Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 637: Riot 0 billion

? Lu Chuan's time, it is impossible to spend all of Wu Yingcai and Fang Wenbin's body, two settlements, but Lu Chuan did it easily.

Wu Yingcai was promoted to a fourth-level new human, and a batch of food was given, and the rest of Lu Chuan ignored him.

Given the chance, it depends on them individually. If they are truly capable, they will stand out and become the trend-makers of this era.

If it fails, for Lu Chuan, it will be a loss of hundreds of millions, which is harmless.

Now it is different from the past, hundreds of millions of Lu Chuan is no longer in his eyes. The hand of God will bring him a steady stream of funds. These rich people will not be soft when slaughtered by Lu Chuan.

Don't want to give money, just wait to die.

As for their unity, Lu Chuan is even more not afraid, because this is already a long time later.

God's Hand is only one of them, and there are too many smashing technologies. These will all appear one by one. As long as these are on the right track, Lu Chuan is not short.

What's more, this year will be a year when the Baichuanguihai company will explode, and funds will be abundant.

Biochemical plant.

Lu Chuan was processing the prompt information. Among the thousands of pieces of information, Lu Chuan searched for the latest information, and then used the light projector to modify the map's markers, and recorded some simple information through the markers.

This information is the information on the whereabouts of the corpse dragon.

In addition to the corpse dragon, if other high-level zombies are found, Lu Chuan will also record them, which will definitely be useful in the future.

The light projector is connected to the smart wearable on the wrist, which is very convenient.

After processing this information, Lu Chuan stretched his waist and stood up. His eyes changed accordingly, becoming sharp, and the breath radiating from his body, sensitive people would feel murderous.


The order was issued for the bloodthirsty claws, more than a thousand bloodthirsty claws, they continued to emerge from the hiding place, and in a moment filled the sky above the biochemical factory.

Lu Chuan was very satisfied with this speed. Through the holographic projection, it was shocking.

I looked at the zombies on the street below. Under the command of the commander zombies, all zombies have a clear division of labor. The abnormality of the commander zombies is that it can be accurate to the command of each zombie, which is like It is a super server that manages huge amounts of data.

With the commander zombies, Lu Chuan was almost liberated.

The collected zombies, they no longer move the wrong, but purposefully accumulate wealth from countless tall buildings. As long as it is valuable, it has become their goal.

"Make one hundred thousand ordinary zombies."

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan still issued a manufacturing order.

One hundred thousand ordinary zombies is a billion in expenses. This amount of money has little effect on Lu Chuan, and he can earn it from a single operation.

One hundred thousand ordinary zombies are made, and they will be supplemented around the biochemical factory, truly replacing all the urban zombies. Once they are manufactured, the entire biochemical factory will be full of zombies under Lu Chuan.

"Create 10,000 alienated zombies."

"Make five thousand ragers."

"Make five thousand swifts."

Lu Chuan continued to issue instructions again, starting a new round of violent soldiers.

The funds for technology authorization, as well as the funds now returned by the hand of God, are enough to support Lu Chuan's storm.

Before and after, more than 10 billion were dropped. This feeling of spending money is simply refreshing. After this round, the power in Lu Chuan's hands will rise to another level.

These relatively primitive zombies were made to fill the surrounding areas of the biochemical factory.

The zombies of 150,000 to 60,000 are enough to make the biochemical factory as impregnable.

These hundreds of thousands of zombies will be the cornerstone of the biochemical factory. They don't have to be strong, but at least they must match in number. Lu Chuan's plan, for the time being, to make so many low-level zombies is enough.

Pulling them out is enough to form a zombie frenzy.

With these 150,000 to 60,000 zombies as the base, what Lu Chuan will create will also be at least level 4 zombies. Lower-level zombies, the cost performance will not be too obvious.

For example, to make a 400,000 swift person, it is only a second-level zombie, but a bloodthirsty claw only needs 800,000, and a poisonous camel only needs 900,000.

It seems to be twice as high, but in terms of combat effectiveness, a bloodthirsty claw is enough to shred dozens of swifts, which is completely incomparable.

After giving the instructions, Lu Chuan left the biochemical factory and stepped on the back of the corpse dragon.

After the corpse dragon took off, the bloodthirsty claws surrounded the corpse dragon and Lu Chuan, and then flew towards the distance.


Linping City.

In fact, it is out of Central China Province. It is a populous city in Bac Giang Province, with the largest population in Bac Giang Province. The huge population base means that there is a natural advantage in zombie alienation.

It is 437 kilometers away from Zhongzhou City, which is the last city to record a corpse dragon.

The search for the corpse dragon, of course, started at the most recent point in the message.

The discovery of Linping City was more than an hour ago. Lu Chuan couldn’t see it in person, they were too far away, but the Bloodthirsty Talons had image records given by Lu Chuan. As long as they found the same target, they would send out a wave of the same perception, even if they were far away, Lu Chuan could. Sensed.

For a long time, the Bloodthirsty Claw has not missed it, and it is naturally credible.

Hundreds of strengthened bloodthirsty claws, their losses have been exchanged for information that is useful to Lu Chuan, so that their losses will become valuable.

"Unlock the corpse dragon as fast as possible."

With the unlocking of the corpse dragon, Lu Chuan can realize the remote release of the zombies with the weight that the corpse dragon can carry.

Without long-range delivery capabilities, the restrictions on Lu Chuan are huge. Like now, there is no way to put zombies like lickers, tyrants, and poisonous camels into places where they are needed.

Huaxia is so big, and there is a bigger world after Huaxia, all of which is waiting for Luchuan to explore.

Especially in European and American countries, Lu Chuan is definitely looking forward to their military strength. For example, get their manufacturing machine tools, get their high-precision machinery, get weapons that represent the most cutting-edge technological power, and so on.

As long as one of the US aircraft carrier fleet is obtained, it will be developed.

In general, the outside world is so beautiful, it's time to go out and take a look. After staying in Zhongzhou City for more than a year, it's time to step out.

Four hundred and thirty-seven kilometers, dragged down by the speed of the bloodthirsty claws, and not flying randomly along the way, it was originally only an hour away, but it took an hour and a half to arrive.

In the sky, looking at the Linping City with tall buildings in the distance, Lu Chuan didn't rush in.

Just kidding, Linping is a populous city, and God knows how many zombies there are. Rushed in, an absolute tragedy.

A dozen kilometers away, Lu Chuan chose to land.

The huge bloodthirsty claws scattered and landed, and they all landed in the buildings below, and then under Lu Chuan's instructions, they slid into the house and hid themselves.

There are a lot of zombies in this area, after all, it is a town, and there are a lot of residents in the town.

The corpse dragon landed on the roof of a tall building with more than 20 stories with a blast of air.

The size of the corpse dragon, it spread its fleshy wings and fell, almost covering the entire roof.

The place Lu Chuan chose to land was a dozen kilometers away from Linping City. In fact, it was a small town built on the mountainside. From here, you could overlook the huge Linping City and see the towering buildings indistinctly. It seemed that there was no end.

The location of the town is very good, with a wide view, it is not a problem to look at a distance of tens of kilometers. It's just that the naked eye can't see clearly at such a distance, and it's more of a blurred vision.

There are several zombies on the roof. When the corpse dragon landed, they were staring at the corpse dragon.

Lu Chuan came down from above, and they stood stupidly.

With zombie suits, these zombies completely regarded Lu Chuan as similar. They will not move before there is nothing too extraordinary.

With a slight wave of his hand, a war knife appeared in Lu Chuan's hand.

The knife went up and down, these zombies were like wood, let Lu Chuan chop off their heads. These corpses, Lu Chuan lifted his feet, kicked them all in a few kicks, and fell from the more than twenty-story high-rise building into the street below.

The corpse fell, causing some commotion among the zombies.

These zombies should be people who admired the distant view on the top of this building. They happened to encounter the coming of the end of the world, and they have stayed here after being infected. The stairs behind are closed, they can't leave.

There are tables and chairs on the roof, and some plants that have turned into weeds. It can be seen that this place should be a good viewing roof before the end of the world.

"Hey, good place."

Looking far from here, and now that the sky has been purified to a high level by nature, it is not a problem to see a distance of more than ten kilometers, and I also saw Linping City.

With this one condition, the town has become a place of tourism.

I don’t know how many people come to live here from Linping City on weekends, breathing the breath of the mountains, and feeling the scenery here, like a paradise.

Looking around, you can see that the town is almost dominated by hotels and hotels, and this is the tall building at the foot of Lu Chuan, which is also a hotel.

Lu Chuan raised the telescope. Unfortunately, at such a long distance, the telescope's function is also limited. It can see the general high-rise buildings, but the details cannot be seen.

In one thought, more than a hundred bloodthirsty claws appeared from the lurking place, and they slapped their fleshy wings to rise to the sky and head towards the distant city of Linping. Lu Chuan reapplied the old technique and sent out Bloodthirsty Talons as a reconnaissance.

The corpse dragons are in this city, and there are still two.

But now that they can't be found, it is natural to reconnaissance again to confirm their location.

Lu Chuan is not in a hurry. If you don't want to suffer heavy losses, you must act cautiously and take every step well.

Staying in this position, you can see the bloodthirsty claws flying quickly towards Linping City. Lu Chuan frowned when he looked away.

In terms of survival rate, there will surely be survivors in Linping City. Where will they be located?

If the best place is, what place is more suitable than this small town under your own feet? Here on the mountainside, the sight line is very Relying on this mountain range, it is the best settlement.

Lu Chuan's heart moved, but he took out the light projector and opened the map.

If a big map is presented in front of Lu Chuan, here is the air image directly, forming a real map. Every place above is so clear, not at all eclipsed because it is daytime.

After finding his place, Lu Chuan's hand was placed on the other end of the mountain range. There is also a large town halfway up the mountain, and the location is even better than the town where he is now.

"You five, go scouting."

As if muttering to himself, Lu Chuan gave instructions.

The five bloodthirsty claws selected by Lu Chuan left the lurking place without hesitation, and flew over the trees on this mountain, and flew towards the other end of the mountain.


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