Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 609: Noticed

?Challenges and opportunities coexist.

The change of battery technology depends on the final technical indicators. If it is really transformative, the resistance will be great, but it will also make the status of Baichuan Guihai Company change qualitatively.

With the current positioning of Baichuanguihai Company, it is a cutting-edge technology company.

But battery technology will belong to an industrial-level company, and once the battery has a breakthrough, the company's proportion will become larger and larger. Even at some point, it will directly affect the existence of the country.

It seems to be an exaggeration, but when I think about it, it is not an exaggeration.

After all, when the time comes, the company will be multinational and affect more than just one country. The volume it produces, how huge, one country, one city, naturally needs attention, and certain decisions will even take care of this company.

It can be said with certainty that once the Baichuanguihai company set foot in energy, it will not be as smooth as it is now.

Lu Chuan glanced at the people present, and their expressions fell into their eyes.

The people who can sit here are all elites. When Lu Chuan proposed this plan, they immediately thought very far. There are worries, but more, still excited.

"Don't worry about it. The establishment of the battery department is just a demonstration. It is not known whether the battery technology will be introduced or not. It is just that we should make preparations first."

Lu Chuan said with a smile, but the people below would not think so.


At the end of the meeting, he returned to the chairman's office, and An Tong walked in.

"Boss, Xia Min has a call."

An Tong's words made Lu Chuan frown. Generally speaking, Xia Min rarely calls herself unless there is something important.

With Xia Min's position, no matter what, it would be a troublesome thing.

Lu Chuan took it, and Xia Min's cold voice without a trace of emotion came out: "Boss, the U.S. intelligence agency, noticed us."

In a word, let Lu Chuan know that it was really troublesome.

Lu Chuan just sighed, not panicked.

When I was in Syria, I was stared at by US intelligence agencies all day, and it was not without experience. Everyone has fought miserably against the US military, but one of their special forces was destroyed in their own hands.

It can be said that with the US military, I have to say deliberately.

Now the US intelligence agency has noticed that, to Lu Chuan's surprise, after all, in Somalia, the current transitional government is still supported by the US military, and the US military has more and more arrangements in Somalia.

There are no more than a thousand soldiers on the surface, but how many in the dark is unknown.

The strategic intent of the US military is to target the whole world, and then to treat it carefully and continuously by dividing into regions. It is impossible for the US military not to think about such an important waterway in the Gulf of Aden.

Whether it is Somalia or Yemen, it is not so easy to solve internal problems. This is why the Gulf of Aden has not been able to control the US military.

There is a complete intelligence system in Somalia, and Xia Min has only been discovered until now, which is already considered inefficient.

"How much do they know?"

Lu Chuan asked, this is the key.

If it's only preliminary, just ignore them and just keep going.

Xia Min said: "Boss, we can detect them, do you think they understand less?"

Indeed, only when they have reached a certain level of investigation will they touch the vigilance line and discover their investigation. If they do not investigate deeply, it is difficult to find traces of the US military intelligence services.

Lu Chuan nodded. The US military has a global strategy. Their strength is beyond imagination. Perhaps even their chief may not know how many intelligence officers they have. In this case, it is really difficult to prevent them.

Under modern communications, Somalia is a good wilderness, but it can hardly escape the eyes of the other party.

Satellites passing by from time to time in the sky, as well as high-altitude reconnaissance planes...With various methods, the manor will not be a secret. Several exchanges of fire, presumably the reason for exposure.

"Did they find your existence?" Lu Chuan loosened his brows, and Xia Min's existence was the most important thing.

Xia Min said: "It's hard to be sure, but I haven't left the manor. It's not so easy for them to find me. I speculate that they should be interested in the sudden emergence of our execution."

After thinking about it, Xia Min said: "But their intelligence capabilities are terrifying. They noticed us and they will definitely dig deeper."

"Haha..." Lu Chuan sneered and said: "The investigation is nothing more than sending agents to the manor, or buying people who have transported supplies. It is almost impossible to go deeper."

Indeed, all the zombies in the manor can not be touched in without being discovered.


Even with the strength of the US military in Somalia, an old brain sent out can not get close to the manor. Unless they dispatched fighters and warships, it would be impossible to capture the manor.

Such a big move, unless they confirmed Xia Min's identity, they would not do it.

Xia Min nodded and said, "Boss, I know how to do it."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan tapped on the desktop. With Xia Min's character, he must have come to kill one by one. He was not afraid to cause trouble at all. This was his character.

Shaking his head, Lu Chuan wondered, the US military intelligence department is so idle, should we find something for them to distract them?


January 6.

The last days, the biochemical factory.

It's been about a month since he reached the fifth level. Lu Chuan didn't know when the sixth zombie attack would come. The only thing he could do was to try to unlock more zombies and strengthen himself.

As the New Year approaches, Lu Chuan cannot relax.

In the last days, there is nothing to say about the New Year, it would be nice to have a bite of food.

Every settlement is struggling, every day counts as a day. In the seven years of the last days, human beings have learned to survive hardships in adversity, struggling with food and clothing all the time, and New Year is just a luxury for them.

In the cold winter, the survivors are not well, the food sources are reduced and the temperature drops, which seriously threatens their living space.

The survivors still need to survive in adversity. What qualifications does Lu Chuan have to relax?

"Ding, you lost a bloodthirsty claw."

"Ding, you have damaged a bloodthirsty claw."

"Ding, you lost a zombie dog."

"Ding, you lost a rager."


Entering the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan opened the reminder with his mind, and suddenly a bunch of reminders came out.

Among the hundreds of prompts, there are only more than ten good news, which is a prompt for fragments. The other information is not good news. It is either that the zombie was killed or damaged.

For the first time, Lu Chuan opened the message that he had lost the bloodthirsty claws.

These bloodthirsty claws sent out are almost all strengthened bloodthirsty claws. Their strength is so strong that they can kill its zombies. They are definitely not cats or dogs.

The information contained the location of the kill. This one was very powerful, allowing Lu Chuan to know some simple information in this area, such as the existence of extremely powerful zombies.


This is really bad to evaluate, it may be a strong collision, it may be that the bloodthirsty claw encountered a strong opponent, but still escaped.

Lu Chuan looked at the messages of Bloodthirsty Talons one by one, and noted where they were damaged and lost.

Bloodthirsty Claws lost a total of five. One of them was killed by the opponent during a fight with a corpse dragon, and the whole head was crushed by the corpse dragon.

It was the death of another bloodthirsty claw that made Lu Chuan take a breath of cold. It was directly hit by the crocodile dragon's hand. He didn't even have the power to fight back. It was crushed by the crocodile dragon's claw.

Crocodile dragon, Lu Chuan encountered when he first went to Shuangshui Town. It was tens of meters in size, and it flew in the sky. It definitely made people feel astonished. It was a real giant-level zombie.

The bloodthirsty claws of the fifth level, under ten times of strengthening, one face is only seconds away, the crocodile dragon is strong, absolutely standing on top of the zombie in this world.

The crocodile dragon exists in the area of ​​Zhongzhou City. This news is not good news.

With the current strength of Lu Chuan, a crocodile dragon can sweep him.

The information attached to the reminder can let Lu Chuan know exactly what happened to his zombies. This function, now it seems, is indeed powerful.

After the inspection, Lu Chuan had mastered everything he had left this period of time.

Where the idea arrived, a large number of bloodthirsty claws gathered, and the poisonous camel who had just unlocked had no room for military use. Its physique, unless the corpse dragon can fly with it, like the bloodthirsty claws are powerless.

The bloodthirsty claws sent out, after such a long search, naturally can't be completely useless.

The corpse dragon can appear in the biochemical factory, it must exist in this world, but in the area of ​​Zhongzhou City, there is no trace of them.

The domineering corpse dragon and the agility of bloodthirsty claws can complement each other to form a complete air force.

The number of bloodthirsty claws made by Lu Chuan has exceeded 1,500, which is definitely a huge number. Once they are all gathered, the dark clouds cover the land without any problems.

Get rid of the dispatched Now the number of Bloodthirsty Claws gathered has exceeded 1,000.

"The corpse dragons are lone rangers. They have no abode. Compared with the bloodthirsty claws or the poisonous camels, they are more difficult to collect debris."

Before and after Lu Chuan sent more than two hundred bloodthirsty claws, but now only two traces of corpse dragons have been found. It can be seen that to unlock the corpse dragons, you will not be as lucky as the poisonous camel, there are more than a dozen in a town Poisonous camel.

In his mind, the corpse dragon landed beside Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan mounted the corpse dragon, and the thousand and thirty bloodthirsty claws were already hovering in the sky.

After Lu Chuan lifted into the sky, these bloodthirsty claws all surrounded Lu Chuan, surrounding the corpse dragon. There are more than a thousand bloodthirsty claws, and their surroundings are completely airtight.

However, under Lu Chuan's instructions, they dispersed again, forming a large "dark cloud".

This "dark cloud" moved quickly across the sky and gradually disappeared over the city of Zhongzhou.

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