Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 704: Go to America

After a night of hard work, Lu Chuan finally completed this transportation task.

When the first rays of sunlight appeared, Lu Chuan stood on the construction site outside the biochemical factory in vigor. One night's work is nothing to Lu Chuan. Level 6 genetic enhancement is really no joke.


Lu Chuan gave orders, and 10,000 bloodthirsty claws lifted into the sky, absolutely overwhelming.

In fact, many people do not have a concept of 10,000 bloodthirsty claws flying in the sky. The size of these bloodthirsty claws reaches tens of meters after spreading their wings. Tens of thousands plus their flight space, if arranged The row is hundreds of thousands of meters long and more than 100 kilometers long.

If it weren't for the bloodthirsty claws, they would be able to cover the entire Mid-Continent City, including the surrounding areas of the city.

With that said, there must be a concept.

Ten thousand bloodthirsty claws are indeed a huge force, challenging people's imagination.

The overlapping bloodthirsty claws still covered this city. In the settlement of Shanshi County, people can see the terrible dark cloud over Zhongzhou City as long as they look up.

The survivors who saw this scene were all silent.

No matter what they thought, Lu Chuan issued instructions to these ten thousand bloodthirsty claws. Sending a section of the commander's appearance to them, these 10,000 bloodthirsty claws suddenly scattered and flew in all directions.

Ten thousand bloodthirsty claws continued to spread, eventually forming a dark cloud covering tens of kilometers, and as they moved further and further away, they gradually disappeared.

These ten thousand bloodthirsty claws are Lu Chuan's reconnaissance unit, and they have only one mission, which is to find the commander.

"Nine left."

Lu Chuan clenched his fists. Now that he has half a month left, he must count on every second.

Bloodthirsty Talons will not have results so quickly, so after Lu Chuan sent out these 10,000 Bloodthirsty Talons, he didn't hesitate and immediately returned to modern times.


An Tong has helped Lu Chuan go through the procedures for going abroad, including air tickets and so on.

Across the entire Pacific Ocean, Lu Chuan didn't want to ride on Yang Jingxiang's back and fly for a day over the sea. This experience was really not that great.

It's still an airplane, which is more reliable, at least comfortable.

Lu Chuan's trip was a secret trip.

Of course, it's just a public secret, like state departments, and some national intelligence agents, but they can't escape their eyes. So the moment Lu Chuan booked the ticket, he knew everything he should have known.

In their impression, Lu Chuan rarely goes abroad, almost staying in the country, disappearing time, either in the laboratory, or with the lover in the deep city.

Now Lu Chuan is flying to the United States, and many people immediately have a meeting to guess Lu Chuan's motives.

Especially at this time, the virtual network and virtual games of Baichuan Guihai Company will be launched on April 1. For Baichuan Guihai Company, it is definitely not a small matter, but a major event related to the future.

At this time, Lu Chuan, the boss, went to the United States?

"Perhaps it is because the United States imposed a ban on the sale of Baichuan Guihai Company?"

Everyone's guesses are almost around this one.

As the world's largest technology market, the United States' demand for technology products is absolutely amazing. It is not an exaggeration to say that the sales volume occupied by the United States alone may account for one-third of the world.

It is impossible for any technology company to give up the American market.

Under this kind of obstruction, Lu Chuan's trip to the United States became a normal move.

With this speculation, many people are acting. National institutions naturally want to ensure the safety of Lu Chuan, while people in other countries want to use this opportunity to get close to Lu Chuan.

And the US intelligence agencies were excited.

Lu Chuan was in Huaxia, they had no choice, but now Lu Chuan took the initiative to come out. After arriving in the United States, they wanted Lu Chuan to be convenient and square, and round to be round. Don't believe it, because they have this strength.

How many Huaxia companies use various methods to either stigmatize the other party or find reasons for detention. Using various methods to restrain these famous entrepreneurs around the world to form a deterrent, it is to destroy the momentum of a company's rise.

This method has been tried and tested.

Relying on the status of the United States, they don't have to worry that these people will not come to the United States, knowing that there will be danger here, but they will come to the United States for the market.

Knowing that Lu Chuan was going to fly to the United States, the intelligence agency targeted Lu Chuan's group of intelligence officers, naturally reporting upwards, and then obtained a series of authorizations.

When necessary, they can even make an excuse to detain Lu Chuan.

In this undercurrent, Lu Chuan boarded the plane as scheduled. For this trip, Lu Chuan only took An Tong and Yang Jingxiang, which gave people the impression that it was not like doing business research, but like going out to be absurd.

Not to mention An Tong, it is Yang Jingxiang who is also a first-class beauty, this kind of figure, I don't know how many people flow out, and the chest feels suffocating.

With these two beauties, as a big man, who is not Hu Tianhaidi's hilarious?

"Do you think this person has a problem with his head, he knows that the United States is at risk, and he keeps running to the United States, even if the ward calls in advance, he will not be so passive?"

Currently Luchuan went through the security check and then boarded the plane. An intelligence agent who had been monitoring Luchuan complained.

"Yes, just took two women, not even a bodyguard, what does he want to do?"

"I think it was sent to the tiger's mouth."

Surveillance work for people like this, as well as security work, is the most difficult.

"Okay, close the team and pay attention to discipline." The captain glared at the talking subordinate, like this kind of words, if you let the boss know, he will definitely be punished.

When the captain said so, everyone else closed their mouths.


New York, USA.

When Lu Chuan arrived here, he came out of the passage and saw several groups of people standing outside the passage. It was obvious that they were all coming to Luchuan.

The incident that Lu Chuan went to the United States was no secret to the truly powerful. Almost all consortia in the United States have received news. Naturally, they were prepared early and greeted at the airport.

Those who are qualified to meet Lu Chuan are not simple figures, they are the heirs of various consortia.


In the current situation, several groups of people seem to be standing here as gentlemen, and they still know each other. Naturally, they are communicating, seeming not to care about each other. It's just that their hearts don't look like the surface.

There is only one Lu Chuan, whoever receives it, the others will have no share.

This is Lu Chuan, the newly promoted richest man in the world, and with such a high level of wealth, he overturned the total of the top ten in the world's rich list, which is terrifying.

The personal wealth of trillions of dollars is unique in human history.

What makes people feel even more incredible is that the equity of Baichuan Guihai Company is all in the hands of Lu Chuan, 100% holding. This method of cross-controlling funds and companies is not new to them.

No one is immobile with such a character.

They contacted Lu Chuan before, but there was no result, or they could not see Lu Chuan himself. Lu Chuan was like a tortoise huddled in the ground, making it impossible for them to start.

But now is different. Lu Chuan took the initiative to come to the United States, did he send a signal that Baichuan Guihai Company is going to enter the US market?

No one will ignore the changes brought about by virtual technology, the infinite market, as long as it is stained, it will be enough to eat. For this type of sales, look at China Xia, the potential of the United States is at least hundreds of billions of dollars in sales a year, and the profit in this is enough to drive them crazy.

Lu Chuan walked out with no expression on his face.

This situation has long been expected, so it is not surprising.

Now that Lu Chuan's identity does not need to care what they think, after all, behind these consortia is actually the O Foundation, which is the Order Society.


In the US market, Lu Chuan really does not want to give up. It is still necessary to make good relations with these. However, Lu Chuan needs to carefully consider how to handle the relationship.

It is the **** to have money and not make money. This so-called order meeting, Lu Chuan believes, is not a monolithic one in the face of huge profits.

Don't look at these as heirs. They are already well-known people in the world. Everyone who is carried out is a man of the world, and he controls some important companies in the family industry.

"President Lu."

When Lu Chuan came out, a group of people greeted him.

Lu Chuan nodded, nodded arrogantly, and said, "Everyone, it seems that there is no way to chat with someone alone in the current situation. How about this, wait for me to take a break, right after the jet lag, and then chat with you?"

"Sorry, we didn't think about it well." Little Henry of the Ford family said quickly.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Little Henry? Please send me to the hotel. You know, my company doesn't have a branch here, not even an office."

Little Henry got excited and shook his fist: "Mr. Lu, of course there is no problem with this. It is my honor."

The other people were so jealous that they were crazy, and they didn't expect to make little Henry the first class.

In the airport, I recognize these big people naturally. I was a little surprised to see such a structure. I don’t know what kind of existence the people they greet are. In this world, people who are worthy of doing this are also Not much.

Taking into account the time difference in Lu Chuan, I did not stay here any longer.

A group of people escorted Lu Chuan away from the airport.

A Cadillac presidential model car drove Luchuan toward the top hotel in New York, where little Henry booked the best presidential suite with a single call. Things like this, in the capacity of little Henry, are too simple.

After sending Lu Chuan to the hotel, Henry and the others did not bother much, so they left one after another.

But when they left, there were still a lot of assistants left. They said they were serving Lu Chuan, but in fact they were able to have any information, so they would know the first time.

The sensitivity of the American media is also very high, and there are also upper-level people.

Lu Chuan arrived in the United States secretly, but some media knew about Especially the collective appearance of many heirs of the consortium, who didn't know, the newly promoted Chinese richest man in the world has arrived?

All of a sudden, the media went crazy.

"They are really crazy." Standing in front of Lu Chuan, An Tong shrugged his shoulders and said: "In China, the real top heirs are definitely not like them."

These second generations in China will never be so modest and cautious, but act arrogantly.

There is no way. Each of these consortia in the United States has a history of more than a hundred years. Their historical heritage is really not comparable to that of any family.

Lu Chuan just smiled and said, "Contact them, make arrangements, I don't have much time."

In the United States, Lu Chuan won't stay longer, and he was actually a transport captain this time. Meeting with these people is just to stabilize them temporarily, otherwise, it is not them but the relevant departments who come to find yourself.

Do not doubt the dominance of the American emperor.

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