Columbia Pictures is in a crisis of confidence, and Zhang Le doesn't have any victor's joy. Because he is not a winner.

Before and after the whole thing, he appeared as a loser.

Zhang Le suffered a defeat, this was the second time he came to this world, and he lost more completely than the martial arts contest with Cui Changbai. In the contest with Cui Changbai, at least Zhang Le had a tie with him on the bright side.

But this time, he appeared as a victim. Victims are not losers in a sense.

The reason for Zhang Le's failure is undoubtedly that his awareness of prevention is too poor. In other words, he didn't take precautions in this regard at all.

With sufficient interests, there are too many people who are desperate and unscrupulous, even to the point of madness.

This undoubtedly gave Zhang Le a vigilance.

The reason why his scripts were not stolen before was undoubtedly because the profits were not enough to drive those people crazy. But the stakes in Jurassic Park, and the theme parks it spawns, are too great for many to take the risk.

So, this time Zhang Le fell.

It's not sad, but it's depressing.

Not sad, maybe because it didn't really belong to him, and he didn't pay much for this idea. Or it's because he has too many such ideas, so he doesn't pay attention to this idea. Losing one was not enough to make him sad.

If you don't pay enough hardships and get it too easily, you won't cherish it too much, and you won't feel the pain of losing it.

Depressed, anyone who encounters this will be depressed.

Xinle Films took Columbia Pictures to court. It caused quite a stir internationally. The sensation itself is not a copyright dispute between the two companies. Instead, Columbia, one of the major Hollywood film companies, actually plagiarized the idea of ​​a Chinese film and television company. And there are indications that it really seems to be the case.

In addition, the American media fanned the flames. The Chinese media waved their flags and shouted, and Wu Xiaoyong asked the navy to pour dirty water behind his back in order to vent, and Colombian competitors took advantage of the fire to rob. It's not uncommon for Columbia Pictures' image to drop to such a dire degree in an instant.

Even if the final court ruled that Colombia won the case, it is estimated that this damaged image will be difficult to restore.

Yue Yang resigned as director, and his company withdrew from the cooperation with Columbia. No one expected such a big chain reaction. Columbia is undoubtedly depressed at this time, and has also been cornered.

For them, this film can only succeed, not fail.

Yue Yang is not a suitable director. His role as director is nothing more than an agreement. Now that its company suddenly withdrew, Columbia Pictures executives were preparing to be happy, but they were overwhelmed by the chain reaction that followed.

However, when they came back to their senses, they had obviously guessed a bit. It is difficult for this film to be released in China. This is the official pressure.

The box office potential shown by the Huaxia film market is getting bigger and bigger, and no one will not care. But it's not that without him, the movie would not be fun.

The real main battlefield of commercial blockbusters is still in the North American market. This is why countless Chinese movies want to be released abroad.

A film that cannot afford to fail must have the courage to sink the boat. Therefore, Columbia Pictures invested heavily in this film. Backed by the Mitsui Group, they naturally have sufficient funds.

"Are you going to use this film to beat "Jurassic Park"?" Yang Xiner looked at Zhang Le with a smile. Said.

"What do you think?" Zhang Le asked.

"I can't turn my head around. This script is too brain-intensive. I didn't understand it after reading it once, and I don't understand it." Yang Xiner smiled. said, "Are you going to use this movie to revolutionize special effects for movies?"

"If this movie is shot in 3D, the visual shock will be unparalleled." Zhang Le said.

"Wouldn't that be a waste of time? This film can completely conquer the audience with its plot. If it is filmed in 3D copyright, wouldn't it lead the audience to the screen instead of the storyline?" Yang Xiner suddenly said.

"Why can't we have both?" Zhang Le said. As for this movie, Zhang Le didn't know if there was a 3D version in his previous life, since he hadn't seen it anyway. He didn't have that image in his mind. But even if it's not 3D, the visual shock is just as amazing. How about a 3D version?

There is a big reason why Zhang Le made this film into a 3D version, because he wanted to make up for one of his regrets. Moreover, only in this way can he have greater confidence in crushing the blockbuster "Jurassic Park".

How about "Jurassic Park", Zhang Le knows. Even if it does not shock people in terms of technology, it is still a rare classic.

There is no Spielberg in this world, but there are definitely directors like him.

Zhang Le does not underestimate anyone in this world, especially filmmakers.

"This investment may break the world record for film investment. However, I believe this film will also break the world record for box office." Yang Xiner smiled. Said.

At the end of July, the much-watched film "Couple" was released. This film, which was jointly invested with Warner and directed and acted by Zhang Le, was released directly without a premiere ceremony.

Moreover, Zhang Le and Yang Xiner, who are the leading actors and actresses, never participated in the promotion at all. At most, a few related messages were posted on Weibo.

However, this still can't help the fans' enthusiasm for this film.

Everyone wants to know what kind of difficulties the newlyweds encountered in the hostage-taking incident in Paris, and how did they overcome them?

"Couple", a very interesting title. Is it implying that the husband and wife work together to break the gold?

The film was released simultaneously around the world. Last year's Paris incident was not long ago, and even many things related to it are still vivid in people's minds, especially for the people of Paris.

How many families in Paris do not have to be torn apart because of Zhang Le, and how many people do not have to die because of Zhang Le. These people are undoubtedly the most loyal supporters of Zhang Le's movie. Moreover, there are many local tyrants in it.

At the beginning, some local tyrants who were unscathed because of Zhang Le had already threatened to book the show before the film was released. The number of times ranged from thousands to hundreds.

This is also a gimmick, so why not a kind of propaganda?

Needless to say, Huaxia movie fans. Zhang Le's film is already a gold-lettered signature, and it is starring him and Yang Xiner, or they have personally experienced the adaptation. The expectations and curiosity for this film are far stronger than those of foreign movie fans.

The real version of the superhero is still a Chinese. Huaxia's films will naturally give the greatest support.

Zhang Le knew that this movie would be extremely popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular. Moreover, the evaluation of this film also surprised Zhang Le.

What worried Zhang Le the most was that he did not portray himself as a selfless hero. He didn't take all the credit for himself. Even, in the film, he bluntly stated that he was not a hero, he just wanted to save his wife, and he didn't think about saving other people.

Zhang Le is like this, not only did not let the movie fans' dream of being a hero come to nothing, but instead felt that Zhang Le was real. And on the Internet, even the world's major media have set off a wave of discussions about heroes! (to be continued ~^~)

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