Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 681: Right style

? The next day, Shi Ruoyu couldn't get out of bed at all. She tossed until the dawn was almost dawn, and finally made Lu Chuan, a strong and abnormal cow, gasp.

The next step is the dizzy bed.

Shi Ruoyu didn't get up until one o'clock in the afternoon, and then felt that she was falling apart and her body aching.

"Ahhhhh... the first time I heard that women are so useless."

"Didn't you always say that men are shot in seconds? How come he gets stronger and stronger?"

Shi Ruoyu is so angry, it seems that the sisters in the dormitory are simply cheating others. Lu Chuan is called the second shot man? It's almost shooting men all day.

"I don't know the guy who Lianxiangxiyu." Shi Ruoyu, who felt her pain everywhere, looked at her swollen mouth in the mirror and complained.

On the desktop, I found Lu Chuan's message: "I told the kitchen to heat up various dishes and pasta. Today the company has important things, and I am at work."

Shi Ruoyu didn't have any dissatisfaction. After all, Lu Chuan's identity could not be exaggerated. Naturally, it is impossible to be with him all the time.

Being able to do this thoughtfully has already moved Shi Ruoyu.


Baichuan Guihai Company.

Lu Chuan flipped through the files on it and looked at it quickly. The effect of level 6 genetic enhancement, as well as Lu Chuan's reaction power, are first-class. It can't be said that it is not forgetting, at least thinking fast enough to understand the meaning of the document in an instant.

"In two months, the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Company will be completed. The decoration will take about three months, and it will take eight to September at the earliest."

Thinking of the headquarters, Lu Chuan had an urge to beat Chen Jiaquan.

It was he who made it bad, which caused a delay of six months.

The development of Baichuanguihai Company has now been hindered. The easy access to 3000 employees here is already the limit, so Zhong Hua's practice is to rent an office not far away to cope with it.

As the company grows faster and faster, the number of employees is the head office alone, and at least 7,000 people are needed to satisfy it.

Calculate the following subsidiaries, the number of employees will exceed 30,000.

In the next three years, the number of employees will exceed 80,000.

A science and technology company has a higher number of employees than a processing and contract manufacturing company. It is conceivable that by then, the size of the company will be.

Everyone knows that Baichuan Guihai Company is still in its infancy, and the future is unlimited, so countless people have sharpened their heads and want to join Baichuan Guihai Company.

Entering now, although you can't get the veterans, at least it is the early employees.

When the Baichuan Guihai company develops, the welfare will definitely be better and the requirements for employees will become more and more strict. Therefore, under the idea that early arrival is an advantage, Baichuan Guihai Company receives thousands of application letters every day.

Countless top personalities were attracted to join the Baichuan Guihai Company.

Lu Chuan believes that with these large numbers of research teams composed of top-notch personnel, without its own technology injection, it will be enough to support Baichuanguihai Company to continue.

Countless companies cannot develop, even if they can't hire real talents, they can't keep them.

But the Baichuan Guihai Company is different. Everyone knows that Baichuan Guihai Company has mastered the general trend, and it will only grow bigger and bigger in the future, forming an unprecedented Big Mac.

Apple has surpassed the trillion-dollar high market, but everyone knows that Baichuan Guihai Company has already left Apple a lot in valuation. Even under the impact of Baichuan Guihai Company, Apple's stock price began to shake.

For example, now Baichuan Guihai Company has begun to authorize domestic mobile phone manufacturers to use AR technology, and the technological advantages formed are enough to make many people abandon Apple.

Whether it’s mobile phones, smart wearables, or virtual technologies, Baichuanguihai has pushed Apple down.

With the continuous technological breakthroughs of Baichuanguihai Company, the stock prices of companies such as Apple and Google that don't know how much money were burned in the early stage, showing a decline. After all, this kind of huge investment has hit the water.

The technological advantage of Baichuanguihai Company is that any company wants to be authorized.

Whether it’s the manager of the Internet Empire or the manager of the Mall Empire, they are now almost one phone a day for virtual technology authorization.

The establishment of the virtual community company made them feel an unprecedented crisis.

Once the virtual community of the virtual community company is put into use, it will be disastrous for the mall and the user-based Shuangma.

The virtual community can make friends, chat, buy... It is a completely real society, but it is compressed into a space of thinking, wherever it is, how terrible is it?

For example, a piece of clothing in the virtual community, you can try it on yourself, buy support as appropriate, and then the merchant will deliver the clothing to you by express.

This is more than looking at the model in the mall, and you don’t know whether it is suitable or not, or even the quality and fabric. All you can do is look at pictures or videos.

In comparison, who has the advantage?

The existence of virtual communities, the distance between people, this kind of communication and the feeling of being like a real person will be fatal to the user base of the Internet empire. At that time, the so-called QQ and WeChat will lose a lot of users. It broke the foundation of the cyber empire.

There are also many companies, all the bosses personally arrived in Handong City to visit, for technical licensing or cooperation issues.

The technological advantage of Baichuan Guihai Company drives me crazy.

Some like Apple, Microsoft, and Google are completely in pain. In the past, their nostrils could be upturned, but now they can only bend their waists.

Without Lu Chuan’s authorization, Zhong Hua could not decide on these.

The piles of documents are actually about technical authorization and cooperation. The ones listed above are nothing but a list of companies.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of companies of various sizes listed on it.

Lu Chuan rubbed his forehead. These intricate relationships need to be dealt with properly. In this world, monopoly is possible, but it is impossible to eat alone.

With the current status of virtual technology, it is completely eating alone.

Without technical authorization, let alone ten years, at least five or six years, they have no hope of breaking through these technical bottlenecks.

In fact, many technologies are available, but they are limited by industry, and some materials cannot be used. Like the chip of virtual technology, its special craftsmanship cannot be manufactured by modern industry, it is almost from the end of the world.

As long as the virtual device goes on sale, the chip will also cause a sensation in the world, because its technology and technical level far exceed the current level.

"The two horses are naturally brought together to play, but how to play, you have to be particular."

Lu Chuan frowned. Baichuan Guihai Company's current valuation is high, but in terms of popularity, it seems that it is not as good as Shuangma. For conversions such as user groups, if you cooperate with them, the progress will be accelerated.

This matter can be left to Zhong Hua and his team to sort out, and then submit the plan, and then talk to Shuangma.

The virtual community company will definitely be put into operation, but how to cooperate with Shuangma or share exchange is something to discuss. If it is a licensed technology that gives up such a huge benefit, they may not agree to this cost.

But no matter what, the cooperation is certain, but the method and time are not determined.

Not only Shuangma, but also cooperation with many companies will begin to roll out.

Like the authorized use of AR technology, the number of authorizations has reached 39. As long as the license fee can be paid, it will be authorized to use.

Among the 39 companies, they are mainly concentrated in the mobile phone and computer industries.

The license fee alone starts at 500 million yuan for each company. The wider the scope of use, the higher the cost. For example, a mobile phone paid 2.5 billion for the authorization fee alone. Even Lu Chuan didn't know whether it was his own black heart or the other party's wealth.

It took Lu Chuan a long time to finally read the documents.

Some documents Lu Chuan roughly wrote down their opinions, or how to deal with them, and left them to Zhong Hua. If it weren't for Zhong Hua, Lu Chuan would definitely be tired. The companies and countries involved are all huge numbers.

Due to Harris' death, for the time being, the O Foundation is affected, and the sanctions on Baichuan Guihai Company have not really come, otherwise it will have a certain impact.

After signing and issuing all the documents, the next step is to ask An Tong to send it to Zhong Hua.

Lu Chuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. In fact, at this height, Lu Chuan's favorite thing is to look at the city of Handong from this corner. Although it is not the tallest building, the location determines the scenery you can see.

After a while, the phone on the desktop rang.

For each zombie, such as An Tong, Yi Ran, etc., Lu Chuan has set a different ringtone. Just hear the ringtone and Lu Chuan knows who came in.

"Xia Min?"

Hearing the bell, Lu Chuan knew who it was right away.

Forgetting the time, Xia Min called at this time, and it seemed nothing strange. I was stuck in the whirlpool of being noticed before, but now has new progress?

"Say!" Lu Chuan took it and spit out a word. No way, conversations with Xia Min are generally straightforward, and the numbers are still pitiful. Xia Min's character will only pick the simplest.

"The U.S. military sent drones to conduct reconnaissance on the manor and our base. I suspect they have mastered something." Xia Min said quickly: "At the same time, two destroyers also appeared in the Gulf of Aden."

With bloodthirsty claws and water ghosts in the air or in the sea, Xia Min would know that all actions of the US military believed that they were secret, but Xia Min knew it from the moment they approached.

Lu Chuan's brows frowned, and he didn't do anything extraordinary in his manor in Somalia. What does this have to do with the US military?

To say yes, in fact, it is a single, piracy against Zhongtian The question is, this Zhongtian Shipping has half a dime relationship with the US military? The current seizure of power by Zhongtian Shipping is not over yet, how can there be leisure to investigate pirates, and it is impossible to invite the US military.

Therefore, Lu Chuan did not care about the reconnaissance of the US military at all.

"What else?" With his knowledge of Xia Min, it is worth calling, and there is definitely more than this.

Xia Min said, "In addition, three U.S. military agents sneaked in, and their necks were broken by their men."


Lu Chuan patted his forehead. As expected, this is what really made Xia Min call. Xia Min's wrist, whoever dares to reach out, chop his hand, it doesn't matter what your identity is, this is the right style.

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