Superstar Couple

Some words before the shelves

It's about to go on the shelves, I want to fight

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, which is the result of a delay of more than half a month.

It was supposed to be on the shelves in October, but seeing that the results were not bad, I wanted to compete for the monthly ticket list of new books, so it was postponed to November 1st. Now that the shelves are about to be released, the ambitions that were full of ambition before were instantly cooled by a basin of cold water.

I have encountered a great god, and there are still a lot of his mothers.

There is a sad reminder of looking for abuse by oneself.

The great gods get together and put on the shelves, how do we, little shrimps like us, deal with ourselves? Squat in the corner and draw a circle to curse them, just to comfort them? still......

I never expected to compete with them, and I never thought about "slaying gods". Of course, if the book lovers want to go crazy and create a miracle, I am still willing to be tragic once, even if I fail and end up in a mocking end.

It doesn't matter whether you are overconfident or insane. Struggle is sometimes a kind of motivation.

Compete, not compare with anyone. Instead, give yourself a reason to fight.

I want to compete for the monthly ticket list of new books. It will be on the shelves on November 1st. I hope that friends who like this book will subscribe and support it with a monthly ticket, so that I can see the hope of fighting and the courage to fight.

Your subscription, your monthly pass, is the motivation for me to fight desperately!

I found countless reasons for your support, and finally turned it into one sentence: ten more tomorrow!

Ten more, I hope you can show me the feasibility of the competition! Maybe you and I are both creators of miracles! !

The background of the great god and the appeal of monthly tickets are not comparable to those of us small authors. If there is hope, the only thing we can do is to update and update.

The monthly pass is awesome, and the update is awesome.

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