Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 708: Qualitative flyby

Commander, this kind of zombie, its special, is destined to be impossible to nest in some small places.

Like a village, there can be no commander.

Even at the town level, if it's just an ordinary town, it's also difficult to have a commander. It can control a huge number of zombies, plus its timid and unlike a zombie character, only by controlling a large number of zombies to protect it can it feel safe.

In the commander's consciousness, there is an attribute called cherishing life.

But it will never think of it. It is its sense of security that exposes its position. It is precisely in response to the sentence that there is no silver or three hundred taels.

Using this one, Lu Chuan had a lot of traces of the commander's zombies.

In statistics, nine out of ten commanders are in the city.

In formation, it brings difficulties to unlocking.



This city is not big, it is a prefecture-level city.

Lu Chuan is not interested in understanding its data, anyway, it has nothing to do with killing the commander. After arriving here, Lu Chuan first sent the Bloodthirsty Talons and then spied again.

The commander is not static, it will hide.

After knowing that it is in a certain city, you need to reconsider it again until you find it accurately.

A huge number of bloodthirsty claws flew across this city.

Ten minutes later.

Lu Chuan smiled: "Found it."

Indeed, after learning about the commander's zombie, finding it is far more difficult than imagined. On a certain street, there are some zombies gathering secretly, and a large number of zombies with ranks seem to be controlled by some power, so that they can gather and not disperse.

With this one, Lu Chuan knew that the other party must be here.

A bloodthirsty claw landed on the side of the street, staring here. Lu Chuan took advantage of this bloodthirsty claw's vision and carefully observed it.

Soon, I saw that a shop was open, and it was blocked by zombies. At the door, there were five or six tyrants who were in the first trial, blocking the door tightly.

"It can't be wrong."

Determine the goal, the next step is to line up troops.

This commander zombie is hiding in the shop, and if it booms, the effect will be very poor.


Lu Chuan had long anticipated this kind of thing, and it was not difficult to deal with.

Commander Zombie put it plainly, there is an ostrich mentality, as long as it is stimulated, it will immediately call the surrounding zombies to protect it from fleeing.

In other words, it will not stay inside the store forever.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, several corpse dragons in the sky flapped their fleshy wings, flew over this street, and then hovered.

The bloodthirsty claws hung on the corpse dragon broke away from the corpse dragon and hovered in the sky.

One of the bloodthirsty claws held a sound bomb in the claws, directly aimed at the door of the store where the commander was hiding, and threw it down.

A few seconds later, the harsh, piercing sound spread, shaking the city to raise a layer of dust.

Countless zombies, after a pause of one second, were stimulated by this sharp sound into a runaway form and became manic. They surged, rushed desperately, and rushed toward the sound source.

The zombies continue to gather from the streets, becoming densely packed.

The frenzy they formed filled the streets. The plants here were stepped on by them, and some zombies were entangled by vines, but they still walked forward recklessly until they were restrained and unable to move.

The whole city became impetuous and noisy.

In this case, the commander zombie rushed out of the hiding place for the first time. As it screamed, a large number of zombies surrounded it, and then moved towards the eastern streets.

"It's now."

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and issued instructions.

In an instant, there were three bloodthirsty claws hovering in the sky. After receiving the instructions, they rushed out like a cheetah, slamming their bodies down, and passing over this group of overlapping zombies.

Almost when they passed by, their claws lighted, and the hundreds of kilograms of aerial bombs on their fixed claws broke off and fell, then activated the aerial bombs.

A total of three aerial bombs, one after another, plunged into the pile of zombies.

In the violent explosion sound, this group of various zombies guarding the zombies of the commander was lifted up instantly, dismembered, and flew to the surroundings.

The commander in the center was torn to pieces in the flames.

Are three aerial bombs of hundreds of catties joking? Its power ignores the zombies of all levels below.

"Ding, get Commander Shard 1."

After the explosion, it was this clear reminder.

"Nice." Lu Chuan clenched his fists and shook it fiercely. The tactics against the commander seem to be very successful so far.

It can almost be said that it was not a waste of effort, so it was solved.

This piece came, absolutely relaxed.

"Now, withdraw!"

Lu Chuan did not stay, but issued an order to direct the corpse dragon group to leave. The sound was fifteen minutes, and Lu Chuan didn't want to stay here to be abused.

Many things are easier to handle after having the beginning.

The third product of Level 6, everyone thinks it will be difficult, but what about the facts?

For zombies at level 6, if there is something that an aerial bomb can't handle, then there are two, three, or even ten.

Lu Chuan has this capital. Even if he runs out of aerial bombs, he can still purchase it from Hyundai and continue bombing.


Without the difficulties and obstacles imagined, everything went so smoothly.

With tens of thousands of bloodthirsty claws reconnaissance data in his hand, Lu Chuan had already marked the most likely dozens of points, and then acted one by one, just arrived, and then personally confirmed.

If it is a commander zombie, just throw an aerial bomb.

If not, go to the next location.

The bloodthirsty claws hung on the body of the corpse dragon, which invisibly increased mobility.

On the first day, Lu Chuan possessed six pieces of commander zombies.

On the second day, it reached the ninth block.

On the third day, when the scorching sun was in the sky, after blasting several places, the tenth fragment was still produced under the attack of dozens of aerial bombs.

The crisp sound made Lu Chuan excited.

Unlocking the sixth-level commander is more like a matter of course. There is no vigor, and there will be no earth-shattering twists and turns. It only takes three days to unlock successfully.


Biochemical plant.

Lu Chuan returned here, looking at the commander's head that lit up for the first time, showing a silly smile. This is a commander zombie. With it, God knows how much influence it has on his own power?


However, when he saw the commander's price, Lu Chuan felt like a dog.

The price of the commander's zombies did not follow the previous rules. It is said that after the commander, the price will be 1.3 million.

But what Lu Chuan sees now is a price of 100 million yuan.

There is nothing wrong with it. From the price of 1.3 million, it directly surpassed 100 million. This leapfrog surprised Lu Chuan.

From this price, it is not difficult to see that the Commander Zombie is not within the previous set of price rules. Its particularity makes it very expensive, far from comparable to the previous zombies.

"Sister, no matter how expensive you are, you have to make it."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, anyway, the funds on hand are very sufficient now, 100 million is 100 million, after all, Commander Zombie is worth this price.

"Make 100 commanders."

Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and smashed 10 billion. Before the loss, Lu Chuan thought it was only 1.3 million pieces, which could be made at will. Now it is 100 million pieces, and making one hundred makes Lu Chuan feel a pain.

With Lu Chuan's instructions, the biochemical plant immediately started construction after deducting the funds, and the manufacturing workshop was lit up with a booming noise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Chuan began to plan a commander.

The role of commanders lies in their leading role, and they can receive, process, and issue tens of thousands of instructions at the same time, thereby commanding tens of thousands of zombies to do different things.

This kind of ability is no different from a computer, very sturdy.

In ancient times, if the commander was the commander of one party, this kind of command ability accurate to a single unit, tens of thousands of soldiers, was enough to sweep a country.

In Lu Chuan's mind, the commander bears the responsibility of commanding the zombies.

Give instructions by yourself, and then it can be a good substitute for completion, commanding individual zombies to fight. As a result, tens of thousands of zombies have souls and spirituality, and their combat effectiveness will increase geometrically.

Lu Chuan was sure that in the face of this kind of war, the opponent could not be able to defend it.

Take Lu Chuan as an example. Now he has to face this kind of situation and it is difficult to say that he can defend himself. After all, with "thought" zombies and rigid defense weapons, their impact on them is limited.

As long as it wasn't stupidly slammed into others' swords and spears, Lu Chuan would have a ten-percent certainty to win.

The production of 100 commander zombies is not as fast as imagined. Maybe the commander zombies are more complicated?

Seeing that it was not finished yet, Lu Chuan's vision naturally fell on the next product.

Unlocking Roshan in a row, the Berserker and the Commander, seemed to make Lu Chuan still a little dissatisfied. If possible, Lu Chuan doesn't mind unlocking more zombies.

In the product tree, there are only three products at the sixth level, but on the first product on the seventh-level product line, a gray avatar appears in an unlockable state.

"Seventh level?"

Lu Chuan has surprises on his More or more sighs.

Unknowingly, he has already reached the seventh level. Thinking of it, it hasn't been two years. In the past two years, Lu Chuan has almost spent his busy life, and his feeling of time has faded.

This time, the head of the zombie on the seventh level was gray and blurred, and there was only a faint shadow, and there was no comment.

Lu Chuan's consciousness is just a series of question marks.

"Strange, why are there no prompt comments?"

Lu Chuan frowned. After thinking hard, the only explanation might be that he has not yet engaged in a level 6 siege, which affected the unlocking of level 7 zombies?

The avatar is unclear, and there is no annotation, and there is no way to unlock it.

"Forget it, just ignore this."

Lu Chuan thought about it for a while, and after he had no clue, he didn't think too much. Instead, he shifted his mind to excitement.

After unlocking the commander, you will be truly liberated in the future, and you can completely let the commander do it for yourself. Even saying that it can replace Xia Min and them.

Xia Min is a cow, but it is mainly in combat. When it comes to command and control, it can't keep up with the commander's zombies when it shoots a horse. If commanded by a commander zombie, the combat effectiveness of the water ghosts in the Gulf of Aden will be increased by several levels, and every surface ship will be taught how to behave in minutes.

What terrible energy will burst out of a commander who can control tens of thousands of units?

Somalia will not be the current situation, but will directly disturb the situation.

In the end times, the appearance of the commander's zombies will also replace Lu Chuan to unlock the zombies, and even a series of strategies for survivors.

It can be said that the unlocking of the commander's zombies will have a huge impact on Lu Chuan, and it will also be a qualitative overflight.

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