Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 724: Ghost Guard

When the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claws hit the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan only felt that his eyes suddenly went dark and the space began to twist.

When Lu Chuan went from subconsciously closing his eyes to opening them, people had already appeared in the space of the coming time.

"Ding, congratulations on your victory in the siege."

This reminder sound made Lu Chuan's plain heart a little turbulent.

Still won.

It seemed that it was only eight hours. God knows how long and how much preparation Lu Chuan has prepared for this moment.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage.

This sentence is really not covered. People always see so-and-so's outstanding performance on the stage, but they don't know that in order to perform it well, they train day and night, year after year.

It's like now, eight hours. If you start from the basics, Lu Chuan spent almost two years preparing.

Beginning with the acquisition of a biochemical factory, starting from scratch, and working hard in the end times and modern times, we have today's pleasant reminder.

Lu Chuan smiled, this feeling is really good.

In one idea, Lu Chuan knew the amount of losses he had lost this trip.

"13,000 corpse dragons were lost."

"Thirty-one thousand bloodthirsty claws were lost."

Just the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claws made Lu Chuan feel the pain. There are 13,000 corpse dragons, which is 13 billion, plus its armor, 15 billion is gone.

And the loss of Bloodthirsty Talons was even more tragic, 27.9 billion, with the armor, nearly 30 billion losses.

The total amount of flying zombies has reached 45 billion losses.

The losses of the ground troops are also very huge, and the total number of them has exceeded 70 billion. In other words, Lu Chuan's losses in this siege battle were as high as 115 billion.

People are dumbfounded, even if Lu Chuan has a wealth of wealth, there is a sense of pain.

Fortunately, I won in the end. Otherwise, the army of zombies I built over 600 billion would be annihilated and punished. Trillion-level losses would really make people crazy.


Lu Chuan laughed, not at all heartbroken for the 15 billion lost.

The reason is simple. Lu Chuan remembers one of them. He is the attacker. If the attack is successful, he will get 30% of the defender's total assets as a reward.

This is 30% of total assets, not how many deposits you have.

The other party was able to build a defense system with trillions of yuan, and hundreds of billions to build a zombie army. It must be a prodigy in business. Lu Chuan was curious about how huge his assets in another modern era were.

Just as Lu Chuan was curious, the prompt sound reappeared: "Be careful to receive rewards."

Lu Chuan's heart was shocked, and he secretly said, "Here is it."

How could Lu Chuan not expect such a frightening siege and its rewards? You know that when you are promoted to the sixth-level biochemical plant, there is no reward. Should it be distributed with the present?

When Lu Chuan guessed, two prompt sounds appeared.

"Ding, the offense is successful, and 30% of the loser's assets are rewarded with RMB 78 trillion."

"Ding, upgrade the level 6 biochemical plant to reward a ghost guard."

There are no earth-shattering rewards, but these two rewards alone have already given Lu Chuan a smile of surprise.

"Seven thousand eight hundred billion?"

In the face of this reward, nothing can compare. The apocalyptic biochemical factory is completely cash king. As long as you have enough cash, you can have everything. You can crazily push the number of zombies and win with the number.

Lu Chuan didn't expect that 30% of the other party's assets would be as high as 78 trillion yuan. Doesn't it mean that the other party's total assets exceeded 25 trillion yuan?

Today, the outside world's overall valuation of the subsidiaries of Baichuan Guihai Company and Sun Company is about three trillion US dollars, which is about 20 trillion yuan equivalent.

Strictly speaking, the other party's total asset valuation is 26 trillion yuan, which is terrifying.

In all, Lu Chuan’s 20 trillion assets are just a valuation from the outside world, not recognized by the system, squeezing out the water, it may only be 15 or 6 trillion. However, the other party's assets of 26 trillion yuan were recognized by the biochemical plant.

From this point of view, the other party's operation in this area is really much better than Lu Chuan.


After World War I, Lu Chuan's current assets definitely surpassed the opponent.

Seventy-eight-hundred-hundred-thousand billion yuan was used as a capital conversion, and it gave Lu Chuan the feeling that he was absolutely rich overnight.

This sum of money was beyond imagination, stimulating Lu Chuan's brain, and there was a dizzy feeling. What is this called? Money is a set of numbers, enough to make people become billionaires when waste paper is sold.

Lu Chuan never thought that he would have such a large sum of money.

Before I had 200 to 300 billion in my hands, I already felt that this world was my own. But now it is nothing compared to this reward.

"Developed, this time it is really developed."

Lu Chuan let out a roar of gaffes like a wolf howling, which was seven to eight hundred billion yuan. Compared with that, his loss was nothing but a fart.

Sure enough, in this world, windfall can really make people rich.

Even in Lu Chuan's head, he was already thinking about buying and buying like crazy in the mall. What kind of zombies, must be made one or two million in the city, or, like a nouveau riche, replace all the zombies in the city with zombies in a biochemical factory?

It’s like saving it by myself before, but now I don’t need to save it. How can a private jet come on board?

Why is he also the richest man in the world, like buying a few buildings and playing real estate?

What else to buy?

Lu Chuan found out for a while that the money was too much, which was also a kind of trouble.

After a full ten minutes, Lu Chuan calmed down. The total assets of Lu Chuan are very rich, but in terms of cash, the impact of 78 trillion yuan is really terrifying.

Thinking about China’s four trillion yuan plan back then, it has already brought such a large country out of the quagmire of an economic crisis. Seventy-eight hundred billion must already have a concept.

Lu Chuan didn't know what would happen if the other party's assets were reduced by 30%. Maybe a certain subsidiary disappeared, or what was the solution?

Now that the money is in his hands, Lu Chuan doesn't want to investigate how he realized the cash. It doesn't matter.

The penalty for the loser is too great.

Of course, it's not that I lost the chance to make a comeback, but after being punished, it will take at least two or three years to get up.

What's more, he also destroyed the other party's settlement, this is what caused the other party's flesh. The 7800 billion deducted may not be so painful.

After finishing the money, the second reward was as expected by Lu Chuan.

This kind of reward is mostly dominated by the zombies of the lower level. After coming down several times, Lu Chuan has become used to it. So the ghost guard appeared, and Lu Chuan was not very excited.

After choosing to receive, in Lu Chuan's consciousness, a new type of zombie was added.

But here, Lu Chuan couldn't see it. After all, even Lu Chuan couldn't understand the existence of this space.

As Lu Chuan's idea of ​​returning came out, the space here was distorted, and Lu Chuan disappeared here like a teleportation.

When it appeared, it was already in the biochemical factory.

Everything he was familiar with made Lu Chuan feel like a world away. Less than a day away, but after a big battle, Lu Chuan felt like he had been away for a long, long time.

Outside of the biochemical factory, countless zombies also appeared in distortions and were sent back.

Injuries, or missing arms and legs, all need to be repaired. It seems to be a game, but as long as you see incomplete zombies, you will know that this is not a game, but a real war.

It took more than 10 billion to repair, and for today's Lu Chuan, there is no pressure.

Repair alone is worth more than 10 billion, which shows how brutal the opponent's defensive firepower is.

After everything was arranged, Lu Chuan hesitated for a while, and decided to look at the ghost guard.

The rewarded zombies are usually placed in a warehouse, so when Lu Chuan arrived in the warehouse, he was a little bit dazed, because he knew that the ghost guard was standing in front of him, but what Lu Chuan saw was nothing. Things.

Fortunately, as the boss, Lu Chuan can see a lot of things, such as the identity reminder above his head.

There was an extra line of information on the empty place.

Ghost Guard: Level 8 zombies, like ghosts, come and go without a trace.

This information is really not much, but what Lu Chuan saw was the word eighth-level zombie. It turned out to be a direct reward for level 8 zombies? This does not seem logical.

You should know that the previous rewards were three-level rewards and four-level rewards, five-level rewards and six-level rewards, and so on.

But this one rewarded the eighth-level zombies.

"Is it a mistake?" Lu Chuan thought, but the biochemical plant is unlikely to make a mistake. After all, if it can create such a background, will it make a mistake in this little thing?

After thinking for a long time, Lu Chuan couldn't figure it out.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Lu Chuan didn't think too much about it. After all, being able to have an eighth-level zombie really made people feel like an unexpected joy.

Thinking of the name of this zombie, Lu Chuan reacted.

What is a ghost is the existence that comes and goes without a trace, making people unpredictable.

The ghost guard, its ability, is stealth.

Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, and the Ghost Guard's ability was invisibility. In other words, as long as it was used well, the effect it played was too great.

At the same time, Lu Chuan was also astonished at why the zombies possess this ability, which is already out of his own knowledge of the zombie department.

No matter how strong you are, it is physical after all.

From ordinary zombies to tyrants, to corpse dragons, and even top zombies such as crocodile dragon corpses, they all speak physically, and no one plays fantasy.

But the Ghost Guard is obviously not like this, a stealth, absolutely mysterious, free of physical phenomena.

For a while, Lu Chuan was surprised and delighted.

After a long while, Lu Chuan disappeared.

Regardless of the origin of the Ghost Guard present, the most important thing is of course to supplement the zombies.

The level of zombies is better, but ordinary zombies, in this battle, the casualties are indeed too high. Their speed is slow, and their defense is almost zero. As long as they are hit by anti-aircraft guns, they will be shattered in all likelihood.

Ordinary zombies, Lu Chuan didn't equip them with battle armor. Their existence is actually to increase their momentum and confuse the opponent's attention.

After so many deaths, Lu Chuan is not short of money, so he naturally needs to make up for it.

What's more, ordinary zombies, they will be the first step for Lu Chuan to replace urban zombies, and their number will be pushed up by Lu Chuan until the number reaches a million.


When Lu Chuan was about to create violent soldiers and the mentality of learning upstarts was refreshed, he found that the biochemical plant was actually in the process of upgrading.


I'm afraid this upgrade has already started after I won and I was still in the space, so I didn't receive the information.

Think about it, too, I was already at the time when I could unlock the first product for level 7 zombies, but because the siege war had not ended yet, the biochemical factory had not been upgraded.

As soon as the siege was over, the procedures of the biochemical plant naturally entered an upgraded state.

"That is to say, the biochemical factory is in the process of upgrading, and the default is a seven-level biochemical factory, and then when rewarding, it is calculated as the seventh-level biochemical plant, and the higher-level reward is eighth."

Lu Chuan quickly understood the joint. It seemed that it wasn't that the biochemical factory made a mistake, but that he used a little bit of its rules and turned it into a reward for upgrading.

After understanding that it was not a mistake, Lu Chuan became happy instead.

This shows that this eighth-level ghost guard will naturally feel at ease when using it next.

.. m.

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