Superstar Couple

Chapter 281 It’s best not to read this

Many people speculate that Zhang Le's new film "Couple" will not be released until at least after the birth of his child. But what people didn't expect was that this film would be released so soon, and it would be released simultaneously all over the world.

Simultaneous release seems to be an extremely awesome thing, at least not many directors in China can do this. But for Zhang Le, this is not the first time, so it is not surprising.

The movie trailer first appeared on the major video networks of the Internet. This is the second co-starring film between Zhang Le and Yang Xiner, which will have attracted the attention of netizens. What's more, this film is based on their real experiences. That was of course highly anticipated.

As soon as the trailer came out, it immediately became a popular video on major video sites.

The trailer is not long, and even a little shorter than ordinary trailers, less than two minutes, but like other trailers, it evokes the desire to watch the movie of all those who have watched it. That's the level of Zhang Le's cut trailer.

The first few seconds of the trailer, a few dialogues, and a few shots let the audience know that the hero and heroine are planning to go on their honeymoon after getting married, and the first stop is Paris, the romantic capital.

A few shots followed, flashing several famous sights in Paris and the happiness of the two of them during their honeymoon. However, disaster strikes next, and the trailer begins to turn dangerous from the moment the two listen to the taxi driver's advice about which concert to go to.

"Don't worry, I'm here! I'll definitely take you out alive!"

Thrills, excitement, gun battles, and fights passed quickly after Zhang Le's words. In the last scene, Zhang Le carried Yang Xiner on his back and went out of the hotel, accompanied by a dialogue from Dai Lisi's heart:

She must be very happy!

Catastrophe. There is a reliance, for a woman, what is happiness?

As soon as the movie trailer came out, the hostage-taking incident last year was mentioned again, and it was also hyped by the media. Of course, this is just a way of promoting the movie.

If this sensational hostage-taking event is not used, it will undoubtedly be a waste of resources.

The film is about to be released, and naturally it has attracted much attention. However, about Zhang Le. In the end, it wasn't the movie that attracted attention, but several variety shows he prepared, which started broadcasting one after another.

Although "Boys and Girls Rush Forward" ranks first in the ratings at the same time, but because it targets different audiences, and there are no celebrities to join, compared to other programs planned by Zhang Le, it has not received much attention from the media. Big red and big purple. But his production cost is the lowest, even from the very beginning it was a white wolf with empty hands.

In this program, game props are sponsored by merchants, and game prizes are provided by merchants. host. Recording, except for post-production input, seems to be nothing. But commodity naming fee. The revenue from interstitial ads, etc., goes to be staggering.

Xinle Film and Television is satisfied with this program, and Nanhai Satellite TV is also very satisfied with this program, everyone is happy.

Another variety show planned by Zhang Le is "Big Variety Show". This show is hosted by He Jun and Xie Meng. It is a guarantee of ratings in itself, plus the effect of the show itself. In one fell swoop, it won the first place in the ratings of the same period, and rushed to the national variety show ratings list. It caused a great commotion.

The two hosts, He Jun and Xie Meng, were talked about, and many of the guests were talked about. However, what makes Zhang Le dumbfounded is that he and Yang Xiner are the majority of the imitators.

What made him even more dumbfounded was that he was accompanied by a thin woman, while Yang Xiner was accompanied by a tall, fat man, and a man at that.

"Am I self-inflicted?" The corners of Zhang Le's mouth twitched, looking at the smiling Yang Xin'er. Said.

"What do you think?" Yang Xiner smiled and said, "I now understand why you didn't let me watch this show. It's a pity."

Yang Xiner put down some reports about this variety show, and then said.

Pregnant women should maintain a normal mind and maintain a peaceful mood. Don't get too excited. Pregnant women need a good mood and can laugh, but only in moderation.

When pregnant women laugh, it is easy to be extremely happy and sad. Abdomen twitches violently when pregnant. It can lead to increased abdominal pressure, laughing during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, and late pregnancy can induce premature labor.

Zhang Le is now much more knowledgeable than those so-called "pregnancy experts", so naturally he would not let Yang Xiner watch such a program.

"Lucky for you." Zhang Le comforted.

"It's all for the children!" Yang Xiner shook her head and said immediately.

"You said just now that you plan to invest a huge amount of money to let Director Deng shoot an online novel?" Yang Xiner suddenly asked, "Are you sure?"

"In fact, that novel is more suitable to be made into a movie, but if it is made into a movie, the investment will be too large and the risk will be greater." Zhang Le thought for a while and said, "First make a TV series and try the reaction. If it succeeds, then Thinking about making it into a movie. Said the website is a treasure trove."

Yang Xiner nodded, because of Zhang Le, she is also very interested in online novels, and she knows that there are many works in them that are of great filming value. It's just that Zhang Le controls the time she spends online.

As a pregnant woman, there is so much to be aware of. If it wasn't for Zhang Le, if it wasn't for thinking about the child, Yang Xiner probably wouldn't know how many emotions she had had.

Thinking about it, Yang Xiner touched her stomach.

"If you can't watch "The Great Variety Show", then you can't watch the upcoming "Run, Brother" either?" Yang Xiner asked.

"It's best not to watch this!" Zhang Le smiled awkwardly and said.

Although "Run, Brother" is a program with positive energy, it is also very entertaining. There are also many places in it that make people laugh. Zhang Le naturally does not recommend Yang Xiner to watch it.

Of course, that was Zhang Le's impression of "Run, Brother" in his previous life. Zhang Le also wanted to know what the company would look like if he planned it out by himself in this world.

Yang Xin'er curled her lips when she heard this, as if she wanted to complain, but she didn't want Zhang Le's phone to ring at this moment.

"Wu Xiaoyong is back from Australia." Zhang Le hung up the phone, and then said to Yang Xiner.

"Did you buy Xiaodao?" Yang Xiner asked.

"It seems that something went wrong. He didn't say what it is." Zhang Le shook his head and said

"Then you go, you don't have to stay with me all day." Yang Xiner said with a smile.

Zhang Le and Wu Xiaoyong are planning to buy a small island for tourism development, Yang Xiner naturally knows about this. He has even read the script of "Jurassic Park" filmed by Zhang Le. Moreover, she understands that Zhang Le intends to use this film to break through the European and American film markets.

Yang Xiner also knows that Zhang Le was in the company some time ago, apart from doing the post-production of the movie "Couple", what he did most was the technology of this movie.

Among Chinese film directors, Zhang Le's enthusiasm for film technology is unmatched. And the use of film technology, especially special effects technology, is also ahead of most directors.

Because Zhang Le said that the maturity of a commercial blockbuster must be supported by corresponding film technology!

And Zhang Le's interest in commercial blockbusters is far greater than other types of movies. (to be continued ~^~)

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