Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 695: Corpse machine

? The settlement in Shanshi County has an arsenal, and its scale is beginning to expand.

It's just in the raw materials, it's still lacking.

As the new human forces went out, all kinds of raw materials began to become the spoils of the new human forces. They will find a way to transport these raw materials back in exchange for points.

But now it has just begun, and there are more arsenals, and some guns and bullets are the main ones. More sophisticated weapons cannot be manufactured.

The large amount of machinery makes the manufacturing capacity of the arsenal actually amazing.

There is no shortage of arsenals like metals, so Lu Chuan asked to make 5,000 shovels, hammers, and pickaxes in just one day.

Moreover, these so-called shovels are practically alloys, which are absolutely hard.

In addition to these, Lu Chuan also asked them to build a thousand vehicles like small buckets. There is no way to complete this in a day. After all, iron needs to be planted, welding and so on.

However, the time given by the arsenal only takes two days.

The arsenal in the settlement of Shanshi County has more than 5,000 workers and 1,000 small trucks, which is really nothing.

After making these tools, Lu Chuan took them to Somalia, the mountains to the northwest of the manor.

Two thousand zombies, they all hid in the valley, hidden. Even if the satellites pass by above, they will not be found.

What's more, Lu Chuan has deployed a large number of light projectors here.

Under the work of these light projectors, the AR light and shadow effects are used to change this place into its original appearance. If you don't walk into this valley, you won't know how awesome the AR light and shadow are, and hide it perfectly.

Thanks to this one, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry that two thousand zombies will be found here.

Shaking these tools out of the storage space, there is a feeling of piles up.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, all zombies came over and received their own tools.

In order to speed up the progress, Lu Chuan brought a hundred tyrants to try again. They used a larger iron pick. When they are using their combat form, this way of holding an iron pickaxe is absolutely domineering.

One hundred tyrants were initially tested, and Lu Chuan divided them into ten branches, and then started digging in different locations in the valley.

The power of the tyrant's initial test type was absolutely amazing. They wielded the iron pickaxe and smashed into the rock wall of the valley, directly smashing the rock and falling to the ground.

The tyrant's first test model is simply a humanoid machine. They constantly waved their arms, and the hard rock was in front of them, which was nothing at all. In a moment, they dug a deep hole.

As soon as the ten holes were opened, ordinary zombies poured in from this hole, digging continuously, and then expanding the inside. During this process, a large amount of mud and rocks were pushed out by the zombies with a small bucket truck and filled the low-lying parts of the valley.

With the AR light and shadow effect produced by the light projector, there is no need to worry about the activities of the zombies here.

In the periphery, there are hundreds of zombie dogs, they are scattered around, anyone who comes close will be discovered by them in the first time.

In Ruodaa Valley, except for the sound at the beginning, after only half an hour, there was almost no sound.

In the expanding space, more and more zombies were thrown into it. They were next to each other, mechanically waving the iron picks in their hands, expanding the space inside. When there was more space, free zombies were added again.

Only in less than two hours, two thousand ordinary zombies have their own jobs.

Just like a huge construction site, with two thousand ordinary zombies and one hundred tyrants, they were doing the same thing mechanically under Lu Chuan's instructions. It is more like a fixed pipeline, they only need to complete their own work.

It is hard to imagine that the ability of zombies to burst out allows this space to accommodate two thousand zombies in a very short period of time to work at the same time.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will only take a few days to dig out a huge cave space.

Xia Min has no time to come here, it is responsible for the work of the entire Somalia.

It was impossible for Lu Chuan to keep staring here, so Lu Chuan brought a swift man with wisdom, unlocked it as necessary, and then handed over the command to it.

With this swift one in command, these zombies will continue to expand their space until they hollow out these few kilometers.

Don't think that zombies are flesh, but the problem is that they are not measurable. Sometimes they are more like machines than machines.

The construction here is like digging a hole. Lu Chuan did not even mobilize machinery.

Compared with machines, it is somewhat difficult for zombies to master machines and operate them. It is far better to use zombies as machines. They will work like tireless monsters.

Building a huge arsenal is very difficult in the eyes of outsiders, but to Lu Chuan, it is really nothing. There are many weapons experts in the settlement, with their experience and guidance, which is nothing.

The other is that they can exchange various technologies from the mall, and the weapons that can be made by the arsenal will be cutting-edge weapons from the beginning.


The valley here is vigorously starting large-scale construction, but the Gulf of Aden, but it is lively.

The re-emergence of pirates has forced many merchant ships to anchor in the port, and they dare not pass here temporarily. If they choose the Cape of Good Hope, it is not what they want, it is too far. Except for some urgent ones, other ships can only wait for the arrival of the **** fleet, or wait for the limelight.

Several powerful countries have dispatched **** warships, making this little Gulf of Aden almost full of warships.

Lu Chuan didn't care about this, but pulled away and let Yang Jingxiang bring herself back to China.

Staying in Somalia, the first is not safe, and the second is that you cannot leave China for too long. Baichuan Guihai Company, and a few women, all need to go to themselves.

After more than ten hours, Lu Chuan made it in one step and returned to his seaside villa in Handong City. It was similar to the operation before coming. When approaching a certain distance from the shore, he threw out the speedboat, and then asked Yang Jingxiang to put herself down and board the speedboat.

Yang Jingxiang, who returned to his human form, naturally returned by taking Lu Chuan's speedboat.

Sometimes Lu Chuan is curious. The corpse dragon is about ten tons, but why does it weigh as much as a human when it regains its human form?

Of course, this question obviously has no answer, and no answer can be found.

Returning to the villa, Lu Chuan first called Shi Ruoyu and Ye Lingwei. It is conceivable that they had only been relieved for a few days. Now that Lu Chuan came back, thinking of Lu Chuan's strength, the two of them were expecting and feeling pain.

Lu Chuan was tossing poetry as rain in the middle of the night, then let her rest in the villa, and then to toss Ye Lingwei in the middle of the night.

The next day.

Lu Chuan calmly found a reason and stayed in the laboratory again. With this meal that scared them all, even if Lu Chuan didn't touch them for a week, they would feel full.

When they arrived at the laboratory, some people who stared at Lu Chuan before were all stupid, because they received the news that Lu Chuan, who had disappeared for a week, turned out to be back in the laboratory? In other words, after they arrived in the deep city from Lu Chuan, they were lost?

For this reason, some department leaders have lost their temper.

Lu Chuan didn't know about this, and allowed the tyrants in the laboratory to enter the working state, and forbid anyone to enter before they began to appear in the end times.

Apocalyptic biochemical plant.

Lu Chuan appeared. It was morning now, so it was natural to act immediately.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, only ten corpse dragons came out of the warehouse, and the others remained unmoved. To deal with Roshan, you don't need too many zombies to be there, anyway, you can blow it up with TNT very violently.

Ten corpse dragons, they are empty, without zombies hanging on them.

Lu Chuan discovered that swifts are good, but they are still inferior to zombie dogs in terms of flexibility. The cost of the zombie dog is much cheaper, and it is definitely a useful and cheap zombie.

Therefore, when these ten corpse dragons appeared and got down, two hundred zombie dogs appeared.

Lu Chuan didn't need the Superbrain commander to intervene, but did it himself, hung the TNT explosive packs on the back of the zombie dog one by one, and then fixed it.

These explosive packs can be detonated remotely or by zombies. The detonation of zombie dogs only requires a head turn, and then biting the thread and pulling it. Lu Chuan can make them do so through instructions.

After hanging up two hundred zombie dogs one by one, it was almost noon.

"Hang up."

Lu Chuan issued an order, and the zombies started rushing towards the dragon, then climbed onto the armor of the dragon and hung themselves on it. Their weight does not have an exoskeleton armor, but they are fastened by a canvas belt.

After finishing the hanging, Lu Chuan summoned the Shenlong and rode it up.

"set off."

Each corpse dragon carries twenty zombie dogs, which is not a load at all, so the corpse dragon can take off easily, and then follow Lu Chuan into the air.

For safety, Lu Chuan still let five hundred bloodthirsty claws follow, they can play the role of reconnaissance, guard and escape.

On the back of Shenlong, Lu Chuan opened the map on the light projector.

Little dots appear in different cities and towns, some cities even have two to three dots. These light spots actually represent Roshan.

The effort of two thousand bloodthirsty claws for so long, spanning several provinces, is naturally fruitful. It was discovered that the number of Roshan reached more than thirty.

With such a large number, what Lu Chuan got was that when he didn't have a flying unit, it was extremely difficult to unlock the poisonous camel, and it took a few months to finally unlock it. Even as it is now, thousands of bloodthirsty claws are dispatched, sweeping under reconnaissance, almost no fish slipped through the net.

Not only that, this kind of large-area, large-scale reconnaissance also found a large number of more advanced zombies, and then fed them back to Lu Chuan, who marked them on the map of the light projector.

In other words, in the future, unlocking zombies will actually become faster and faster. As long as you find a way to deal with this kind of zombies, you can unlock it in one day or even several days.

The principle of proximity led Lu Chuan to choose the location of the nearest Roshan.

With a choice, Lu Chuan issued instructions to Shenlong to move towards this position. The ten corpse dragons that followed, and five hundred bloodthirsty claws, also flew behind the dragon.

There is no such huge flying army as before, this time it is more like a light car and simple.

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