Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 633: Fled in panic

? The birth of new humans is usually caused by viruses invading the human body, but instead of turning people into zombies, they have undergone mutations with genes, so that people have changed their genes and become a kind of person beyond ordinary people.

In other words, he was infected but he was a normal person and did not become a zombie.

Such people are obviously lucky.

Probably the number of people who mutate is one-tenth, a very high proportion.

But no matter how high the ratio is, it is only one tenth after all. If it can be higher, does it mean that the power in the hand is stronger?

In Yi Zhanfei's messy thoughts, Lu Chuan strode towards the headquarters.

Extensive use of technology has made the headquarters very modern.

In the last days, Lu Chuan asked for efficiency, so there was no red tape, it was very straightforward. Lu Chuan came here to listen to the report, and he went directly to the conference room.

Not everyone is eligible to participate in the conference room, and the minimum is ministerial level.

With high efficiency, sitting in Lu Chuan for less than five minutes, all the people who reached the level were present. There were more than 30 people in total, only half of the meeting room.

Lu Chuan remembers the face of each of these thirty-odd people.

It can be said that if a large settlement is managed by them, they are also the top executives, a group of people on the spire of the pyramid.

Sitting in the chair, Lu Chuan said, "Let's start the meeting. Just listen to the meeting. Don't be nervous."

Don't look at Lu Chuan appearing frequently, but Lu Chuan's words and deeds carry majesty.

Regarding the legend of the boss, all the people present are witnesses, and the power of thousands of exoskeleton mechas can easily be driven, which is really shocking.

The new humans are powerful. The problem with these people wearing exoskeleton mechas is that they are not weaker than them with the help of exoskeleton mechas.

In terms of defensive power, the exoskeleton mecha is sufficient to defend against bullets, but new humans below level 4 have no choice. As long as they hit, they are dead.

In contrast, the advantages of exoskeleton mecha can be imagined.

"I'll do it first."

Sitting at the bottom of Lu Chuan, Yi Zhanfei was the first to speak.

Turn on the light projector, and there is a table on it. Yi Zhanfei said: "After moving to Shanshi County, the number of new humans is more than 15,300. With the emergence of battles, the second-level new humans have been promoted to three. There are more than 1,000 people, more than 600 third-level new humans, 70 fourth-level new humans, and five fifth-level new humans."

These data, Yi Zhanfei is the clearest.

It can be said that every evolutionary step is difficult and difficult. I don't know how many times to go through with the novices with zombies, familiar with everything such as their own power and speed, and their understanding of combat.

Only with comprehension can we have the conditions for a breakthrough.

Applying comprehension to battle, as you become more proficient in your body, you will evolve again and have stronger power.

In fact, levels are divided according to power and speed, and the level of power reached is a new human being at a higher level.

The settlement has research institutions specifically for new humans. They are already looking for ways to allow new humans to grow faster, while also systematically managing new humans.

New humans, now in the settlement of Shanshi County, have become a new discipline.

It is just research work, which is often very slow, and it is still in the data collection stage.

After listening, Lu Chuan nodded.

Six fifth-level new humans have evolved, plus the two previous Yi Zhanfei, and there are already eight fifth-level new humans in the settlement, which is a lot of power.

Since it is a debriefing meeting, it is naturally the data.

Those who came were all ministers of various departments, and each department managed one item. They can be regarded as the leaders of a certain government department, and their data clearly reflects everything in the settlement.

After an hour and a half, the report is over.

"In the new year, my requirement is very simple. Use human power and rely on the current arable land to achieve self-sufficiency. The other is the manufacturing of factories, which requires more human resources and double output."

These two requirements are the most basic requirements.

The factory is naturally a virtual equipment manufacturing plant. Lu Chuan puts a lot of manpower here to manufacture the core chips of virtual equipment.

Virtual devices in modern times can only be used when such chips are installed during assembly. Without this chip, it cannot be called a virtual device.

Using this one, Lu Chuan feared that the technology would be leaked and that some manufacturers would dare to jam themselves.

Those who are interested will definitely use these parts manufactured by various manufacturers to assemble and then experiment to achieve the purpose of reverse engineering.

But they can't crack the core chip, and they can't steal some of these technologies no matter how backward it is.

From the beginning, Lu Chuan did not intend to really manufacture all of them in modern times. Keeping the core technology in the last days guarantees the core value of Baichuan Guihai Company.

Not to mention the arable land, as long as the cultivated land cultivated outside is planted with grain, the problem of food and clothing can be solved.

"Understood, boss."

Seeing that the boss spoke solemnly, no one in the room dared to be sloppy.

It seems to be a company system, but everyone knows that this is Lu Chuan's commonplace, the boss has more power than the ancient emperor, and determines the life or death of a person without even needing a reason.

This is the end of the world, no one will care about killing.

After the meeting, Lu Chuan appeared at the training base with Chu Bin and Wu Jiang.

The training base was converted from the fifth middle school in Shanshi County.

Shanshi County is located on the edge of the county seat. It occupies a large area. It mainly has two large enough football fields and more than 20 basketball courts. It has complete facilities and is definitely the best place.

It is most appropriate to place the training base for new humans here.

Lu Chuan came without fanfare, but came with Chu Bin and Wu Jiang. The new human beings are the most important part of the settlement. Lu Chuan certainly needs to be there at the time when the New Year is about to pass.

There are more than 15,000 new humans, except for those with tasks, the remaining more than 11,000 people are all here.

The sky was still raining, and it was a bit cold.

But the new humans here are topless, wearing only a pair of shorts, and are training in the muddy water.

They can be seen everywhere, and the training programs are very different.

Some are training marksmanship, some are training strength, others are training speed...Here, you can see a team of people running and carrying a huge wood. Seeing their wet body, I don’t know if they are sweating. Still rain.

The muddy figures move forward in the muddy water, like rolling in the muddy water.

Limited by the end times, the appeal of voice to zombies, so there is no loud slogan here, but everyone is extremely passionate.

It's like entering a large army camp, the atmosphere here is full of men's hormones.

Of course, there are also female barracks, but they are not here. Among the women, there are also new human aliens.

The arrival of Lu Chuan ignited the enthusiasm of the newcomers here, and they worked hard to train one by one. Their training is totally ten times stronger, even dozens of times better than ordinary people.

Like carrying heavy.

In modern times, ordinary soldiers should carry a hundred kilograms of wood.

But here, the first-level new humans are running carrying a huge boulder. The second-level new humans have risen to more than one thousand eight hundred catties...

Level 4 new humans, their training volume is even more terrifying.

To them, carrying a car and running, seems to have become accustomed to them.

The new humans at level 5 no longer play these cool methods, but are doing strength stretching training through the strength machine developed for them.

This kind of force stretch can reach up to fifty tons.

Of course, the fifth-level new humans have not been able to pull fifty tons.

Through this kind of squeeze, they continuously stimulate their genetic evolution.

Everyone knows that Lu Chuan is also a new human, and he is still a very good level. Naturally, he will not want to challenge the boss like before.

Lu Chuan only watched for a while before he found Weng Xingguo, the director of the New Human Research Institute. They stayed here for a long time, constantly studying new humans through observation.

"Boss, in preliminary experiments, it has been confirmed that a certain change has taken place in the genes of the new human. This change makes the cell more active. And this one is active..."

"The cells with rearranged genes are full of potential."

"Only by stimulating some of these potentials, it will become stronger. There are many ways to stimulate, such as training, such as fighting with zombies, or encountering a huge crisis, etc."

Weng Xingguo's explanation is easy to understand.


"Welcome the boss."

The almost synchronized voices of Yingying and Yanyan made Lu Chuan regret coming to the female new human camp. Lu Chuan came here because he could not favor one another.

But together with these sounds, Lu Chuan felt a headache.

Hundreds of female new humans, most of them are in their 20s or 30s, and a few are in their early forties. They are definitely young and strong. It is their good physical fitness that makes them lucky in the last days. child.

At this moment, they stared one by one, and then looked at Lu Chuan with a smile.

Lu Chuan's appearance is medium to upper level. He is not very handsome, but he has a close relationship with Shuai, but the boss is full of aura. I don't know how many people have the urge to eat Lu Chuan.

There are still hundreds of girls with this vision, which makes Lu Chuan overwhelmed.

"Hello everyone." Lu Chuan waved his hands, embarrassed, he felt like he was in a nightclub.

The female neohuman camp generally does not allow men to enter and exit, but the boss is different, so it makes an exception to let in.

Suddenly Lu Chuan came, and nine out of ten women here were training in very few clothes. They were a little bold, but they were actually wearing underwear and shorts.

Such a reveal, some 36D level, coupled with their proud body after alienation, and outstanding appearance, definitely make men crazy.

Hundreds of women just put it on, the impact can be imagined.

The female new humans in front of him were all white flowers, and Lu Chuan's eyes were dazzled.

"Sister, won't you enter the wolf den?"

Seeing all the female new humans with their eyes shining brightly, Lu Chuan regretted coming here, and he dared to send it to the door.

Looking up at the sky, Lu Chuan said haha: "The weather is good today. Look, it's so early, there are When Lu Chuan said that, everyone looked up.

Lu Chuan seized this opportunity and drove straight away. The speed brought by the Level 6 genetic enhancement made Lu Chuan run so fast. Before they reflected, he had already escaped from the gate of the female barracks.

The female new humans were all dumbfounded, and then laughed wantonly.

The boss, who has always been mysterious, sometimes fled in panic.

In their hearts, they were moved one by one, for no reason, just because of the respect of the boss. The way they are now, they have changed other people, and they have long wanted to see enough. If they have the power of the boss, they might have to serve them.

But the boss is different. He is still like a big boy. This kind of unmannered escape is actually the greatest respect and recognition for them.


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