Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 648: Unpredictable

When the headed man saw the huge figure in the sky, the whole person became trembling.

Even if it turned to ashes, he recognized this kind of zombies, it was this kind of zombies that were huge beyond imagination. Four years ago, the tumbling and falling of the settlement in the settlement turned the whole settlement into flat ground and ruins.

The settlement of more than 200,000 people, without any resistance, was destroyed by this huge zombies.

Every time it fell down, I don't know how many people died tragically underneath, being smashed into flesh. Even a tall building with more than a dozen stories will be smashed to the ground by it, and the people inside can't even escape, just like this tall building, turned into powder.

It is hard to imagine that the building is just like a toy in front of it.

With it, there are also a huge number of flying zombies. They fly down and kill people when they see them. Thousands of flying zombies are bloodthirsty claws at the lowest level, which is level 5. This is a disaster. Up.

In less than an hour, except for a few who escaped, all the others died.

The death of more than 200,000 people can be described as a river of blood.

The number of people who escaped was not large, and they were divided into several groups. In front of this kind of zombies, people were so small, and when they escaped, no one knew what the final outcome would be.

After finally escaping into this mountainous area, the group of hundreds of people found a cave to live in.

In the following days, everyone who frightened their courage did not dare to go outside at all. No matter how bitter they were living here, they had no idea of ​​going out.

After so long, the anomaly that appeared today made them have to find out.

When they saw this zombie, that kind of memory emerged, making him shiver all over, and a cold sweat came out. This zombie was so indispensable that people could not afford the slightest resistance.

"Go, go, let's go back."

After a shiver, the man yelled without hesitation.

The others hadn't figured it out yet, but they didn't hesitate when they saw the head yelling like this. They just turned around and left the mountain.

"Head, what's the situation?" someone asked.

The man said: "The devil, it's the devil."

Just listening to the tone makes these few people feel like they can be called demons, what else? With the memory opened, everyone's face changed drastically.

It's safer to escape back into the cave, as it is really dangerous outside.

Everyone ran desperately, not caring that the demon-like zombie was still far away from them.


"Evacuate here first."

Lu Chuan looked for a target, but there was no suitable one, so he decided to leave first.

These patches of bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons are suitable targets. The problem is that Lu Chuan has no way to attack them. With this kind of sensitivity of the dragon crocodile, he will be discovered when he gets close. How else to play?

Carrying bombs or suicide attacks are not very reliable.

The appearance of the dragon crocodile made Lu Chuan aware of a problem. What if he wants to unlock the goods in the future?

This problem is definitely a headache.

It's just that he was too far away, Lu Chuan just gave up after thinking about it. If it doesn't work, just use zombies one level lower than it, or zombies of the same level, and pile it up to death.

It can't be cracked, it can only be done in the most crude way.

It’s more than ten kilometers away from Ji’an City. It’s really unsafe in front of the dragon crocodile. Even if you want to leave, God knows will it attract its attention after flying?

With a move in Lu Chuan's heart, he directly released several drones, and they flew towards the city.

A little far away, the drone was filming and recording the terrifying blow of the dragon crocodile. It rolled and smashed down for the first time, always shaking the mountain with the ground.

The tall building was hit by it, and under this type of rolling, it was directly crushed into powder and disappeared.

As long as you see it, everyone feels shocked.

The drone shot for a while, and Lu Chuan immediately withdrew the drone back.

"Distract it and leave here."

A bloodthirsty claw in Lu Chuan circle, let it carry a sound bomb, fly in the low air, and go around the other side of the city.

When the place was reached, the bloodthirsty claws loosened their claws under Lu Chuan's instructions, and the sound bounce fell, then activated, and the violent sound rang again.

The bloodthirsty claws began a desperate escape. The cost of a bloodthirsty claw was 800,000, and Lu Chuan couldn't bear to let it be scrapped.

With the cover of sound bombs, the bloodthirsty claws can escape.

The zombies in Ji'an City became crazy with this voice again.

And the dragon crocodile in the sky brought its huge following flying zombies, and pounced again.


Taking advantage of this time, Lu Chuan stepped onto the back of the corpse dragon, and under the command of Mind, the Bloodthirsty Talon Legion left the forest one after another.

The corpse dragon slapped the fleshy wings and flew quickly at low altitude, leaving here at the fastest speed.

With the dragon crocodile, Lu Chuan really didn't dare to stay longer.

A few hours later.

The huge bloodthirsty claw army protected Lu Chuan and entered the area of ​​Zhongzhou City, which allowed Lu Chuan to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The appearance of the dragon crocodile made Lu Chuan more vigilant, so there were bloodthirsty claws within a radius of hundreds of kilometers in Lu Chuan, and they spread out to form a warning circle.

There is this kind of method, once the dragon crocodile is found, it is more than 100 kilometers, of course to avoid it.

Shilong brought Lu Chuan down, and Lu Chuan jumped down.

The Bloodthirsty Talon Legion was hidden in the forest again. Lu Chuan didn't let them return to the biochemical factory for the first time, but stationed here.

Taking out the electric motorcycle, Lu Chuan rode up and drove towards the settlement in Shanshi County.

After entering the settlement, Lu Chuan did not go directly to the headquarters, but went around the settlement and found that there was still a big flaw.

He shook his head with a bitter smile, and at the same time, it was fortunate not to have been discovered by the dragon crocodile, otherwise the people here would be scrapped. Shanshi County is not big, just a few tumblings.

When they arrived at the headquarters, Yi Zhanfei and the others knew that Lu Chuan had arrived, but the others didn't.

"Secretary Jiang, let Yi Zhanfei and the others come over for a meeting."

Lu Chuan walked into his office, stopped for a moment, and said to Jiang Ruixue who had been stationed at the edge of the office.

Jiang Ruixue is Lu Chuan's secretary. Her office is next to Lu Chuan's office, but it's much smaller, but it's simple inside. There is no reception room, just simple tables and chairs, and a few file cabinets.

Jiang Ruixue was still very happy to see Lu Chuan's arrival. She was Lu Chuan's secretary, but she had very little work. She stayed here every day. Bored to read books to pass the time, and occasionally have documents delivered, she can only be Put it on the filing cabinet.

"Okay, boss." Jiang Ruixue said happily, and then picked up the phone in front of him to start the notification.

Lu Chuan shook his head. It seemed a waste of such a big beauty to just let it go.

In the last days, Lu Chuan's power can actually do whatever he wants, but Lu Chuan has always controlled himself very well. Lu Chuan could feel that he instinctively rejected the end times?

It's normal to think about it. Lu Chuan was born and raised in modern times. In the end times, he is an outsider. In Lu Chuan's heart, the end times have always been like playing games.

"But in the game, shouldn't it be arbitrary?"

This seems to be the truth, but... Lu Chuan is still hypocritical.

After waiting in the office for a while, Jiang Ruixue knocked on the door and walked in: "Boss, they are already waiting for you in the meeting room."

Lu Chuan nodded, but glanced at Jiang Ruixue.

I have to say, how could a woman who was chased by so many big men not be pretty? A decent professional outfit, but it already makes people feel amazing. I really don’t know what happens if I change other clothes?

The combination of the angel and the devil, this figure is really not more or less.

Lu Chuan's vision was very aggressive, which made Jiang Ruixue suddenly feel that he was seen through, and he felt unspeakable.

"Okay, I see."

Lu Chuan smiled and stood up.

When Lu Chuan walked out, Jiang Ruixue exhaled and patted her chest. The pressure Lu Chuan put on her was too great, but even more, she still felt blushing and heartbeat.

When Lu Chuan arrived in the meeting room, all the executives from the settlement of Shanshi County were present.

Every time Lu Chuan comes, they need to hold a meeting. They are already used to this Lu Chuan style. When they know the boss is coming, they are ready.

No nonsense, Lu Chuan took out the light projector and transmitted the image captured by the drone. Under the playback, the AR technology inside was automatically rendered and transformed into an AR image. Suddenly, the entire conference room became Ji'an. Over the city.

This kind of technology is far higher than modern ones.

Modern AR technology is the starting point. Lu Chuan will naturally take it step by step and will not be able to achieve it in one step. Otherwise, how will he play in the future?

Yi Zhanfei and all of them put their minds into this. The opening scene was the flight scene, which let them know that this should be taken with a drone.

Soon, Yi Zhanfei and their faces changed, because this was a scene of a huge zombie attacking the city. That kind of tumbling and slamming down, destroying a large area, bounced up and flew into the sky. The attack method in the game gave them a sense of shock.

In front of high-rise buildings, they are no different from toys.

In addition to shock, still shock.

In fact, they also recognized this kind of zombie, and they have seen it too, but they have not seen the scene of it fighting, but they did not expect that its fighting method is like this.


Seeing the dust in the city, the tall buildings were smashed into dust, they felt cold all over, there was a sense of trembling, full of creeps.

Imagine if it appeared on the settlements of Shanshi County a few tumblings, the settlements would disappear, and let them have many abilities, in front of this level, they would only have to fight the streets.

When the playback is over, everyone's face is cautious.

The sight of Lu Chuan has changed, because it is definitely not easy to be able to shoot this kind of picture. And this kind of picture, if it is not because of the boss, they may not be able to see it.

Lu Chuan turned off the light projectors, his eyes swept over them, and slowly said, "I shot this picture from Ji'an City. There are no survivors in Ji'an City. Through the pictures, it is not difficult for us to speculate that Ji’an City’s The survivors may..."

Yi Zhanfei's hearts were shocked, because the information revealed by the boss was so amazing that the boss arrived in Ji'an City?

They have been trapped here, ignorant of the outside world, but the boss has been able to leave Zhongzhou City hundreds of kilometers away and reach another province.

In a short sentence, the information revealed is really amazing to them. In their eyes, the boss is completely unpredictable, like a god.

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