many classic dances created by Yang Li.

The real creator of this dance should be Yang Li. She turned a funny dance into an art. Zhang Le is the person who gave her inspiration at most.

This debate first took place on the Internet, and then spread to newspapers, magazines, and television media, and finally attracted many professionals to express their views.

Of course, those so-called professionals undoubtedly attributed the credit for this dance to Yang Li, and even ridiculed Zhang Le. Some people even raised doubts, saying that those people on the Internet who said that he was the creator of this dance were just sailors hired by Zhang Le to pick peaches.

Things got more and more troublesome, and even Zhang Le felt baffled by the trouble.

The two parties had to stand up, but what is surprising is that both Zhang Le and Yang Li put the credit on each other.

Countless people were disappointed because they didn't see the battle of grabbing credit and fighting that they wanted.

Zhang Le said that the creator of the dance is Yang Li, and he just made a few suggestions. What's more, during the dance rehearsal, I was filming. The dance I choreographed is funny, but the dance choreographed by Yang Li is art.

And Yang Li said that most of the choreography of the dance was done by Zhang Le, and she just implemented it according to his ideas. And Yang Li also published Zhang Le's manuscript.

The two did not fight, but praised each other extremely. Once the parties have stopped arguing, the others have no intention of arguing.

Those who ridiculed Zhang Le were shooting themselves in the foot, and the loss outweighed the gain.

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