Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 778: Cusp

Compared to this huge guy in space, this weapon, which is supposed to be a space-based weapon, is currently more known only in the upper levels of various countries, and is not known by ordinary people outside. bookmark our website

Like this kind of rocket launch, and things in space, ordinary people have no way to know.

In contrast, the news of the six fighters shot down by Somalia instantly became popular.

Such a big event was shot down here in Hargeisa. There were too many people who witnessed it, and it was impossible to hide it. And in Ethiopia, it is not a secret that must be kept. Naturally, someone will use this kind of information in exchange for a reward.

So in a short period of time, this news spread to the world.

All of a sudden, headlines that shocked people's eyes appeared in major media.

Some people questioned it for the first time, after all, Somalia does not have this strength. What's more, this is what a warlord in Hargeisa did, and it is even harder to believe.

Since there was no picture in Hargeisa in the first time, it was more just the title.

"We have the ability to maintain the security of Somalia and we are committed to making Somalia a truly independent country."

At this time, Udad’s news suddenly appeared internationally.

A press conference in Hargeisa made Udad known to the world for the first time. At the same time, Udad also released the video of two F22 and four F16 being shot down.

As a result, all the people who questioned closed their mouths, and each one was in shock.

Somalia, when did it possess the strength that such a big country has, and even shot down F22?

For a time, the world is still in a state of uncertainty. Countless experts have begun to investigate the world's missile systems capable of shooting down F22, and found that it is really difficult to do this except for the top missiles of the two major countries.

The problem is that these two major countries’ missiles cannot be sold to Somalia.

In careful study, it is not difficult to find that this missile, in its vague appearance, does not resemble the missile systems of several major countries, but a brand new missile.

"A great power arena."

Some media began to use this kind of title.

The so-called arena of great powers is Somalia, which is used by great powers to test weapon systems. It is estimated that a missile system like this was secretly deployed here by a major country to test its actual combat. There are different opinions about who this country is, but there is no way to escape the two big countries.

The upper echelons of various countries are now in a very delicate atmosphere.

There seems to be some connection between the mysteriously appeared space-based weapons and this extremely advanced missile. You must know that this space-based weapon was sent into space by thirty rockets, and its launch site was Somalia.

Combined with the wreckage of two US warships in the Gulf of Aden some time ago, what kind of relationship does this have?

It was this kind of secrecy that shocked the upper class.

We must know that all countries are staring at each country, and any disturbance will be noticed. With modern reconnaissance methods, there are actually no secrets. Don't watch the US imperial exposing the military facilities of other countries all day long. In fact, his own military facilities are also under the control of other countries.

Under such circumstances, what country can carry out such a huge action in Solima?

Since they couldn’t hide it, in order to suppress the inner anxiety, the U.S. emperor passed the Ministry of National Defense as soon as possible and delivered a tough speech, and asked Somalia to give a reply within a week, otherwise they would be regarded as the U.S. emperor. Declare war.

In the speech, there was no mention of why their fighters appeared in Somalia.

And Ethiopia also issued a warning at the same time, claiming to send troops to Somalia to maintain security around them.

Internationally, it definitely becomes lively.

However, the U.S. Emperor is really not just talking about it. The first time, the two aircraft carrier formations set off and will arrive in the Gulf of Aden within three days. This is less than a month after they left the Gulf of Aden. Once again Return to the Gulf of Aden.

The last warship incident has not been investigated clearly, and now there has been an incident where a fighter plane was shot down, which is definitely a huge provocation for the American emperor.

At the same time, the U.S. mobilized twelve F22, eight F35, thirty F16, and five B2 bombers from the Middle East. They entered Ethiopia in the first time, stationed in an air force base, and were ready at any time.

Such a large-scale military mobilization has stirred the nerves of all countries in the world.

For the first time, Udad announced the power in his hands.

Anti-aircraft missiles, dozens of rocket launchers, military parades of thousands of soldiers, various types of armored vehicles, and a large number of anti-tank missiles all show Udad's powerful armed forces.

And through this video, for the first time in the world, the world really knows how this missile can shoot down F22.

Looking at the number of missiles in Udad's hand, it is as high as over a hundred. With the striking power it just demonstrated, it seems that the air power mobilized by the U.S. Emperor this time is not enough.

The presence of dozens of rocket launchers made it the first time to face up to the power in the hands of a Somali warlord like Udad.

Everyone knows that without external reasons, it is impossible for Udad to possess such a huge weapon and equipment. There must be a mysterious force behind it.

"This is a terrorist."

For the first time, the US emperor defined Udad's identity.

The Provisional Government of Somalia, under the pressure of the US imperialism, also immediately classified Udad as a rebel.

As if to find an excuse, the U.S. emperor directly used the transportation power from the mainland to throw a force of 3,000 into Somalia.

The U.S. emperor, who has not yet withdrawn from Syria, has once again re-emerged, and for a time the international situation has changed. Also let the eyes of the world focus on Somalia.

There are several focuses now. The first is the source of Udad's weapons, the second is the launch site that can launch 30 rockets at the same time, and the third is space-based weapons.

I don't know why, anyone who knows the existence of space-based weapons has a sense of anxiety. It is like a sharp sword hanging above the head, and no one knows when it will be cut down.

All countries have begun plans for space-based weapons, such as formulating complete attack plans.

Of course, these plans are just plans, and no one dares to really mess around, because they don't know what the consequences will be if the attack fails.

As the US imperialists continue to increase their troops, the situation has become complicated and confusing, and various countries have also sent observation missions to Somalia in order to uncover the mystery that makes them also curious.

Going back to the root cause, it is actually this launch site.

In just a few days, all the agents dispatched into this area have gone without returning, and suffered heavy losses. Therefore, the order issued by the US imperial command is to adopt military operations. In any case, it is necessary to clarify the situation at the launch site.

"We have reason to suspect that there is the shadow of Baichuan Guihai Company, because we have confirmed that the area has adopted AR light and shadow technology and carried out a large area of ​​light and shadow blockade. Globally, there is only Baichuan Guihai Company. Have this technology."

The speech of the spokesperson of the US Imperial Defense instantly pushed Baichuan Guihai Company to the cusp of this storm.

Indeed, the wings of reconnaissance aircraft and drones can be dismantled here. It is not difficult to see that the pictures they take are absolutely distorted. Because 30 rockets are launched, it is impossible to have launchers and other facilities, but in the satellite During the shooting, it was still the original appearance.

Just this one, the first thing that people think of is the AR light and shadow technology of Baichuan Guihai Company.

And this terrible AR light and shadow technology has been applied to the Chinese military. Over the past year or so, the sources of intelligence obtained by the U.S. emperor have been decreasing at a terrible rate.

For example, in Huaxia’s shipyard, after the use of AR light and shadow coverage, the satellite is like a blind man, because what the satellite sees is what the other party wants to see, and there is no intelligence value at all.

"In view of this, we require Baichuan Guihai Company to respond within 24 hours, otherwise we will ban the entire NATO member state as soon as possible, prohibit the use of Baichuan Guihai Company’s products, and no longer allow Baichuan Guihai Company. The company’s products enter the markets of various countries."

The spokesperson's words were extremely harsh. For the American emperor, whether many things were true or not, at this moment, they all needed to find someone to hold back.

What's more, they are 80% sure that the matter of determining the launch site is related to the Baichuan Guihai Company.

Some media and experts found that they were too busy, and the amount of information now is too great.

For example, this time the incident dragged the current giant Baichuan Guihai Company into this whirlpool. Under their analysis, they surprisingly agreed with the American imperial speculation.

Many experts, through some so-called clues, have analyzed that behind Udad, it is most likely Baichuan Guihai Company. After all, the scientific and technological strength of Baichuan Guihai Company is the best in the world. Who would dare to say that Baichuan Guihai Company has no amazing tricks in weapons?


"Your Excellency, we can already confirm that a series of incidents have the shadow of Baichuan Guihai Company."

"Baichuan Guihai Company's space company."

"Baichuan Guihai Company's Light and Shadow Company."

North America.

The chief of intelligence is reporting to the president.

After a large amount of information was screened, it was finally collected into this document in his hand. Under the mobilization of intelligence forces across the United States, no matter how thorough Lu Chuan is, clues will be constantly analyzed.

This also explains why Guihai Company established a space company, and the first time it was dedicated to rocket research, it became the world's largest private space company just by its establishment. .

What is really shocking is that the Baichuan Guihai Space Company has produced 30 rockets and space-based weapons in space in just six months.

In order to protect this launch site, it is normal for Baichuan Guihai Company to support Somalia’s agents.

The previous loss of the warship was most likely due to the plan of the Baichuan Guihai Company, so they chose to sink the warship.

A series of handwritings are all for this space-based weapon.

The president was shocked by the courage of the Baichuan Guihai Company and the terrible technological power. Taking these 30 rockets as an example, it is somewhat impossible for the power of one country to produce in a short time, but the Baichuan Guihai Company does Arrived.

Space-based weapons are even more terrifying, and even the American emperor can hardly match this strength.

If this space-based weapon really belongs to Baichuan Guihai Company, the question is, what do they want to do?

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