Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 595: phantom

The pretender system, only special units have this kind of function to temporarily close it.

Such as the water ghost, the original tyrant, and the current bloodthirsty claws.

The ten bloodthirsty claws in the sky landed after the transmission test was completed, and then appeared in front of Lu Chuan. With the reactivation of the pretender system, they changed from this demon-like form to ten men and women.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, or if he was their boss, Lu Chuan would not believe that the ten bloodthirsty claws that just flew in the sky are the ones in front of him.

The ability of the pretender system is really tough.

Don't think that they are blindfolded, but they are not. You can find through contact that they are indeed people, not hallucinations.

An illusion is to deceive the naked eye with something to reach a certain unreal form.

But the pretender system completely turns something into something, whether you touch it or look at it, such as the current bloodthirsty claws, it is a person, a living person.

The abnormal place is here.

Standing in the modern age, without speech function, certainly not.

Speech, dressing, and intelligence are all necessary. On the contrary, they are expressions, which are not very necessary, because they are not important people, and they do not need expressions.

The 100,000-item function made Lu Chuan feel very expensive at the beginning, but now it can only be said to be drizzle.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan opened their pretender system function panel.


On the function panel, there have always been four functions, but now, there is a fifth function.

Illusion: Special units can be transformed into another form, bloodthirsty claws/birds.

Looking at this function, Lu Chuan was speechless.

Immediately, there was a move in my heart.

It is not difficult to understand literally, that is to say, through the illusion, the bloodthirsty claws can be turned into birdies? In this way, the problem that plagued Lu Chuan was solved immediately.

Water ghosts do not have this function. In Lu Chuan's view, it must be because they are in the form of an octopus. Secondly, this function should be released only by the five-level biochemical plant.

The biochemical plant after level 5 has indeed unlocked many functions.

A shopping mall alone is enough to benefit Lu Chuan endlessly.

"Whatever you really want." Lu Chuan laughed, and without hesitation, he unlocked all ten of them.

Next, let's take a look at what this phantom function is.

"Battle form."

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the ten bloodthirsty claws immediately became what they were, and they just stood in front of Lu Chuan.

"Enter the phantom state." Lu Chuan issued another command.

Only ten bloodthirsty claws were seen, and they were like this in front of Lu Chuan, making a "poof", and as the light twisted, they instantly became like a bird.


Lu Chuan walked forward, then touched his hand around the little bird that was in the air, and then smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, it's really just an illusion."

What Lu Chuan touched with his hand was actually in the form of bloodthirsty claws. It turned into a bird, but it was deceptive. The essence was still bloodthirsty claws.

It seemed that there was a loophole, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was enough.

Because no one can think of this level, let alone that a bird would be a behemoth.

With these protective layers, bloodthirsty claws can appear openly.

Whether it's reconnaissance or performing certain tasks, Bloodthirsty Talons can do it. Think about it, the bloodthirsty claws flew swaying in the air, and the radar didn't care, the naked eye only saw the bird, who would care about it?

Performing the task is completely unconscious.


Gulf of Aden.

An Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was moving, and the American flag hung on it was waving in the wind. This is a ship performing a mission in the Gulf of Aden. It is not traveling fast, and it seems more like cruising here.

Since the night fall in Somalia, the deployment of US troops in Somalia has been almost blank.

In recent years, with changes in the international situation, the U.S. military has redeployed small units in Somalia. For example, a force of nearly 500 troops has been deployed in the capital of Somalia, and special forces have been deployed in remote bases. .

In fact, it is definitely the most normal thing to encounter US warships at sea. There are too many ships deployed in various waters around the world.

As the only destroyer currently in service in the US military, the performance of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer is of course beyond doubt.

Through the water ghost, Lu Chuan discovered this American warship entering the Gulf of Aden.

The test of Bloodthirsty Talons, only the radar obtained by Yiran, is definitely not comprehensive enough. If it can be tested on the most advanced destroyer in the United States, it will prove that Bloodthirsty Talons can be used for their own use.

To make up for the sky, for Lu Chuan, no matter what he does, he is more confident.

Don't forget, in the form of a bird after the phantom of Bloodthirsty Talons, it is impossible for fighters to use radar to lock it, and the naked eye is even more funny. It is difficult to lock a bird in the sky with the naked eye.

As for the water, Lu Chuan is even more not afraid of the existence of water ghosts. Like now, a water ghost is sucked on this Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, and the other party does not know it.

Only ten little birds appeared in the sky, flapping their wings and flying towards this Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.

As Lu Chuan had imagined, the 0.001 square reflecting surface was directly missed by the radar on the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, and there was no display at all. This kind of oversight will prevent the radar soldiers from detecting.

On the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, there are many US troops guarding and patrolling around the ships. After all, anything can happen in the ocean.

"Herbert, what kind of bird is this?"

A navy soldier raised his binoculars, looked at the small black spots in the sky, and asked curiously.

Herbert is a veteran and is about to retire in a year. Perhaps this is the last time he has performed a maritime mission with a ship. He didn't take it seriously when he heard the soldiers next to him. It was normal to encounter birds at sea.

Especially in the current Gulf of Aden, its waters are not as wide as imagined, and it is normal for birds to cross.

But in order to answer the soldier's words, he still raised the telescope.

"Damn it, what kind of bird is this, why have I never seen it?" Herbert was dumbfounded when he saw the target, because in his experience, he didn't know what kind of bird it was.

But Herbert didn't care. After all, there were too many birds. He was a navy soldier and not an expert in birds. Who would remember so many birds.

"Okay, don't watch the birds, remember your responsibilities." Herbert said.

I saw these ten birds, but mysteriously, they landed directly on the battleship.

I saw a lot of soldiers, but no one came to tease them on the deck, let them stop here. A situation like this is really normal for a warship.

Although I don’t know what kind of these ten little birds are, they are little birds after all, aren’t they?

At this time, Lu Chuan had returned to the manor and was leaning on the sofa.

The place where there are zombies is Lu Chuan's eyes, so through tracking, Lu Chuan's vision of a bloodthirsty claw becomes Lu Chuan's eyes through conversion.

As the most advanced destroyer of the US military and the only destroyer in service, Lu Chuan was the first time he saw it as if he was standing on it. It seemed to be nothing, but it still made Lu Chuan a little excited.

"It seems that even the strongest U.S. military can't see through this illusion. The biochemical plant is really a cow."

After watching for a moment, Lu Chuan grinned.

"Come back." Lu Chuan withdrew from the field of vision and gave instructions to the ten bloodthirsty claws to keep them here forever, which would only arouse suspicion from the other party.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, ten little birds formed by the illusion of bloodthirsty claws left the destroyer.

From beginning to end, no one found any secrets.



Xia Min opened the light projector in his hand, and what appeared on it was a light and shadow map of the Gulf of Aden.

Not only the sea, but also the entire coast of the Gulf of Aden.

As the busiest sea channel in the world, the complex environment here is far beyond imagination. The most important one is that there are many pirates here. You never know how many pirates there will be.

Pirates are civilians, and civilians are pirates. The difference between pirates or not depends mainly on whether he is in the sea or on the shore.

It is this kind of going ashore for the people and going to the sea for pirates, making all countries want to encircle and suppress pirates into empty talk. After many years, there has been no substantial change at all.

Controlling the Gulf of Aden has always been what the US military wants to do most, but it has been unable to do it.

As long as we control this place, it is of course not necessary to mention the freight transportation in Southeast Asia and Asia.

It can be said that the Gulf of Aden is the place to Lu Chuan looked at this map, and there were a large number of places that were not found by the outside world. These places, of course, are the existence of pirates. local.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the coastal area of ​​Somalia, various methods of robbery have formed an industry. Behind this pirate team that has grown to more than 3,000 people, there are countless people who provide intelligence and logistics services to the pirates.

Judging from the intelligence grasp in Lu Chuan's hands, it is not very comprehensive, but it is sufficient.

The four most important groups of pirates in Somalia, Lu Chuan holds their information.

"Under the international situation, their lives are not easy and they keep shrinking. With experience, most international ships will choose to pass when they are escorted by the navy, or they are equipped with armed bodyguards, which makes robbery more difficult."

Xia Min came on his tail, but his tone was as cold as ever.

Lu Chuan nodded. With the strengthening of the US military in the Gulf of Aden and the start of increasing the number of troops stationed in the capital of Somalia, it is strange that the pirates have a better life. I am afraid that their lives will be more difficult in the future.

Fortunately, the United Nations had planned to encircle them from land. Because of the domestic turmoil in Somalia, it was ultimately an unachievable problem, so that the pirates would not be solved from the root.

Poverty in Somalia is also the cause of pirates.

Lu Chuan's brows were frowning, and there were two ways before him. The first was to find a way to control these pirates for use, and the second was to become the most powerful team.

But these were not what Lu Chuan wanted.

Looking at the light projector, Lu Chuan's eyes all the way up, and soon he was placed in the country of Djibouti, his eyes squinted slightly, flashing an unknown cold light.

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