Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 707: Corporate empire

What would it be like to fly from the Americas to Australia and then fly directly from Australia to Somalia?


That's right, this is the feeling.

After flying for two days and two nights, I finally landed at the Somali Manor by the night.

Why is it ecstatic?

The first is flying against the sea, which feels really bad. The second is to avoid people who might be discovered. Many times, they stay on the island during the day and only leave at night.

The most important thing is the third.

Riding with An Tong, this fragrant beauty made Lu Chuan almost feel like he couldn't stop the car. It was originally Lu Chuan in front and An Tong in the back, but An Tong posted it and stuck his big meatball on Lu Chuan's back.

Coupled with flying close to the sea, it was originally a wet body, and this is definitely a wet body temptation.

That feeling, absolutely true, is more exciting than anything else.

The back of the corpse dragon is wide enough to allow people to roll sheets on it. Lu Chuan almost didn't hold back a few times and gave An Tong to the Fa-rectification.

If it wasn't for the strong willpower, and the look of An Tong's zombies, Lu Chuan couldn't help it.

During the day, Lu Chuan would rest on the island, and then Yang Jingxiang and An Tong would be left, and he would enter the end times and deal with the end times.

Lu Chuan didn't care about other things, instead focusing all his energy on filtering the information brought by the bloodthirsty claws.

All the bloodthirsty claws were sent out, the number reached 18,000.

Such a huge bloodthirsty claw and the information brought back made Lu Chuan feel his scalp tingling. But in order to unlock the commander, Lu Chuan knew that no matter how troublesome it was, he had to overcome it.

Fortunately, the constant collection of useful information made Lu Chuan think that all this was worthwhile.

The commander, this kind of zombie traces, showed up little by little. After Lu Chuan's constant speculation and elimination, the bright spots were marked on the map in the light projector by Lu Chuan.

Dozens of bright spots are enough to guarantee the existence of ten commanders.

It took Lu Chuan two days to deal with this.

Dealing with end-time events during the day, flying with Yang Jingxiang and An Tong at night, enjoying this kind of fragrant journey, this process is definitely painful and happy.

When they arrived at the manor, Xia Min naturally welcomed them.


Lu Chuan has long been accustomed to the neat voice. He nodded and said: "The politeness is no longer necessary. Time is limited. Tell me about the recent situation."

Xia Min said: "Recently, the U.S. military has begun to carry out targeted clean-ups against the surrounding warlords. As long as they are in the coastal area, they are bombing unreasonably."

Lu Chuan frowned. The strength of the US military is here. He doesn't reason with you at all. It doesn't matter if you are not. The important thing is that they need to do something to explain to the Chinese people.

This kind of bombing is more like an attitude, played for the people.

"Unfortunately, we will be the next batch of targets." Xia Min said in a flat voice, the secrets of the manor, and their inevitable damage to the intelligence agents here, the US military can't let go of the manor. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the manor will definitely be the target of attack.

For this, Lu Chuan is somewhat prepared.

"Avoid the limelight for a while." Lu Chuan sighed and had to say so.

Xia Min and they were on land, once they played guerrilla warfare, they were definitely not comparable. But for this kind of bombing, Xia Min is strong, but they are not immortal. Under the bombing, the damage must be huge.

Intercept the US military's fighter plane?

Just kidding, Lu Chuan has this ability, but the problem is that the identity of the zombies will definitely be exposed, and then the fun will be great.

"Understood, boss." Xia Min responded.

What Lu Chuan wanted was the unrest here to attract the attention of the US, but it really wasn't a world war scenario.

After staying here for only half an hour, Lu Chuan set off again and appeared at the arsenal.

In less than a month, under the efforts of these tireless zombies day and night, the mountain was almost hollowed out, forming a huge space inside the cave.

All Lu Chuan has to do is to put down the equipment and materials that he transported.

It was also a transporter, but this time it was much easier.

During the constant round trip, countless devices almost filled this place. The next step is to assemble these devices according to the design drawings.

After busying here for two days, Lu Chuan finished his work.

The rest of the work is left to the zombies to handle. From the nearly 200,000 zombies in the last days, Lu Chuan selected zombies with this ability and brought them here, and they would take charge.

Lu Chuan is only responsible for transportation.

Now that his business is complete, Lu Chuan doesn't need to stay here any longer.

Xia Min will be responsible for the subsequent matters, such as the procurement of raw materials. With the existence of the corpse dragon and the underwater transportation capabilities of the water ghosts, there is no need to worry about raw materials not coming in.


April 5.

Baichuanguihai Company officially announced that the sales of virtual warehouses have reached 7 million units, and the virtual helmets have sold 26 million units.

The scary sales volume is only the sales volume of China and more than a dozen friendly countries. It can be imagined how hot it will be if it is put in the world?

A country is finally unable to sit still, and no one can calm down in the face of huge interests. Under the impetus of the consortium behind these countries, people continue to be sent by the country to contact the Baichuan Guihai Company.

It is no longer the previous toughness, but constantly lowering the conditions.

Under the leadership of Zhong Hua, Baichuanguihai Company will sign contracts with several or more than a dozen countries almost every day and begin to form branches in these countries.

First, it started from countries along the Belt and Road, and continued to spread to the surrounding area.

With the addition of each country, the sales of this kind of products have begun to rise. Everyone knows that the profit contained in the virtual warehouse is more than 100,000 yuan. Who is not jealous when watching other people make money?

No matter how hard the country is, some consortium forces secretly promote the people, and the constant demonstrations put pressure on the government. The official position is naturally more important than to please the United States.

Countries continue to join, seemingly in a sweeping way, and Baichuanguihai Company is expanding its influence.

There are other countries as role models, and no matter how persistent they are, it is impossible to get along with money.

Virtual devices have only been on the market for half a month, and almost all countries except Europe and the United States have signed a cooperation framework.

When Europe and the United States have reached this point, the blockade has actually lost its meaning.

Therefore, under the premise that interests are paramount, the previously seemingly unbreakable blockade was torn apart. Some European countries that were originally indifferent first sent business representatives to negotiate with Baichuan Guihai Company.

In the face of the general trend, the production capacity of Baichuan Guihai Company is simply not enough to provide the world, so when negotiating, the conditions will not be reduced because of your country.

Of course, it is only a preliminary cooperation, and it is only in the scope of sale.

Like the future construction of factories, etc., renegotiating is still needed.

But everyone knows that if sales are allowed, the establishment of a factory is the least difficult thing. A factory that can provide a lot of taxes, who would refuse? What's more, it brings not only taxes, but also a lot of employment. Once a factory of this level is launched, how many other industries will it drive?

At this point, the relationship with Baichuan Guihai Company is not very big anymore, and more is handled by the following virtual technology company.

Lu Chuan, the chairman of the parent company, did not even reveal his face.

On April 6, Lu Chuan appeared in China.

The Huaxia department that received the news was relieved, while the people of the US Intelligence Agency were so angry that it was tantamount to being severely slapped in the face of the world.

For a time, the US Intelligence Agency was labeled as incompetent, making them faceless.

Even an entrepreneur can lose, what else can they do?

After Lu Chuan returned to China, it took another day to send the armor of the corpse dragon and bloodthirsty claws in the warehouse to the end of the world.

Without being gentle with Shi Ruoyu and Ye Lingwei, Lu Chuan plunged into the end times again.


Apocalyptic biochemical plant.

After Lu Chuan appeared, the first thing was to keep firing troops.

There was no need for the most powerful zombie at the moment, and Roshan didn't need it. Lu Chuan just ordered a thousand bloodthirsty claws.

A large number of aerial bombs turned over from the settlement in Shanshi County, under Lu Chuan's instructions, a bloodthirsty claw carried one, and then lifted into the air.

What method can be used to unlock the commander in the shortest time?

There is only one answer, which is bombing.

No matter how many zombies it has gathered, in front of this kind of aerial bomb, it is not enough to see. It's just a level six commander, it has no resistance at all.

When the military base was evacuated, the hundreds of aerial bombs stored in it had not been used, mainly because of no use.

One instruction, the bloodthirsty claws will come and receive one by one.

Bloodthirsty Claws are too heavy to carry, but a few hundred catties are not a problem. Hundreds of bloodthirsty claws that received aerial bombs flew into the sky and gathered.

The rest is to protect them.

Immediately, the corpse dragon group lifted into the sky, this is truly terrifying, overwhelming.

The bloodthirsty claws fell on the corpse dragon for the first time. The armor on their bodies was covered with hooks, and the bloodthirsty claws could easily fix themselves on it.

The corpse dragon became a spaceship mothership, flying with bloodthirsty claws.

"Within three days, unlock the Chuan proudly set a goal for himself, that is, to unlock the commander before April 10.

Once unlocked, Lu Chuan will begin to enter the mode of violent soldiers.

The Baichuan Guihai Company now provides Lu Chuan with a huge amount of funds. The funds in Lu Chuan's personal account alone are now as high as 300 billion, not to mention that there are hundreds of billions of funds available on the Baichuan Guihai Company's account.

Today's Baichuan Guihai Company, in the face of this wild and incomparable sales volume, has been raised to a height of 2 trillion by the four major banks.

This is not an exaggeration. You must know that the virtual game company has announced that the number of game registrations has reached 33 million, and there are 20 million online players.

It is completely limited by the capacity of virtual equipment, otherwise the number of registered and concurrent online virtual game companies will be an unprecedented height.

As long as you are not an idiot, Baichuan Guihai has become the largest corporate empire in human history.

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