Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 763: Good destiny

Enough shadow blades are not only needed in the end times, but also in modern times.

The virtual community is now on the cusp of the global wave. If Lu Chuan does not show enough self-protection capabilities, Baichuan Guihai Company will be eaten to the point that there will be no bones left.

The arrival of the Minister of Energy is actually a signal.

A powerful country will not allow companies of this level to appear. It should be said that a company of this level and uncontrolled is not allowed to appear, even if it is as strong as the US emperor, it is not allowed.

The current valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company has lost its meaning.

Tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars, the public is happy to see. But when this valuation is based on trillions, everything loses its meaning, because money is really a set of numbers.

It takes three days to make 10,000 Shadow Blades.

After all, it is a special corpse species, up to 10 million, which is not comparable to ordinary zombies.

Seventh-level zombies only need a few to deal with a division-level unit. With the support of invisibility, they can't be as thorough as Ghost Guards, but as long as the light is dim, it is also very difficult to find them.

At the time of the countdown, Lu Chuan was not in a hurry, but looked at the next zombie type that could be unlocked.

Lu Chuan is still looking forward to the second zombies at level 7.

What catches the eye is a zombie with the appearance of an ordinary person, but it has slightly stronger muscles, which is similar to a person who regularly exercises. It seems ordinary, nothing surprising.

If Lu Chuan saw this kind of zombie, he wouldn't think it was so powerful.


This is the second zombie among the seven ranks, how could it be ordinary?

Tyrant t-00: The final form of the tyrant, the final form of the human demonic transformation.

It was a simple introduction, but Lu Chuan knew that it was not easy. Tyrant t-002 was only placed at level four, but the current 00 form was placed at level seven, spanning three levels, which shows how terrifying it is.

By the seventh level, it is already invulnerable to this level, and it is difficult for non-heavy weapons to harm it.

Especially the sentence, the final form of human demonic transformation, this introduction is shocking enough, how can it be underestimated? It can be said that t-00 represents the final result of human genetic research.

"Is there a tyrant like t-00?"

Lu Chuan is still a little skeptical, but now that the biochemical factory has appeared, it proves that it exists.

For example, some are just zombies in the laboratory. They have been tested successfully, but they have not yet been able to mass produce them. They are also in the range of manufacturing.

Like t-00, it is really possible that it is just a product in the laboratory.

The question is, if it only exists in the laboratory, how can this unlock it? You must know that you have never seen this type of zombies, let alone others.

Lu Chuan touched his chin, and it was true that each of the zombies in the late biochemical factory was difficult to unlock, far from what he thought.

Ten fragments, at this moment, made Lu Chuan feel that it is really as difficult as climbing.


For the zombies who couldn't find, Lu Chuan knew that he was looking for it, and he didn't know when it was going, but there was a place where he could have an answer in this regard.

To unlock t-00, you can only turn to the city of competition.

When thinking of the city of competition, Lu Chuan thought of An Yuran, and his heart was hot.

"Go to the city of competition."

Together, Lu Chuan's thoughts disappeared in the distortion of the space, and then appeared in the place where the city of competition left when he left, still in his own narrow residence.

Now Lu Chuan can understand what the City of Competitiveness does. Who can come here, who is not a billionaire? I am used to living in mansions, villas and manors, but now I am nestled in such a small room, and I finally feel uncomfortable.

There is nothing for a short time, but as the status of the city of competition continues to improve, who can stand it?

For example, if you find a girl to come back and slap your face, it is possible that the girl knows that you are still living here, so she turned around and left. Or slap you with a look full of contempt, you are not interested in it anymore.

External stimuli, one by one in luxury cars, especially consumption in some places, pay attention to status and status. It requires you to have competitive points before you can enter.

All kinds of external stimuli, there will always be people who can't help but end up, and then like poisoning, people will be trapped.

The exchange of high points and funds, as well as retaliation after defeat, has always been the theme of the city of competition. Facts have proved that no reasonable person can refuse this temptation.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, he really didn't have any qualifications to end.

Maybe the funds are enough. The problem is that the type of zombie unlocked by oneself may be defeated just because there is one less than the other party. A small gap is sometimes the key to success or failure.

After leaving his home, Lu Chuan first checked An Yuran's information, and the other party was not in the city of competition.

Lu Chuan was a little disappointed, but he didn't take it to heart. A woman like An Yuran is not under his control and control. The other party may be even more powerful than himself, and he really has no way to demand the other party.

It is daytime, but there are many people in the city of competition.

There are hundreds of millions of people here, in addition to people, they are still people.

Lu Chuan did not seek information near where he lived, but went outside the villa area. Here, a market for information sources is formed, which is actually a place for communication and chat.

As early as when the City of Competitiveness first appeared, information required points and funds, but with the increasing number of people coming in, these were no longer secrets, they became open secrets.

As long as you inquire about it in the City of Competitiveness, if you meet kind, high-level people, they will tell you casually.

A place like this kind of chat is the easiest place to detect and hear what you need.

Why is it outside the villa area?

The suites where Lu Chuan now lives are all initial-level rooms with one set of staff. People who still live in this kind of place want to know that they must be the newcomers who are qualified to enter the city of competition. They have too little valuable information.

in contrast.

Who can live in the villa area?

These people are ruthless people who have been in the arena. Without certain strength, they dare to end? And strength, which represents his level is placed here, it is of course much easier to hear useful information from their mouths.

Even during the day, the bars and disco bars here are open normally.

Lu Chuan walked into one of the bars, it was quite lively, there were many people here. When Lu Chuan came in, no one attracted attention.


It’s a shame that it’s free to enter here, but you need competitive points for consumption.

Therefore, Lu Chuan was very embarrassed and could only sit at a table and did not dare to call the waiter over.

All consumption in the City of Competitiveness is settled by points, and funds will not work here. Fortunately, there are not many hard-pressed people like Lu Chuan. As long as you see someone with an empty table, you know that he must have no points.

No points means that the opponent's level should only be limited to the early stage of the seventh level.

"It's embarrassing." Lu Chuan complained inwardly, why should he give points, now he feels completely penniless. No wonder so many people can't help but get off the court, this is simply hard to move.

After sitting for a few minutes, only a middle-aged man came over. Then he sat in front of Lu Chuan and asked with a smile, "Brothers don't have points either."

Lu Chuan shrugged: "How about you?"

"Haha, neither did I." The other party simply said, "Go ahead, what can I help you? Be a friend. Don't doubt, I have no courage to end, but I am willing to help you if you When I grow up, I naturally benefit too."

The other party was very straightforward, but this kind of confession made people put down their guard.

Indeed, the other party is not trying to do anything with you. If he makes a certain return in the future because of his help, it is nothing at all. He is an investment, but also long-term.

Lu Chuan was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed, and said, "I want to know the information of the tyrant t-00."

Lu Chuan will not refuse such a good thing.

Really repaying him in the future is only a small problem. Compared with information, it is worthwhile.

"Get to know, I'm Liu Haoran, and I just unlocked Tyrant t-00." Liu Haoran laughed, and shook hands with Lu Chuan. He did not ask about the parallel space where Lu Chuan was, but said, "Tyrant t-00. , It will only be in one place, this is the laboratory."

Liu Haoran didn’t sell it either, saying: “Why don’t we see it outside the world? The reason lies in the laboratory. It is only an experiment, and it did not appear in large quantities. In what laboratory, I have actually watched so many movies, Fiction, you should know that the virus almost came from the US emperor."

"So, the position of tyrant t-00 will not be in China, but in the US."

"The exact location is unknown, after all, time and space are different."

"In addition, the tyrant t-00 is really strong, you have to be prepared. Of course, make good use of the Shadow Blade, this is the key to victory."

Liu Haoran's words definitely pointed a way to Lu Chuan.

If it weren't through the city of competition, it would depend on Lu Chuan to find it on his own. This would be a tragedy. It would be unlocked at the American emperor's place. How long would it take for Lu Chuan to reach the American emperor?

But now is different. Knowing that the unlock is in the US, you have a direction. You only need to be prepared. Crossing the Pacific is not difficult.

"Thank you." Lu Chuan said, "If I didn't get your information, I'm afraid I might not have a clue when the siege comes."

Liu Haoran said: "The previous batch of seniors, on the tyrant t-00, suffered a lot. I don’t know how much they went through before they found the tyrant t-00 at the American emperor in North America. They may be too bitter. I’ve been holding it all the time, so that I don’t know how many people hit the wall At this point, Liu Haoran smiled. These seniors really don't want to suffer.

Until later more and more people emerged and appeared in the city of competition, the information of the tyrant t-00 was not considered a secret, and gradually spread. But for some of them, this is not a secret secret, it is also a difficult one.

Lu Chuan seemed to have thought of the intentions of these so-called predecessors and couldn't help but smile.

What is this called, if I have suffered a loss, I have to let the latecomers follow the loss. I can't always lose myself, so that the people behind can enjoy the secret of their own losses, right?

Fortunately, by now, there is no need to conceal this secret. Otherwise, if Lu Chuan wants to know the information of the tyrant t-00, he will have to run into a wall for a long time before he has a clue.

"Nevertheless, Brother Haoran, I accept your love." Lu Chuan said earnestly. Obtaining information so smoothly is very precious to Lu Chuan, saving a lot of time.

Liu Haoran waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, but after I invested in you, I have a good relationship."

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