Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 738: Zombie City

June 1.

The underground city design was approved by Lu Chuan, and the plan completed by hundreds of designers was completely implemented in accordance with Lu Chuan's requirements. It is simple and emergency. It can provide emergency shelter for two million people for a week. In extreme cases, it can provide Two million people have food, water and fuel for more than three months.

The location of Kamchat is not the Bei'an Industrial Park, but facing the settlement of Shanshi County.

The designers in the settlement are not the best, but Lu Chuan's requirements are not complicated, so there is no problem in the design.

Lu Chuan gave this design plan to Yi Ran. It only took two days to evaluate and complete it. Aside from the cost of construction, to meet such a huge food reserve, Lu Chuan needs to invest at least 3 billion.

"Boss, such a huge grain reserve, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve in a short time." Yiran's current procurement company has been targeted, such a big move, it is difficult to rely on the previous method to hide from the sky.

Lu Chuan also knows about the purchasing company. He raised his brow slightly and said, "Buy first, no need for transshipment for now."

The Space Matrix is ​​being prepared. After sending it to space, you don't need to be so scrupulous about your actions. What if the procurement company has anomalies?

Everything depends on strength to speak.

"Understood, boss."

In the last days, there are all kinds of machinery, but most of them are unusable. Today, it has been eight years, and the machinery that was exposed for too long is basically in a state of scrap.

But there are many machines that can be used, they are stored indoors or in warehouses.

The resources of the entire Nakasu City can be mobilized, so after confirming the construction plan of the dungeon, the machinery was mobilized as soon as possible, replacing parts, or repairing and solving various problems.

In just three days, more than 1,000 excavators and bulldozers were assembled.

Most of these machines still use fuel, which is extremely scarce in the last days, but Lu Chuan can easily solve it. And trucks, some are battery trucks, and some are fuel trucks. The predecessors of this world did not go too far in the promotion of batteries.

On June 5, the underground city started.


At the entrance of the dungeon, a large excavator is working, and the built entrance is so tall that it can ensure the entry and exit of large machinery.

The operation of the machinery is done by the survivors. They are all drivers who can drive excavators and are called out. This kind of work is not very hard, but you can earn a lot of points, and it's almost a win.

If you can't drive the excavator, you can only take the second place and drive the truck.

In addition to these, a large number of survivors have become workers, and they will enter the underground city project to work.

The plan of the dungeon is huge, but it requires more machinery, and people don't need too much.

Tens of thousands of zombies appeared in the dungeon. They had tools in their hands, and under the command of several commander zombies, they worked mechanically. Their endurance makes them hardly stop, repeating these boring tasks.

The terrible efficiency is not under the machine.

Among the zombies transferred by Lu Chuan were the newly created 10,000 tyrant prototypes. Their alienated right arms were harder and easier to use than any tools. When they were dug up, they used the soil as tofu. use.

Like digging these, the zombies are the main force.

What the survivors really did was actually technical work, such as building load-bearing pillars and drainage facilities.

In the coordinated progress of people and zombies, the progress of the dungeon is completely described by fear.

Also launched at the same time is the city wall plan.

The city wall plan is the real big project. It already has a settlement of nearly 1.2 million people. As long as the idle personnel are all assigned to work, they are assigned to this project.

This job is a voluntary job. It openly recruits construction personnel from all the people in the settlement. Points will be earned and used to exchange food and other materials. It is equivalent to a job that can support oneself.

There is no coercion, after all, what Lu Chuan needs is voluntary, not an unstable factor.

Just like before the end of the world, it is a job. If you want to do it, you can apply for it, and you don’t need to pay attention to it.


On the streets in the settlement, a large number of recruiting locations are all serving the city wall plan and only recruiting construction workers.

"The settlement has no obligation to support you. You will be hungry, and some people will even starve to death. But it doesn't matter, you can work and use your hands and feet to feed yourself."

"Participate in work, earn points, redeem everything you need."

The speakers on the street are playing these speeches in a loop, which is easy to understand.

The settlement plan for the city wall did not force anyone to participate. But using this method, when you are hungry, you have to pick up tools and join this job.

In a settlement, if you don't work hard, you will still be hungry. If you are not in a settlement, the settlement will protect your life.

How many people actually don't want to do this kind of hard work, but for the sake of their stomachs, they have to do it.

More people are actually very willing to work and support themselves.

For the people of China, this is the life they hope for. Here, there is a strict order, which is stricter and more pervasive than before the end of the world. The establishment of order makes them feel that they are rushing, and their lives are no longer as helpless and alone as before.

Countless people lined up on the street, filling in their names.

For this kind of application, as long as you still have a job, there will be no other requirements. In other words, as long as you have a working heart, you don't have to worry about not having a job.

"Building the city wall? It must be very tiring and painful, I don't want to do it."

"Thinking of working on the edge of the city, who knows if the zombies inside come out and will be chewed by the zombies."

"That's right, I don't know who came up with the plan, it's just playing the piano."

"Shh, you are looking for death, this is the plan proposed by the big boss."

On the side of the street, a dozen or so people in their thirties squatted, chatting idly. They are resistant to work.


A team of patrol officers walked across the street, and several of them had their eyes passed over them, making them shiver with fright, and then suddenly stopped.

"Don't want to do it? Just wait hungry."

"This place is different from before, everyone is still honest."

“It’s your business whether you work or not. I’m hungry now. Between starving to death and working, I choose to work. Don’t be lucky. I have read their laws and regulations. The prison meal that you caught will let you Feeling desperate."

Among the dozen people, a man who was about 35 years old stood up. He tidied up his clothes, and after throwing down this remark, he walked towards the application office.

People have to learn to change, this is not the place where they used to live, and if they want to use this method, they don't know how to die.

For a place with absolute order, the best way is to adapt to it.

"Go, no backbone."

The one who yelled the most, suddenly cursed.

Only after being hungry for three days, the gang of more than a dozen people all dispersed. They couldn't bear to register one by one, and then they were placed in a certain work section.

In the face of hunger, no one can bear it.

Some guys who took risks were caught directly, and then thrown into a more difficult place. As long as they worked so much, they would have food, no points, and no freedom.

When the two trades are weighed, everyone knows what to do.

The entire settlement, except for the people who cultivated the farmland, the soldiers, and the workers in the industrial park, was almost all transferred to the city wall plan.

A large amount of materials are constantly being transported over to build this mighty city wall.

On this large construction site, you can see violent figures everywhere. They are often carrying tons of materials, climbing to high places, or where they need to be.

The tens of thousands of violators created by Lu Chuan were the real main force in the city wall.

And countless corpse dragons, they are like cranes, using pods to continuously transport materials and then to various places. Whether it is high or low, they are all in their shadows.

Regardless of the corpse dragon, the berserker is a level six zombie. It's terrifying. Many people in the settlement have experienced it. As long as they see the number of berserkers who can't be calculated at all, they will be frightened. It is full of pride.

Needless to say, his boss is definitely the chosen one, and the strength in his hands is simply unsurpassed. With such a leader, naturally there is no need to worry, and the job is over.

In the entire sky, there will be corpse dragons flying around with a pod. Under the command of the commander zombie, no accidents or accidents have occurred. Every corpse dragon rises and falls vertically, only when it reaches a certain level. After altitude, they will be allowed to fly.


Zhongzhou City is like a construction site. On the construction side of the streets, there are surging zombies.

The presence of a large number of humans, the aura brought by them, shocked them, and soon formed a zombie frenzy. Hundreds of thousands of zombies were surging on the streets and toward the construction site.

Lu Chuan rode on Shenlong, staring at these rioting zombies.

In Zhongzhou City, it's not that you speak up. These zombies won't listen to what you say, let alone follow their own commands. Therefore, this is the factor that Lu Chuan needs to solve.

In the sky, 130,000 bloodthirsty claws are ready to go, and they are Lu Chuan's power to intercept zombies.

No corpse dragon, let alone other zombies, they are enough.

Facing the violent zombie frenzy, Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly, and issued an order to authorize the battle to the commanding zombies. Then, under their command, the 130,000 bloodthirsty claws in the sky turned into one wave. The black whirlpool rushed down.

Bloodthirsty Talon used his dexterity and speed to pass through the streets, each time he would take a zombie, then crush the opponent's head in the sky before throwing it down.

Repeated repeatedly, and an area was cleared in an instant.

A huge number of bloodthirsty claws, they are Level 5 zombies and flying zombies, there is no difficulty in dealing with the ordinary zombies below, they are completely instantaneous.

Fighting is simply one-sided.

One attack of 130,000 bloodthirsty claws would take more than 100,000 zombies. There are many zombies in Zhongzhou City, but if you kill like this, it is not enough to kill.

Lu Chuan didn't let the Bloodthirsty Claws target the zombies in the whole city, only this side.

The existence of is indeed a bug-like existence. It rolls off from the biochemical factory, and almost no zombie is complete in the streets it passes. It is crushed into pieces of meat. .


Roshan only needs to block the street and intercept the whole street so that the zombies inside cannot advance or retreat until it is grabbed by the bloodthirsty claws, crushed his head and threw it down.

The streets were blocked by Roshan, and soon blocks on the west side of Zhongzhou City were isolated by Roshan, forming an independent area.

The zombies from other directions swarmed over, but were stopped by Roshan and couldn't make it through at all.

In just two days, more than three million zombies in the Western District were strangled and turned into a ghost town. Countless zombies were grasped by bloodthirsty claws, flew away from Zhongzhou City, and threw them into a huge valley hundreds of kilometers away, where they were buried.

The terrifying combat power, under the huge number of piles, the attack power formed is enough to sweep Zhongzhou City.

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