"It means that the patriarch of the Imperial Ghost family has a special ability to enter the inner world. "

"He also has a magic weapon to control and catch ghosts. "

Lin Yue was taken into the ditch by the eastern rain, and then came to a summary.

"Yes, I heard that the patriarch is omnipotent against ghosts in the eyes of their people. "

"The stories we listened to when we were kids were just ghost hunting. Later, I also heard that the patriarch also had a magic weapon to raise ghosts. "

"The magic weapon of the Imperial Ghost Family has been passed down from generation to generation, and only the patriarch has been passed on. "

"Of course, other people at the realm level of their family can also enter the inner world, but they don't have a powerful magic weapon. "

"When I was a child, I was scared when I heard these stories, but I was curious and loved to listen to them. "

"Hehe, I grew up and encountered a bunch of ghosts, and now I feel that these stories are not terrible. "

"I'm just curious about how the patriarch of the ghost family went to the inner world, how to catch ghosts, and raise ghosts. "

Dongfang Yu did her best to tell Lin Yue everything she knew about the Imperial Ghost Family.

"It seems that the Imperial Ghost Family is worth my visit!"

After listening to Dongfang Yu's ghost story, Lin Yue's mind had been decided.

"Brother Lin, are you going to find the Imperial Ghost Family?"

"You're going to take me with you. I'm also interested!"

Dongfang Yu, that smart man, knew his plan as soon as he saw Lin Yue's expression, and hurriedly expressed his position.

"Okay. For the sake of so much information you provide. Take you to a long time!"

One more person, Lin Yue doesn't matter.

"Then let's get out of here first!"

After Lin Yue finished speaking, his mind moved, and he put away the Qimen Bureau.

In an instant, the ghost domain of Huashui Town disappeared out of thin air.

Thousands of miles around it have been flattened.

Blank, barren.

Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu instantly appeared under the big banyan tree on the west side of Huashui Town Street.

Without any further stops, they walked in the direction of the B&B.

In the simple shed one kilometer in front of the big banyan tree, there were three personnel from the Paranormal Bureau who remained behind.

As soon as Lin Yue left, they immediately sensed that something unusual was happening.

They hurried to check it out.

What they saw, however, was a vast expanse that had disappeared into thin air, leaving only blank space and desolation.

The three members of the Paranormal Bureau looked at each other, all stunned.

"Boss, what the hell do you say is going on here?"

A flat-headed boy from the Paranormal Bureau asked a slightly older middle-aged man.

"The natural ghost domain that we have been guarding for so long and suppressing for so long suddenly disappeared?"

"Could it have grown legs and fly?"

The other chubby little man took over and said suspiciously.

"Li Ping, Zhao Hua, you guys guard here. I'll report it to my superiors. "

Their eldest middle-aged man reacted quickly, ignored them, and picked up the phone to report first.

The initiator, Lin Yue, walked away in style.

He didn't know how much it would take to make up stories in the barren place that the supernatural bureau had left for him.


There is no doubt that the disappearance of the Huashui Ghost Domain reached the ears of King Guicheng and Emperor Xuanyue of the Spiritual Bureau for the first time.

King Guicheng looked at Emperor Xuanyue.

"Uncle Shi, did you say that the disappearance of Huashui's natural ghost domain was caused by the King of the Heavenly Sea?"

Of course, Lin Yue had a lot of things to be suspicious of King Guicheng.

Lin Yue admitted that he was responsible for the disappearance of Huangshan Village.

The Huashui Natural Ghost Domain has also existed for a long time, and the Spiritual Bureau has been suppressing it, but there is no way to break it.

Emperor Xuanyue had just told Lin Yue about the Huashui Ghost Domain, and the Huashui Ghost Domain disappeared immediately.

The most important thing is to leave the same blank as Huangshan Village, barren.

"So far, I've only seen one person like the King of the Heavenly Sea. "

"So far, I think only someone like the Heavenly Sea King has the potential to make the Huashui Natural Ghost Domain disappear like this. "

Emperor Xuanyue decided that the disappearance of Huashui's natural ghost domain must be Lin Yue's handiwork.

Although he didn't know how Lin Yue made the ghost domain disappear.

But he knew that with Lin Yue's powerful and domineering mysterious realm, many things could happen.

He was also very curious about how Lin Yue made the ghost domain disappear, but this was someone else's secret, and he estimated that he would never know.

However, he felt that Lin Yue seemed to be becoming more and more like the strong man that the master said.

That's the strong man that the master wants them to follow!

"I told the bureau in Bac Giang to implement the local aftermath work. "

Emperor Xuanyue instructed King Guicheng.

"Understood. "

After King Guicheng finished speaking, he was busy.

Of course, King Guicheng understood that his uncle had personally explained the matter of helping Lin Yue deal with the aftermath.

It shows that Lin Yue's weight in Uncle Shi's heart is not light.

Of course, he, the king, must follow in the footsteps of his uncle.

While Lin Yue was looking for the Imperial Ghost Family, the Spiritual Bureau immediately launched governance on the original natural ghost domain in Huashui Town.

Re-route the road. Replant trees, flowers, and grass.

Rezoning of land use. Factories, buildings, schools, streets, etc.

A blueprint unfolded in Huashui Town.

This land that has been plagued for a long time has finally been guarded and the moon is bright.

Maybe Lin Yue himself couldn't have imagined that this land could develop so quickly and become so beautiful.

One day, the three personnel of the Paranormal Bureau who stayed here got together and chatted.

"Boss, it still works!"

"As soon as the first word was spoken, we changed a lot here. "

The flat-headed boy Li Pinglu said to the middle-aged man with joy.

"Boss, we've benefited a lot. "

"Divide the house and raise the salary. But we don't seem to have done anything. "

The fat little man Zhao Hua is an honest man, and he is also happy in his words, but he always feels ashamed.

"You're stupid. We have worked hard to defend and suppress this place for so long, how can we not take credit. "

"It must have been the gods who saw it, so the gods and men helped the ghost realm to disappear. "

The middle-aged elder said.

As soon as this middle-aged elder spoke, he knew that he was a very transparent person.

"Yes, yes, it must be the gods who can't bear to let us continue to suffer, so they help us make the ghost realm disappear. "

The flat-headed boy Li Ping had a nimble head, and immediately echoed their boss and said.

"Hehehe, then we should really thank the gods. "

The fat little man Zhao Hua responded hehehe.

He thought to himself, no matter what, life is better anyway, thank you must be right.

Many of the villagers who have benefited from Huashui Town are also grateful to the people who helped them.

Lin Yue didn't expect that his actions this time began to gain praise for him.

He didn't know that these praises were his blessings.

The power of accumulating a certain amount of good fortune is the same as the power of faith.

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