Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 693: Enhance

In view of the deterioration of the situation in the Gulf of Aden, Lu Chuan had to strengthen Xia Min's power.

First, in the apocalyptic biochemical factory, two hundred water ghosts were created, and they were strengthened to the Gulf of Aden. At the same time, Lu Chuan's previously strengthened corpse dragon brought the other nine, and the unstrengthened corpse dragon brought a hundred.

Bloodthirsty Talons, Lu Chuan thought about it, and brought two hundred of them.

In this way, the power in Xia Min's hands became extremely powerful.

The fighting power of the corpse dragon is completely the existence of a beautiful fighter. Not to mention the Bloodthirsty Claw, its reflective area only needs to be hidden in the clouds, enough to give a fighter a fatal blow.

They are the existence of missiles that cannot be locked, which means that the aircraft carrier formation does not actually have much threatening power in their eyes.

There are a total of 400 water ghosts, and no one knows what it means to the Gulf of Aden better than Lu Chuan.

However, in the face of the current focus of the outside world, Lu Chuan did not interfere with all of Xia Min's commands. When it comes to these things, he is almost a junior brother.

Xia Min adopted the method of shrinking, and everything was not moving, letting the outside world change.

The US military's intelligence in Somalia is very weak, but it does not mean there is no such thing.

The manor was originally on the opponent's suspicion. Although he didn't contact the sunken warship, he jumped out at this time. No matter who you are, he can beat him to death.

However, Xia Min started to use his relationship to run the boss's affairs. Xia Min's time in Somalia is not short, and the network of relations it has managed is gradually taking shape, and he will naturally come into contact with these arms dealers.

The strength of the manor was actually brought by the arms dealer.

Without a good sense of smell, it is impossible to become a salesman of an arms dealer.

Xia Min is not afraid of being overwhelmed by debts, so when buying such a huge TNT, he is not afraid of anyone to track down. In comparison, this is nothing compared to sinking two US warships.

With Xia Min in charge, Lu Chuan is naturally relieved.

Instead of staying in the manor, Lu Chuan arrived at Bosasso under disguise.

The manor is very dangerous now. If you stay here until the end of the world, God knows if the US military suspects coming to the manor? With the unreasonableness of the US military, as long as they doubt it, they will take action. In their eyes, they would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Moving to Bosasso, a Somali city, Lu Chuan was waiting for TNT.

Anyway, entering the end times, no matter where it is, it will not be a problem.

After being disguised, Yang Jingxiang was not noticed, so she and Lu Chuan were in the same room. This is the best hotel in Bosasso, it will hardly be disturbed, and safety is guaranteed.

Don't think that Somalia must be in turmoil, like there are some places, which themselves are run by some tribes and bigwigs. They are smart, even receiving foreign investment, giving these industries a foreign appearance.

Like the hotel where Lu Chuan is now, there are several guards armed with guns at the door. What is even more exaggerated is the location of the door, which is directly two machine gun towers. For the guests staying in the cold barrel, they feel safe and assured.

The other one, with Yang Jingxiang's protection, Lu Chuan can also relax. The corpse dragon after ten times of strengthening, it is not an exaggeration to say that even if it is a company of soldiers, it is not enough to stuff its teeth.

After the resettlement, with Yang Jingxiang standing by the bed, Lu Chuan immediately disappeared into the room and shuttled to the end of the world.



Lu Chuan came out of the biochemical factory and rode the Shenlong towards the settlement of Shanshi County. The difference is that this time Lu Chuan was carrying hundreds of corpse dragons, all of which were outfitted, carrying all kinds of zombies.

Before, Shenlong appeared alone, but now Lu Chuan is showing up with these zombies.

Lu Chuan had never clarified their suspicions in the settlement, and this time it was only to confirm their suspicions. With the appearance of the corpse dragon for the first time, they will accept the fact that they can control the zombies without any problems.

Bringing the zombies to appear, in order to make them completely accept all this.

It’s not very far from Zhongzhou City to Shanshi County. At the speed of Shilong, it takes only a few minutes to reach the sky above Shanshi County.

"It's the boss."

The sharp-eyed person confirmed at a glance that Lu Chuan had arrived.

There is no way, the corpse dragon that appeared last time impressed them too much. With the same armor, they naturally confirmed Lu Chuan's identity with this one.

Only this time, the momentum was even greater.

Many people stared at these hundreds of corpse dragons dumbfounded. They knew that the boss could control the zombies, but they didn't expect that they could control so many zombies.

Especially what kind of ghost is on these corpse dragons?

After they saw it clearly, there was a feeling of brain opening. Because there are a large number of exoskeleton armors hung on it, you can see at a glance that the corpse dragon must be used as a transport plane.

Since it is the boss, no one will sound the air defense siren.

The huge group of corpse dragons slowly descended to the square in front of the door. Even if everyone had seen it once before, the shock this time brought was quite different.

Especially when the group of corpse dragons landed, they stood on the square in front of the gate like a statue, and people could come into contact with these corpse dragons at close range, including the exoskeleton armor hanging on them.

"Is this a licker?"

"Look at this big guy, he should be the first tyrant."

"These are the swifts wearing armor."

"It's Tyrant T-002."

"Look, this is the chaser."

The people onlookers exclaimed from time to time. For them, the current situation is beyond their imagination. They never thought of arming the zombies.

The characteristics of zombies, as long as they are apocalyptic people, will be remembered to death, this is the immortal body. Except for the head, it has almost no weaknesses. Like now, the boss protects their heads. After being armed, they are completely like killing machines.

Just imagine, you can't hurt it, but it can go forward bravely, what kind of scene it will be.

Just thinking about it will make people desperate.

Now they realize that they are absolutely nothing in the eyes of the boss. When the boss took down the settlement, he had already used a benevolent way. Otherwise, he would use this force to push it over, not knowing how many people would die.

Many people understand that the thousands of exoskeleton mecha units that Lu Chuan brought back were actually zombies.

Unable to help, everyone had a panic rushing to their hearts, and the boss of himself was really terrifying. God knows how much this zombie power is still in the hands of the boss?

With zombies, you can control zombies. Isn't it easy to come and go in these last days?

This is a world of survivors, and the outside world is a world of zombies. Being able to control the zombies means being able to control this world. How much accomplishment will this young boss he follows?

In an instant, anyone who is wise knows how to do it.

It can be said that the mysterious strength displayed by Lu Chuan caused the entire settlement to be twisted into one. No one had any more thoughts, but planned to do it with Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan also ignored these people who were observing the zombie army. Anyway, there is a new human force guarding it, no one will cause any trouble, not to mention that the zombie has no instructions of its own, even if someone uses a knife and a gun to attack it, it will only be motionless.

When he arrived at the headquarters, Lu Chuan suddenly became uncomfortable.

The main reason is that the previous people are almost gone. Like Yi Zhanfei, they all walked out after adjusting their strategy. They are all ambitious people, if they stop, their early advantages will be lost.

By now, it is already certain that if new humans want to grow, they must grow in tears, and there is no second way.

But Lu Chuan knew that this was an inevitable trend.

Those who grow up first have the best talents. If they just stay here, they will only be left behind. How do they stand in a high position when their advantage is not there?

It can be said that if you want to stand tall, you can only fight hard.

But now civilians manage the headquarters. Even if they are in a certain position, they are just ordinary people and have no advantage in front of the new humans. The ranks of the new humans are naturally higher by half a rank. This is Lu Chuan's setting.


Chu Bin and Wu Jiang did not leave the settlement, but stayed in the settlement, continuing their dog-legged lives. Backed by the boss, they don't need to go outside for a while.

The main reason is that the boss can make them grow quickly. Now they are only second-level new humans, and they need to be at least fourth-level before they can be like Yi Zhanfei.

In the command headquarters, the newly recruited civilian soldiers are only assistant officers for the time being. They don't need to command anything. They are more just doing their own duties.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "I need data about Roshan for a while."

After a short while, all the data was in Lu Chuan's hands.

Lu Chuan came here to collect this information. In fact, there are a lot of Roshan discovered by the Bloodthirsty Talons. Lu Chuan wants to compare these statistics to see how powerful this new human force is.

After obtaining the information, Lu Chuan went directly to his office.

Seeing Lu Chuan's arrival, Jiang Ruixue's mood improved again. Her secretary's job was absolutely superior to outsiders, but only she knew that she was actually just a decoration.

Until the office, Lu Chuan told Chu Bin and the others to retreat, and then slowly looked at the data.

"Only three Seeing these data, Lu Chuan frowned, somewhat disappointed. But after thinking about it, Lu Chuan was relieved again. Their range of activities was only 150 kilometers. It is actually a good result to have three.

Unlike the bloodthirsty claws, their range of activities is larger. The identity of a zombie is also a flying zombie, which is hundreds of kilometers per hour. With this advantage, it is not surprising that enough Roshan can be found.

One is worth one million points. It was really luck to find Roshan's team.

One million points can be exchanged for a lot of things, but Lu Chuan is not heartbroken at all, what he wants is the growth of his men. To put it bluntly, no matter how one million points are exchanged, these materials can be solved in modern times, that is, hundreds of thousands.

For Lu Chuan, the move is billions, tens of billions of funds, this is not a matter at all.

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