Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 618: Over ten thousand people

? The next day.

In the morning, Xu Haomin sent someone special to deliver the armor that Lu Chuan wanted.

"Exquisite indeed."

Lu Chuan said he would use whatever style he wanted, but does Xu Haomin really dare to be free? Naturally not, but chose the most exquisite set of armor, not only exquisite, but also practical.

Some ancient European armor styles have added some exaggerated elements in the game.

This is the best material to build, the cost has reached 750,000 a pair, and the price is as high as 2.25 million. Like this level of armor, people who are not rich and extremely feverish will not buy this level of armor.

Since it is made of top materials and the cost is so high, one can imagine its protective power.

This is even a sniper rifle that can carry armor, absolutely awesome.

In ancient times, this armor is absolutely invincible, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine weapon. But there is a disadvantage, that is its weight.

"225 kilograms."

That's right, this is its weight, a total of 450 kg, which is impossible for normal people to wear. Ordinary people can wear it and crush people to death.

There is no way. The boss is asking for defense against heavy sniper rifles. The weight of this armor is already light.

In fact, Xu Haomin had complained about it. Can this person wear it? Even if you put it on, you really get hit by a heavy sniper rifle, you can't get it through, but the impact formed by this kind of shock, if it hits the position of the head, the impact will turn the brain into a ball of water, right?

But the boss's request, no matter how outrageous it is, it has to be adjusted.

Every piece of armor has a description. Lu Chuan doesn't need to test it to know its performance and weight.

For ordinary people, this piece of armor can crush people, but in the eyes of fourth-level new humans, 450 pounds is nothing. Wearing it, you can still run without hindrance.

It is based on this that Lu Chuan will build this armor for Fang Wenbin.

The fourth-level new human, armor of top materials, is enough to protect his safety, and it can also kill the Quartet. It’s amazing to have standard guns in this backward settlement, heavy sniper rifles? Totally impossible.

Invincible defense, with Wenbin's strength above, enough.

Lu Chuan can ration him armor, but he doesn't have guns. Everything depends on the sword in his hand.

Lu Chuan threw the armor into the storage space, but it was not yet time to give it to him.


January 20.

Lu Chuan appeared in the storage area. The construction here is changing with each passing day. After such a long period of construction, it is almost complete. It is expected to be completed within three months. The project was originally scheduled to take a year and a half, but the money was spent abruptly for eight months.

In order to pursue efficiency, Lu Chuan gave a lot of money, and it was all money one day in advance.

All construction units tried their best.


Lu Chuan didn't come here blatantly, but came here after disguising. After all, this purchasing company has nothing to do with Lu Chuan.

This time Yi Ran wore a set of winter clothes, wrapping herself in it, not the seductive outfit of the last time.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Is the goods I want ready?"

Yi Ran just smiled. There is a pure electric tram here, which is convenient for commuting to this huge storage area. She got in a car parked outside the office, and Lu Chuan naturally followed.

Arrived in warehouse 32, it is located in the central location, very huge.

The staff stationed here are all staff disguised as zombies. Here, it is Lu Chuan's kingdom. There is no need to worry about it, and no one will reveal their secrets.

In warehouse 32, there were two security zombies. When they saw Lu Chuan, they immediately stood upright. They did not unlock the speech function.

As the door opened, Lu Chuan walked in.

If the big warehouse, piles up like a mountain are all materials. These materials are just pure food, and there is nothing shameful about them.

As the New Year is approaching, the settlements will naturally have some benefits.

Many people have points in their hands and need to buy what they need. It has been a long time since I have carried any supplies, and now the supplies in the settlement have become tense.

"It's going to be hard for a while."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, but took off his suit and started to work.

The storage space with a side length of 32 meters, what can be stored at one time, is half of the 32nd warehouse. Lu Chuan only needs to wrap them with his thoughts, then he can put them in the storage space.

With Lu Chuan's thoughts, the materials that were still full in the warehouse have been secretly reduced by half.

The next moment, Lu Chuan disappeared.

Only a few minutes later, Lu Chuan appeared again.

Once again, the mind was wrapped in these supplies.

Like a porter, moving it again and again.


January 22.

The end of the world is a sunny day, it is rare that the sky is clear and there is sunshine.

Hundreds of trucks departed from the settlement in Shanshi County and it took half an hour to arrive at the address given by Lu Chuan. What catches the eye is the pile of materials, just piled on the grass.

No one was in charge of how these supplies came. Instead, trucks stopped, and groups of new human soldiers jumped from inside.

The power of the new humans is naturally great, and it is most appropriate for them to act as temporary porters.

Half an hour's journey, in fact, has left the patrol area of ​​the settlement, and zombies will appear. Sending out new humans can move them faster and have enough strength to deal with zombies.

This is not the first time that the new human soldiers have done this. Naturally, they are familiar with the road. When they get out of the car, they are busy, carrying this massive amount of supplies onto the truck.

A large box of hundreds of catties of materials can be carried by themselves and left.

Lu Chuan was not far away, riding on an electric motorcycle, watching the busyness of these new human soldiers, with a slight smile.


Both Chu Bin and Wu Jiang arrived, and they trot over, respecting Lu Chuan extremely. In the settlement of Shanshi County, they have been trusted by Lu Chuan for generations and held important positions.

They are not new humans, but they are powerful.

In the settlement, no one can ignore their existence, because they represent the boss.

Both Chu Bin and Wu Jiang knew this well, so they were the most loyal to Lu Chuan, and any order Lu Chuan gave was carried out without compromise.

Lu Chuan nodded. Lu Chuan was satisfied with Chu Bin and Wu Jiang. As the first two people to follow him, their loyalty was not a problem. It's just that they are just ordinary people, and they are a little too weak. When they execute many things, they will inevitably be a little scared.

In other words, in the future they will not be able to keep up with the rhythm and will be marginalized.

"follow me."

Lu Chuan beckoned to them and walked not far away.

There are buildings here, former residential buildings, a small three-story western-style building. The surrounding area is very big, more like a villa.

There are many villas in the countryside before the end of the world, which also means that there are more and more wealthy people.

Naturally, Chu Bin and Wu Jiang did not hesitate, and walked into this villa with Lu Chuan. In the last seven and a half years, humans have almost disappeared, with animals, so there is no damage.

After taking out two bottles of genetic potion, Lu Chuan said, "One per person, drink it."

The genetic potion appeared dark blue, like a drink.

But Chu Bin and Wu Jiang knew that if it was a drink, it was impossible that the boss would give it to them. It must be something they didn't know.


The two didn't even hesitate, so they took it, and then unscrewed and drank.

Lu Chuan said: "It will be a little painful to stay, just be patient."

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang nodded, because at this moment, they already felt the faint pain coming out of their bodies, which then spread from their stomachs, and finally every cell in their bodies seemed to be torn in half.

This kind of pain caused them to constantly gush out in cold sweat and fell to the ground trembling.

It's just that they gritted their teeth and did not say a word.

After a few minutes, the pain disappeared, and then they were pleasantly surprised to find that they seemed to have infinite power, and that feeling made them want to scream for it.

They turned out to be new humans, possessing power far beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, their eyes on Lu Chuan became different.

Lu Chuan said quietly: "This is just the beginning, work hard, and I will strengthen your strength when appropriate."

"Thank you boss." Chu Bin and Wu Jiang were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

New humans, they know the power of the new humans, but they didn't expect that they will also cross ordinary people and become new humans. In their eyes, the position of the boss is infinitely elevated.

Lu Chuan smiled: "I know your loyalty, otherwise I won't give you a chance. If you really want to thank me, please help me take care of the settlement."

"Yes, boss, as long as we are here, whoever wants to do anything must step on our bodies." Chu Bin and Wu Jiang replied very firmly.

They have not been strengthened to level four or even level five, mainly considering the impact, they will definitely be there, but they need to be cyclical, not overnight.


When Lu Chuan saw Fang Wenbin again, although he could not completely control his own changes, he still had 70 to 80%.

With the genetic changes, coupled with the diet provided by Lu Chuan, he is no longer as skinny as before. Level 4 genetic enhancement puts every muscle in his peak state.


Fang Wenbin kneeled in front of Lu Chuan respectfully. He didn't have a trace of arrogance or pride because he became stronger.

Just in front of him, Lu Chuan took out this pair of armor and threw it in front of him. Even the rock face made some dents and made a heavy noise.

"Put it on." Lu Chuan pointed at the armor.

Fang Wenbin stood up, glanced at this handsome armor, and put it on. It is semi-automated to wear, and is not complicated, you can wear it by yourself.

After three minutes, an iron man stood in front of Lu Chuan.

I have to say that it is indeed handsome, similar to an ancient European heavy cavalry standing in front of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan had taken the war knife Fang Wenbin had used before, and slashed across the armor with a slight force, but only a faint trace was left.

"This armor can be said to be invulnerable. At the beginning of its design, it was required to be able to shift heavy sniper rifles. You should understand its performance." Lu Chuan said.

Even the eyes are made of bulletproof glass, which shows how good the armor is.

A look of surprise appeared in Fang Wenbin's eyes, impenetrable, let him understand that he was wearing this set of armor, and he was definitely a monster in this settlement.

Four-level genetic enhancement really makes Fang Wenbin not feel too much weight, and there is no inconvenience in his actions. There is nothing wrong with wearing this armor.

Lu Chuan looked at Fang Wenbin, pointed to the location of the settlement, and said in a low voice: "What you want is strong. I have already given it. Now I will give you a small task to become more than ten thousand people."

"Yes, boss, I will definitely take it for you." Fang Wenbin has long been eager to try, even without this small task from Lu Chuan, he will return to the settlement.

What are you doing so hard?

In this training day, he has sharpened his sword a long time ago, and is waiting for this day?

To be above ten thousand people is to allow yourself to conquer this settlement and trample everyone under your feet.

Just think about it, everything makes Fang Wenbin's blood boil.


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